Sunday, April 23, 2023

Trump Secret Military



Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot & Whistle Blower - The “Latter Rain” Revival Movement Part 4 - The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire - Trump Secret Military - Derek Johnson: Latest Military Intel - Major Arrests COMING - US MILITARY NEWS and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 23rd 2023



Kerry Cassidy: Project Camelot, Whistle Blower For 18 years, Current Events, Hot Topics, Wonderful Conversation! - Must Video - Saturday, April 22, 2023 12:04 -

New Michael Jaco: Adrenochrome Users Where Have They Gone? - Saturday, April 22, 2023 12:09 -

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 278 – KAOS - Saturday, April 22, 2023 12:09 - In this video i want to examine WHAT we are watching playing out in the MSM and SM from day to day! Can you SEE the rising tide of CHAOS everywhere and in particular the USA? We are watching the provocation of the people by every manner of violent, wicked and even senseless act. There APPEARS to be no SENSE to a lot of these events BUT i would caution you to LOOK more CLOSELY.

Trump - Secret Military (Video) - Sunday, April 23, 2023 8:22 - We often are in the dark about what is going on behind the scenes in our political world.. We count on those on the inside or those who WERE on the inside to share their Intel and experiences with us… They are the whistle blowers or patriots.. The following video was made by one who was close to the elite on the inside and has seen things we can’t even begin to imagine..

Derek Johnson: Latest Military Intel and Update Report 4-23-23 (Video) - Sunday, April 23, 2023 8:05 - In this very special Intel update and report, Derek discloses vital Intel in regards to Martial Law and what powers that President Trump may still possess..The enemy is about to make major moves and we all must be ready! The Biden admin is in a pani as their leader is losing his mind day by day..

Major Arrests COMING 4/22/2023 - Great Q Video! - Sunday, April 23, 2023 8:16 -

Special SG Anon Intel Update and Status Report (Videos) - Sunday, April 23, 2023 7:53 - As some of us (especially those of us who do our own work) know, SG Anon fell suddenly very ill and had to have emergency surgery. I saw a video of him from his hospital bed and he is doing pretty good for all that he has been through…

Michael Jaco: Big Intel - WATCH What Happens Next (Video) - Sunday, April 23, 2023 8:44 -

Special Forces Arrest Space Force Commander for TREASON - By Michael Baxter -April 21, 2023 - United States Special Forces on April 16 arrested Chief of Space Force Operations Chance Saltzman on charges of treason after Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and Gen. Eric M. Smith signed a military arrest warrant alleging that Saltzman had essentially bankrupted Space Force by giving most of its $27billion annual budget to Ukraine, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

US MILITARY NEWS - Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 22, 2023 - DAILY NEWS By Divina Ellisson 22 April, 2023 -

New Dark Journalist Recapturing Camelot: Kennedys & The Deep State! - Sunday, April 23, 2023 10:28 -

Mel K & Author Alex Krainer | Geopolitical Chaos By Design | 4-20-23 -

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS - Pic: Alleged Chinese spy seen with top Democrat lawmakers at dinners and fundraisers, investigation finds - Lu Jianwang, one of the accused Chinese spies arrested on suspicion of operating a secret police station in New York City, was shown to have attended dinners and fundraisers with high-level Democratic lawmakers, including Senate Majority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER, Rep. Grace Meng and New York City Mayor Eric Adams, according to an investigation by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Beware of The Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum - By Ray DiLorenzo ——Bio and Archives--April 22, 2023 - very emerging power has its little army, enforcers...Brown Shirts, Black Shirts, Stalin's Secret Police. For The World Economic Forum (WEF), it has its Young Global Leaders (YGL), attractive men and women, mostly in business attire, seemingly harmless. But these YGL members are near invisible, but dangerous. The Young Global Leaders (YGL) was created by Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, architect of The Great Reset or The New World Order. The YGL, a non-profit organization managed from Geneva, Switzerland, is under the supervision of the Swiss government. The program was founded as part of the World Economic Forum in 1993 under the name “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” and was renamed Young Global Leaders in 2004. (Comment: Of course in World War 2 the Nazis had Hitler Youth they trained to spy on their parents, keep an eye on the neighborhood for Jews, and to rat out anyone who bad mouthed the regime or might have connections to the underground. Now what do you think the Youth Global Leaders might be up to?)

