Sunday, April 16, 2023

God’s Message to Us in Christ


God’s Message to Us in Christ - Military Situation Intel Update – Chicago Disintegrates Into Chaos – TERRORISM & America - Charlie Ward - Seymour Hersh & CIA – Khamenei Spreading Lies & Discontent - LIFE SITE NEWS - Worldwide Emergency - 63 Churches Attacked in First 3 Months - Mitch McConnell RETIRING & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 15-16th 2023


Derek Johnson: Military Situation Intel Update - April 15, 2023 (Video) - Saturday, April 15, 2023 7:58 - Derek is back with a new situation update and new Intel to share.. The enemy is making more major moves and we all must be ready for what is to come..

Charlie Ward: Urgent Update, Are You Ready? With Chella Smith, Chas Carter (Videos) - Saturday, April 15, 2023 8:27 -

Charlie Ward: Shocking Intel - Denver Airport Secret Tunnels and Reptilians With Jason Q (Video) - Saturday, April 15, 2023 8:18 -

Seymour Hersh: the CIA Knows Ukrainian Officials Are Skimming US Aid – Activists Post - TOPICS:CIACorruptionDave DeCampForeign PolicyTaxUkraine - APRIL 12, 2023 - By Dave DeCamp - On Wednesday, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a report on Substack that alleged the CIA was aware of widespread corruption in Ukraine and the embezzlement of US aid. The report said the Ukrainian government has been using US taxpayer money to purchase diesel from Russia to fuel its military. Hersh said Zelensky “has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments.”

TIM BROWN: Brought To You By Pfizer & New York "Misinformation Response Unit": CDC "Behavior Change" Project Targeted "Vaccine" Critics - Sunday, April 16, 2023 8:50 - Pfizer has definitely been bankrolling lots of propaganda, and even attacks on the people of the united States via the plandemic known affectionately here as CONvid-1984.  Now, we are learning that Pfizer, along with New York’s “Misinformation Response Unit” funded the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s “behavior change” project that targeted critics of their deadly, experimental mRNA shots.

Under Khamenei, Iran Remains Committed to Holocaust Denial - by Meir Javedanfar – April 14th 2023 - On April 18, the world will commemorate Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Individuals and leaders around the world will recall the monstrous crimes carried out by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime against the Jewish people and others across Europe, and reflect on the lives of the six million Jews who were lost. Many will commit themselves and their countries to the ideal of “Never Again.”

LIFE SITE NEWS: Colorado gov. signs bills targeting pro-life pregnancy centers, protecting abortion and ‘sex changes’ - Sat Apr 15, 2023 - 12:43 pm EDT - Gov. Jared Polis on Friday enacted three new laws, each undermining the dignity of human life and pushing left-wing agendas while simultaneously seeking to more strictly regulate organizations which provide life-affirming alternatives. -

Tucker Carlson: Leaked docs reveal Biden admin, media are lying; US at war with Russia, and Ukraine is losing - ‘This is a hot war between the two primary nuclear superpowers on Earth and yet this war has never been formally declared,’ explained the FoxNews host. ‘This war is a violation of American law. It is a crime.’ Fri Apr 14, 2023 - 6:41 pm EDT - Leaked Pentagon documents reveal that contrary to the narrative portrayed over the last 14 months by U.S. intelligence agencies and the legacy media, the war in Ukraine is in fact “a proxy battle between superpowers” and Ukraine is “losing the war,” explained Tucker Carlson on Thursday. The FoxNews host was referring to reports of numerous military documents leaked over the last two months by a 21-year-old national guardsman who was swiftly apprehended by authorities yesterday.

THE CHRISTIAN POST: 63 churches attacked in the first 3 months of 2023: report - By Ryan Foley, Christian Post Reporter - Sixty-nine acts of vandalism against churches occurred in the first quarter of the year, constituting a significant increase in the number of attacks compared to previous years. The Family Research Council, a socially conservative think-tank based in Washington, D.C., released a supplemental report outlining “Hostility Against Churches” in the first quarter of 2023. The data builds on an earlier report published in December, which documented attacks on churches between January 2018 and December 2022.

Worldwide Emergency!! This Is It!! Get Ready Now!! – AMTV - Sunday, April 16, 2023 11:43 -

Mitch McConnell RETIRING After Potentially Serious BRAIN DAMAGE? - Sunday, April 16, 2023 11:25 -

TERRIBLE🚨 Andy Schectman: BRICS New Currency Might Skyrocket Gold & Silver( 1B$ - 25M$ ) - Sunday, April 16, 2023 13:29 -  

Chicago Disintegrates Into Chaos - Sunday, April 16, 2023 10:57 - Pro-criminal, anti-police lunatic left mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson doesn’t even take office until next month, but the message has already gone out loud and clear and has been received — anything goes:

TERRORISM: Dairy Farm Explosion Kills 18,000 Cows - Sunday, April 16, 2023 12:09 - After a boiler explosion at Shearer’s Foods in Hermiston, Oregon in February, the company laid off its employees. In March, there was a large fire at the Penobscot McCrum potato processing plant in Maine. In April, a private plane crashed into Gem State Processing, a potato processing plant in Idaho. A week later, another private plane crashed into the General Mills plant in Covington, Georgia. Meanwhile, an April fire at the port of Benicia, California hampered gasoline production. A natural gas pipeline exploded in Michigan in March.

Breaking: One World Currency Issued! Passenger Jet Gets Shot-Up! Prepper News! - Poplar Preparedness - Sunday, April 16, 2023 12:00 - A digital new world order currency launched by the IMF, Saudi Passenger Jet hit by gunfire in Sudan, El Nino weather pattern confirmed for this year, fighter jets sent to Ukraine as the Wagner Group calls on Putin to enter into Peace Talks or to stop the invasion….

