Friday, February 3, 2023

Update: Situation in the Ukraine


Israel Watch 30 Jan 2023 - BRICS Making Difference Now - More People Fleeing Blue States - Exposing Satanism & the Elites – Update Situation in the Ukraine – Economist Says Bill Has Come Due – News On Chrislam - New Benjamin Fulford - FREEDOM WORKS - X22 Report - John Kerry & China Links - Humanitarian Catastrophe in Afghanistan and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 3rd 2023


 And We Know: Traffickers Caught! TRUMP Interview! Balloon SATELLITES? RACE Wars, Parents WIN, EGGS! PRAY! - Must Video - Friday, February 3, 2023 13:40 - A massive spy balloon believed to be from China was seen above Montana and is being tracked as it flies across the continental United States, with President Joe Biden for now deciding against “military options” because of the risk to civilians, U.S. officials said on Thursday. -

Never Again Is Now Global - Part 2: Anyone Who Wants To Start a War Has To Lie - Friday, February 3, 2023 14:10 -

MAIL ONLINE: Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses AOC of acting like a 'teenage girl' and demands a public debate after Squad member accused her of 'trafficking in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories'  - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene accused Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of acting like a 'teenage girl' in a Thursday night tweet - AOC said on CNN that Greene was 'trafficking in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories' after mocking her 'Jewish space lasers' comment on the House floor  - Ocasio-Cortez was incensed that Republicans voted to remove fellow 'Squad' member, Rep. Ilhan Omar, from the Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday - By NIKKI SCHWAB, SENIOR U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 11:53 EST, 3 February 2023 -

OBAMA FLASHBACKS REVEALING FOR TODAY! Shock Claim: Obama Removing All Military Leaders From Command If They Will Not Fire On US Citizens! / US Govt Buying Up All The Ammo To Make Sure You Can't! - Friday, February 3, 2023 14:07 -

ATLAS SHRUGS: House Oversight Investigates John Kerry’s Secret Communist China Deals That Undermined US Economy and National Security - Friday, February 3, 2023 15:09 - This parasitic scumbag has made a career out of selling out this country, undermining our economy and national while acquiring enormous wealth. Climate is a euphemism for corruption. Imaginable corruption. Has the FBI searched Kerry’s homes for classified docs? -

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – By Divina Ellisson - 3 February, 2023 -

BRICS is capable of solving the complex issues of the modern world - BRICS is capable of solving the complex issues of the modern world by bringing a basic supplemental income to the whole world

Tennessee Witnesses Population Growth As More People Flee Blue States - By Jose Nino - Feb 2, 2023 - A good portion of Tennessee’s population growth is spurred by people fleeing blue states. As a business-friendly state with low taxation, Tennessee has become appealing to many disgruntled blue state residents who can no longer put up with their states’ high taxes, rising crime, and unsustainable cost-of-living dynamics.

New Benjamin Fulford: Massive Friday Geopolitical Intel Update: Q&A Video - Friday, February 3, 2023 8:04 -

Christian Documentary Exposing Satanism and the Elites:  Lucifer Decoded part 9 - Friday, February 3, 2023 6:45 - Buckle your seat belts for this one. Featuring Mark Passio with very important information about Natural Law and Natural God given right’s to freedom.  This one also exposes Aleister Crowley and how it influenced the music industry and Hollywood. It covers Carl Jung and how shadow work can be used to untangle the psychological damages done by MK Ultra and project Montauk, as well as exposing the symbolisms of predictive programming and what the elites actually worship.

MIKE SWANSON: US is spending record amounts servicing its national debt – interest rate hikes add billions to the cost – By Gerald P. Dwyer - Friday, February 3, 2023 4:10 - US is spending record amounts servicing its national debt – interest rate hikes add billions to the cost - As an economist, I am concerned that the effect of higher interest payments on the government’s budget is being ignored. Higher interest payments mean the federal government will either have to lower spending, raise taxes or issue more debt to service its obligations. And financing interest payments by issuing more debt could be a particularly poor choice – sooner or later, the bill will come due.

