Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Only Generation


The Only Generation - Montana Balloon Was Deep State - Black Republican Councilwoman is Viciously Gunned Down - Pharmakeia Revelation 18:23 - PERVERT ALERT - Charlie Ward & Jason Q - Alien Expert They Don't Come in Peace and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 5th 2023


 REAL RAW NEWS: White Hats: Montana Balloon Was Deep State, not Chinese - By Michael Baxter -February 4, 2023 - The reason the regime hasn’t shot down (see edit at bottom) a “Chinese spy balloon” in U.S. airspace is that the silvery object seen hovering above Montana is actually a Deep State surveillance balloon that has been spying on patriotic militia groups, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

New Jersey Black Republican Councilwoman is Viciously Gunned Down in Her Car, Police Investigating Motive - By Shane Trejo - Feb 3, 2023 - A black Republican councilwoman from New Jersey was viciously gunned down in her car outside of her home on Wednesday. 30-year-old Eunice Dwumfour, a councilwoman from the borough of Sayreville since her election in November 2021, was left riddled with bullet wounds while driving near her home. Her car slid into other vehicles and she was found dead on the scene, according to Middlesex County officials. The news has shocked New Jersey political officials in both major parties.

mRNA COVID shots are result of U.S. military program run by DARPA, evidence reveals - Saturday, February 4, 2023 1:18 - Few people know that United States taxpayers fund a $51 billion Pentagon black budget for secret tech projects.  Even fewer people are aware that the internet is the result of taxpayer spending.  Back in the late 1960s, a taxpayer-funded entity called DARPA, short for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, planted the seeds of what we now know as the internet.

Pharmakeia - Revelation 18:23: The Spiritual Attack Against Humanity by Way of Pharmakeia & the AI Bioweapon Masquerading as a "Vaccine!"- Jeff Dornik - SGT Report - Friday, February 3, 2023 22:54 - REVELATION 18:23 - “And the light of a lamp will shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride will be heard in you no more, for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.” They want us under their thumb; they will tell you what you’re worth and what you get. Do as you’re told!

Live Train Derailment on Fire In East Palestine Ohio - Friday, February 3, 2023 23:20 - Train Derailment on Fire In East Palestine Ohio. It’s not clear what the train was transporting. One disaster after another. Has anyone ever considered that maybe there could be real terror cells operating inside the U.S.?

PERVERT ALERT: Jacksonville Mayoral Candidate and Chamber of Commerce President Runs Child Sexualization Training - By Shane Trejo - Feb 4, 2023 - Daniel Davis, a candidate for Mayor of Jacksonville, Fla in the coming March elections and CEO of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, is hosting child sexualization trainings run by a disgraced and defunded LGBT youth organization, according to original reporting from the Central Florida Post. The LGBT youth group Jasmyn had their contract with the Duval County Public Schools revoked because of their sexualization of children. They were exposing children to dildos as part of their “Penis Game.” A photo of that game can be seen below:

Charlie Ward & Jason Q Qurrent Events Stream 2/5/22 - A TRAITOR? - Must Video - Sunday, February 5, 2023 9:32 -

WW3 Distraction, People Waking Up, Iran, Israel, Ukraine, North Korea Russia - Saturday, February 4, 2023 23:09 -

MUST WATCH: Bill Mahar on the similarities between Mao’s revolutionary China, and modern America - Sunday, February 5, 2023 9:41 - Bill Mahar shows quite a sophisticated understanding of the root thinking of communism, and mercifully opposes it.

ATLAS SHRUGS: WATCH ‘Palestinian” Muslim Representative Refuses to Condemn Jihadi Massacre in Fiery TV interview - Sunday, February 5, 2023 8:09 - He can’t condemn the genocide. Islamic Jew hatred is a central tenet of Islam. The Palestinian Authority is the 21st Century version of the Nazi Party. In a just world, Mahmoud Abbas and his cadre of terrorists would be in a military prison. If not for the Israeli Defense Forces, the Palestinian Authority (and Hamas) would commit genocide against the 7 million Jews of Israel. Shame on the mainstream media for demonizing Israel when defending themselves against these killers. Call your member of Congress and demand that all aid to the Palestinian Authority is stopped. The aid is used to pay Palestinian terrorists to murder Jews.

How to start the most disastrous war in 21st century: 2003: Secretary of State Colin Powell speaks at UN on Iraq possessing Bi...Sunday, February 5, 2023 6:34 -

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT - THIS WILL NOT END WELL: NSA Courting THOUSANDS Of Fired Woke Big Tech Workers For Intelligence Activities - By Cullen Linebarger - Published February 4, 2023 at 5:30pm - Thousands of terminated far-left Big Tech workers may soon have prominent positions in America’s most notorious spying agency. The Nation Security Agency (NSA) is embarking on one of their biggest hiring sprees in the last three decades. Big tech workers have utilized their power to collect personal data, cancel conservatives on social media, and collude with Democrats to cover up scandals. They have also failed to protect children from sick pedophiles online as well.

