Friday, April 7, 2023

Name of Jesus Holds Incredible Power


Who Is the Antichrist? - Deep State Subpoenas Issued - Name of Jesus Holds Incredible Power - The Quantum Financial System - Mel K & Author Floyd Brown - Charlie Ward & Tom Numbers with Tyler Perry - Black Hawks Down & White Hats Killed - ATLAS SHRUGS & INSURRECTION - good news out of Cali for a change & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 7th 2023


X22 Report - Another Move Was Just Made On The Deep State! Subpoenas Issued! Traitors! Those Awake Can See! - Must Video - Thursday, April 6, 2023 20:33 - The [DS] is panicking, they have used everything against Trump, now all they have left is a case that is so far out there that people are going to wake up knowing that this has nothing to do with the law, this is a political hit on Trump. Jordan issues subpoenas. RFK enters the ring, the [DS] is in trouble, the push to remove Biden is on, they will fight back and go after RFK, but lets see how this turns out, will the [DS] take out Biden.

BIBLE STUDY TOOLS: The Name of Jesus Holds Incredible Power - By Frank Santora Pastor - March 31, 2023 - At these times when we are tempted to lose our faith and hope, we need to remember that God will engineer a rematch in such cases, and He has rigged the outcome by giving us an unbeatable weapon – His name. We believers have been given an amazing gift, the authority in His name to pray and to exercise His power in this world. The name of Jesus carries inherent power to cause every adverse thing to bow, and will pull you out of whatever you’ve been stuck in.

Mel K & Author Floyd Brown | Counterpunch - It's Time to Take Back America | 4-4-23 -

NESARA/GESARA NEWS: QFS The Quantum Financial System - Truth is, the QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for some time and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds.

ZERO HEDGE: "The Last War We Can Afford To Fight": Tucker Carlson Sounds Alarm Over De-Dollarization, Slams Biden Admin For Pissing Off World - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, APR 06, 2023 - 09:25 AM - As we've noted several times of late, a growing number of countries are threatening the US dollar's status as the global reserve currency by conducting global trade without it - you know, the thing Saddam and Gaddafi threatened to do before they were 'liberated' from their mortal coils for other stated reasons. Fox News host Tucker Carlson has picked up on this, big time, noting that the process began after the Biden administration started wielding the dollar as a political weapon by freezing US dollars held by Russians. Carlson cites an article from the Daily Caller, in which authors E.J. Antoni and Peter St. Onge write:

Charlie Ward & Tom Numbers with Tyler Perry: Exclusive Trump Intel Updates (Video) - Friday, April 7, 2023 7:56 - Charlie, Tom, and Tyler have exclusive Trump Intel info to share with us.. Things are happening now, Folks, just like we all said it would and here we are!! Hear what could be next on the enemy’s sinister agenda!

REAL RAW NEWS: Black Hawks Down, White Hats Killed - REAL RAW NEWS UPDATE w/ Michael Baxter - Friday, April 7, 2023 8:06 - This war is very real. Countless brave warriors are engaged in not only a spiritual battle, but also a physical battle of good vs. evil. Perhaps one day we will learn of the tactics and operations this army of heroes utilized to save the world. Until then we have the courageous work of Real Raw News dot com. Michael Baxter quantifies and shares the results of this ongoing saga – which I anxiously await every day…

ATLAS SHRUGS - INSURRECTION: First of Three Radical Tennessee Democrats EXPELLED FROM LEGISLATURE! – Democrats Meltdown (VIDEO) - Friday, April 7, 2023 8:09 - Expelled? Why aren’t they rotting in jail in sub-human conditions for their insurrection?

CITY FARMER NEWS: Family Reveals How They Grow 6,000 Pounds Of Food A Year On Just 1/10 Of An Acre - Friday, April 7, 2023 9:22 - Their secret: “bio-intensive, regenerative practices,” which amplify the nutrients and bacteria in the soil.

