Sunday, April 30, 2023

Demon Spirits Destroying Homes


Demon Spirits Destroying Homes - How The Fed Rigged The Election – ATLAS SHRUGS - Military Intel Says It's Go Time - Juan O' Savin Intel & Michael Jaco + Lewis Herms - Charlie Ward - US MILITARY NEWS - Trump Says Military In Control - Pfizer’s Mass Murder Cover-Up Plan Backfire and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 29 – 30th 2023



ATLAS SHRUGS: Here is How The Government Rigged The Election and Shielded Joe Biden From The ‘Laptop From Hell’ - Saturday, April 29, 2023 8:41 - There is conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact. This is a vast leftwing conspiracy fact was an election coup. The entire intelligence community made sure Joe Biden was installed. They decided the 2020 election. 8 Ways Government Shielded Joe Biden From The ‘Laptop From Hell’ - By: Margot Cleveland, The Federalist, April 28, 2023 -

Derek Johnson: Military Intel - It's Go Time! Let’s roll! (Video) - Saturday, April 29, 2023 8:35 - Derek is back and sharing ore Military Intel and giving updates about what’s next and how we got here to start with..

Juan O' Savin: Major Intel Drop With Michael Jaco and Lewis Herms (Video) - Saturday, April 29, 2023 8:14 - This is a very special montage of VITAL Intel that applies to NOW! Sometimes going back a little and remembering what was said helps understand the present time. Here’s all of the guys together, sounding the alarm and spreading the truth! -

Explosive 'Q Army INTEL Drops' by JFK Jr. (Videos) - Saturday, April 29, 2023 7:55 -

Charlie Ward: Time to PANIC, Everyone Needs To Know This! (Video) - Saturday, April 29, 2023 8:03 - This Intel drop is a really great one and everyone needs to hear it! For those of us who are awake, we know not to PANIC, but the poor ones who aren’t awake, WILL panic..They ignored all of our warnings, all of the evidence we presented and now they are lost and confused, not knowing what to do..

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR - By Divina Ellisson -  29 April, 2023 -

Derek Johnson HUGE Stream "Trump - Military In Control"!! - Must Video - Saturday, April 29, 2023 12:06 -

Kate Shemirani: Valerian Root & Violets + How Valium Ruined Housewives' Lives (Video) - Saturday, April 29, 2023 15:55 - Nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me for an informative episode on valerian root and violets as medicine, and how the plant was used by Big Pharma in the production of valium, which ruined many housewives’ lives in the 1970s. You’ll learn what all natural violets and valerian root can be used to treat, as well as how to make tinctures.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Democrat Minnesota Just Gave State Power To Take Kids Away If Parents Don’t Approve Gender Mutilation Surgery - Sunday, April 30, 2023 9:09 - They’re coning for our kids. Literally. The government is too big, over reaching and out of control. It is monstrous. You try to take a child from their parents to brainwash and mutilate them, you are braying for bloodshed. And that’s what they’ll get. The state of MN gets to take custody of minor children from a parent because they won’t give permission to cut off the kid’s body parts. By Hank Berrien • Apr 28, 2023 • •

Bo Polny: Biden COLLAPSE into the 9th Month, GOD's PERFECT Timing & Math Footprint! (Video) - Sunday, April 30, 2023 8:17 -

Pfizer’s Mass Murder Cover-Up Plan Backfire - Sunday, April 30, 2023 6:42 - Saturday, 29th April, 2023 - Dear Viewers! Pfizer’s mass murder cover-up plan backfires on him. Kla.TV founder Ivo Sasek comments on explosive Pfizer files that were made available to the public by court order instead of being sealed for 75 years. Pfizer clearly reckoned with the “time bomb vaccination death” even before vaccination started, but not with the audible cry of vaccination deaths from all kinds of statistics.

Jason Q: Intel What Happens Next - 4/29/2023 (Video) - Sunday, April 30, 2023 8:04 -

Major Arrests COMING 4/30/2023 - Great Video! - Sunday, April 30, 2023 7:59 -

Sarge: End of the Month Military Intel and Situation Update 4/30/2023 (Video) - Sunday, April 30, 2023 7:43  Things are escalating and the enemy is beyond panicked at this time..