The situation in the Ukrainian SMO - Friday, February 3, 2023 1:01 - Putin compares German tanks in Ukraine to Nazis sweeping across Europe on Stalingrad anniversary - Putin lambasts Germany for arming Ukraine in fiery speech marking Soviet WW2 victory - “We see that the ideology of Nazism – already in its modern form, manifestation – again creates direct threats to the security of our country, we are again and again forced to repulse the aggression of the collective West. Incredible. Unbelievable, but true: we are again threatened with German Leopard tanks, on board of which there are crosses, and again they are going to fight with Russia on the soil of Ukraine with the hands of the last of Hitler, the hands of Bandera….

ATLAS SHRUGS: Why Doesn’t Biden’s Pentagon Shoot Down the Chinese Surveillance Balloon Over Montana? - Friday, February 3, 2023 8:49 - The Biden Administration has decimated America’s credibility and deterrence. This is the result. A Chinese spy balloon flying over the state of Montana. The CCP would not have dared done this under President Trump. God help us. -

FREEDOM WORKS - Breaking Down the House Oversight Hearing on Federal Pandemic Spending: A Prescription for Waste, Fraud and Abuse - Friday, February 3, 2023 9:43 - The public policy response to COVID-19 is still having significant consequences on American families. Governors locked down entire states, destroying livelihoods and supply chains and setting children back in the classroom. Meanwhile, lawmakers in Washington churned out approximately $6 trillion in relief spending, which has since fueled the inflation hamstring household budgets….

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: On February 4th The United Nations Will Again Celebrate Human Fraternity Day Document Created By The Pope And The Prince - Friday, February 3, 2023 9:41 - The Declaration of Human Fraternity and the Abraham Accords of Chrislam were created and launched by the same people, Pope Francis and Mohamed bin Zayed. Why would they do that? Today we are going to present you with a whole boxful of end times puzzle pieces that with the Holy Spirit’s leading we will endeavor to put together and connect all the dots. For example, did you know that the Declaration of Human Fraternity, the constitution of the One World Religion of Chrislam, was created by Pope Francis and sold to the Muslims by Mohamed bin Zayed? Furthermore, did you also know that the Abraham Accords, not created by Jared Kushner and Donald Trump, actually comes from…wait for it…Mohamed bin Zayed and Pope Francis? Have you ever asked yourself why these two end times characters would team up to do this? We have…. “They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:” Psalm 83:3-5 (KJB) -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Islamic Republic of Iran To Execute Pregnant Woman for Exercising Free Speech - By Pamela Geller - on February 2, 2023 - Iran is poised to execute a pregnant woman for burning a portrait of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Islamic Republic’s founder, reports emerging from inside the country have suggested. Shahla Abdi, an ethnic Kurd in her 20s, from the northwestern province of West Azerbaijan, was arrested by the morality police in Urmia in mid-October at the height of nationwide protests triggered by the September death in custody of Mahsa Amini….

X22 Report - Everything The Deep State Has Done Leads To Election Interference! Clean House Is Very Important! - Must Video - Thursday, February 2, 2023 18:43 - REPORTER John Rolls: Everything the [DS] has done up to the point has proven Trump’s case of election interference. The FBI, CDC, FDA, fake news and the corrupt politicians were all involved in it. The case is building and building and soon they will have to give back the diamonds. The house is now clean, those who were on committees are no longer. The [DS] is now in the process of removing [JB] while protecting themselves, they are panicking and falling right in to the Trump trap.

MAIL ONLINE: Biden secured a $250,000 line of credit on his $2.74 million Rehoboth vacation home in December as federal prosecutors ramped up their tax investigation into son Hunter, records show - Biden took out the line of credit December 5 - That came about a month after his lawyer discovered classified material - That came before more documents found in Wilmington garage - By GEOFF EARLE, DEPUTY U.S. POLITICAL EDITOR FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 10:30 EST, 3 February 2023 -

MAIL ONLINE - MAUREEN CALLAHAN: He's a degenerate, racist, sexual predator who's now whining HE's a victim. But the Dems and their lapdog media protect this disgrace of a First Son because he is their pet - and it's sickening - By MAUREEN CALLAHAN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM -PUBLISHED: 07:29 EST, 3 February 2023 - I'm sorry — are we hearing this right? After all this time, the lies and obfuscations, Hunter Biden is admitting the laptop is his? Not only that: He wants a criminal investigation, at taxpayer expense, into how his laptop became public — even though he himself left it in John Paul Mac Isaac's Delaware computer repair shop and signed a document forfeiting ownership if he left it there longer than 90 days! Also, he would like everyone involved in leaking its contents, which point to Hunter's own potential criminal activity, to be punished.

