Friday, February 17, 2023

The Slow Motion Fulfillment of Isaiah 17


The Slow Motion Fulfillment of Isaiah 17 – Julie Green the Prophet - UNITED TO CHANGE - Terrorist Cells Activated - Antifa Terrorists - AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS - X22 Report - STEVE BANNON VIDEO - Tulsi Gabbard Speech to Congress and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 17th 2023


Julie Green the Prophet - MANY PROPHECIES FULFILLED: TRAIN DERAILMENTS, REVIVAL, SAUDI ARABIA, LOCUSTS AND MORE- Feb. 17th 2023 – As powerful as the revivals are. It's just the beginning. A new 🔥 FIRE is coming that's this and so much more. We're privileged to be participants in what God is doing. Praise God Hallelujah thank you Jesus Praise God Amen and Amen!

UNITED TO CHANGE a Conservative Organization Launches Petition Against Nikki Haley’s Presidential Campaign - By Jose Nino - Feb 16, 2023 - United to Change, a nationalist conservative website that creates petitions to hold politicians accountable, recently launched a #NeverNikki petition drive to oppose her candidacy for the Republican nomination in 2024. In the petition, the United to Change claimed that “Nikki Haley pretends to be a conservative” and she is “most woke Republican on the national level.”  On top of that the petition several unsavory aspects about Haley’s track record as a politician and public figure:

New SGAnon & Nino's Corner: Terrorist Cells Activated? Are We Under Attack? What Is Next? - Friday, February 17, 2023 0:55 -

John Fetterman Becomes Psychiatric Inpatient - Friday, February 17, 2023 8:57 - Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) epitomizes today’s Democratic Party. He is a radical leftist who has called for releasing one third of prison inmates and suppressing speech that brings attention to election fraud. Having no serious qualifications, he took office by running essentially unopposed, fellow leftist Mehmet Oz having secured the Republican nomination by sucking up to Donald Trump. The liberal establishment circled the wagons around Fetterman, dismissing his stroke (which left him cognitively disabled), his serious heart issues, and his inability to understand spoken English. The media placed him on a New York Times most stylish list for wearing shorts and hoodies in inappropriate contexts and even floated him as a presidential candidate. Earlier this month, he was hospitalized for feeling light-headed. Now, about 6 weeks into his 6-year term, we receive confirmation that Fetterman is psychiatrically unfit for office….

Hazardous waste expert tells Tucker Ohio town was ‘nuked’ - Friday, February 17, 2023 9:41 -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Antifa Terrorists Shares a Fundraising Platform With the DNC - By Pamela Geller - on February 16, 2023 - Perfect. Antifa is a terrorist organization. So is the Democrat party. And Antifa is their armed militia. Germany designated Antifa a terrorist group long ago. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert  (R CO-03) introduced a resolution to designate ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization and unequivocally condemn its violent actions. Boebert stated:

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: 4 arrested in South Florida in connection with Haitian president’s assassination – Feb. 15th 2023 - JAY WEAVER - MIAMI HERALD, JACQUELINE CHARLES - MIAMI HERALD AND ANTONIO MARIA DELGADO - EL NUEVO HERALD - More than a year and a half after launching their investigation, U.S. federal agents arrested four suspects in South Florida Tuesday on charges of playing key roles in a plot to kill Haiti’s president, Jovenel Moïse, who was shot to death in his home by an alleged team of Colombian commandos as his presidential guards stood down. The local arrests of the owner of a Miami-area security firm, his business partner, a financier and an exporter mark a turning point in the probe that is now focused on the weapons, ballistic vests and financing that authorities say fueled the deadly plot executed on July 7, 2021.

X22 Report - Epstein, Snow White, Evidence Released, Deep State Pushes Anarchy, Quicksand, Trap Set! - Must Video - Thursday, February 16, 2023 20:54 - The [DS] is now using anarchy and chaos to keep the news cycle clogged. The evidence is pouring out and they don’t know how to stop it. Epstein, money laundering, crimes against humanity are all on deck, the [DS] is fighting for their lives and the people are learning the truth. The [DS] is now pushing people to go up against Trump in the election, this will fail, Trump is watching the board to see who is loyal and who is not. These people will enter the quicksand never to be heard from again.

