Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Living with an Eternal Perspective


Living with an Eternal Perspective - Families of Jan. 6 Political Prisoners - Putin Declares Conditions For Peace Talks – Trump & US Military - A Revolution is Coming - Citywide Curfew in Baltimore - 3 Wars Of The Apocalypse & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 11th 2023


 Kerry Cassidy & Robert Dean: Adrenochrome and Secret Space Revelations - Tuesday, April 11, 2023 15:27 - Kerry Cassidy talks about her latest 2 articles, “In the Event of War” and “Trump Gov in Exile: COG and the Tale of Two Presidents. Both articles deal with the fact that Trump is Commander-in-Chief, sworn in by the military March 2021 and based on the legal evidence the fact that Trump has by way of Continuity of Government created a Government in Exile. https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/04/kerry-cassidy-robert-dean-adrenochrome-and-secret-space-revelations-2540313.html

THE BLAZE: White House logs reveal George Soros' son has made at least 14 visits – NEWS - BY JOSEPH MACKINNON - April 11, 2023 - George Soros has proven himself instrumental in funding leftist causes over the years, but at the age of 92, the open society he has sought after needs a new champion. The billionaire's 37-year-old son, Alexander Soros, appears keen to carry on his father's legacy of propping up radicals and technocrats alike. Recently updated White House visitor logs have revealed that Alexander Soros has the ear of prominent officials and staffers inside the Biden administration, having visited the White House at least 14 times since President Joe Biden took office. https://www.theblaze.com/news/white-house-logs-reveal-george-soros-son-has-made-at-least-14-visits

New Gene Decode Breaking - Timeless Information - Tuesday, April 11, 2023 15:22 - GENE DECODE is a former U.S. Navy Decoder with highly valuable intel from the Deep-State agendas, elite bloodlines, Adrenochrome, satanic cults, and the D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases), to alien races, ancient civilizations buried underground, Antarctica, human harvesting, God, and The Great Awakening. https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/04/new-gene-decode-breaking-timeless-information-2540311.html

US Military News: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 11, 2023 - DAILY NEWS - By Divina Ellisson - 11 April, 2023 - https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-april-11-2023/

BLP: Families of Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Create Searchable Database with Transcripts From Court Proceedings - By Shane Trejo - Apr 10, 2023 - The families of Jan. 6 patriots who have been railroaded in an unconstitutional federal probe are getting truthful information about the court proceedings to the public. They have launched a website featuring a searchable database that allows individuals to review the transcripts from the court cases that have been an absolutely disgrace to the rule of law. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/families-of-jan-6-political-prisoners-create-searchable-database-with-transcripts-from-court-proceedings/

Russian President Vladimir Putin Declares Conditions For Peace Talks With Zelenskyy! - Must Video - Tuesday, April 11, 2023 9:36 - Ukraine war: Russia has declared its conditions as the West prepares the ground for peace talks. Russian Minister Sergey Lavrov said that any peace talks should be about a new world order.’ (Comment: By a new world order he means the global reset for NESARA/GESARA. BRICS means to get rid of the petro dollar and replace it with a universal payment method through the Quantum Financial System. The Global Currency Reset ‘GVR’ which was set to free humanity from debt while creating a new World of peace and prosperity.) https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2023/04/russian-president-vladimir-putin-declares-conditions-for-peace-talks-with-zelenskyy-must-video-2477870.html

Derek Johnson BIG Intel Stream 4.11.23: Trump US Military! - Must Video - Tuesday, April 11, 2023 9:21 - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/04/derek-johnson-big-intel-stream-4-11-23-trump-us-military-must-video-3659894.html

Restored Republic - Judy Byington: A Revolution is Coming! Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 11, 2023 (Video) - Tuesday, April 11, 2023 8:31 - https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/04/judy-byington-a-revolution-is-coming-restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-april-11-2023-video-3791327.html

ZERO HEDGE: Baltimore Mayor Calls For Citywide Curfew After All Hell Breaks Out - BY TYLER DURDEN - TUESDAY, APR 11, 2023 - 04:44 AM - All hell broke out on Sunday night in Baltimore City's Inner Harbor district when gunshots were heard, causing hundreds of spring break youngsters to scatter through the streets. The mayhem, captured on video, resembled an apocalyptic scene. As a result, Mayor Brandon Scott has proposed a citywide curfew for minors during the upcoming summer months. Baltimore City Police Commissioner Michael Harrison said more than 200 "young people" went running after gunfire rang out just 50 feet from police officers, according to Fox Baltimore. A 14yo and a 16yo suffered gunshot wounds. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/baltimore-mayor-calls-citywide-curfew-after-all-hell-breaks-out