CANADA FREE PRESS: Is America Out of Control? The Agenda To Destroy America - By Ray DiLorenzo ——Bio and Archives--April 29, 2023 - Look around, America and much of the world is in chaos. And it's all since the infamous election of 2020...the election that took strong American leadership out of the world arena, deposited a puppet, and taught Democrats how to win an election...the election that allowed the Left to finish the job of destroying America...four years late.

BREAKING: NC Supreme Court Reinstates Voter ID… Reverses Prior Corrupt Rulings By Leftist Court- By Amber Crawford | Apr 28, 2023 - On Friday, North Carolina’s state Supreme Court sided with the GOP to reverse district and voter ID rulings, and to end felons’ voting rights. It has been less than four months since the GOP won a majority in the NC Supreme Court. Now, the court is revisiting decisions that were made in December while the Democrats held a 4-3 seat advantage.

100% FEDUP: Biden’s Global Weakness Invites Iranian Conflict – Tehran Seizes Oil Tanker Bound For Texas - By Heather Allen | Apr 28, 2023 - On Thursday, Iran seized a US-bound oil tanker named the ‘Advantage Sweet’ according to the American maritime military service. Iran, who has hijacked five vessels in the past two years, released video footage likely meant to show off for the Iranian people. The footage shows navy commandos masked while instigating a helicopter-borne assault on the ship in the Gulf Of Oman. Iran has justified the ship’s seizure, claiming…

AMERICAN FAMILY NEWS: Satanists present a chilling view of religious liberty - By Parrish Alford -  Apr 28, 2023 - A group of self-proclaimed Satanists is gathering in Boston this weekend for what they say will be the largest group ever to come together in honor of the Prince of Darkness. Roughly 800 people are expected to attend the event at the Marriott Copley Place hotel in the Back Bay East section of Boston.

ISRAEL TODAY: Britain’s Betrayal - by Charles Gardner - Bible believers prepared Israel for statehood; then we stopped listening to God. - Apr 27, 2023 at 12:00 pm - With the 75th anniversary of Israel’s re-birth now behind us, it is surely time to re-examine her close links with Britain, both positive and otherwise. Looking back – especially to the century preceding the rise of the Jewish state – it would seem that, in blessing Israel, we spread our influence around the world, to such an extent that there was a time when it was said that the sun never set on our empire.

RAIR FOUNDATION: Germans Are Fed-Up With The Islamic 'Call to Prayer', MEP Warns 'It's a Land Grab' (Video) - April 28, 2023 - Residents in Dresden, Germany, are fed up with hearing the Islamic call to prayer (adhan) as early as 6 a.m. during Ramadan. Maximilian Krah, a member of the European Parliament representing the Alternative für Deutschland party, referred to the noise blasting from the mosque as a “land grab.” A woman on the scene commented, ‘Well, they want to take us to the loony bin,’ while another man expressed his opposition by tweeting, ‘I don’t want this!'” -

LIVE SCIENCE: Scientists find weird holes on the ocean floor spewing ancient fluids 'like a fire hose' – News - By Stephanie Pappas published 6 days ago - Understanding the movement of fluids in the Cascadia subduction zone can help researchers pinpoint the risk of earthquakes - Holes spewing warm fluids from the boundary between tectonic plates have been discovered at the bottom of the ocean off the coast of Oregon. Researchers think this strange, never-before-seen phenomenon, dubbed Pythia's Oasis after an ancient Greek priestess, could provide insight into earthquake risk along the dangerous fault — although exactly how it affects the tectonics is unclear. (Comment: According to an interview with OSU Professor Chris Goldfinger eight of the past twelve Cascadia Subduction Zone megathrust earthquakes appear to have triggered a San Andreas earthquake via either static stress or seismic waves. It is believed that the faults may be partially synchronized. In other words, during the past 3,000 years, the two faults have ruptured ‘together’ 2/3 of the time.)