CHRISTIAN PATRIOT NEWS: Breaking! Trump Just ReTruthed, Covfefe: The Simplicity, Complexity & Genius of The Q Plan, in a Word! - Friday, April 7, 2023 8:55 - We are the enemy of Big Tech, Big Money and Big Media. Together, let’s expose the lies of the enemy. Impart a little truth every day. Especially the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord! -

MAIL ONLINE: Water, water everywhere! Stunning photos show how historic California storms have refilled once-depleted reservoirs in drought-prone Golden State - California has experienced at least 11 atmospheric rivers this year, leading to a significant amount of rain and snowfall - The weather system has replenished the state's once-depleted reservoirs after years of drought - 12 of California's 17 major reservoirs are filled above their historical averages for the start of spring - By PAUL FARRELL FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 00:32 EDT, 7 April 2023 | UPDATED: 01:21 EDT, 7 April 2023 – (Comment: wow some good news out of Cali for a change.)

HAL TURNER SHOW: Finally, some GOOD News: "No MRNA Vaccines are Licensed for Use in Beef Cattle" – NATION - By HAL TURNER - 06 APRIL 2023 - Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) released a statement in regard to false information circulating on social media about the use of mRNA vaccines in cattle: “There are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the United States. Cattle farmers and ranchers do vaccinate cattle to treat and prevent many diseases, but presently none of these vaccines include mRNA technology.” -

GATEWAY PUNDIT: Macron Fails to Charm Xi Jinping, While France Descends Into Chaos – Protesters Storm Streets, Lay Siege to BlackRock Building in Paris! - By Paul Serran Apr. 6, 2023 2:55 pm - While nanopresident Emmanuel Macron is in China carefully minding Ukraine’s business, back home in France the social upheaval continues to spiral out of control. In this Thursday (April 6th), the 11th round of protests against the Pension Reform saw roads, ports and refineries blocked, and multiple confrontations between the protesters and the security forces. Mobilization is ongoing in many major cities throughout the country. As much as 299 public buildings and 132 parliamentary offices have been targeted, with protesters going as far as walling up some buildings, or piling manure in the entrances. (Comment: April riots in France, gee imagine that! This time it is so serious Macron has fled for his life, on the run just like Obama. Macron, a forerunner of the Antichrist, will be caught eventually and brought to trial for crimes against humanity. Rumors of bringing back the guillotine especially for him have swept Europe. Justice is coming soon.)

Former D20 student accused of planning attacks on three campuses - Elbert Co Sheriff's Office makes arrest based on call from concerned family member - By: Aidan Hulting - Posted at 11:47 AM, Apr 06, 2023 and last updated 2023-04-07 01:10:13-04 - ELBERT COUNTY — A former District 20 student is facing attempted murder charges on allegations of planning attacks on three schools in Colorado Springs, according to the 18th Judicial District Attorney's Office.

NTEB: A four-year investigation of Baltimore’s Roman Catholic archdiocese reveals the scope of 80 years of child sex abuse and torture by priests and how church officials often covered it up and, in some cases, paved the way for further abuse. - Published 22 hours ago on April 6, 2023 - By Geoffrey Grider - While it is true that you will see this type of depraved activity taking place in some Protestant and Baptist churches, nothing comes close to the level on which it takes place within the cloistered walls of the Roman Catholic Church. Not only that, the Catholic Church at its highest levels, the Vatican, has always known about the child sex abuse going on, and they have all, Pope Francis included, worked to cover it up to some degree. The Catholic Church is filled to overflowing with pedophile priests, and they seem to like it that way because they don’t work to stop it.

SG Anon: Situation Update - "The Storm Is Coming" 4/7/2023 (Video) - Friday, April 7, 2023 11:47 - It’s coming NOW! The storm of retribution is HERE and it’s gonna blow everything UP! It’s all coming to a head and We the People are tired of the constant corruption and lies!

THE DAN BONGINO SHOW - The Trans Agenda Exposed! - Dan Bongino Live Stream - Friday, April 7, 2023 11:01 -




 Who Is the Antichrist?

By Dr. Tom Horn

You will be told exactly who he is in this article.