U.S. Act of War against the European Union: President Biden Ordered the Terror Attack against Nord Stream. High Treason against the People of Europe - Sunday, April 23, 2023 11:25 - By Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, April 16, 2023 - This article was first published on October 11, 2022 in the week following the September 26, 2022 act of sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline,the specific details of which were later revealed by Seymour Hersh.

Urgent Kim Clement's Trump Prophecy Fulfilled with Julie Green and Clay Clark - Sunday, April 23, 2023 13:39 -

Warning! What Happens When America Gives Up God - Jonathan Cahn - Sunday, April 23, 2023 11:25 - People often talk about how the Left has embraced politics as its new religion. But Minister Jonathan Cahn, who authored “The Harbinger,” takes it a step farther. His latest book, “The Return of the Gods,” shows how the radical transformations of society today are part of an ancient pattern.

The Michelle Moore Show: Michelle's Top 10 Documentaries Every Person Seeking Truth Should See! (VIDEO) - Sunday, April 23, 2023 14:19 - Michelle shares 10 of her must-see documentaries that include topics such as grounding, history of vaccines, flat earth, child trafficking, and more! -

Exposing The Truth On Child Trafficking, Who's Connected? Your Favorite Entertainer Including Country Stars? (VIDEO) - Sunday, April 23, 2023 13:53 - Jennifer Carter, Michelle Moore, Gretchen Killeen, Nurse Kristi, Jenni Jerread discuss details about child trafficking, who is connected, including famous music stars.

Bombshell Insider Information: European Elites Terrified - John Mappin - Flyover Conservatives - Sunday, April 23, 2023 12:03 - Of course “they” knew to exempt themselves. Reason for US Congress to exempt themselves therefore swift justice should be sought against All perpetrators!


The “Latter Rain” Revival Movement Part 4

by Thomas Ice

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 23rd 2023


In a continuation of the fourth installment of our study of the ” latter rain” movement, I will pursue a study begun last month on key theological concepts and passages. Previously I began this section with an investigation of the idea of ” restoration” within the ” latter rain” tradition. I now turn to an examination of their notion of ” spiritual Israel.”


Key Theological Concepts and Passages


Spiritual Israel


Another common technique used by Restorationist and ” latter rain” advocates is to say that the Church is now spiritual Israel. They believe that they then have the right to take the volumes of passages, often from the prophets, and link them spiritually to the Church. Therefore, Israel is finished in God’ s plan as a nation, while individual Jews may come to faith in Christ; the Church inherits the promises made to Israel in some spiritual way. Restorationist Rick Godwin is an example of this view.


So we see in Abraham the birthing of two seeds: the nation of Israel physically and the spiritual nation of Israel- the Church. And if I hear one more person say, ” Ahhh, there ain’ t no such thing as the spiritual Israel.” I’ m going to vomit all over ‘ em. What are we reading? For God sake, get rid of that Judaistic spirit after the flesh and we’ ll find out what the real Jew is! You’ ll find out God has never been and is not now a racist. Ever! The Church is. God isn’ t. Never has been.” [26]


Well, Rick, there is no such thing as spiritual Israel. Watch out below!


Let’ s look at this matter more closely. The Church IS the spiritual seed of Abraham, but NOT spiritual Israel. The Bible does say that ” if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’ s offspring” (Gal. 3:29). It does not say that New Testament, Church Age believers are spiritual Israel. Was Abraham an Israelite? No, but he was the father of Isaac, who was the father of Jacob or Israel. Abraham became the source of blessing to both Jew and Gentile.