Strong Demon Spirits Destroying Homes

By Joseph Chambers

Published on: January 2, 2018

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 30th 2023


Satan has invaded the homes of America and the world. His dark deeds are done by evil spirits under his control and mastery. The Bible has left us no reason to doubt this sad picture. Listen to Jesus Christ warn us of the impossibility of saving the home without cleaning out the strong evil spirits: “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house” (Matthew 12: 28-29).


Our church world has totally forgotten how to deal with demon spirits. It is like we believe dealing with dark spirits is too mystical for us to bother with handling. When we forsake the spirit realm of evil and permit Satan to rule that realm, he is free to destroy. Our world and our homes and our churches are open territory for evil to abound. Let’s wake up and get back to the fight to stop Satan’s picnic.


“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3).


Any talk about changing the families in America and saving our children from the pandemic destruction sweeping their lives must begin at the foundation.


Not even a righteous father or mother can change their home or save their children if the foundation has been destroyed. They must first repair the foundation; put their house in spiritual order; and clean out the witchcraft and snares of destruction. Then, and not before, they can see their children delivered and totally changed.


The Scripture “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” is an emphatic principle that the Holy Spirit has provided for our spiritual understanding. Trying to repair our own lives or the home must begin by rebuilding the foundation.


Lot, the nephew of Abraham, learned this principle too late to save his family. He had first pitched his tent toward Sodom (Genesis 13:12). A short time later, the Scripture shows that he dwelt in Sodom (Genesis 14:12), and then his family became a part of Sodom’s lifestyle. While he remained at least a marginally righteous man, his family was swept up with the good life and was compromised by the big city sins.


When destruction was imminent, the angels sent Lot to get his family:


“And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place: For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it. And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law” (Genesis 19:12-14).


It was too late. Lot’s family was destroyed, except for two daughters who had so learned the ways of Sodom that they continued the shame of wickedness. He could not save his family because the foundations had been destroyed.


Rebuilding the Foundation


There is a famine of the Word of God in our present-day church world. It has escaped us that a Christian life or home must be built squarely and carefully upon the one and only foundation. Jesus addressed this very issue:


“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great” (Luke 6:46-49).


Absolutely nothing can stand the ultimate test unless it is built upon a sure foundation.


The home is hated by Satan. His first challenge against man was in the home. When a man and woman establish a God ordained family and house, Satan starts scheming to overthrow that house. It is a challenge to his authority. The family that intends to survive must build the foundation on the Word of God. Every lifestyle that is contrary to truth must be denounced and kept out of a godly home. Entertainment, toys, or games that have been created around themes of witchcraft and biblically contrary ideas must be eliminated.


Psalm 113:9 “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.”


Purifying the House


This truth of purity in the family was addressed at the early beginning of the New Testament church. It is no mystery why the early church literally turned the world upside down. Pure families in a pure church are far superior than the powers of Lucifer to destroy. Here is what happened when revival and reformation came in the book of Acts:


“And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed” (Acts 19:18-20).


Notice the results of this house cleaning, “So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.”


When the unveiled truth of Scripture and the blood of sprinkling are unleashed in a house of believers, the result is a visitation of spiritual life. We have a very simple task in accomplishing this breathtaking victory. We must apply Holy Scripture to our lifestyles and stand on the Word of God in all its wonderful expressions of righteousness. But we say that we have no power to act in this fashion, and we are right. That is where the blood of Jesus is our victory.


We will conclude this chapter by showing how the blood of Jesus is our cleansing and deliverance, and not our own good works.


Warning of Evil Influences


The families of God have always lived in the midst of corruption and evil influences. It is impossible to escape the presence of sin and satanic powers as long as we are living on this side of the resurrection and final redemption. When Jesus prayed his pastoral prayer for the disciples, He framed that prayer to show our vulnerability:


“And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are” (John 17:11).


“I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” (John 17:14-16).


We are in the midst of absolute filth. Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). Our families stand in victory only when we live out this prayer in the above paragraph that Jesus prayed.