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 7th 2023


The vast majority of evangelical Christians living today believe that we are in what the Bible calls the last days or end times. That is, they recognize that the signs we were told would usher in this period are all occurring right now. Central to the topic of the end times and the beginning of the Apocalypse is the emergence of a political leader who is to rule the world during this horrific period. He is commonly known as the Antichrist.


Speculation about who this man might be is ongoing with the passage of time and events. Many evangelical Christians presently believe the one who will plunge the world into the bloody events of the Apocalypse, which will end in the last battle prophesied in the book of Revelation, the battle of Armageddon is closer than most comprehend.


Antichrist’s Identity Revealed in Scripture


Many of the commentators, writers, and end-times experts who are interested in this topic fail to look for answers about the identity of this coming evil ruler in the one place that can be trusted above all else: the Holy Writ. I am about to make a solemn declaration here, one that may come as a surprise to many people: The name of the Antichrist, his present whereabouts, and the timing of his emergence onto the world stage are clearly given in the plain text of Scripture. That is correct. Commentators, and Bible scholars, and end-times experts have failed to see that the identity of the Antichrist and his present abode are provided for any who have eyes to see and ears to hear. The information is hidden in plain sight in the book of Revelation and elsewhere. When we go to the Word and accept what the Spirit has to say on this subject, there is no more need for loose speculation and the opinions.


Quite a lot of information is given in the Bible that allows us to paint a full picture of the coming Antichrist and the activities he and his accomplices will be involved in. The book of Daniel provides many parallel prophecies that back up and validate those given in the book of Revelation. Much other information regarding the Apocalypse is written in the Gospels, as well as in some of the Epistles. By piecing together all the various pieces if the jigsaw, we can assemble a clear picture of this man and of the events that will take place during his reign. I will deal with just some of these issues in this essay.


Sticking to the Truth


But first things first. I shall not be engaging in mere speculation here. I will be going to the Scriptures and allowing them to interpret themselves so that the Word of truth may be magnified, and so that we do not stray from that narrow path. To illustrate the necessity for sticking with these simple truths, I would like to quote a lesson from the Master himself in a passage in Matthew 16:


[Jesus] asked his disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of man, am?” And they said, “Some say that thou art John the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”


He saith unto them, “But who say ye that I am?”


And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”


And Jesus answered and said unto him, “Blessed are thou Simon Barjona; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven…”


…From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again, the third day.


Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, “Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.”


But he turned and said unto Peter: “Get thee behind me Satan, for thou art and offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men” (Matthew 16:14-17, 21-23).


This passage contains some very important lessons that we must grasp before we continue. Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was. Peter gave the correct answer, and Jesus praised him, telling him that it was by way of revelation from God himself that Peter had received this knowledge. Jesus then began to explain that He must fulfil prophecy by going to Jerusalem, suffering at the hands of the religious leaders, and dying before being raised from the dead.


At this, Peter lost the run of himself, and more or less said, “No way is this going to happen while I am around to protect you.” Then Jesus looked Peter square in the eyes and said, “Get thee behind me Satan. Thou art an offense unto me; for thou savorest not the things that are of God, but those that are of men” (v. 23).


Whew! What a turnaround! One minute, Peter was the cock of the walk because Jesus had praised him for his spiritual insight and had given him the keys to the kingdom (verses 18,19). Next thing, He hit him right between the eyes with, “Satan is working through you; you are more interested in man’s opinions than the Word of God,” or words to that effect. So Peter went from hero to zero within a couple of minutes.


The lesson here is this: The way of truth is a very narrow path. Jesus was the Word made flesh. He spoke the Word of truth because he was truth. So when He began to explain to His disciples what had to come to pass in order that man’s redemption could be attained, He was speaking God’s truth. And the truth is a narrow path. But when Peter reacted as he did, he was using his five senses and going directly against the revealed Word of truth. Thus, he was in error.


As soon as we start to stray from the simple teaching of Scripture and begin to put forth our own opinions, we make the same mistake Peter made. Thus, the Lord’s rebuke to us might be the same as it was to his disciple: “Get you behind me Satan.” He can say that because when we stray off the narrow path of truth, the half-truths or speculation we perpetrate—if we are to take Jesus at face value—are satanic in nature. When we exit the path of truth, we are in error.