ZERO HEDGE: Secret CCP Overseas Police Station In NYC Closed After Reported FBI Raid - BY TYLER DURDEN - FRIDAY, FEB 03, 2023 - 08:00 PM - Authored by Andrew Thornebrooke via The Epoch Times - A covert overseas police station run by the Chinese regime in New York has been shuttered following a reported raid by the FBI. “The FBI has confirmed that the ‘overseas police station’ in New York linked to Fuzhou has closed,” a State Department spokesperson said in an email to The Epoch Times. The closure of the facility in New York’s Chinatown comes just weeks after The New York Times reported that FBI agents raided and searched the building at an undisclosed time last fall. The facility and more than 100 others like it form a network of covert facilities from which experts believe that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is conducting a campaign of transnational repression.

JERUSALEM POST - Alien expert: They don't come in peace - Malcolm Robinson has researched UFO sightings and alien abductions for decades and is one of the experts in the field. By MAARIV ONLINE Published: JANUARY 31, 2023 15:28 -

‘GOD USING ME AS A VESSEL’: DAMAR HAMLIN TO GIVE BACK AFTER NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE - Published: January 31, 2023 - In his first public comments since going into cardiac arrest, NFL player Damar Hamlin expressed his gratitude and shared his vision for the future. “What happened to me on Monday Night Football I feel was a direct example of God using me as a vessel to share my passion and my love directly from my heart with the entire world,” Hamlin said, “now I’m able to give back to the kids and communities all across the world who need it most, and that’s always been my dream.”



The Only Generation

By Daymond Duck

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 4th 2023



On Jan. 23, 2023, Hal Lindsey started off his weekly article like this:


“The price of eggs…. A Mall of America security guard threatening the wearer of a ‘Jesus saves’ t-shirt…. Attacks on the U.S. power grid…. A worldwide obsession with pornography…. Another wave of nuclear threats coming out of Russia…. A universal weakening of democratic institutions…. A global reshuffling of leaders…. Threats of ‘civil war’ in Israel…. Corruption in the highest levels of government across the world…. Weaponized Artificial Intelligence…. Deep fake audio and video enabling previously unimagined levels of deception.… Global economic chaos… and on and on.


“What do these and hundreds of other things like them have in common? They are signs of the soon coming of Jesus. Planet Earth is in the throes of the birth of a new world. It’s difficult — even excruciating — but it is also thrilling. We are entering the days foreseen by the prophets.”


Wow, just the kind of thing one would expect from the foremost prophecy teacher in our lifetime.


Hal mentioned that there are hundreds of other signs, and I will add the following to his list:


The rebirth of Israel.

The restoration of Jerusalem with Israel in control.

Preparations to rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices.

The technology to control all buying and selling.

The technology for the whole world to see the resurrection of the Two Witnesses and the Second Coming of Jesus.

The developing world government (New World Order; Great Reset; Build Back Better, etc.).

The developing world religion (calling good evil and evil good; increasing rejection of Jehovah, Jesus, and the Bible; increasing promotion of abortion, LGBTQ agenda, etc.).

The increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, famine, pestilences, poverty, etc.

We are the only generation to see the convergence of all the prophecies that the Bible said will be fulfilled at the end of the age.


Here are recent events that seem to indicate that the end of the age is looming.


One, concerning the persecution of Christians: on Jan. 24, 2023, it was reported that Open Doors has been monitoring the persecution of Christians since 1993 (for 30 years), and it is increasing all over the world.


According to the group, globally, more than 360 million Christians are experiencing “very high or extreme levels of persecution for their faith.”


Two, concerning persecution: on Jan. 29, 2023, Paul Craig Roberts (Institute for Political Economy) noted that political activism is normalizing sexual perversion (homosexuality, pedophilia, etc.) and making criticizing it a criminal violation of civil rights and hate speech laws.


I agree with Roberts, but I want to add my opinion on something here.


While there has always been persecution over some issues, I don’t believe society has ever had the normalization of sexual perversion on a global scale or the criminalization of speaking out against it on a global scale, but that is where the world is headed now.


The United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, United States, and other despisers of the truth are promoting global laws that will criminalize Bible truth all over the world (II Tim. 3:1-7).


Sexual perversion is just part of it; other things that are going to be outlawed include spreading the truth, worshipping Jesus instead of the Antichrist, some things people want to spend their money on, etc.


Society is witnessing the birth of unparalleled global tribulation- period persecution of believers that matches Bible prophecy: censorship of truth; prosecution of believers for praying silently in front of an abortion clinic, for refusing to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding, etc.


Persecution of people who become believers during the Tribulation Period will be terrible.


Three, concerning the WEF: on Jan. 16, 2023, highly respected writer Leo Hohman wrote, “They intend to digitally enslave the world in a total surveillance state based on a global digital I.D. (likely disguised as vaccine passports) and a global digital currency to replace cash.”


Four, concerning world government: on Jan. 24, 2023, it was reported that Canadian Member of Parliament, Dr. Leslyn Lewis, continues to speak out against Canada’s involvement in the World Economic Forum (WEF).


In 2022, Lewis said, “The WEF threatens Canadian Democracy.”