Too often those who want to replace physical Israel with the Church do it by stretching the term ” seed of Abraham” to all of a sudden mean ” spiritual Israel.” Charles Ryrie has noted that those who hold to a spiritual Israel view ” often argue that since the Church is the seed of Abraham and Israel is the seed of Abraham, the Church equals Israel.” [27] Ryrie answers that view by clarifying the proper relationship of the Church to the seed of Abraham by saying that ” the Church is a seed of Abraham, but this does not mean that the Church is Israel.” [28] Ryrie notes the three ways the Bible uses the term ” seed of Abraham:


(1) There is the natural seed, the physical descendants of Abraham- . . . (Isa. 41:8). (2) There is Christ- . . . (Gal. 3:16). (3) Christians are Abraham’ s seed- . . . (Gal. 3:29).[29]


Those who believe in a future destiny for physical Israel do not deny that the Church is part of the spiritual blessing flowing out of the Abrahamic Covenant through Christ. However, we do not believe that the Bible teaches that the Church replaces Israel, as do many. In this instance it is a ” both/and” situation, not an ” either/or” choice.


Paul makes it clear in Romans 15:27 that Gentiles during the Church Age ” have shared in their (Israel’ s) spiritual things.” Therefore, as sharers, he does not mean taker-overs. We are not spiritual Israel! Who, then, is spiritual Israel?


I think that the Bible uses the concept of spiritual Israel to refer to physical Israelites or Jews who are regenerate believers in Jesus as the Messiah. In other words, they are spiritual (born again) Jews or Israelites. Just as the term ” spiritual Gentile” would refer to a Gentile who has a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.


Paul is saying in Romans 2:28-29, when he states ” he is not a Jew who is one outwardly . . . but he is a Jew who is one inwardly,” that just because one is a physical Jew does not mean that He is saved and going to heaven. There are two kinds of Jews, those who do not know God through Christ, but are racial Jews (physical Jews), and those who are physical Jews, as well as spiritual Jews, who know God through Christ.


These spiritual Jews are the ones Paul is greeting as he closes his letter to the Galatians: ” peace and mercy be upon them and upon the Israel of God” (6:16). After having been so rough on the Judaizers- Israel after the flesh only- he concludes with a greeting to those within the family of God who are Jews, but are believing Jews; called in this passage by Paul ” the Israel of God.” S. Lewis Johnson, in an essay where he studies the meaning of the term ” Israel of God,” concludes:


If there is an interpretation that totters on a tenuous foundation, it is the view that Paul equates the term ” the Israel of God” with the believing church of Jews and Gentiles. To support it, the general usage of the term Israel in Paul, in the New Testament, and in the Scriptures as a whole is ignored. . . . If, as LaRondelle asserts, ” Paul’ s benediction in Galatians 6:16 becomes, then, the chief witness in the New Testament in declaring that the universal church of Christ is the Israel of God, the seed of Abraham, the heir to Israel’ s covenant promise (cf. Gal. 3:29; 6:16),” then the doctrine that the church of Gentiles and Jews is the Israel of God rests on an illusion. It is a classic case of tendentious exegesis.” [30]


Apostasy or Revival?


Another important area where Restorationist and ” latter rain” advocates have missed the teaching of Scripture is in regard to the state of the Church as this age draws to its end? Will it end in revival or will it sink increasingly into apostasy? They fail to realize that the Church, in its overall posture, cannot be characterized by both revival and apostasy at the same time. This is an ” either/or” issue. Rick Godwin has said,


The Lord is going to have a ” Glorious Church” before He returns. . . . For years the belief was that we would never have another revival, . . . We utterly reject that line of thinking in light of clear Scripture. The Glorious Church is to be a mighty army of over-comers through whom God reveals and demonstrates Himself to man.[31]


The Bible does not teach that the Church will be this mighty army of overcomers, in the way Godwin envisions. Once again, his ” support” is taken from passages which refer to Israel and not the Church. He misuses verses that refer to believers during the tribulation period, after the Church has been removed.


Let’ s look at what the words ” revival” and ” apostasy” mean as used by Christians today. A ” revival” includes evangelist success but usually means more than that. It often is used to refer to the stirring up of Christians who rededicate themselves to living a more committed life on behalf of our Lord. Effectiveness of a ” revival” is sometimes gauged by the social and political change which results from the impact of those who have be stirred to action. On the other hand, ” apostasy” does not refer to whether a small or large numbers of individuals are coming to Christ at a given point in time. Instead, it is concerned with the theological or doctrinal integrity of the Church. This is why a believer can always preach the gospel with confidence during the whole of the Church Age knowing that God is at work bringing sinners to Himself, even until the very end.