I say this because in this essay, I will be sticking to the plain teaching of Scripture. And although I am fully aware that the prophecies of the book of Revelation can be difficult to understand, some of them are quite simple when all the dots are joined in a reasoned fashion. I believe the Scriptures that point to the identity of the Antichrist and what his name is are relatively easy to decode when laid out in a logical sequence. That is what I shall attempt to do here.


Biblical References to Antichrist


Scripture provides various names for the person we call the Antichrist. In fact, the word “antichrist” only appears in the Bible twice, and these instances are found in John’s first epistle:


“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists, by which we know that it is the last time. … Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son” (1 John 2:18, 22).


It is interesting to note that neither of these mentions of the word “antichrist” has the definite article “the” before them. Yet we talk of “the Antichrist” as if there are many usages of this word throughout the Bible, thus giving this name a certain kudos.


The epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians provides us with three other names given to this Antichrist: “Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. …And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming” (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4, 8).


Here the Antichrist is called the “man of sin,” the “son of perdition,” and “that wicked (or lawless one).” In the book of Daniel, he is referred to as “a little horn” (Daniel 7:8).


Now here is the rub: We talk of “the antichrist” even though “antichrist” is used only twice in the Bible in 1 John. These other terms are seldom used except in dissertations or books on this coming world leader. Yet in the book of Revelation, this same man is given a different name, and is called many times in nine separate chapters by that same title. Yet commentators seldom refer to him by the name the Spirit puts on him. Also, it is in this name that the person of the Antichrist is identified and his proper name is given. The present whereabouts of this character is also provided within the name appointed him in the book of Revelation.


Jesus’ Interesting Activity


Before I present this name, I want to lay some enigmatic verses before you that are very pertinent to this study and to understanding who this Antichrist is. First, we examine a passage in 1 Peter that concerns something Christ Jesus did after His resurrection from the dead and before His ascension into heaven. Jesus says: “By whom also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, Who at one time were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing…” (2 Peter 3:19, 20).


This verse is sadly overlooked. It tells us that Jesus, in His supernatural risen body, went to the “spirits” in prison and “preached” to them! It also tells us that it was these same spirits that were disobedient in the days while Noah was building the ark. That is, they were active in the years preceding the Flood of Noah.


The Greek word for “preached” here is kerusso, which means “heralded.” That is, Jesus heralded or announced His triumph over these spirits that were disobedient in the years before the Flood.


2 Peter 2:4,5  is linked and provides another couple of parts of the puzzle: “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto the judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah, the eighth person…bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly.”


Here we are told that the angels who sinned are cast down to a place called Tartarus, which is the Greek word in the text given for “hell.” This passage states that these angels are “reserved unto the judgment.” Many times the Day of the Lord—or the time called Tribulation—is referred to as “the day of judgment.” This also connects these angels with the time of the Flood.


These angels are the spirits to whom Jesus went and announced His triumph, for angels are spirit beings. (“But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand…Are they not all ministering spirits…” [Hebrews 1:13,14]). Their sin is the same as the disobedience mentioned in 1 Peter. And the “Tartarus” and “chains of darkness” referred to here are the same as the prison mentioned earlier.


Where the Angels Are


Yet another part of the conundrum is found in Jude 6: “And the angels that kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”


The extra piece of information we are given here regarding these same angels is that they “kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.” “Their first estate” and “their own habitation” is heaven, for heaven is the original abode of these angels.


This copper-fastens the previous two passages, which is a startling truth that few Christians are aware of and that most commentators gloss over or ignore. To summarize: There are angels locked up in a gloomy prison called Tartarus. They are imprisoned there because they left their “first estate,” heaven, and were disobedient and sinned in the years before the Flood in the days of Noah.