On Jan. 23, 2023, Lewis said, “The unelected WEF is not our government. Canadians did not sign up for the WEF’s plan to create agile rule-making in a post-pandemic world & the 4th Industrial Revolution (something that Prime Min. Trudeau did in 2020).

As I understand it, Dr. Lewis said it is wrong for Trudeau to be signing international agreements that impose global laws on Canadian citizens that they haven’t voted for and their Parliament hasn’t approved.


This is also happening in the U.S., and citizens could lose many of their rights at the World Health Organization Assembly meeting in May.


(More: Concerning that meeting: on Jan. 27, 2023, prophecy teacher Jonathan Brentner wrote, “If it (the Pandemic Treaty) is approved by member nations during their May 2023 meeting, it would give the WHO and its head absolute control over member nations in regard to what they deem as health emergencies. In other words, in the event they declare such a crisis, the WHO could prescribe a course of action for everyone. It wouldn’t matter if the president of a nation disagreed – the dictates of the WHO would become law in his or her country. Should a U.S. governor say “No!” to the WHO mandates, that also wouldn’t matter. The WHO would have the power to militarily enforce compliance with its health dictates.”)


Five, concerning the recent WEF meeting and world government: on Jan. 26, 2023, Canada Free Press posted an article by writer, commentator, and Radio Host Douglas V. Gibbs.


Gibbs has been on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends.


Gibbs’ nickname is “Mr. Constitution,” and he said, “Unelected elitists who believe their job is to rule the world recently gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, meeting to discuss the fate of all of humanity and the road we must take based on their visions in order to ‘save the world.’ Except, they don’t mean to save the world; they mean to control humanity and break the spirit of anyone who dares stand against them.”


Gibbs continued, “These tyrants drive and lobby policies in the United States through a well-placed, deeply embedded deep state, and they do the same throughout the world. The dark spirit of tyranny we fought wars (including two World Wars and a Cold War) against has now become the mainstream leadership on this planet, and they aim to make sure that this time they are not knocked off the top of the mountain.”


Here is a link to the article.


(My opinion: The prophesied world government is shaping up, and it will be seven years of hell on earth. The only people that are not going to be impacted are those that die before then and those that are truly trusting in Jesus when the Rapture occurs.)


Six, concerning famine and hyperinflation (food shortages, extreme food, and energy prices, etc.) during the Tribulation Period: on Jan. 27, 2021, shortly after he became Pres. of the U.S., Biden signed an Executive Order that committed the U.S. to conserving at least 30% of America’s land and water by 2030.


Unless this is reversed, it will block mining, farming, and drilling for oil on 30% of America’s lands and water by 2030.


Blocking mining, farming, fishing, and drilling for oil on 30% of the world’s land and water will have a great impact on everyone’s life.


At the U.N. Biodiversity Conference that was held on Dec. 7-19, 2022, under the guise of saving “Mother Earth” from natural disasters (rising sea levels, floods, droughts, wildfires, etc.) supposedly created by man’s pollution and excessive consumption, the group agreed to a plan called the 30-by-30 (or 30 X 30) Initiative.


One of the 30-by-30 Initiative goals is to protect 30% of the world’s land, water, and marine areas (not allow 30% of these areas to be used) by 2030.


Critics say the real goal is to transform the world according to the agenda, morals, etc., of the “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”


Anyway, on Jan. 26, 2023, the Biden administration announced a 20-year ban on mining on 225,504 acres of land in Minnesota.


Another group of U.S. workers will be losing their jobs, and Biden has already signed an agreement to make funds available to increase mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (sounds like putting U.S. workers drilling for oil off the coast of Florida out of work and asking Saudi Arabia to increase production).


He seems determined to weaken America.


Seven, concerning hyperinflation and a global economic collapse: on Jan. 25, 2023, the head of the Bank of Canada warned that Canada’s economy has stalled, growth will be close to zero for the remainder of this year, and Canada’s citizens are not going to feel good.


Critics blame Prime Min. Trudeau for running up Canada’s debt with excessive spending on Covid and unnecessary liberal programs.


Payday has arrived in Canada, but most of the world is facing the same problem.


Eight, concerning the Millennium in Israel: God said, “The desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose…. For in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water” (Isa. 35:1, 7).


In recent years, Israel has built several desalination plants to draw water from the Mediterranean Sea and make it suitable for drinking.


On Jan. 30, 2030, it was reported that Israel has received very little rain this winter, but Israel’s system of desalination plants has filled the Sea of Galilee, and Israel will soon double the amount of water it sells to Jordan.


Nine, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Jan. 29, 2023, Israeli drones struck an Iranian weapons production facility inside Iran.


There are contradictory reports about what Iran was producing (drones, ballistic missiles, etc.), but the next day, Russia’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement that said, “We strongly condemn any provocative actions potentially capable of provoking an uncontrolled escalation of tension in an already far from calm region. Such destructive actions may have unpredictable consequences for peace and stability in the Middle East.”


Two things stand out about this event:


One, Israel apparently struck a target inside Iran.

Two, some analysts called Russia’s statement a veiled threat to Israel.

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?


If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Maranatha



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