We are in the world but not a part of it. There is absolutely no other way to build our Christian home, but by constantly standing vigil over the foundations and principles. As the children of Israel were traveling toward the Promise Land through the wilderness, the Lord warned them of these evil influences and what they would do to the houses of Jewish families:


“The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing” (Deuteronomy 7:25-26).


The families of the Lord must learn to abhor every semblance of evil and wickedness reflected on the ungodly side of the world system. When we translate the terms of the above Scripture into modern language, it paints a very clear picture.


“Graven images of their gods” easily reflects the gods of rock music and the vulgar dress that reflects the rock culture, plus that same idea on many levels. The sports culture has permeated the American lifestyle until we tolerate sports figures that are absolutely moral perverts and stadiums that are nothing but big beer and gambling party houses. We tolerate the utter desecration of the day of the Lord, the day Jesus was resurrected and established as our Sabbath, and most people treat it as a holiday.


This powerful warning in Deuteronomy stated that the abominations of the world will make your home a cursed thing and would create a snare to your family.


Ministries like mine and many others have documented how children and young people have been snared and led to rebellion by the presence of evil in the home. Rock stars’ pictures on a bedroom wall; toys, games and entertainment that has witchcraft influences; decorating or dressing in the attire of godless people, etc., will snare the lives of those who live under these abominations.


You cannot take fire into your bosom and not be burned.


It is impossible to name all the many items, expressions, images, etc., that have come to represent the works of demon spirits in our culture. Secular television is saturated with the filth of immorality and pagan influences. A good part of recent Hollywood productions has used themes from varying religious ideas and heathen cultures.


In the third and last section of this book you will find documentation of dark powers in several recent entertainment successes. You cannot bring these snares into your home without consequence.


God’s warning to the Children of Israel, as we recounted, is certainly a modern warning to our lives today. Satan’s techniques have not changed. We are approaching his last effort at world control and are going to see evil manifested in an unparalleled fashion. Our homes must become places of spiritual light. Truth must be an open book so that our children are protected. Satan is like a cockroach; he hates the light and flees when it is made manifest.


Hebrews 11:6-7 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.”


Spiritual Light Is Foundational


The Word of God — the Holy Bible — is the foundation of our lives and our houses. Over and over in this book I expose the home to the light of Scripture. My opinion is of little value, but the Word of God is foundational. Jesus Christ stated this in many ways. In John we read,


“Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them” (John 12:35-36).


The Son of God and the Word of God are totally integrated; they are one. He is the living Word (John 1:14) and the Scripture is His written Word. If we build our houses on this “light” (the Word) and in this “light” (the Lord), they will endure the storms. We will deliver our children from the evil one, and each of our families will bring light and deliverance to many other families.


There is an incredible searching for help by a multitude of present-day parents. They are extremely concerned and ready for good advice. The Word of God is a “Planned Parenthood” handbook.


Let the world call you old-fashioned as you take the Bible literally and build your house on every truth. Jesus stated, “…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).


All Scripture is the literal Word of God and must be obeyed. Your friends will look at your family down the road and will respect the results of your choice.


The Blood of Sprinkling


A harlot woman in Jericho invited the Israeli spies into her brothel for their protection. She hid them under the thatch of her roof and protected their whereabouts. When they were ready to escape, she expressed her faith in their God and asked for her and her father’s household’s safety and deliverance. Their message and her safety was a very simple matter.


Her request is beautiful: “Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father’s house, and give me a true token: And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death” (Joshua 2:12-13).


Her request sounds like the cry I hear from mothers and fathers all across America. We want our families saved. We want our children living clean and pure. This is the heart cry of a thousand past generations as well.


Here is their powerful advice to this harlot named Rahab:


“And the men said unto her, We will be blameless of this thine oath which thou hast made us swear. Behold, when we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy father’s household, home unto thee. And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him” (Joshua 2:17-19).


A scarlet cord was to be hung out of her window. Her entire household was to remain inside her walled apartment. The house and its inheritance would be protected, not because they were better than the rest of Jericho’s citizens, but because a scarlet cord was in its proper place. There was obedience required because anyone who was outside the house was destroyed. But their safety was in the scarlet cord.