Furthermore, and another amazing truth, Jesus himself, after He had been raised from the dead and while still on this earth, went to this place called Tartarus and announced His triumph to these spirits who are angels. My goodness! It must be an important truth for us to know, if Jesus himself went down to these spirit men and heralded His triumph over them in His new spiritual body. This truth is borne out in a verse from Ephesians. Again speaking of Jesus, it says:


“Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?” (Ephesians 4:9). This is not referring to the burial of Jesus when He died, for His body was laid in a tomb that was on level ground. No, this is referring to Jesus travelling to this prison where the angels are kept, which we can deduce from this verse as being in “the lower parts of the earth.” Jesus could go this place only because He had a new, glorious body that He received after He was raised from death. We are to receive similar new spiritual bodies when He returns. These verses Paul wrote explain it well: “Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).


That this prison holding these angels is called Tartarus is itself interesting, for it is so-called only once in Scripture. But the name gives us a hint as to its occupants, as Tartarus is a famous name used in early Greek mythology to refer to the place where the gods of legend are imprisoned. (We shall return to this later.)


So this gloomy prison called Tartarus is not out in space in some black hole somewhere, but is in the lower parts of the earth. That is, it is down below our feet somewhere in the bowels of this planet. What an amazing revelation, yet so few have ever gleaned these truths even though they have been right under our noses all these years.


The Abyss


I want to present one more passage before we reveal the name of the Antichrist. This is from Luke 8:26-39, and it concerns the time Jesus was confronted by a man who was possessed by many demons. The man was always cutting himself with stones and crying aloud, and he lived in the tombs. When bound with chains, he would even break the iron. When he met Jesus, the demons cried out: “‘What have I to do with thee, Jesus, Son of God Most High? I beseech thee, torment me not.’ … And Jesus asked him, saying, ‘What is thy name?’ And he said; ‘Legion;’ Because many demons were entered into him” (Luke 8:28, 30).


There were about six thousand men in a Roman legion. Note what the demons said when Jesus was casting out the unclean spirits: “And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep” (v. 31).


The Greek word for “deep” here is abussos. This literally translates as “the abyss.” So the demons did not want to be cast into the abyss. We will shortly see that this abyss is the same place the other spirits—those who left heaven and sinned in the years prior to the flood in the days of Noah—are imprisoned. And it was to this abyss that Jesus went in His risen body to herald His triumph to these same angels.


Antichrist’s Identity


Now to the book of Revelation and just who the Antichrist is. As already stated, nine chapters in Revelation refer to the man we call the Antichrist. But in Revelation, he is given a different name. He is called “the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit.”


Revelation 11 foretells of the two witnesses who will evangelize on behalf of God during the coming Apocalypse. These prophets have the power to shut up heaven so there is no rain, and anyone who tries to harm them is devoured by fire from the prophets’ mouths. For three and a half years, they prophesy on behalf of God and are a thorn in the side of the Antichrist and his one-world government. But the beast has the power to kill them: “And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them” (Revelation 11:7).


Throughout nine chapters, the man we call the Antichrist is defined as “the beast,” and in the above verse he is called “the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit.” In fact, the name “beast” is used thirty-seven times in the book of Revelation. So what is the background of this beast, and why is he given this title? Let’s go to Chapter 9 to assess the full picture: “The fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key to the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose a smoke out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power” (Revelation 9:1-3).


Let us examine these words more closely. The first thing to notice is that a “star” falls from heaven to earth. This is not a regular star, because stars do not originate in heaven, they do not carry keys, and they do not fall to earth. What we call a falling star is actually a small piece of matter burning up as it hurtles through earth’s atmosphere from space. The word “star” here is used as a metaphor for an angel. This star has the key to the bottomless pit and unlocks it. This denotes a place of incarceration.


Then what happens?


Locusts come out of the smoke that arises from the bottomless pit. These locusts are given power “as the scorpions of the earth have power.” Now what do these words mean? To unravel this mystery, we go back to Luke 10, to the story of Jesus sending out seventy of His disciples to teach and preach in His name. When they return, this is what they report: “And the seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject unto us through thy name.’ And He said unto them, ‘I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give you power to thread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy…Notwithstanding, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you…’” (Luke 10:17-20, emphasis added).