ISRAEL 365 NEWS - Middle East Expert: Iran Planning Multi-Front Attack on Israel - “On that day, when Gog sets foot on the soil of Yisrael—declares Hashem—My raging anger shall flare up.” EZEKIEL 38:18 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - BY ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ - MIDDLE EAST - APRIL 10, 2023 - “A source I have known for years – an expatriate from the Middle East, a supporter of Israel, who lives in Europe and is in continuous contact with people in Iran and Iraq – conveyed to me his assessment that Iran is planning to launch a combined attack on Israel in the foreseeable future that will include all the forces at its disposal in the Arab countries.” https://www.israel365news.com/369409/middle-east-expert-iran-planning-multi-front-attack-on-israel/

ZERO HEDGE: The World Is Changing Before Our Eyes...BY TYLER DURDEN - MONDAY, APR 10, 2023 - 04:40 PM - Authored by Alasdair Macleod via GoldMoney.com - Time to trash Triffin - The dollar-based credit bubble is imploding, and emerging economies are seeking protection by accepting trade settlement in other currencies. The US policy of threatening regime change, currency destabilization, or other means of ensuring nations remain in its sphere of influence are now failing. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/world-changing-our-eyes

Cries of ‘Death to the Jews’ Heard at Pro-Palestinian Demonstration in Berlin - by Algemeiner Staff – April 10th 2023 - German police have launched an investigation following a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin over the weekend at which participants chanted “Death to the Jews” and “Death to Israel” — slogans proscribed under Germany’s stringent post-Holocaust laws to combat antisemitism. https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/04/10/cries-of-death-to-the-jews-heard-at-pro-palestinian-demonstration-in-berlin/

THE EPOCH TIMES: Communist China’s Genocide Against America - Mounting accusations and some evidence point to Beijing not only killing Americans with illicit fentanyl, but doing so intentionally. Intentionality is a key ingredient to the legal definition of genocide. The motive for the use of fentanyl, which 18 state attorneys general last year called a “weapon of mass destruction,” certainly exists. The United States is the strongest bulwark against the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) well-recognized goal of global hegemony. A weaker America through fewer Americans and mounting overdose health care costs of $1 trillion annually ease the CCP’s ascendancy. (Comment: It is time to prove that China is responsible by sending the killer drug by ship & plane to the coast of Mexico. We have the proof now my Intel states. It would be time to prosecute China at the Hague for crimes against humanity and make them pay for the lost lives the CCP has taken with their attempted genocide.) https://www.theepochtimes.com/communist-chinas-genocide-against-america_5183577.html

The 3 Wars Of The Apocalypse Are Getting Dangerously Close - April 9, 2023 by Michael - If you aren’t concerned by what has been happening around the globe the past few days, it is probably because you just aren’t paying attention.  Extreme violence has brought the Middle East to the brink of war, China has gotten very aggressive with Taiwan, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov just stated that the U.S. and Russia have now reached a “hot phase” of the conflict in Ukraine.  What I am going to share with you in this article is so important, because we have reached a point where literally three different major wars could erupt at any moment.  Just one would be bad enough, but if all three were to happen simultaneously we could potentially be facing a truly apocalyptic scenario very rapidly…. https://endoftheamericandream.com/the-3-wars-of-the-apocalypse-are-getting-dangerously-close/

NTEB: The Dalai Lama Is A Minister Of Satan Who Takes Delight In Sexually Abusing Young Boys, Telling One To ‘Suck My Tongue’ In Horror Video - Published 21 hours ago on April 10, 2023 - By Geoffrey Grider - In the Bible, Jesus while praying to God addresses Him as ‘Holy Father’, and that is something that He absolutely is, holy. Outside of the Bible, you have many groups and religious leaders like the Pope in Rome and the Dalai Lama who demand people refer to them as ‘your holiness’, and nothing could be further from the truth. The Roman Catholic Church is called the “Whore of Babylon” in the Bible, and Catholic priests have molested young children in the hundreds of thousands. The Dalai Lama recently molested a young boy while the cameras rolled, instructing him to ‘suck my tongue’ is shocking video burning up Twitter at the moment. Call that scumbag ‘his holiness’? Don’t think so. What does Matthew 23:9 say? Let's read what He said: "Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven." https://www.christiantoday.com/article/jesus-said-do-not-call-anyone-on-earth-your-father-what-did-he-mean/125111.htm