That scarlet cord represented a type for the blood of Jesus Christ. The entire meaning of this biblical story is the protection and deliverance of the blood of the spotless Lamb of God. Our obedience in building our homes on the Word of God is expressed in the command to remain in that house where the scarlet cord was manifest.


But our safety must never be thought of as our works of obedience. Our families should be told over and over that after we have been obedient, kept our house free of snares and evil, saturated our minds with the Holy Bible, then our trust is secure only by the blood.


2 John:10 “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed.”


Saved By Grace Alone


One of the major problems in the church of America is that we have played down the effect of sin. The church world has done this in the name of grace. Since we are saved by grace and not by our righteousness, then sin is considered of little consequence. The modern way is to talk about grace, love, and positive things and leave off sin and the dark side of life. Satan loves this kind of thinking.


While we have watched the church world play this little game, sin has infiltrated our schools, our culture, our homes, and our churches. Just like Lot in Sodom, the righteous will survive and ultimately escape the impending judgment, but the web of evil that has ensnared our houses, our children, and our youth will still be in place. Those lives caught in this web (like Lot’s family) will be the crowd that will not hear the warning of the judgment to come.


Let’s sprinkle again our houses with the blood as we remind our families that they must remain in the house to be protected. How do we sprinkle this blood? By faith! The First Testament worshipper used a hyssop branch, but we live and act by faith. That blood is sprinkled as you trust Him only and cling to His cross with abandonment.


We bring nothing to the altar of His sacrifice except total trust. Declaring ourselves helpless, we trust only in Him. We must teach this trust to our families over and over again.


The Foundation Is Back In Place


When your foundation is back in place, your house will begin to change. Respect will grow and love will increase. Be patient and make prayer and fasting a lifestyle. Every victory must be secured by prayer and waiting at the altar. We have the absolute promise that a biblical family will be an unbroken circle in the day of His revelation.





Friday, April 28, 2023

Solomon’s Treasure Found by the Nazis


Solomon’s Treasure Found by the Nazis - Liz Cheney Hanged at GITMO - US Dollar Is Crashing - Saving American & Taking Down The CCP - Military Report - Restored Republic - Steve Quayle & Celeste Solum - Derek Johnson HUGE Intel and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 28th 2023


New Monkey Werx SITREP 4.28.23 - Friday Live! - Friday, April 28, 2023 13:58 -

ZERO HEDGE: Surprising Surge Of Young Americans Turn To Religion - BY TYLER DURDEN - WEDNESDAY, APR 26, 2023 - 10:40 PM - Some young adults had an awakening during Covid as the entire world crumbled around them. They were in search of a higher power to get through the government-forced lockdowns and controlled demolition of the economy, as well as watching loved ones and friends contract Covid-19 that some federal government agencies believe leaked from a Chinese lab. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, a new study commissioned by Springtide Research Institute found about one-third of 18-to-25-year-olds believe in a higher power, up from one-quarter in 2021. The findings were based on polling data from December.

GLOBAL RESEARCH: U.S. Invests $1.5 Billion to Spur 5G Rollout Despite New Evidence of ‘Devastating’ Health Issues - A new study from Sweden showed that a previously healthy woman developed symptoms of “microwave syndrome” shortly after a 5G cell tower was installed 60 meters — nearly 200 feet — from her apartment. According to the study, published April 10 in the Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, the 52-year-old woman developed “severe health problems” — including “unbearable” pain, headache, dizziness, loss of immediate memory, confusion, fatigue, anxiety, nose bleeds and issues with her lungs, stomach and urinary system. The woman temporarily relocated to another home with low radiation levels and no 5G exposure, at which point almost all of her symptoms disappeared. When she moved back to her apartment, the symptoms returned.

