Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Present Age of the Big Lie


The Present Age of the Big Lie - Israeli Peace & Saudi Arabia - Iran’s Crown Prince Meets Netanyahu - Derek Johnson - Puppets of the Deep State - Charlie Ward & Jason Q - Syria updates On US Murders - HUGE Intel With Spaceshot - Tucker Carlson Interview With Musk and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 18th 2023


 REUTERS - Israeli PM: Peace with Saudi Arabia would be 'giant leap' towards ending Arab-Israeli conflict - JERUSALEM, April 17 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday that normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia would be a "giant leap" towards ending the Arab-Israeli conflict. "We want normalization and peace with Saudi Arabia. We view that as perhaps a giant leap towards ending the Arab-Israeli conflict," Netanyahu said, speaking during a meeting in Jerusalem with U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. - https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-pm-peace-with-saudi-arabia-would-be-giant-leap-towards-ending-arab-2023-04-17/

UNPRECEDENTED: Iran’s crown prince meets Netanyahu, quotes the Bible, extols Cyrus the Great & future ‘Cyrus Accords’ - Joel C. Rosenberg | April 18, 2023 - Did you ever imagine a major Iranian political leader coming to visit Israel, not to threaten the Jewish people with genocide, but to offer his hand of peace, cooperation and mutual respect? It may sound like fiction – like one of my novels – but it’s actually happening this week. In an historic development, Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi – the son of Iran’s late king, or shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi – arrived at Ben Gurion International Airport yesterday, accompanied by his wife, Yasmine. He stated, “Yasmine and I just arrived here in Israel,” Pahlavi immediately Tweeted to his 1.2 million followers. “We are very happy to be here and are dedicated to working toward the peaceful and prosperous future that the people of our region deserve. From the children of Cyrus, to the children of Israel, we will build this future together, in friendship.” https://www.allisrael.com/unprecedented-iran-s-crown-prince-meets-netanyahu-quotes-the-bible-extols-cyrus-the-great-and-future-cyrus-accords

INSIDER PAPER:  Russia visit shows ‘determination’ to strengthen ties: Chinese minister - AFP April 18, 2023 5:34 am - China’s defence minister Li Shangfu said Tuesday his trip to Moscow was aimed at demonstrating Beijing’s “determination” to strengthen strategic ties with Russia. The visit comes after President Vladimir Putin received Chinese leader Xi Jinping last month in Moscow for a summit showing the nations’ united front against the West. https://insiderpaper.com/chinese-minister-says-russia-visit-shows-determination-to-strengthen-ties-russian-news-agencies/

INSIDER PAPER: China ready to facilitate Middle East peace: state media - AFP - April 17, 2023 4:47 pm - China’s foreign minister told his Israeli and Palestinian counterparts his country is ready to help facilitate peace talks, state media Xinhua reported Tuesday. The separate phone calls between Foreign Minister Qin Gang and the Israeli and the Palestinian top diplomats comes amid recent moves by Beijing to position itself as a regional mediator. Qin encouraged “steps to resume peace talks,” and said that “China is ready to provide convenience for this,” in a Monday phone call with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, Xinhua reported in a summarization… https://insiderpaper.com/china-ready-to-facilitate-middle-east-peace-state-media/

Derek Johnson: Military Situation Update and Intel 4/18/2023 (Video) - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:18 - Derek gives the military situation update and Intel for 4/18/2023… He says the military will be activated soon and things are going to go LIVE- possibly during the 10 days of Darkness that is on the horizon.. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/04/derek-johnson-military-situation-update-and-intel-4182023-video-3791606.html

Gene Decode: Intel- The Puppets of the Deep State (Video) - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 7:29 - In this latest Gene Decode video, he exposes the puppets of the Deep State and explains how all of the pieces fit to make the corruption we see now… https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/04/gene-decode-intel-the-puppets-of-the-deep-state-video-3791590.html

Charlie Ward & Jason Q: Here's What's Coming and It's BIG Folks!! 4/18/2023 (Video) - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:02 - Everyone, PLEASE be prepared for the possible 10 Days of Darkness, in which all internet, banking, and communications will be DOWN!! https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/04/charlie-ward-jason-q-heres-whats-coming-and-its-big-folks-4182023-video-3791601.html

Syria updates – ISIS massacres and Turkish double-dealing – By Vanessa Beeley - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:33 - As events are moving so fast in the region, I will try to update more regularly in a condensed format: US continues its murder of civilians in central Syria using its ISIS proxies to carry out brutal attacks . On the 16th April at least 26 civilians were massacred in an attack on truffle hunters in the Duizen eastern countryside of Hama governorate. https://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2023/04/syria-updates-isis-massacres-and-turkish-double-dealing-vanessa-beeley-2702841.html

TIM BROWN: Planned Parenthood Communications Director Commits Suicide Following Raid On His Apartment & Investigation Into Child Porn - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9:51 - It’s not surprising that those that promote and profit from the murder of the unborn are willing, in some way or another, to be tied to child porn and sexual assault.  Planned Parenthood’s Communications Director Tim Yergeau apparently committed suicide after an investigation was launched against him regarding child porn and police raided his apartment. https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2023/04/planned-parenthood-communications-director-commits-suicide-following-raid-on-his-apartment-investigation-into-child-porn-2603160.html