The context of this passage is that devils (demons), Satan, serpents, scorpions, and spirits were subject to the disciples through Jesus’ name. Jesus replied with a prophetic utterance about Satan and told them they had power over “serpents and scorpions,” whom He defined as the enemy. Then He further elaborated on these by stating that these scorpions and serpents were “spirits”—that is, “the spirits are subject unto you.”


Now we know who the enemy is: Satan, his serpents, and scorpions, which are spirits. Angels are spirits. The main serpent is Satan himself, a fallen angel, for he is called that twice in Revelation. Here is one instance: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil; and Satan…” (Revelation 12:9).


So, here we have the names of animals and insects, given as metaphors, to mean various beings. Dragon, serpent, scorpion, and locust. Near the beginning of Luke 10, Jesus said: “…behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:3). Again we see the use of names of animals as metaphors for beings. The lambs are His disciples and the wolves are the demons, scorpions, and serpents that are spirits, or evil angels.







The Antichrist’s Name Revealed


Thus returning to Revelation 9, we can now deduce that the locusts released from the bottomless pit are spirits that are now given power—just as the scorpions, or evil angels, presently have power on this earth. To prove that these locusts are indeed spirit beings or angels, let’s jump down to verse 11 of this same chapter. Now study the words in this coming verse very closely. For not only does this verse verify that these locusts are evil fallen angels, but it gives the name of their leader: “And they had a king over them, who is the angel of the bottomless pit,  whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon” (Revelation 9:11, emphasis added).


Eureka! Can anything be plainer? We are told here that the king of the locusts is an angel. And we have concluded that the locusts also are angels that are evil spirit beings. But there’s more: This king from the bottomless pit throughout Revelation is called “the beast” and “the beast who ascends out of the bottomless pit.” This is the Antichrist and his name is… Barack Obama? No. Stalin? No. Hitler? No? Some rich Saudi prince? No. The leader of the European Union? No. Tony Blair? No. The Pope? Negative. All wrong!


The Spirit expressly states here that the man we commonly call the Antichrist is an angel and a king (ruler) who presently resides in the bottomless pit, but who will one day arise from this abyss. His name is Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. This is the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit and overcomes and kills the two witnesses. That is why he is called the beast from the abyss or bottomless pit, because that is exactly what he is. He is the king or ruler of those angels who left their first estate and who are incarcerated in Tartarus because of their activities on earth in the thousand or so years before to the Flood of Noah. These are the same spirits whom Jesus presented himself to in His glorified body after His resurrection and before His ascension.


So these beings must be important. If Jesus saw fit to visit these evil angels and herald His triumph before them, then we cannot blow off these truths and ignore them because they interfere with our theology. These verses are telling us exactly who the Antichrist is and where he presently resides. We are told when he will emerge from this abyss, and we are given his two names. Can it be simpler? Can it be plainer? I think not. The Antichrist is not a flesh-and-blood politician. He is not a human who is alive as we speak and is being groomed to take his position as world leader when the Apocalypse begins.


Antichrist’s Nature


The Antichrist is a spirit being, a supernatural, powerful angel who is locked up in the gloomy prison called Tartarus, or the bottomless pit, along with a band of other fallen angels. But remember: Angels are men. Everywhere in Scripture where angels appear, they are called “men.” They look like ordinary humans. They eat, drink, and wear clothes just as we do. People have entertained angels unawares. When two angels went to visit Lot and his family in Sodom, all the men of that city wanted to gang-rape them. So they must have been regular-looking guys. But their nature is spirit, which allows them accomplish feats that we mere mortals cannot.


The fact that angels are men is borne out several times in Genesis and in the writings of Paul and others. We are told in Genesis, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness … So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:26, 27). So we look like them, and they look like us. Except they are celestial beings and we are of this earth. When the beast from the abyss appears on the world stage, he will be the “man of sin” and the “son of perdition” just as Paul describes. But he will possess powers far beyond those of any human politician. Paul tells us, “Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish…” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).