How’s That War Going? - Tuesday, April 11, 2023 11:09 - Do you mean the war over in Ukraine? Or the US government’s war against its own people? Well, the first one, the Ukraine War, is mostly destroying Europe — though, apparently, the denizens of Germany, Holland, et al., haven’t figured that out yet. Europe’s industrial economy is toast without affordable Russian natural gas supplies. We turned off their pipeline for that in September and nobody in Europe objected. They just sucked it up and went back to smoking cigarettes at their café tables. https://beforeitsnews.com/financial-markets/2023/04/hows-that-war-going-4731470.html

Lucifer Dethroned - By William Schnoebelen - Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd -  HE WAS A SATANIST! Payment was due… But when a Christian bank clerk saw his check to the Church of Satan and began praying for him, William Schnoebelen's life suddenly fell apart. His incredible occult powers failed. He lost his job - was evicted from his home - Everything went wrong! Because one Christian woman dared to PRAY - a high-ranking Satanist came face to face with the ONLY AUTHORITY greater than the dark lord he served! WITNESS what the devil can do to a man - and what Jesus Christ can do for that man to shatter profound chains of spiritual despair. If a man possessed by demons and blood lust - headed for murder - can be set free and transformed by Jesus Christ NO ONE is beyond Salvation and Deliverance! THIS BOOK EXPOSES the dark origins and inner-workings of Satanism today - From "above ground" groups like the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set to the infernal depths of secret, hard-core satanic cults. LEARN Spiritual Warfare and how to PRAY against dark powers behind witchcraft and black magic - evidence that NOTHING compares to the power of the Blood shed on the Cross of Calvary and LEARN how to WITNESS the GOSPEL effectively to pagans, witches and Satanists! Since his miraculous salvation in Yahushua (Jesus Christ) over 30 years ago, Dr. William Schnoebelen has faithfully served Elohim & pressed into the calling and anointing of the Almighty, teaching Scriptural revelation to the Body of Messiah and ministering to the lost. A prayer warrior, counselor, Scriptural scholar and author, he founded With One Accord Ministries in 1992 and has traveled the world teaching, preaching and sharing the Gospel. An authority on alternative religions, cults and the occult, before his salvation Bill spent sixteen years as a teacher and high priest of witchcraft, Spiritism and ceremonial magic. A former Satanist & Druidic high priest, the Almighty has used Dr. Bill's past to teach Spiritual Warfare and Minister to the lost. Lucifer Dethroned - By William Schnoebelen Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd - Order Here: https://www.amazon.com/Lucifer-Dethroned-Story-William-Schnoebelen-




 Living with an Eternal Perspective

by Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: October 7, 2013

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 11th 2023


What is your attitude toward this world? There’s a gospel song by Albert Brumley that always challenges me to examine my attitude toward the world. The first verse goes as follows:


This world is not my home,

I’m just a passing through.

My treasures are laid up

Somewhere beyond the blue.

The angels beckon me

From heaven’s open door,

And I can’t feel at home

In this world anymore.


Do those words express your feeling about this world? What words would you use? Enthusiastic or uncomfortable? Enamored or alienated? Do you feel at home or do you feel like a stranger?

A Personal View

Let me ask your indulgence for a moment as I share my personal feeling about this world. The word I would use is “hate.” Yes, I hate this world. I hate it with a passion so strong and so intense that I find it difficult to express in words.


Now, let me hasten to clarify my feeling by stating that I do not hate God’s beautiful and marvelous creation.


I have been privileged to marvel over the majesty of the Alps. I have been awed by the rugged beauty of Alaska. I never cease to be amazed by the creative wonders of God in the great American Southwest. I have been blessed to see the incredible beauty of Cape Town, South Africa. And I have been overwhelmed time and time again by the stark and almost mystical bareness of the Judean wilderness in Israel.


When I say that I “hate” this world, I’m not speaking of God’s creation. I’m speaking, instead, of the evil world system that we live in.


Let me give you some examples of what I’m talking about:


I hate a world where thousands of babies are murdered every day in their mother’s wombs.

