Monday, April 17, 2023

The Abuse of Prophecy


The Abuse of Prophecy - Senior ISIS Leader Taken Out - JAG Sentences Lori Lightfoot to Death - JAG Arrests OMB Director Shalanda Young - Mobs Terrorize Streets of Chicago - Trump Card Coming - Time To Restore Justice To Our Justice System & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 17th 2023


 US military kills three and arrests one in helicopter raid targeting senior ISIS leader responsible for planning terror attacks in the Middle East and Europe – the second strike against a warlord in the region in two weeks - US forces conducted a helicopter raid in northern Syria early this morning - By MIRIAM KUEPPER - PUBLISHED: 03:59 EDT, 17 April 2023 | UPDATED: 08:17 EDT, 17 April 2023 - The US military has killed three and arrested one in a helicopter raid targeting a senior ISIS leader responsible for planning terror attacks in the Middle East and Europe, which is the second strike against a warlord in the region in two weeks. -

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Sentences Lori Lightfoot to Death! - By Michael Baxter -April 16, 2023 - Wednesday morning April 12th upon entering GITMO’s south courtroom and coming face-to-face with Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, whom he had seen only once, and briefly, since arriving at Guantanamo Bay on March 19. Lightfoot growled and snarled and curled his lip; his crazy eyes mad-dogged the admiral. Lightfoot threatened to sue Adm. Crandall for reputational harm and mental duress, $100m for each day he’d suffered in a Camp Delta cell. He said he would soon own GITMO and fill it with Trump supporters.


New Benjamin Fulford: Great April Showers Intel Update for 2023 - Monday, April 17, 2023 14:45 -

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Arrests OMB Director Shalanda Young - By Michael Baxter -April 14, 2023 - United States Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday arrested the criminal Biden regime’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, Shalanda Young, on charges of treason for wiring $17bn of taxpayer money to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, which oversees the armed forces of Ukraine and is controlled by the supreme commander-in-chief, the criminal Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Elon Musk, Transhumanism, Anorexia, Anthem Insurance, Nattokinase & Dr Jill Vecchio - Monday, April 17, 2023 13:00 -

NEWSWEEK: National 'Red Flag' Laws on Guns Not a Solution: Hutchinson – Some steps have been proven to prevent mass shootings but nationwide "red flag" laws may not be part of the solution, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who is running for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, said Sunday. (Comment: First of all people kill people, the gun is just a tool. Guns are not the problem, it is hate in our society from BLM, Antifa, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, etc. that poison the minds of the weak minded who believe the nonsense they are being told. Killing innocent people so you can supposedly go to heaven to have 72 virgins for eternity is BS. Education is the answer for the gullible.)

X22 Report - Currency Transition In The Works! Prepared & Planned! Boomerang! - Must Video - Monday, April 17, 2023 15:10 - The GND is backfiring, Germany is now shutting down their nuclear power plant.  Supreme Court ruled that student loans can be cancelled but a trillion dollars will not be canceled. The deficit is growing and the currency is transitioning into a new currency.

REAL RAW NEWS: Putin Rebukes Leaks Claiming Special Forces Decimated - By Michael Baxter -April 14, 2023 - Russian President Vladimir Putin has rebuked a leaked U.S. intelligence report claiming that his “Special Military Operation” has gutted the nation’s Spetznas and that Moscow will have to spend decades rebuilding its Special Operations community, FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told Real Raw News.

REAL RAW NEWS: U.S. Tax Dollars Fund Soldiers of Fortune in Ukraine - By Michael Baxter -April 15, 2023 - If you’re like me and the IRS burgles a substantial chunk of your annual income, you would hope that money is spent on bettering the country, upgrading our military, helping indigent and displaced veterans, and overhauling the country’s dilapidated infrastructure, as opposed to the federal government using your cash to fund a proxy war benefitting a country known for harboring child sex traffickers. A convergence of evidence, however, clearly illustrates that U.S. tax dollars are clandestinely underwriting an unorthodox definition of foreign aid—funding mercenaries to safeguard child predators and adrenochrome farms in Ukraine.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Wild Mobs Terrorize Streets of Chicago, Gunfire, Destroying Property and Attacking Tourists - Monday, April 17, 2023 9:09 - The radical Marxist mayor and Soros-funded DA refuse to enforce the law. This is the result. Incredibly, the people of Chicago voted for continued decline by electing Brandon Johnson for mayor. A man who will govern to the Left of Lori Lightfoot. The city of John Hughes, Michael Jordan, the Blues Brothers and the 85 Bears is finished. What a tragedy.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Iranian Regime Directly Involved in Poisoning Hundreds of SCHOOLGIRLS - Monday, April 17, 2023 9:09 - And Biden wants to give these monsters nukes. If the fraudulent regime in the White House continues down these terrible paths, we are on the precipice of real horror. Iranian regime directly involved in poisoning hundreds of students in effort to stifle protests: report - Attacks appeared to overwhelmingly target schoolgirls - By Peter Aitken | Fox News April 17, 2023: Iran sees itself as ‘the big dog’ in Middle East: Boykin - More than 300 poisoning incidents have occurred at schools around Iran, which critics argue could not happen without Tehran’s acknowledgment or approval.