MAIL ONLINE: Now Republicans target John Kerry and his suspected China links: GOP committee demands Biden's climate envoy turn over any negotiations with Beijing's communist party - Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., wrote to Kerry Thursday afternoon to tell him his climate talks with the CCP would now be under scrutiny - 'To date, you have failed to respond to any of our requests,' Comer wrote to Kerry - The letter notes that a report from May 2022 has Kerry saying he was in negotiations with the CCP to form a group to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - By MORGAN PHILLIPS, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 17:25 EST, 2 February 2023 -

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: Netanyahu meets with Macron in Paris, main topic is Iran - February 2, 2023 - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Paris Thursday afternoon to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron. “The main topic of our talk will be Iran, of course, and the joint efforts to fight its aggression and its aspiration to obtain nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu stated upon his departure. “I will also meet with French Jewish community representatives and representatives of the business community in France, who are interested in investing in the State of Israel,” he said. -

CANADA FREE PRESS: The Humanitarian Catastrophe in Afghanistan - By Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist ——Bio and Archives--February 2, 2023 - Millions of Afghans are on the verge of starvation or freezing to death during the brutal winter in Afghanistan. Their very lives are on the line while the Taliban remains stuck in the 13th century and the UN dithers. ince the Taliban took the reins of power in Afghanistan following President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal of all American troops from the country in August 2021, conditions in Afghanistan have gone from bad to worse. The bottom is dropping out of the country as a catastrophic humanitarian crisis has taken hold. About two-thirds of the population, some 28 million people, are dependent on humanitarian aid but are not getting what they need. Six million Afghans are now on the brink of starvation.

THE HORN NEWS: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez caught in huge new China scandal - FEBRUARY 3, 2023 - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., came to power with big lies about campaign finance reform. “100% People-Funded, no lobbyist [money],” she still says in her Twitter bio. But on Thursday, the socialist congresswoman was reportedly found to have diverted campaign funds toward registered foreign agents of the People’s Republic of China.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: Pulling Back The Curtain On The Ugly Cabal Of Global Luciferians Latest Sinister Lies And Deception: Technopaganism And 'UnReal PaGAN' - AI CGI Deep Fake Technology - Another Chilling Litany Of The US Govt's 'Empire Of Lies' - Stew Peters conducted a recent and very intriguing interview with Karen Kingston (only video at bottom of this story) about the Buffalo Bills Safety, Damar Hamlin, and his “miraculous” recovery from an apparent cardiac arrest on the football field during the January 2 game against the Cincinnati Bengals. Stew sets up the interview with a chilling litany of the U.S. government’s “empire of lies” from the JFK assassination to the COVID-19 bioweapon pushed on Americans. All the known lies that have been foisted upon the public are compelling and indicative of the lengths to which officials are willing to go to fool and deceive its citizenry.

Dr. Robert Malone & Former FBI Agent Chris Gonzales! - Dan Bongino Must Video - Friday, February 3, 2023 10:41 -

Juan O Savin & SG Anon! Situation Update Stream 2/2/20Q3!! - Must Video - Friday, February 3, 2023 12:30 -

The Totalitarian Schemes of Global Genocidal Maniacs, Part 1 - Friday, February 3, 2023 11:14 - By Kelleigh Nelson / News With Views - It doesn’t matter what rights you have under the Constitution of the U.S., if the govt can punish you for exercising those rights. And it doesn’t matter what limits the Constitution puts on government officials’ power, if they can exceed those limits without any adverse consequences. —Thomas Sowell - People get what they deserve. Regardless of political party, if people support candidates who promote the Vaccine Holocaust, there will be 200 million dead Americans by 2030. If they support candidates who promote the supply chain crisis, there will be no diesel oil to transport food from the farms to the grocery stores. And if people support candidates who supply billions of dollars to the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion thugs and terrorists in Ukraine, you will enjoy World War III when Putin has had enough. It doesn’t matter who you vote for if your candidate is a global genocidal maniac. —Steven Fishman -




Israel Watch - 30 Jan 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Feb. 3rd 2023


Propaganda, Upside-Down


In the wake of a gruesome terrorist attack at a Jerusalem synagogue (seven were murdered), various Israeli media groups and politicans continue to show weakness.