This beast is able to perform supernatural signs, miracles, and wonders. No human politician has exhibited these feats, and no human ever will. Some may argue that a human could be possessed by Satan to perform miracles. This might be so. But when these gods manifested on the earth in the years before Noah, it was they themselves who appeared and carried out their sinful doings.


When we read through the book of Revelation, we see another beast mentioned. This one is called the False Prophet, and he too performs signs and wonders on behalf of the Antichrist and by the power of the dragon. He even orders that an image of the beast from the abyss be erected, and then he has the power to make the image come alive and speak. Can anyone really believe a human politician or religious leader who is presently in existence could accomplish this? But these two are going to perform many spellbinding, fake miracles that will deceive almost all the population of the whole world. At one point, this beast receives a fatal wound. That possibly suggests he will be assassinated. But he will be raised from death by the power of the dragon before the eyes of the world. This is a counterfeit resurrection. Then all people of all the nations of the world will worship the beast and give their allegiance to him.


What you have just read is a unique truth. For I have pointed out to you from Scripture what very few Christians know or understand. By joining together the dots of some obscure and often-ignored passages in Scripture, and by linking these together in order to present a clear picture, we have seen what few have yet discovered. I understand that when new light is presented, sometimes it hurts the eyes at first, and can be hard to focus. But I am confident that those who take the time to ponder the passages covered and search the Scriptures for themselves will arrive at the same conclusions.


Fallen Angels before the Flood


Now to add some color to the sketch we’ve already drawn, it is necessary to go back to the time before the Flood, in the days of Noah, to see exactly what happened there and find out what the original angels did that caused them to be put into Tartarus. These are the angels who left heaven, their first estate, and fell to earth and sinned. This record is in Genesis 6: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. … There were giants [nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them; the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Genesis 6:1-2, 4). I will paraphrase here because of space constraints. Basically, the “sons of God” are angels. This phrase appears eight times in the Old Testament, and it is clear from these references that the sons of God are angels. But they’re not good angels. These sons of God were created spirit beings who rebelled with Satan and tried to overthrow the Most High God in a military coup in the distant past. These angels are called nephilim, a Hebrew word that the majority of Hebrew scholars agree literally means “the fallen ones.” Hence, the nephilim were fallen angels, because they fell from grace, fell from heaven, and fell to earth. They took human women as wives who bore children for them. But these were no ordinary offspring; they were giants, and were extremely evil.


The next few verses in Genesis 6 report that the earth became filled with violence and bloodshed. According to my calculations, these angels fell to earth circa one thousand years before the Flood, which happened in 2348 BC. These nephilim so infected and affected the whole DNA of the human race at that time that there was in men’s hearts “only evil continually.” This so grieved God that He sent the Flood and wiped all life off the face of the earth except for Noah and his family.


But spirit men cannot be drowned. So these fallen angels were cast into prison to await a day of judgment in the far-distant future.


In this record of the nephilim coming to earth and mating with women, we have the origins of the so-called legends and mythologies of yore. Many, many legends from various cultures speak of gods coming to earth, taking humans as wives, and producing demigods as offspring. For instance, take the stories of Greek mythology, which are rife with the doings of their gods. These legends speak of the gods descending to earth from heaven and living on Mount Olympus and Delphi. Zeus took Alcmene, a mortal, as his wife and she almost died giving birth to Hercules.


Greek and Roman mythology also informs us that these same gods, because of their rebellion, were incarcerated in an underground prison called in Greek—wait for this—Tartarus. This place is mentioned many times in the writings of Homer. Egyptian writings such as the Pyramid Texts and the Egyptian Book of the Dead give a similar story. They tell of a place called the Underworld, which is a prison of the gods. Hades is the keeper of this prison, and one must cross the river Styx in order to gain entry to this horrid place.