REAL RAW NEWS: Liz Cheney Hanged at GITMO - By Michael Baxter -April 27, 2023 – On Monday, April 24 standing atop the gallows with a braided rope around her neck, Liz Cheney devoted her final breaths to excoriate President Donald J. Trump—who was not present—and his “minions,” accusing them of collectively subverting the Constitution to enforce a “private brand of justice.” Her eyes, open to narrow slits, like knife cuts, surveyed the officers who stood below and before her, as if memorizing faces for a future fight against them.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 28, 2023 - By Divina Ellisson 28 April, 2023 -

Former President Donald Trump Says US Dollar Is Crashing — Warns 'We're Very Close' to World War III - American families are being decimated by the worst inflation in half a century. Banks are failing, our currency is crashing, and the dollar will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat in over 200 years.

TIM BROWN: The Blind Guides Say That It Is Not For Us To Say Who Goes To Hell - Yet, They Can Tell Us Who Goes To Heaven? - Friday, April 28, 2023 8:45 - “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” -Matthew 23:24 - It is true that the Church and its members are called to be fruit inspectors.  We are just that, and that without a scriptural doubt.  As a matter of fact, we are to judge men by their fruit. “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.” -Matthew 7:16-19

New Kerry Cassidy Situation Update: Saving American & Taking Down The CCP Starts With Freeing Miles Guo - Friday, April 28, 2023 8:08 - Kerry Cassidy talks about her latest 2 articles, “In the Event of War” and “Trump Gov in Exile: COG and the Tale of Two Presidents. Both articles deal with the fact that Trump is Commander-in-Chief, sworn in by the military March 2021 and based on the legal evidence the fact that Trump has by way of Continuity of Government created a Gov in Exile.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Trump Makes First New Hampshire Stop For 2024 Campaign, Announces Leadership Team - Friday, April 28, 2023 8:25 - As President Biden’s approval rating reaches an all-time low, President Trump’s popularity is surging. The enthusiasm for President Trump is simply unmatched. He’s running away with the Republican Party nomination. Governor DeSantis could be making the mistake of his political life by running against President Trump.

The Truth will SHOCK the World Today! (Video) - Friday, April 28, 2023 8:21 -

Military Report April 27, 2023 (Video) - Friday, April 28, 2023 8:17 -

New Judy Byington. SGAnon ~ Situation Update 04-28-23 ~ Trump Return - Restored Republic via a GCR - Friday, April 28, 2023 8:16 -

Derek Johnson: HUGE Intel - Military Occupancy and Covert Operation - 4/28/2023 (Video) - Friday, April 28, 2023 8:13 - Derek is back and the Intel he has to share this time is HUGE! Learn about the current military occupancy and covert operations.. He also shares a situation update and other Intel..

NEW Steve Quayle & Celeste Solum (4/27/2023): Luciferian Attack on God's People — Synthetic Biology — WOW Info! | The Hagmann Report - Thursday, April 27, 2023 21:54 -

Critical Alert! Takeover Activated, I Can’t Say More Or…Friday, April 28, 2023 12:59 - By Lisa Haven - Those who have lived in a communist controlled country know the evils that surround it. They know nothing belongs to them and the government not only owned all property and business but also the people themselves. They were told where they could or could not live…



Solomon’s Treasure Found by the Nazis

By Pastor Gary Boyd

June 24th 2021

WHAT I am about to tell you comes from the book The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs from the chapter TREASURE TROVE. Hitler’s top SS Commando Otto Skorzeny in March of 1944 entered the area encompassing Montsegar and the village of Rennes-le-Chateau in Southern France close to the Pyrenees Mountains. 

Hitler at that time was trying to find anything that would advance his war against the allies; he was desperate to win thus his search for occult artifacts and knowledge became an obsession.

Hitter’s SS Commando Skorzeny was instructed to move troops into Languedoc France to look for the fabled treasure of King Solomon the greatest cache of riches known to man. Gold, silver, and precious gems like diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies, etc. were known to be part of it.

There were also ancient scrolls, texts, and tablets upon which was said to exist the world’s most esoteric and occult knowledge handed down from ancient Sumer present day Iraq.