Trump Card Coming [4.20] The Clock is Ticking! Boom Week Ahead! Done in 30 - Monday, April 17, 2023 8:38 - We are the enemy of Big Tech, Big Money and Big Media. Together, let’s expose the lies of the enemy. Impart a little truth every day. Especially the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord! -

The shoplifting blues - Monday, April 17, 2023 8:33 - Once upon a time, we used to call shoplifting stealing.  But recently, shoplifting has been the latest episode of  “No justice no peace.” In other words, there are many blue city district attorneys who don’t think that shoplifting is worth arresting you.  Let them steal and let the corporate cats eat their losses.

X22 Report Live - Trump: Time To Restore Justice To Our Justice System! Mission Good! We Are Ready? - Must Video - Sunday, April 16, 2023 19:14 - Trump signals that we need a new justice system. The [DS] is deploying all assets to get Trump, this will fail because the people are not buying it. War is approaching and it will wake up a lot of people, those who did not want to see the [DS] will be forced to see them. The people are ready to take this to the next phase and the mission is looking good.

Jack Hibbs Podcast: Defining the Rapture — Where is it in the Bible? – By Jack Hibbs - April 15, 2023 - In this episode, I explore the concept of the rapture and its Biblical basis, addressing the common question of why the word “rapture” does not appear in the English Bible. I explain that the term is found in the Latin Bible. We then discuss the rapture as an event in Scripture specifically mentioned in relation to the church in the New Testament setting.

Phil McKay: The Goodness of God (Part 2) – By Pastor Phil McKay - April 15, 2023 - Sometimes, people will blame God for their sins, or accuse God of making them sinful. However, as Pastor Phil will explain today, God would never create sin in a person, nor does He cause them or tempt anyone to sin. Sin in you is because you live in a fallen world. And God wants to save you and rescue you from it!

THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: The IMF Has Just Unveiled A New Global Currency Known As The “Universal Monetary Unit” That Is Supposed To Revolutionize The World Economy - April 13, 2023 by Michael Snyder - A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.  The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies.  This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda.  The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week…

The Burning Platform: THE WALL WAS TOO HIGH, AS YOU CAN SEE - As I have witnessed and lived through the last three dystopian years of mass hysteria, mass delusion, and mass mental illness, I find myself drawn to the same thinkers, social commentators, and musical artists over and over. The wisdom, wit, and clarity of….

Government IS Slavery: FDA Commissioner Declares “Misinformation” A Medical Risk - Monday, April 17, 2023 11:57 - United States Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf recently called for censorship. Califf declared that life expectancy rates are being suppressed due to “misinformation.” It couldn’t be the food-like products most Americans are being told to eat, or the fact that “vaccines” are taking years off people’s lives or causing them to “die suddenly” of SADS (sudden adult death syndrome). The problem must be freedom of speech.

ATLAS SHRUGS - TRANS TERROR: Transgender Teacher Threatened to Shoot Students - Monday, April 17, 2023 11:09 - The school allowed this teacher to stay in school after making threats to murder students. People who are mentally ill should not be allowed to teach our children. They are soft targets to these people, still worse society is encouraging these sick people. The double standards are breathtaking, as there is no doubt if this teacher were a degree less delusional, making the comments as a straight Christian man, there would be no question that he’d be instantly fired from his position at the school.

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’ - By MICHAEL W. CHAPMAN | NOVEMBER 26, 2020 |Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recent commentary in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.

Derek Johnson, SG Anon & Juan O Savin Great Intel Stream April 17, 2023! - Must Video - Monday, April 17, 2023 9:41 -

Perfectly Timed Evidence Against Bragg Suddenly Appears! "Patriots On Guard"!! - Truth & Art TV - Monday, April 17, 2023 11:02 - There is no doubt that the train derailments are part of a sabotage operation running openly inside the USA. All of these “accidents” including the food processing plants, random shootings, and bizarre transgender events, are all part of the color revolution currently in progress. All of it is designed to instill fear and chaos as well as division among the population.




The Abuse of Prophecy

by Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: April 7, 2013

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 17th 2023


Does it Deserve the Contempt it Receives?


Let’s face it — prophecy is held in contempt by most people. Non-Christians scoff at the very idea of supernatural knowledge about the future. The ironic thing is that in doing so they fulfill a prophecy of Peter: “In the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?'” (2 Peter 3:3-4).


The Apostates

The real tragedy concerning God’s Prophetic Word is that so many Christians share this same scoffing attitude. Apostate Christian seminaries have pretty well rejected the whole concept of prophecy. Most now teach that prophecy is really history written after the fact but written like prophecy to make it more interesting.This rejection of prophecy on the part of apostate Christians is a natural outgrowth of their worship at the man-made altar of what theologians call “historical criticism.”