The New Testament, especially the Epistles, clearly teach that the whole of the Church Age is a time of increasing apostasy within Christendom . In fact, so much space is spent in the New Testament dealing with the issue of apostasy that it has to be considered one of its major themes. Apostasy constitutes the main theme of entire books and chapters as well as paragraphs and verses in the New Testament. Apostasy and its evil effects provide the main message of such books as First and Second Timothy, Second Peter, and Jude. Apostasy occupies a prominent place in such books as Galatians, Second Thessalonians, Hebrews and Revelation. Apostasy and apostates are set forth with varying degrees of detail as to their character and conduct, influence and teaching. Believers are warned to know how to recognize them and Christian leaders are supposed to protect their flocks from them and their unhealthy doctrine. Apostasy is doctrinal error, not how many will or will not be saved, whether or not the economy will be good or bad, or how moral or immoral society will be. The focus of apostasy is not secular society, but what is going on within the Church itself. When the great amount of New Testament Scripture, dealing with apostasy within the Church, is compared with the absence of language speaking of the victory of the Church, in the sense that restoration and ” latter rain” advocates suggest, then there is zero basis for their opinion found in the Word of God. The Bible does speak of individuals who are overcomers, but that proves the point, since they are contrasted with apostates. Victory language in the New Testament applies to individual believers, not the Church as a whole. Notice the chart which lists the references to apostasy in the New Testament.






Matthew 12:14-37; 13:1-52; 15:12; 23:1-36; 24:10-28


Mark 6:21-30


Luke 8:13-18


John 6:60-71; 8:31-59; 13:21-30; 15:18-27






Acts 8:8-24; 13:4-12; 20:17-35




Paul’ s Epistles


Romans 1:18-32; 10; 16:17-18


2 Corinthians 11:1-15; 13:5


Galatians 1:6-9; 5:1-12


Philippians 3:2, 18-19


Colossians 2:4-23


2 Thessalonians 2:1-12


1 Timothy 1:3-7; 4:1-3; 6:3-5


2 Timothy 2:11-26; 3:1-14; 4:1-6


Titus 1:10-16




General Epistles


Hebrews 2:1-4; 3:7- 4:13; 5:12- 6:12; 10:26-31; 12:14-17


1 Peter 3:19-20


2 Peter 2:1-22; 3:3-10


1 John 2:18-23; 3:4-12; 4:1-6


2 John 9


Jude 3-23




Revelation 2:1- 3:22; 4:1- 5:14; 6:1- 10:11; 11:1- 15:8; 16:1- 19:24; 19:1- 20:15[32]


* Incomplete listings


I take no pleasure in the apostasy theme of the New Testament, but we all must acknowledge this point in an effort to call the Church away from apostasy. The sobering fact is clear: either the restoration/” latter rain” movement is a heaven sent revival from God or it is part of the end-time apostasy preparing the way for the coming Antichrist. It cannot be both. We all must decide! No one can be neutral on this issue! If it is the great revival supposedly predicted for the end-times, then all true believers must join the band wagon. If it is not, then all true believers should have enough biblical sense to come in out of the latter rain apostasy. These are important issues.


(To Be Continued . . .)


The “Latter Rain” Revival Movement


Part V


by Thomas Ice


After presenting an overview of the central role that the doctrine of apostasy plays in New Testament teaching, I will continue in this installment of the ” latter rain” series by examining key ” latter rain” issues in the light of Scripture. These are important contemporary items since they provide a challenge to those of us who interpret Scripture literally, believe in the pretrib rapture, and recognize God’ s distinction between His plans for Israel and the Church. These errors must be recognized and refuted from Scripture.


