Friday, April 14, 2023

Zechariah 14 Fact or Fiction


Zechariah 14 Fact or Fiction - The Old Guard is Being Destroyed - TUCKER CARLSON - Peace Coming to the Middle East - Trump EBS NESARA GESARA Decode - Col Macgregor & Duty to Lie - 32,000 Fewer Abortions Since Roe and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 14th 2023



Texas Now Coming Out With Gold Backed Digital Currency - Convertible To Gold And Silver Coins To Be Used As Money - Friday, April 14, 2023 11:54 -

BORDERLAND BEAT: US Charges 28 Sinaloa Cartel Members, Including 'El Chapo's' Sons, With Fentanyl Charges - Friday, April 14, 2023 13:57 - The U.S. Department of Justice today filed charges against 28 members of the Sinaloa Cartel, including the sons of drug trafficker Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, as part of an extensive investigation into fentanyl trafficking. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the charges along with U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Director Anne Milgram and other top federal prosecutors.

Anheuser-Busch Ιnsider Says There Are Seriοus Worries Cοmpany Could Ιmplode As SΑLES Down Over 30%! - Must Video - Friday, April 14, 2023 13:17 - Remember, it’s not just Bud Light we need to boycott, the Anheuser Busch company needs to be made an example of in order to stop this madness. I see it as a good thing because it shows that we still have power over crap that they’re doing. People are getting sick of them pushing there crap on them. There also sick of Hollywood and Disneyland doing the same. (Comment: Bud light by approving gay wad on the can is also costing the St. Louis Cardinals tickets at the box office. There was no one hardly there at last night’s game with the Pirates. The repercussions are very deep as Bud has lost 6 billion so far and Cardinal baseball is not exactly flourishing.)

BORDERLAND BEAT: Police Dismantle Cocaine ‘Mega Lab’ in Spain  400 LBS.  Daily Capacity - Friday, April 14, 2023 12:57 - Spanish police have arrested 18 people after dismantling the largest cocaine lab in Europe, a highly sophisticated, multinational facility where teams of Colombian and Mexican experts worked around the clock to produce up to 200kg (440lbs) of the drug a day.


Trump EBS NESARA GESARA Decode - Thursday, April 13, 2023 16:06 -

 X22 Report - You Are Witnessing The Systematic Destruction Of The Old Guard! Down She Goes News! - Must Video - Thursday, April 13, 2023 19:18 - The [DS] is being pushed down the patriots want them to go. This is about exposing the [DS] plan to wake the people up. The leak timing is very interesting, the Biden admin and the fake news are reporting on it and they are going after the leaker with everything they have. JS is investigating all the crimes Biden and the [DS] has committed, how do you introduce evidence. What you are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard, and the old guard is fighting back with everything they have, all assets will be deployed this election. Down she goes.

MISES WIRE: Peace is Breaking Out in the Middle East…and Washington is Not Happy! – 4-13-23 – Ron Paul - While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and Washington is not at all happy about it! Take, for example, the recent mending of relations between Saudi Arabia and formerly bitter adversaries Iran and Syria.

MAIL ONLINE: Donald Trump reverses his decision to plead the Fifth and answers questions for SEVEN HOURS and 'boasts about extraordinary business success' in $250M business fraud deposition brought by New York AG Letitia James - Donald Trump was deposed on Thursday as part of a $250M fraud lawsuit - He answered questions for seven hours and said he was 'eager to testify' - Also named in the civil lawsuit are his children: Trump Jr., Eric and Ivanka - By NEIRIN GRAY DESAI FOR DAILYMAIL.COM and ASSOCIATED PRESS and NIKKI SCHWAB, SENIOR U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER - PUBLISHED: 21:28 EDT, 13 April 2023 | UPDATED: 08:16 EDT, 14 April 2023 -

Texas Governor Greg Abbottt is Looking to Pardon Daniel Perry- Jose Nino - Apr 14, 2023 - The government of Texas Governor Greg Abbott is currently looking to pardon Army Sergeant Daniel Perry for an act of self-defense that was ruled a murder. On July 25, 2020,  Perry was driving for Uber in downtown Austin, Texas. On that night, a Black Lives Matter protest kicked off on Congress Avenue and started to get rowdy. As Perry tried to turn his car onto Congress from Fourth Street, the car was surrounded by a mob of marchers. One of those demonstrators was Garrett Foster who was carrying an AK-47 rifle.