After much searching the Germans found a secret path used as an escape route during the siege of Montesegur. Commando Skorzeny and his SS men scouted along the path and soon found what appeared to be an ancient trail leading into the higher mountains of the Pyrenees. They found a fortified grotto with an entrance not far from the Mountain La Peyre. Near the crest of this mountain was another grotto and in this huge cavern they found Solomon’s treasure of gold and silver and precious gems.

After much glad handing and Nazi salutes and medals awarded, the treasure was carried out of the cavern in the Pyrenees by pack mule, loaded onto trucks to be moved to a rail head. Well-guarded rail cars arrived in Merkers, a small town about 40 miles from Berlin, where it was catalogued by the SS and moved to other secret locations, including Hitler’s hideaway at Berchtesgaden, where a large portion of the treasure was moved into the tunnel system under the mountains, large parts of which are inaccessible today. 

According to Nazi Colonel Buechner in charge of the count the treasure consisted of:

Thousands of Gold coins dating back to the early days of the Roman Empire were found.

Twelve stone tablets bearing pre-runic inscriptions that none of the experts were able to read.

Thousands of precious gemstones in all sizes and shapes.

Thousands of silver coins.

Countless religious artifacts, sliver goblets, silver platters, and precious books were found.

How rich was King Solomon in just Gold?

A talent of gold in today's value is worth $1,641,000 based on $1,500/ounce. This means that the value of the gold Solomon received yearly equals the sum of $1,092,906,000. And since King Solomon reigned for 40 years. This means his accumulated worth from that collection alone was $43,716,240,000.

All in all it was estimated there was 60 billion worth of booty that was found, but no one knows the actual value for it is believed much of it was stolen way back in the long ago.

By the time the Allies occupied Berlin much of the treasure had been melted down and shipped out of the country. A vast amount of gold and silver, pieces of art and religious artifacts were found in the town of Merkers that the Nazis left, but the most valuable items dropped from public view.

As you can see the Nazis had a lot of loot to buy themselves out of Germany and into South America where they continued on with their Nazi style of rule and killings of those that disagreed. Evita Peron leader of Argentina at the time was given a portion of the Gold by Martin Bormann who had secretly hidden his stash on a Nazi sub.

It was estimated there were at least 30,000 Nazi officials, officers, etc. that escaped through the ratlines into South America and Antarctica where they built a huge military base in a large cavern under the ice that went back underneath the continent for miles.

   In the United States, an insidious ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago is actually flourishing. At the end of World War II, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, worming their way into corporate America. They brought with them miraculous weapons technology that helped win the space race. But they also brought their Nazi philosophy based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—which has since gained an iron hold in the "land of the free."


Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Nature of Hell


The Nature of Hell - GITMO Suspends Tribunals - Banks Closing Worldwide - X22 Report – The Dan Bongino Show - Judy Byington Situation Intel - Derek Johnson Big Military Intel – NESARA/GESARA NEWS and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 27th 2023


 REAL RAW NEWS: GITMO Suspends Tribunals Amid Security Concerns; Massive Mobilization Sends Detainees to Guam - By Michael Baxter -April 26, 2023 - Citing security concerns, The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions have decided to temporarily suspend tribunals at Guantanamo Bay and transfer all Camp Delta detainees to USMC Camp Blaz, Guam, which is under White Hat control and has facilities for tribunals and incarcerating or executing high-value prisoners, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 27, 2023By Divina Ellisson 27 April, 2023 – Banks closing worldwide, stock market crash coming on Fri. April 28th 2023 -

X22 Report - The [CB]/[WEF] Economic Agenda Is Failing! Inflationary Depression Is Upon Us! - Bob Kudla - Must Video - Thursday, April 27, 2023 9:55 - Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob also does a podcast on YouTube which is called Trade Genius. Bob begins the conversation talking about the nuclear power plants shutting down in Germany, this will not end well. California is in trouble, the Green New Deal is destroying the economy and the people are not buying EV, they have flatlined. The [CB] push into [CBDC] is failing, the people are not buying what they are selling and the economy is heading into a depression.