This despicable methodology rejects the Bible as God’s revelation to Man, arguing instead that it represents Man’s faltering search for God. Its proponents have concluded that the Bible is full of myth, superstition, and legend.


Since they have rejected the supernatural, these people cannot accept the idea of prophecy as revealed pre-knowledge of history. This is the reason the book of Daniel has been a focus of their scorn and ridicule. It is not at all unusual to hear one of their scholars say, “The book of Daniel is just too accurate. It had to be written after the events it claims to prophesy.” This is nothing but blatant unbelief which calls into question our Lord’s own acceptance of Daniel as authentic (Matthew 24:15).


This attitude is also a fulfillment of prophecy, for Jesus said that in the end times there will be a great apostasy within the professing Church (Matthew 24:10-12). As Paul put it, the end times will be marked by men “holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power” (2 Timothy 3:5).


The Spiritualizers

Prophecy has also suffered abuse at the hands of those who have specialized in spiritualizing it. Liberals and conservatives both have been guilty of this practice.


When I speak of “spiritualizing,” I am referring to the methodology which holds that prophecy does not mean what it says. In practice this always leads to a symbolic interpretation of prophecy. The plain sense meaning of prophecy is denied, and prophetic books like Revelation are treated like they were adult Alice in Wonderland books with a vague, general message but no specific meaning.


This spiritualization of prophecy on the part of liberals is easy to understand. It is a natural extension of their tendency to spiritualize all of Scripture. They have spiritualized the miracles of God in the Old Testament and the miracles of Jesus in the New Testament, so why should they accept the plain sense meaning of prophecy, especially when it teaches a supernatural consummation of history?


It’s the conservative spiritualizers who are such a perplexing mystery to me. They accept the Bible as the Word of God. They agree that the Bible contains supernatural revelations about the future. They interpret virtually all non-prophetic passages literally. They even interpret the First Coming prophecies literally. But for some strange inexplicable reason, they insist upon spiritualizing all the Bible’s prophecies concerning the Second Coming.


Thus, they deny the coming reality of the Tribulation, the Millennial Reign, and the New Earth. They take a passage like Zechariah 14, which says Jesus will return to the Mt. of Olives and reign on the earth, and they spiritualize it to mean that when you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, He comes into your heart (the Mt. of Olives) and begins to reign in your life (the reign on earth). Such people should be granted Ph.D’s in imagination!


If the prophecies concerning the First Coming of Jesus were all fulfilled in some literal way in their plain sense meaning, then why shouldn’t the Second Coming prophecies be fulfilled the same way?


The Apathetic

Then there are those Christians who are simply apathetic about prophecy. They couldn’t care less.


Many of these Christians think prophecy has no practical relevance to their daily lives, so they ignore it. They have never read the Major Prophets. They couldn’t even find the Minor Prophets. And they certainly aren’t going to waste their time with that “Chinese puzzle” called the Book of Revelation.


My own church heritage fits this description. Our apathetic attitude was motivated by the peculiar belief that all Old Testament prophecy had been fulfilled and therefore the study of prophecy was a waste of time.


Other Christians have become apathetic about prophecy because it has been so badly abused by fanatical sensationalists, especially date setters. These Christians are weary of weird interpretations that have brought reproach to the Body of Christ.


Even as I write this paragraph, the newspapers are trumpeting stories about two groups, one in Korea and one in America, which have gained international headlines by predicting the Lord would come back in the past few days. The dates they set have passed. We’re still here. And the world laughs.


Another cause of apathy is that many people have been turned off by the specialized vocabulary of prophecy. When they hear technical terms like “premillennial,” “postmillennial,” and “amillennial,” their eyes usually roll back in their heads and they space out, concluding that prophecy is a field of study for experts only.


The Fanatics

Finally, there are the fanatics. These are the people who apply their fertile imaginations to prophecy and then speculate and theorize all sorts of fanciful future events.


They usually are obsessed with date setting or speculating about whether or not a person like Henry Kissinger is the Antichrist.


They are often rumor mongers who spread wild stories about vultures gathering in Israel, Belgian computers taking over the world, the Jews collecting building blocks for the Temple, the Social Security Administration stamping numbers on people’s hands, and Jane Fonda’s name having the numerical equivalent of 666!


A Satanic Conspiracy

I believe that Satan himself has inspired all this abuse of God’s Prophetic Word. Satan does not want anyone studying prophecy, because prophecy contains the revelation of Satan’s ultimate and total defeat.


Satan used to defeat me all the time by constantly reminding me of my past sins. But my study of Bible prophecy has given me a new weapon to fight Satan with. Now, every time he reminds me of my past, I remind him of his future! He responds by sulking away in defeat.


The book of Revelation begins with the words, “The revelationof Jesus Christ.” The book of Revelation, like the rest of prophecy, is meant to reveal the future. It is meant to be understood. God wants to build our hope in the midst of a dark and troubled world by revealing to us the great victories that lie ahead in His master plan.


I exhort you to stand firm against Satan in his attempt to convince you that God’s Prophetic Word is not to be taken seriously.


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