Bo Polny - Urgent Intel Updates: Important Dates You Need to Know (Video) - Friday, April 14, 2023 8:21 - Bo has some very urgent Intel updates to share with us and dates we all must pay close attention to… Things are heating up, Folks, it’s all coming to a head!

TUCKER CARLSON: This will make you sick to your stomach - Friday, April 14, 2023 7:57 - -

Trump @ War - Demons Know Who He Is And What He's Here For They Know Their Time Is Short - Friday, April 14, 2023 9:35 - Trump was born to complete the task that Jesus started. He knew the time would come to answer his calling to stand up and step in at this time in human history. Trump is not bound to any religious indoctrination and therefore he’s totally receptive to what has to be done so that our Heavenly Father’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

ATLAS SHRUGS - BRAYING FOR BLOOD: Media Celebrating Capture of Hero Kid Who Told the Truth About Ukraine - Friday, April 14, 2023 9:33 - In a stunning whiplash of a minute, the media colluding with government, has revealed the leaker of the biggest news story in recent memory:  US Special Forces are on the ground in Ukraine and Ukraine is losing the war, badly. With unfamiliar speed, it took less than 24 hours to track down the leaker (using illegal surveillance techniques) unlike the SCOTUS leaker, the Trump indictment leaker, the J6 pipe bomber, etc…..

Col Macgregor – Duty to Lie? US a country run by liars and lying; leaked docs, Austin, Generals - Friday, April 14, 2023 8:49 -

THE JERUSALEM POST: Israel seeks US support for IDF buildup as expert predicts Iran strike - The IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate informed the upper echelon on Thursday that Israel was closer to war than to a restoration of calm. - By TOVAH LAZAROFF Published: APRIL 13, 2023 22:32 - Updated: APRIL 14, 2023 08:02 -

ALPHA NEWS: North Dakota bans boys from playing in girls’ sports - Both bills were pushed through the state House and Senate chambers with large majorities, making it likely that the bills would have become law even without the governor’s signature. - By Alexa Schwerha -April 13, 2023 -

RAIR: Muslim Politicians Help Terror-Tied CAIR Seize Control of California State Capitol for Ramadan Event (Video) - By Amy Mek - April 14, 2023 - The attendance of Senator Wahab and Assemblyman Essayli, both with known affiliations to CAIR, at the controversial event raises serious questions about their dedication to upholding the Constitution. On April 12, 2023, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CA) hosted its 17th Annual Ramadan Iftar at the California State Capitol in Sacramento. The event generated controversy and outrage due to CAIR’s notorious reputation for promoting Islamic supremacy and its ties to terrorism. Yet, despite public condemnation, elected officials attended the event, raising serious questions about their judgment and commitment to protecting the interests of their constituents.

BREITBART: Report: U.S. Sees 32,000 Fewer Abortions 6 Months After Dobbs Decision - The United States saw 32,000 fewer abortions in the six months after the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade,  according to a report. The Society of Family Planning, a left-wing non-profit that “believe[s] in just and equitable abortion and contraception informed by science,” published its #WeCount report on Tuesday. The group describes the #WeCount report as a “national abortion reporting effort that aims to capture the shifts in abortion access by state” following the Dobbs decision.

THE TAP BLOG: Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of the Deep State – Regis Tremblay and Ed Curtin - Friday, April 14, 2023 10:09 - A totally riveting conversation with Ed Curtin about how Allen Dulles, his brother John Foster Dulles aided Hitler and Nazi Germany in WWII and master mined Operation Paper Clip which brought hundreds of Nazis to the US, Canada, Argentina and elsewhere and put them in high ranking position like Verner Von Braun, a Nazi, as the head of NASA.

THE EPOCH TIMES: Amish Farmer Threatened for Not Giving Up Traditional Farming - HEALTH VIEWPOINTS - By Joseph Mercola - Apr 13 2023 - Armed federal agents were used to threaten a traditional Amish farmer just 150 miles outside Washington, D.C., who does not use pesticides, fertilizer, or gas to run his farm. Amos Miller, an Amish farmer and owner of Miller’s Organic Farm just 150 miles from Washington, D.C., has been under the USDA’s microscope since at least 2015. (Comment: If a communist regime can do this to a Amish farmer are backyard gardeners who sell their produce at the local farmer’s market next? The sooner this government is taken down the better.)