Key Theological Concepts and Passages


Restoration of the Fivefold Ministries


In a previous issue[33] I noted Bill Hamon’ s explanation of the restoration of the fivefold ministries of evangelists, pastors, teachers, apostles, and prophets in the end-time.[34] This is said by Restorationist to be spoken of in Ephesians 4:11-16. Fellow ” latter rain” advocate, Rick Joyner, claims that he received the contents of a book he authored called The Harvest, as a revelation from God on three different occasions in the late 1980s.[35] ” What is about to come upon the earth is not just a revival, or another awakening; it is a veritable revolution,” says Joyner about the vision he claims from God in his book. ” This vision was given in order to begin awakening those who are destined to radically change the course, and even the very definition of Christianity.” [36] Joyner spoke in his book about the restoration of apostles and prophets in order to prepare the Church for the soon coming fullness of the ” latter rain.” He said,


The next spiritual contraction will bring about the restoration and recognition of the PROPHETS. We will see the prophetic ministry become the primary focus of attention during the next few years as a much greater anointing comes upon this ministry than has been seen since Biblical times. [37]


There will be another contraction during which a true APOSTOLIC authority will be restored and recognized within the advancing church.[38]


” Latter rain” advocates like Hamon and Joyner commingle their interpretations of the Scripture with their own supposed direct revelation about the restoration of the gifted men in Ephesians 4:11. Their notions are erroneous for a number of reasons. A major objection is rather obvious to anyone who would simply read the passage. The passage says nothing about a restoration of these ministries. Simply put, the text does not speak of such an occurrence. They have pulled this concept out of the thin air of their fertile imaginations that they claim as a revelation from God. The New Testament warns against those who would have such a seared conscience that they would be bold enough to pass of their own imaginations as the sure Word of God (Acts 20:17-35; 1 Tim. 4:1-2; 2 Pet. 2:1-3; 1 John 4:1-6; Jude 8, 17-19).


Christ’ s giving of apostles and prophets to the Church is said in Ephesians 2:20 to be something which is to be foundational to the Church, not something given to each generation of believers. The passage says, ” having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone.” The picture is that of a building process which is going on during the entire period of the Church age, from Pentecost to the rapture. This process can be described as taking place in three stages: Phase one is the laying of the corner stone , which describes the first century, non-repeatable, work of Christ. The rest of the building is supposed to orient itself in terms of Christ the corner stone.


Phase two is the foundation of the apostles and prophets, which also occurred in the first century and is non-repeatable. However, just as with Christ, even though it is non-repeatable, it does not mean that it is non-applicable for today. Just as with a foundation in a physical building, once it is laid, continues to be used for the life of the structure. So it is with the ministry of the apostles and prophets, who gave us the boundaries of the gospel and doctrine with which believers are being used of God to build Christ’ s Church. Once the foundation is laid, you don’ t keep relaying it each generation, instead you continue to build upon it.


Phase three represents the superstructure of the rest of the building. The building is built upon in accordance to the guidelines mandated by the dimensions of the corner stone and the foundation. This work began at the birth of the Church in Acts 2 and will be completed at the rapture when the last person destined to make up the final component of the Body of Christ believes the gospel. Then the Church will be complete.


From the perspective of the Biblical picture presented in Ephesians 2, it is wrong to say that God is restoring apostles and prophets in our own day. This error implies that the first century foundation was not complete and that it needs further work. This would mean that until recent restoration times, God has been building the house upon a shaky foundation. This kind of thought is a grave error.


Ephesians 3:5 echoes the thought of 2:20 when Paul says concerning the mystery of Christ: ” which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit.”The emphasis in this passage is upon revelation received during the time of Paul’ s writing in the first century. This strongly suggests that the ministry of apostles and prophets was completed in the past.


When we come to the Ephesians 4:11 use of apostles and prophets, with evangelists, and pastors-teachers, we observe a division of labor employed in the building of God’ s spiritual temple- the Church. The foundation, phase two, was completed during the apostolic age ending around A.D. 100. Upon completion, those workmen left the scene, leaving behind the trustworthy the fruit of their labor- a foundation. That foundation was the New Testament canon of Scripture.