Tulsi Gabbard Speech to Congress (wow) - Thursday, February 16, 2023 22:57 -

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Israel’s Government LEGALIZES 9 Settlements in the WEST BANK - NEWS VIDEOS - FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - After 11 Israelis were murdered in the last two weeks, Israel’s government responded by legalizing 9 settlements in Judea and Samaria. The international community responded by NOT condemning these attacks, but condemning Israel for legalizing these 9 Jewish communities that have already been around for at least a decade.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Resigns Day After House GOP Issues Subpoenas to Big Tech CEOs - By Brian Lupo - Published February 16, 2023 at 7:15pm - The day after the House GOP issued subpoenas for Big Tech CEOs at Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft, the CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, has suddenly stepped down.  While YouTube is a subsidiary of Alphabet, Wojcicki was not listed on the list of subpoenaed CEOs.

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: ‘Abbas is a terrorist; Bible Says Judea and Samaria belong to Israel’ – Pompeo - February 16, 2023 - Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, known for his pro-Israel views, said he is “convinced” from his reading of the Bible, that Judea and Samaria are the ‘rightful homeland’ of the Jewish people.- By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News - Former U.S. secretary of state Mike Pompeo, who pushed ardent pro-Israel policies during his time in office under former President Donald Trump, said on Thursday that he believes the territories of Judea and Samaria are the “rightful home” of the Jewish People.

ISRAEL TODAY: Knesset Passes Law to Strip Citizenship of Terrorists - “From now on every terrorist will know that he will pay a heavy price for harming the citizens of Israel.” - By Pesach Benson | February 16, 2023 - (TPS) Knesset lawmakers gave final approval to legislation to strip Israeli citizenship from Arab terrorists and their families….

ZERO HEDGE: "Get The Hell Out Of There" - Ohio's Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On - BY TYLER DURDEN - TUESDAY, FEB 14, 2023 - 04:44 AM - Update (1300ET): During a press conference, the NTSB referenced a video from Salem, Ohio, about 20 miles from East Palestine which shows sparks and flames emitting from beneath the train. The apparent structural issue with the train was captured on a security camera when it was travelling through Salem. According to Michael Graham, board member on the NTSB, two videos they had obtained were indicative of mechanical issues attributed to the rail car axles which likely led to the derailment.

GATEWAY PUNDIT: MUST WATCH: Romanian Senator Slams Globalists for Mass Genocide Using “Alleged Pandemic” and Covid Death Jabs — Claims Turkey’s Earthquake is a Man-Made Attack (VIDEO) - By Jim Hoft - Published February 12, 2023 at 11:51am - During a speech in the Romanian parliament on Wednesday, Senator Diana Lovanovici lambasted globalists for their role in a genocidal plot utilizing the “alleged pandemic” and COVID death jabs. She also blamed the West for using “geological weapons” to cause an earthquake in Turkey. “It is very clear to me that at this point, things at the international level have gotten out of hand, the fools are playing as God, and they think they have won the game,” Lovanovici said. “Cause of these demented and psychopathic people who cause wars and cataclysms using unconventional weapons, we, humans, are just numbers they can get rid of.” (Comment: HAARP was used to cause the 7.8 earthquake according to my Intel. Go to to see how HAARP works to cause earthquakes.)

BREITBART: China-Based Firm, Partnering with Ford on U.S. Plant, Linked to Front Group for Chinese Communist Party Spies - As Breitbart News reported, Ford and China’s Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. (CATL) are planning a $3.5 billion electric vehicle battery plant in Marshall — a deal celebrated by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D).

STEVE BANNON VIDEO - Autopsies Reveal the Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus – Feb. 17th 2023 -

Breaking: Stay Inside Your Home! Florida Toxic Fumes! Five Acre Inferno! - The Real GS News Must Video - Friday, February 17, 2023 10:27 - WOW. My daughter and her family are in Ohio within the 200 mile zone, I’m in Pima county in Tucson Arizona where the truck fire with toxic chemicals burning on Tuesday, and now my son and his family are in Sarasota Florida. It’s far from Kissimmee but if it keeps burning all of Florida will be effected. By the way we in Pima county we’re not alerted until over an hour AFTER the truck accident to shelter in place as the poor people stuck in traffic were forced to drive through the toxic fumes..




The Slow Motion Fulfillment of Isaiah 17

by Jack Kelley

Published on: April 28, 2015

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 17th 2023

“See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. The cities of Aroer will be deserted and left to flocks, which will lie down, with no one to make them afraid” (Isaiah 17:1-2).


Isaiah 17 is an oracle concerning Damascus that was partially fulfilled when the Assyrians conquered Aram in 732 BC and 10 years later conquered the breakaway Northern Kingdom of Israel.