I hate a world where young people in the prime of life have their lives destroyed by illicit drugs.

I hate a world that coddles criminals and makes a mockery of justice.

I hate a world that glorifies crime in its movies and television programs.

I hate a world that applauds indecent and vulgar performers like Madonna.

I hate a world where government tries to convert gambling from a vice to a virtue.

I hate a world in which professional athletes are paid over a million dollars a year while hundreds of thousands sleep homeless in the streets every night.

I hate a world where people judge and condemn one another on the basis of skin color.

I hate a world that calls evil good by demanding that homosexuality be recognized as a legitimate, alternative lifestyle.

I hate a world in which mothers are forced to work while their children grow up in impersonal day care centers.

I hate a world in which people die agonizing deaths from diseases like cancer and AIDS.

I hate a world where families are torn apart by alcohol abuse.

I hate a world where every night I see reports on the television news of child abuse, muggings, kidnappings, murders, terrorism, wars, and rumors of wars.

I hate a world that uses the name of my God, Jesus, as a curse word.

I hope you understand now what I mean when I say, “I hate this world!”

Jesus’ Viewpoint

But how I personally feel about this world is not important. The crucial point for you to consider is the biblical view. Let’s look at it, and as we do so, compare the biblical view with your own.


Let’s begin with the viewpoint that Jesus told us we should have. It is recorded in John 12:25 — “He who loves his life loses it; and he who hates his life in this world shall keep it to life eternal.”


Those are strong words. They are the kind that cause us to wince and think, “Surely He didn’t mean what He said.” But the context indicates that Jesus meant exactly what He said. So, what about it? Do you hate your life in this world or do you love it?

The Viewpoint of the Apostles

The apostle Paul gave a very strong warning about getting comfortable with the world. In Romans 12:2 he wrote: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” How do you measure up to this exhortation?


Are you conformed to the world? Have you adopted the world’s way of dress? What about the world’s way of speech or the world’s love of money? Are your goals the goals of the world — power, success, fame, and riches?


The brother of Jesus expressed the matter in very pointed language. He said, “Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4).


Are you a friend of the world? Are you comfortable with what the world has to offer in music, movies, television programs and best selling books? Friendship with the world is hostility toward God!


In fact, James puts it even stronger than that, for at the beginning of the passage I previously quoted (James 4:4), he says that those who are friendly with the world are spiritual adulterers.


The apostle John makes the same point just as strongly in 1 John 2:15-16:


Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.


There is no way to escape the sobering reality of these words. Do you love the world? If so, the love of the Father is not in you!

The Focus of Your Mind

Paul tells us how to guard against becoming comfortable with the world. In Colossians 3:2 he says, “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” In Philippians 4:8 he expresses the same admonition in these words:


Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let you mind dwell on these things.


As these verses indicate, one of the keys to living a triumphant life in Christ — to living a joyous and victorious life in the midst of a world wallowing in despair — is to live with a conscious eternal perspective.


I have personally found this to be so important that I carry a reminder of it in my shirt pocket at all times. It is a small card that was sent to me in 1988 by the great prophetic preacher, Leonard Ravenhill. The card says, “Lord, keep me eternity conscious.”


What does that mean? In the words of Peter, that means living as “aliens and strangers” in this world (1 Peter 2:11). Similarly, in the words of the writer of Hebrews, it means living as “strangers and exiles” on this earth (Hebrews 11: 13). Paul put it this way: “Do not set your minds on earthly things, for our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:19-20).


The great Christian writer, C.S. Lewis, explained that to live with an eternal perspective means “living as commandos operating behind the enemy lines, preparing the way for the coming of the Commander-in-Chief.”

What is Your Attitude?

Are you focused on this world? Are you attached to it, or do you have a sense of the fact that you are only passing through, heading for an eternal home?


This life is transitory. This life is only a prelude to eternity. The song writer, Tillit S. Teddlie put it all in perspective when he wrote:


Earth holds no treasures

But perish with using,

However precious they be;

Yet there’s a country

To which I am going:

Heaven holds all to me.


Why should I long

For the world with its sorrows,

When in that home o’er the sea,

Millions are singing

The wonderful story?

Heaven holds all to me.

Heaven holds all to me,

Brighter its glory will be;

Joy without measure

Will be my treasure:

Heaven holds all to me.





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