Juan O'Savin: Situation Update - HUGE Intel With Spaceshot-- Be Ready!! (Video) - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 7:41 - https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/04/juan-osavin-situation-update-huge-intel-with-spaceshot-be-ready-video-3791593.html

Tucker Carlson for April 17th, 2023: Interview with Elon Musk - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9:17 - Source: https://vladtepesblog.com/2023/04/18/tucker-carlson-for-april-17th-2023-interview-with-elon-musk/

ATLAS SHRUGS: Biden Crime Family Investigation Expands To ‘Six Additional’ Biden Family Members - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9:09 - Newly accessed financial records show “the Biden family enterprise is centered on Joe Biden’s political career and connections, and it has generated an exorbitant amount of money for the Biden family”. Six more family members named. James Comer says new financial records have revealed six new Biden family members are involved in suspicious foreign transactions believed to be a direct result of influence peddling, bringing the total to nine family members…. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/04/biden-crime-family-investigation-expands-to-six-additional-biden-family-members-3660529.html

THE ALVIN ACT IS GOING AFTER BRAAG'S OFFICE - Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, April 17, 2023 - 20:34 - https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/alvin-act-going-after-braags-office

US arrests two for setting up Chinese 'secret police station' in New York - By Luc Cohen - NEW YORK, April 17 (Reuters) - U.S. federal agents arrested two New York residents for allegedly operating a Chinese "secret police station" in the Chinatown district of Manhattan on Monday in what prosecutors said was part of a crackdown on Beijing's alleged targeting of dissidents. Lu Jianwang, 61, and Chen Jinping, 59, face charges of conspiring to act as agents of China's government without informing U.S. authorities and obstruction of justice. They were released on bond following an initial appearance in Brooklyn federal court. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-charges-two-new-yorkers-with-conspiring-act-chinese-agents-statement-2023-04-17/

CONSERVATIVE BRIEF: Senators Make New Demand Regarding FBI, Hunter Biden, Obama White House -  By Martin Walsh - April 18, 2023 - Two GOP senators who have been investigating alleged Biden family corruption for years have stepped up their efforts. After Facebook and Twitter suppressed, to an extent, explosive revelations about Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin want more answers. https://conservativebrief.com/new-demand-72618/?utm_source=CB&utm_medium=ABC

So THIS is why they're so scared of the Ukraine document leaks | Redacted with Clayton Morris - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 10:38 - It is a shoot-the-messenger situation due to leaked documents that show officials in the U.S. telling big fat lies about the conflict in Ukraine and downplaying the U.S. role. For instance, the documents show that “American-made smart bombs are falling victim to Russian electronic jamming in Ukraine, causing them to miss their targets,” according to Politico. https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2023/04/so-this-is-why-theyre-so-scared-of-the-ukraine-document-leaks-redacted-with-clayton-morris-2477948.html

Assange: The Truth They've Been Hiding from You - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 11:06 - https://beforeitsnews.com/international/2023/04/assange-the-truth-theyve-been-hiding-from-you-2511321.html

DAN BONGINO SHOW: They’re Targeting Your Kids! - Dan Bongino - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 13:27 - They’re targeting your kids with their perverse ideology. In this episode, I address the disgusting liberal fascination with sexualizing children. - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/04/theyre-targeting-your-kids-dan-bongino-3660555.html

ATLAS SHRUGS: EVIL: UN Report Calls for Legalizing Sex Between Adults and Children - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 13:09 -Another despicable attack by the United Nations, at the behest of the global left. The world has changed a great deal from the time of the United Nations’ birth in 1945, and so has the United Nations. Founded over seventy years ago in the wake of the Holocaust, democracies, both nascent and well-established, comprised the majority of the founding nations of the UN. America was confident that the UN would be an organization which would work in tandem with American national interests in promoting the welfare of humankind and the basic rights of every human spirit. It has become the very thing it was founded to defeat. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/04/evil-un-report-calls-for-legalizing-sex-between-adults-and-children-3660552.html



The Present Age of the Big Lie

By Wilfred Hahn

Published on: August 27, 2022

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 18th 2023


Over the decades and centuries, there have been many lethal encroachments upon Biblical truths and doctrines. Many, if not most, are still with us today. In fact, they are still with us because the lies have been systemized or the subject of long-established dogmas. People seem to believe that the more ancient and longstanding might be a belief or doctrine, the more venerable or truthful it is likely to be. This is absolutely wrong.


It is also believed that the bigger the lie, the less believable it will be. This view is also absolutely wrong. In fact, it is the big lies—the really huge lies—that are the most dangerous and alluring. The lies may be so big that they seem highly improbable. Yet, they are believed. One wonders how these false views and doctrines could even be accepted by both the gullible and scholars alike.


We observe that the most dangerous of lies are the big ones that seemingly are the most unbelievable. These are so big and repeated that they are no longer discernible to the masses.