It’s the portion of Isaiah 17 that were not fulfilled that concern us today, and the most obvious one is the fact that Damascus has never been reduced to a heap of ruins. Although the city has been conquered several times it has yet to be destroyed like the prophecy of Isaiah 17:1-2 requires.


Damascus has proved to be a most resilient city. It was conquered by the Israelites (1000 BC), the Assyrians (732 BC), the Babylonians (606 BC), the Persians (530 BC), the Greeks (330 BC), the Nabateans (85 BC), the Romans (63 BC), the Byzantines (634 AD), the Mamelukes (1250 AD) and the Ottoman Turks (1516 AD). But the city itself has always survived and is now claimed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world with a 5,000 year history. Its current population is close to 2 million, yet Isaiah 17:1-2indicates that it will one day cease to exist.


Maybe This Time?


Ever since the Syrian civil war began in 2011 students of prophecy have been looking for the complete fulfillment of Isaiah 17. Several times in the 4 years since then it has appeared as if the destruction of Damascus was imminent, but each time the city was spared.


It’s important to remember in all of this that as far as Isaiah 17 is concerned, it’s not enough for the Assad government to be deposed. For Isaiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled, Damascus has to become an uninhabitable ruin.


In the current go around, it’s being said that the only reason Isaiah 17 has not been fulfilled is because of the support it enjoys from Iran and its client Hezbollah, and the indecisiveness of the Obama Administration. Pres. Obama has wavered back and forth, sometimes favoring the Assad government, sometimes helping the rebels, establishing red lines, and then failing to act when those red lines were crossed. Middle Eastern allies are understandably upset by this inconsistency and there are rumors that the US has been told to stay on the sidelines while they sort the Syrian situation out.


Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, who are determined to see Assad gone, have been providing massive support to the rebel Jabhat al Nusra Front (freshly renamed the Muslim Army of Conquest to disguise their al Qaeda affiliation) who are fighting against both the Syrian army and ISIS.


Being forced to fight on five different fronts simultaneously, the Syrian Army is losing heart and battlefield desertions are on the increase. Beleaguered on all sides and having just given up another major airbase, the army no longer has the mobility necessary to maintain the defense of the country and is regrouping around Damascus.


DEBKAfile reports that just a week after losing the big Palmyra air base to the Islamic State – and with it large stocks of ammo and military equipment – Syrian military and air units have began pulling out of their base at Deir ez-Zour, Bashar Assad’s last military stronghold in eastern Syria.) Some observers say if the current trend continues Assad will soon have insufficient troops to even defend Damascus.


Watch for Something Big


Therefore we are once again at a point where it looks as if the Assad government is about to fall. But just this week Iran alerted the world to look for “major events” in Syria in the days to come. This has been interpreted as an announcement that a large scale intervention by Iran on Syria’s behalf is coming soon. Iran has apparently been persuaded that, without direct Iranian military involvement, its ally could go under at any moment.


Some sources speculate that Iran may have asked its client Hezbollah to re-direct some of the 80,000 rockets and missiles it claims to have pointed at Israel and use them instead against the Syrian rebels and ISIS to halt their progress against the Syrian Army. It also appears likely that a significant deployment of Iranian troops will soon be airlifted to Syria to bolster the disheartened Assad forces. Reports out of Lebanon indicate that up to 15,000 Iranian troops are already on their way to Syria.


So it appears the next round in the slow motion fulfillment of Isaiah 17 will involve Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey actively supporting the rebels, with Iran, what’s left of the Syrian Army, and Hezbollah defending the Assad regime. Then there’s the wild card ISIS, that actually controls about half the country, against all of them. (Russia has evacuated the personnel it brought in to support the Syrian Army. This has been seen as their disengagement from a deteriorating situation. Time will tell.)


It Won’t Be Over Until It’s Over


Most observers believe that even if the Assad government is toppled, fighting among the various factions will continue for the foreseeable future. So unless there is some kind of unexpected major escalation we’re probably not going to see the total destruction of Damascus any time soon.


But on a day when the Lord has determined, Damascus will be destroyed. He who knows the end from the beginning and from ancient times what is still to come will bring about what He has said, and will do what He has planned (Isaiah 46:10-11).


At this point, that seems to be the only certainty in the slow motion fulfillment of Isaiah 17. But while He knows the future we don’t, and He could choose to act any day, so we’d better stay tuned.


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