The Book of Enoch fills in many of the blanks not found in the Bible. Enoch was the seventh-generation offspring of Adam, and we are told Enoch walked with God and was taken out of this life, but did not die. He was the great-grandfather of Noah. His writings are not included in the Bible now, but they were for five hundred years or so. Enoch describes these fallen angels coming to earth and details the evil they taught men and the violence they perpetrated against humankind. There is a direct quote from the book of Enoch in Jude’s epistle. This gives this book credence and means we can trust it. Otherwise, it would not be included in the Word of God. In speaking of the details of these watchers from heaven, Enoch proved it was these evil angels themselves—in person—who committed the crimes. They did not possess humans and work through them. And neither shall the beast from the abyss possess; he will be clearly visible for all to see.


The fact that we are told in 1 Peter that Jesus visited the angels locked up in Tartarus makes a link between the truths of Holy Writ and the gods of Greece and Rome. For it is clear that the gods spoken of in these legends are none other than the same fallen angels or nephilim of Genesis 6 and elsewhere. Yet another clear link connects the fallen angels or sons of God with the gods of ancient lore, and ties them into the prophecies of the book of Revelation. This clue is found in the same verse that provided us with the two names given to the beast from the bottomless pit. Abaddon is his Hebrew name and his name in the Greek tongue is Apollyon. But we speak English—and the English for Apollyon is Apollo. Any student of Greek mythology will explain that Apollo was a leader of the original pantheon of Greek gods along with Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Orion, Zeus, Pluto, etc. Apollo was the god of prophecy, medicine, music, and was the epitome of the beauty of man. His most famous oracle was at Delphi in Greece, and many temples dedicated to Apollo are all over Greece, Turkey, and the Near East, all of which can be viewed today.


Even More Answers Found in Scripture


So now we have an even clearer picture of who the Antichrist, aka, the beast that ascends from the abyss, is. He is none other than the leader of the gods from the most ancient of times whom we know as Apollo. I very much doubt he will be going by this name when he emerges from the bottomless pit along with his other spirit friends in the near future. Nevertheless, this is the name given him by the Spirit in Revelation 9:11. So the name of the Antichrist, plus his present whereabouts, plus when he is going to be released, is all written in the plain text of Scripture. These secrets have been hidden in plain sight right before our eyes for centuries. Yet few have managed to piece together the pertinent strands of Scripture needed to unravel the mystery and make plain the sense of it. Thank you, Lord, for opening our eyes.


Many more passages in the book of Revelation speak of both the Beast from the abyss and the False Prophet. For instance, regarding the Beast that arises from the sea, we are told he has seven heads and ten horns. What does this mean, and does it pertain to the global scene in our day and time? The False Prophet, we are told, arises from the earth and is described as a beast with two horns. What does this signify, and can we understand these hard sayings?


Speaking again of the Antichrist, Scripture says he, “once was; now is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to his destruction.” Can we decode this cryptic message? What is the mark of the Beast?


I have been working on a book that answers all these questions and many, many more. Its working title is “The Return of the Antichrist and the New World Order.” I expect it to be published shortly (watch my website for news on this: In it, I expand on all the issues I have written about here and bring the reader behind the veil of the Apocalypse so that we may endeavour to seek out the hidden secrets of the book of Revelation not yet revealed. We do this work in order to inform the members of the body of Christ of the revelation of Jesus Christ so that their spirits may be quickened and they might, in turn, warn others of the impending cataclysm that is soon to fall on this sorry world. But we also do it to provide hope for those who seek hope, and as an anchor for those who are already saved Christians in the church of God. For there is good news for those who want it! Three times in Revelation, we are told we are blessed if we read its words and blessed if we hear them. It is the only book in the Bible where we are promised a double blessing if we read it or hear its words. Besides, this book is the direct revelation of Jesus Christ to His servants.




What we are seeing in the world today is what I call the shadows of the Apocalypse. The world is a time bomb whose fuse has long since been lit. The hoofbeats of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are clearly to be heard by all those who have ears to hear. To make a metaphor: The bad news is that the Titanic is going down. The good news is that you don’t have to be on board. There is a way out, an alternative, an escape route. And yes, there is hope. For we are assured by our Lord that we will be saved from the coming wrath. This is our blessed hope. I will leave you with a promise of our Messiah, Jesus who is the Christ. May God bless you.


“Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:1-4).


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