God’s Message to Us in Christ

By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Published on: April 15, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 16th 2023


Hebrews 1:1-4, John 14:7-9, Mark 10:45, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 53:4-6, John 3:16-17


Summary: Throughout the ages, God has been seeking men and women who have ears to hear and hearts willing to respond to spiritual truths. In these last days, He has spoken to us through the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Is anyone still willing to hear Him?


The Scriptures tell us that God is not silent regarding His presence, His direction, His expectations from us, and the message of salvation He brings to all who will hear and obey Him. He has spoken to us through the wonder of creation (Psalm 19:1-3; Romans 1:18-22), the words of the prophets, and as the writer of Hebrews tells us, He has spoken to us through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1-4; Hebrews 1:1-4).


The author of Hebrews was directing his message to his fellow Jews who had come to know Jesus as both Messiah and God Incarnate. His objective was to show that Jesus was superior to men and angels who had presented God’s messages to Israel in the past. Jesus was superior to Moses, the great lawgiver. He was superior to the prophets who had foretold His coming. Jesus was superior to the Aaronic priesthood as mediator between God and humanity.


The Lord Jesus became the great High Priest and, at the same time, the final sacrificial Lamb who gave His life as a sacrifice for our sins. As the Holy High Priest, His death for our sins and resurrection showed that the continual sacrifices in the Temple as an atonement for sin were no longer needed. When He declared upon the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30; Acts 4:12; Romans 5:6-11), nothing else needed to be done. To add anything else to what God did in Christ was to propagate a damning false gospel (Galatians 1:8-9).


In Christ Jesus, God speaks to us about His Unique Nature. From the beginning, people have wondered about the nature and character of God. People have sought an explanation for the origin of the universe and why we possess a unique nature apart from other living creatures. Thoughts about God as the Creator range from being the all-powerful principle behind the design of the universe, and some think of Him as an impersonal entity who “wound up the clock” of the universe and left it to “fend for itself.” We cannot rely on our finite minds to define the nature and person of God. We must turn to the Bible for the complete and correct answer of Who He is and What He does.


The Hebrew Scriptures, known as the Old Testament, record God’s progressive self-revelation, doing so continually as people received and responded to that revelation. In other words, He takes His time to show us His Holy nature and direction. We cannot absorb it all at one time. It would be too much for us (Psalm 19:6; Job 5:9, 33:13, 37:23; Ecclesiastes 3:11, 8:17; Isaiah 40:28; Jeremiah 23:18; Romans 11:34; 1 Corinthians 2:16).


When the Lord Jesus started His ministry, He taught about the love and goodness of God. He taught His disciples to think of God not only as our King but also as our Heavenly Father. He presented word pictures that showed God as the Great Shepherd who looks for a lost sheep and as a father anxiously and eagerly awaits a wayward son’s return. He portrayed God as a God who rejoices and welcomes home the prodigal son, immediately preparing a banquet.


To understand the nature of God, we need to look at the nature, character, and motives of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:18, 14:7-9). When we see Jesus, we see the work and person of God the Father as well as the power of the Holy Spirit working within the believer to encourage us, to teach us (John 16:5-15), and give us that comfort and “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). It is in Christ that God speaks to us not only of His Divine nature but also the message concerning our need for salvation (Isaiah 64:6; Matthew 1:21; Mark 10:45; John 1:29; Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:3).


The awfulness of our sins is seen in the agonizing death that Jesus endured for our sakes so that we might have eternal life and escape the wrath of God, who will not allow sin in His Holy presence and will not allow us to enter His heaven by any other means. The Bible says that it is only through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins that we have any hope, real peace, and the means by which to be in the presence of God eternally. To say that there has to be another way to heaven is to insult God and render Christ’s work ineffective. If there had been another way, then the cross was not necessary. It is the cross of Christ that knocks all pride and feeling of “self-effort” out from under us and makes us see ourselves for who we are, like it or not.


I am not going to place my faith and trust in another person’s efforts who is just as finite and sinful as I am. I am not going to rely on imperfect human “rationality” to redeem myself. I am not going to rely on my so-called “good works” to get me into heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9). Nobody can. We are fallen, corrupted, and reprobate, and we have a lot of nerve to come before a Holy God and tell Him that He has to provide another more “convenient means” to save us that will “fit the bill.” It is this kind of prideful arrogance that will keep many out of heaven and fill hell at the last judgment (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 12:13-21; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:11-15).


In Christ Jesus, God has spoken to us about the future of both this world and of those who refuse to come to Him for mercy, grace, and redemption. Jesus’ discourse on the Mount of Olives (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21) presents a scenario that destroys any naive belief that we are in control of the events upon this fragile planet. Bible prophecy clearly shows that this world will come to an end according to God’s timetable and His Sovereign control.


There is coming a day when those of us who truly know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be “caught up” to meet Him in the air (John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 3:10) and escape the coming wrath of God for seven horrendous years (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6-19) as a just punishment and judgment for both rebellious humanity and reprobate devils for their wickedness, evil, hatred, and demonic malevolence toward God.


If you are reading this and are not sure about where you stand before God, first admit that you are a sinner and cannot save yourself (Romans 3:23), believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God has raised Him from the dead, and according to the Scriptures, you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10, 13).


Tell others about Him (Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8), talk to Him in prayer, and begin reading the Bible to get to know Him better (I recommend you start with the New Testament Gospel of Luke and then Acts).

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