I used to like The Times of Israel. A new, English-language paper launched in 2012, the paper was at one time flush with insightful writers, such as existed at one time for the Jerusalem Post. With the passing of such brilliant writers and editors as David Bar-Ilan, Israeli media have become even more left-wing, and, in my view, a threat to the state.


Much like in America, where the Deep State despises Donald Trump so much that policies harmful to America are considered fair game, Israeli sources hate Benjamin Netanyahu with a passion. I believe the source of their hatred is his Zionist foundations, instilled by his father.


Journalists in Israel like to paint a dark picture regarding what the international community will think or potentially do to the Jewish state, if it does not buckle-under to Palestinian demands. In a bizarre way, I do believe this will become a self-fulfilling prophecy and down the line, fulfillment of a biblical prophecy.


In an article by Jacob Magid in the Times of Israel, we see first this headline:


Nadler joins list of Jewish, pro-Israel Democrats to raise alarm over new government


Before we go farther, you realize of course this refers to the Rep. from New York, Jerry Nadler, at once clownish and malevolent. Nadler’s efforts to take down Trump and weaken American foreign policy are sinister. Take note of this:


“The US Congress’s longest-serving Jewish member warned Wednesday that the proposals by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to overhaul Israel’s judiciary could ‘irrevocably strain’ the Jewish state’s ties with the US, adding his name to a growing list of pro-Israel Democrats voicing their discomfort with the new hardline coalition in Jerusalem.


“Criticism of Netanyahu’s government on Capitol Hill has been growing since the coalition took power late last month, indicating that opposition to its policies extends beyond the progressive wing of the Democratic party, and risking the bipartisan support in Washington that Israel views as critical for its security and wellbeing.




“Nadler, from New York, highlighted his Jewish background and his pro-Israel positions before warning that the proposals announced by Justice Minister Yariv Levin are reminiscent of the threats to America’s democracy that he has sought to combat in recent years as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.”


Magid was referencing an op-ed Nadler penned for Haaretz.


Notice a few things. First, Nadler identifies as pro-Israel. He’s anything but. He’s a left-wing hack and has done much harm both to his own country and Israel. Second, the implied threat that the relationship with Washington can be harmed because of Netanyahu. True “friends” do not make such threats. Third, Nadler links Netanyahu with the policies of Trump, who sought to pull the mask off the Swamp. Netanyahu has attempted similar things in Israel.


In the same issue of TOI, blogger Amichai Cohen echoes similar dire warnings:


Palestinians are playing the long game on world stage – Israel could lose


“The coalition’s aim to apply sovereignty in the territories and soften the Supreme Court may harm Israel’s global standing


“The Palestinian activity in international organizations is coordinated and aggregate. For example, the General Assembly’s recognition of the State of Palestine in 2012 provided the basis for the determination that the International Criminal Court has the authority to investigate Israeli actions related to the conflict. An ICJ decision that the Israeli occupation is illegal would serve as the basis for additional proceedings against Israel.


“There are significant t differences between the Russia-Ukraine conflict and that between Israel and the Palestinians. But the most recent Palestinian action is meant precisely to blur them. An ICJ declaration that the Israeli occupation has become ‘permanent’ would mean that Israel could be seen as having effectively annexed Judea and Samaria. If that is the conclusion, international law will require European countries to take action against Israel. Such measures – as can be learned from the Russian case – can be imposed even without the backing of international bodies such as the Security Council. Obviously, Israel has scant ability to ward off the effects of such decisions.”


The same kinds of threats as in the Nadler piece. Israel will be harmed in the international community. International law will judge Israeli sovereignty as illegal. Action will be taken(!).


Now, prophetically, notice the line “international law will require European countries to take action against Israel.” Here is where the rubber meets the road, biblically. It sets the stage for the great end-times prophecies in which Israel will be attacked by the international community. That’s exactly what the text tells us in numerous places.


But all who devour you will be devoured; all your enemies will go into exile. (Jeremiah 30:16)


On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. (Zechariah 12:3,4)


I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save. I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. (Isaiah 49:26).


These passages are discussing the outlines of what we are seeing now. But now, as Israel inches closer and closer to the cliff’s edge, where she will be abandoned by everyone but her Great God, enemies within the state are rising.


Netanyahu has a seemingly impossible job. I know many readers of this column pray for Bibi continually. I believe it helps.


Keep it up!







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