Why are big lies so successful in attracting belief? And how is it that the most colossal and biggest lies are the most successful of all? Rulers and political strategists have understood this apparent human flaw, to be vulnerable to big lies and propaganda. If you are going to lie, make it a big lie. But how must one bring this about?


Thus was born the strategy of the “Big Lie.” Consider, for example, Adolf Hitler’s perspective, which was heavily influenced by Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister to the Nazi regime at that time.


Quoting Goebbels: “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” Elsewhere he further elaborates (and we again quote): “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie […].”


The Nazi regime was highly successful in its manipulations of truth. Historian Zachary Jonathan Jacobson describes its uses and successes in Nazi Germany: “Adolf Hitler first defined the Big Lie as a deviant tool wielded by Viennese Jews to discredit the Germans’ deportment in World War I. Yet, in tragically ironic fashion, it was Hitler and his Nazi regime that actually employed the mendacious strategy. In an effort to rewrite history and blame European Jews for Germany’s defeat in World War I, Hitler and his propaganda minister accused them of profiting from the war, consorting with foreign powers, and ‘war shirking’ (avoiding conscription).


“Nazi fascism hinged on creating one streamlined, overarching lie. […] The Nazis built an ideology on a fiction, the notion that Germany’s defeat in World War I could be avenged (and reversed) by purging the German population of those purportedly responsible: the Jews.


“Jews, Hitler contended, were the weak underbelly of the Weimar state that exposed the loyal and true German population to catastrophic collapse. To sell this narrative, Joseph Goebbels insisted ‘all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands.'”


The Strategies of the Big Lie


The techniques of The Big Lie that we cite here have obviously been utilized in the political realm. However, they can apply to all “big lies.” We see these principles being implemented virtually everywhere—religion, geopolitics, and the field of economics—whether over the short-term or over centuries.


Just what lies of this scale can be seen today? They are many. We will name some colossal lies that have persisted till recent times … in no particular order:


That Apostle Peter founded the Roman Church … i.e., that he was the first pope.

That the Church of Rome is the infallible representative of Christ (Vicar of Christ) upon earth.

That the Temple Mount belongs to the Arabs … particularly Muslims.

Evolution: That God did not create the world and all its life forms and dwellers, and that evolution is proven through science.

Prosperity Theology … that believers are sure to be blessed physically in the here and now.

Atheism and Humanism

That Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, and that most certainly He was not raised on the third day.

The above-mentioned lies are indeed colossal, as they destroy or hide key fundamental truths. Many more can be added … for example, certain aspects of the “climate change” views.


Brazen Big Lies


Is the technique of the Big Lie surprising? It shouldn’t be. Why? Prophecy indicates a time of great “false witness” at the end of days. The Bible tells us that lies and intrigue will increase. Zechariah 5:3, for example, prophesies that the latter-day world would be characterized by two main conditions—lying (swearing falsely) and theft (stealing and greed). The result is a world rampant with lies and intrigue.


And, indeed, we observe these conditions increasing with greater intensity today.


For example, statistics today are crafted to cover up lies. They are manipulated to conceal facts and truths rather than to reveal. We find falsehoods institutionalized at many levels.


People are adept at “spinning” facts to support whatever deceiving view they wish. The facts are treated as malleable; the truth is subject to change. To this end, the Russians have an infamous saying: “History is like the weather: It constantly changes.” Ergo, past truths and facts change.


Even secular authors and societal observers are identifying our day and age as chronically untruthful. A number of books and essays on this condition have been published in recent times. For example, “Liars in High Places: Who Is to Blame for Misinformation?” (Foreign Affairs, November/December 2021); or, Liars: Falsehoods and Free Speech in an Age of Deception (Cass Sunstein, Oxford University Press).


In the latter referenced book, the author goes so far as to say that Americans are living in “an age of deception.” It is evident that in recent years, not only have lies become more prevalent in the public domain, but also the greater the flagrant lies, the less the shame in promoting them.


Thoughts to Ponder


The Bible expressly says: “God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that he would change his mind” (Numbers 23:19). God cannot lie. It would be impossible. Thus, He is Truth.


God hates lies. Why? They are the foundational tactic of Satan, the enemy. Many references in the Bible underline God’s hatred of lies.


Yet, why were lies allowed in God’s creation? The short answer: Because truth must exist. Think about it. Were there no such thing as the concept of “truth,” then there would not be any lies.


However, God allowed lies to exist as part of the strategic landscape of the epic cosmological battle that would, in the end, validate His sovereignty and might. Therefore, it is no surprise that Satan would tactically use lies in his war to defy God. It is the only method the Creator has allowed: “Did God really say…?” (Genesis 3:1).


In the battles against lies and falsehoods, it should be noted that there are no limitations or holds on brutal techniques. The enemy will do anything and everything to keep falsehoods hidden.


Satan is the father of all lies. Said Jesus Christ: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!” (John 8:44-45).


If indeed it is the case that people will choose to deny Truth because it expressly is TRUTH, it follows then that people will also be acceptant casualties of the Big Lie.


In response to the actions of Hananiah, the prophet Jeremiah said: “The LORD has not sent you, yet you have persuaded this nation to trust in lies” (Jeremiah 28:15).


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