AI Researcher Wants to Bomb Data Centers to Stop AI - Friday, April 14, 2023 12:57 - How worried should we be as a civilization about artificial intelligence, assuming we aspire to continue to exist? I recently sat for a podcast with Nicolas Creed and The Daily Bell editor Joe Jarvis to discuss the existential threat, or lack thereof, posed by unchecked AI.


Zechariah 14 – Fact or Fiction?

by Dr. David Reagan

Published on: December 7, 2012

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 14th 2023


When I was about 12 years old, I stumbled across Zechariah 14. It was an amazing discovery.


You see, I grew up in a church where we were told over and over that “there is not one verse in the Bible that even implies that Jesus will ever set His feet on this earth again.”


Simple Language

Well, Zechariah 14 not only implies that the Lord is coming back to this earth again, it says so point blank! The passage is written in simple language that any ten year old can understand.


It says that the Lord will return to this earth at a time when the Jews are back in the land of Israel and their capital city, Jerusalem, is under siege. Just as the city is about to fall, the Lord will return to the Mt. of Olives.


When His feet touch the ground, the mount will split in half. The remnant of Jews left in the city will take refuge in the cleavage of the mountain. The Lord will then speak a supernatural word, and the armies surrounding Jerusalem will be destroyed in an instant. Verse 9 then declares that on that day “the Lord will become king over all the earth.”


A Muddled Interpretation

When I first discovered this remarkable passage, I took it to my minister and asked him what it meant. I will never forget his response. He thought for a moment, and then He said, “Son I don’t know what it means, but I’ll guarantee you one thing: it doesn’t mean what it says!”


For years after that, I would show Zechariah 14 to every visiting evangelist who came to town preaching that Jesus would never return to this earth. I always received the same response: “It doesn’t mean what it says.” That response did not satisfy me.


A Sophisticated Interpretation

Finally, I ran across a minister who was a seminary graduate, and he gave me the answer I could live with. “Nothing in Zechariah means what it says,” he explained, “because the whole book is apocalyptic.”


Now, I didn’t have the slightest idea what “apocalyptic” meant. I didn’t know if it was a disease or a philosophy. But it sounded sophisticated, and, after all, the fellow was seminary graduate, so he should know.


A Discovery Experience

When I began to preach, I parroted what I had heard from the pulpit all my life. When I spoke on prophecy, I would always make the point that Jesus will never return to this earth. Occasionally, some person would come up after the sermon and ask, “What about Zechariah 14?” I would snap back at them with one word, “APOCALYPTIC!” They would usually run for the door in fright.


Then one day I sat down and read the whole book of Zechariah. And guess what? My entire argument went down the drain! I discovered that the book contains many prophecies about the first coming of Jesus, and I discovered that all those prophecies meant what they said. It suddenly occurred to me that if Zechariah’s first coming propheciesmeant what they said, then why don’t his second coming promises mean what they say?


The Plain Sense Rule

That was the day that I stopped playing games with God’s Prophetic Word. I started accepting it for its plain sense meaning. I decided that if the plain sense makes sense, I would look for no other sense, lest I end up with nonsense.


A good example of the nonsense approach is found in the book, The Millennium, by Loraine Boettner. He spiritualizes all of Zechariah 14. He argues that the Mt. of Olives is symbolic of the human heart surrounded by evil. When a person accepts Jesus as Savior, Jesus comes into the person’s life and stands on his “Mt. of Olives” (his heart). The person’s heart breaks in contrition (the cleaving of the mountain), and Jesus then defeats the enemy forces in the person’s life.


I would suggest that this theologian should be given an honorary doctorate in imagination! When people insist on spiritualizing the scriptures like this, then the scriptures end up meaning whatever they want them to mean.


Keys to Understanding

I believe God knows how to communicate. I believe He says what He means and means what He says. I don’t believe you have to have a doctorate in Hermeneutics to understand the Bible. The essentials, instead, are an honest heart and the filling of God’s Spirit.


I ask you: How do you treat Zechariah 14 – as fact or fiction?


Thus says the Lord: “I will return to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts will be called the Holy Mountain.” (Zechariah 8:3)

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