Phase three is entrusted with the task of building upon the sure foundation of Christ and the apostles. This is why the bulk of labor, over the life of the project (the Church age) is done by the evangelist, and the pastor-teachers. They remain on site until the structure is complete at the rapture. This is why the Pastoral Epistles (1 and 2 Timothy and Titus) stress the importance of following and protecting the fixed deposit of Apostolic faith by faithful men, so that it can be passed from generation to generation (2 Tim. 2:2). Therefore, evangelist, and pastor-teachers have never been removed from the scene so that they have to be restored at the end of the Church age as ” latter rain” advocates teach.


The Holy Spirit has been using believers to win and disciple others for the last 2,000 years without interruption, as taught by the Restorationist movement. The Church is being perfected with the original doctrine contained in the New Testament and does not need an updated version of ” Apostles’ doctrine 2.1.” The first edition did not have any glitches and cannot be improved upon. Why would anyone want to bring the foundation crew back on the job when the roof is near completion, unless they want to improperly change the foundation with their new revelation. Yet, the desire to add to the foundation, when it has already been set, is the desire and practice of false prophets and teachers. The believer who opens themselves up to ” new revelation” is opening themselves up to deception. As Paul told Timothy, ” Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you” (2 Tim. 1:13-14).


This is the Church’ s calling in our day: to guard the foundation laid by Christ, and the apostles and prophets, while building upon that foundation the superstructure through evangelism and discipleship. Believers are looking forward to the return of Christ at the rapture, not for new revelation.


A Perfect Church?


Restorationist Rick Godwin has been described by a former Southern Baptist pastor, Jack Taylor, as ” God’ s John Wayne to the Church!” [39] Probably a more accurate description would be to liken Godwin to Rambo since John Wayne had manners and was a gentleman. Godwin states his belief that the Church will be perfected before Christ’ s return:


The Lord is going to have a ” Glorious Church” before He returns. This thought encompasses the theme of personal and corporate purity, for Scripture says that His Church will be ” without spot, wrinkle or blemish.” His Church will have Power followed by signs and wonders, for Scripture says, ” it will be a glorious church.[40]


Ephesians 5:25-27 is the much quoted passage which ” latter rain” /Restorationist use to teach that the end-time Church will see the restoration of apostolic power, coupled with unity, which will produce the greatest period of miracles and conversions to Christ in all of history. However, to draw such a conclusion from this passage provides a clear example of their ability to mishandle Scripture. ” Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless” (Eph. 5:25-27).


There is no question that this passage speaks of a glorious church, without sport or wrinkle. But how does the Bible use these terms? Do Restorationists use this passage in the same way the Bible does? I believe they do not! In a nutshell, the Bible here describes the believer’ s legal standing before God, as won on our behalf through Christ’ s work on the cross. On the other hand, Restorationist (mis)apply this text as something which the believer and the Church must grow into and become in our current experience.


God’ s plan of salvation is often discussed in terms of one’ s covenantal standing before God. This is legal language. When Adam fell, his sin was imputed or credited to the legal bank account of every person born thereafter, even though no one personally committed Adam’ s sin (Rom. 5:12-21). Our legal standing (some call this positional truth) forms the basis from which our experience should follow. Therefore, human beings sin experientially because they are legally or positionally sinners. In the same way, Christ had to first deal with the legal barrier of sin in winning salvation for the Church as the basis for experiential change in the life of the individual believer and the Church as a whole. Positional standing in Christ is the basis upon which the believer is to live his life experientially through faith.


When properly interpreting Scripture, one must establish from Scripture itself, the way the Bible uses various terms. Often a decision must be made as to whether or not a word or phrase is describing a positional truth or an experiential aspect of salvation. The difference it makes in the interpretation of Ephesians 5:25-27 is great. If these are positional terms, then the perfection spoken of in this passage is that earned by Christ through His saving work, which is applied positionally to the believer. This means that our position will not be experienced in its fullness until glorification at the time of the resurrection. However, if these are taken experientially, as applying to our current time, then it is teaching experiential perfection of the individual believer as well corporate perfection.


In my final installment on ” latter rain” theology, I will complete the study of Ephesians 5:25-27 and provide reasons why this passage should be interpreted positionally. I will also draw implications for the doctrine of the rapture if such teachings are adopted.


(To Be Continued . . .)


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