New Situation Update 04-27-23 ~ Q+ Trump U.S Military - White Hat Intel ~ SGAnon Intel - Thursday, April 27, 2023 9:19 -

Judy Byington: Situation Intel and Update For Thurs. 27 April 2023 (Video) - Thursday, April 27, 2023 8:28 -

Just In: Sen. Ted Cruz's Shocking Confrontation With Mayorkas Leads DHS Secretary To Call His Conduct 'Revolting'! - Forbes Breaking News - Thursday, April 27, 2023 15:13 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has a fiery exchange with DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas over migrant deaths in today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. What’s revolting is Mayorkas total disregard for the people of THIS Country! -

THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: The New Media Era Has Begun! - Dan Bongino - Thursday, April 27, 2023 14:02 -

New Derek Johnson Big Military Intel: Are Patriots Really in Control? - BraveTv - Thursday, April 27, 2023 13:14 -

NESARA - National Economic Security and Recovery Act (United States)/ GESARA - Global Economic Security and Recovery Act (The world) - Thursday, April 27, 2023 15:47 -



The Nature of Hell – An Eternal Punishment or Eternal Torment?

by Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: May 16, 2012

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

April 28th 2023


The Bible presents Hell, like Heaven, as a real place. The Bible says that God created this terrible place to serve as the ultimate destiny of the Devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). The Bible also teaches that Hell will be the destiny of all people who reject the grace and mercy God has provided through Jesus and who chose, instead, to reject God by following Satan (Matthew 25:46).


Hell is described in the Scriptures as a place of darkness and sadness (Matthew 22:13), a place of fire (Matthew 5:22), a place of torment (Revelation 14:10), a place of destruction (Matthew 7:13), and a place of disgrace and everlasting contempt (Daniel 12:2).


Its Distinction from Hades

Hell is not Hades. A careful study of the Scriptures will reveal that Hades in the New Testament is the same place as Sheol in the Old Testament (Psalms 49:15).


Let’s review a few points that I made earlier in the chapter on death. Before the Cross, Hades (or Sheol) was the holding place for the spirits of the dead who awaited their resurrection, judgment, and ultimate consignment to Heaven or Hell. According to Jesus’ story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), Hades was composed of two compartments — Paradise and Torments. At death, the spirits of the righteous (those who had put their faith in God) went to a compartment in Hades called Paradise. The unrighteous went to a compartment called Torments. The two compartments were separated by a wide gulf that could not be crossed.


The Bible indicates that the nature of Hades was radically changed at the time of the Cross. After His death on the Cross, Jesus descended into Hades and declared to all the spirits there His triumph over Satan through the shedding of His blood for the sins of Mankind (1 Peter 3:18-19; 4:6).


The Bible also indicates that after His resurrection, when He ascended to Heaven, Jesus took Paradise with Him, transferring the spirits of the righteous dead from Hades to Heaven (Ephesians 4:8-9 and 2 Corinthians 12:1-4). The spirits of the righteous dead are thereafter pictured as being in Heaven before the throne of God (Revelation 6:9 and 7:9).


Thus, since the time of the Cross, the spirits of dead saints no longer go to Hades. They are taken, instead, directly to Heaven. The spirits of Old Testament saints could not go directly to Heaven because their sins had not been forgiven. Their sins had only been covered, so to speak, by their faith. Their sins could not be forgiven until Jesus shed His blood for them on the Cross.


The souls of the unrighteous dead will remain in Hades until the end of the millennial reign of Jesus. At that time they will be resurrected and judged at the Great White Throne judgment portrayed in Revelation 20:11-15. They will be judged by their works, and since no person can be justified before God by works (Ephesians 2:8-10), all the unrighteous will be cast into Hell, which the passage in Revelation refers to as “the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:14).


The Duration of Hell

How long will the unrighteous be tormented in Hell? The traditional view holds that Hell is a place of eternal, conscious torment. According to this view, a person who winds up in Hell is doomed to a never-ending existence of excruciating pain and suffering. Hell is a place of no escape and no hope.


Another point of view — the one I hold — takes the position that immortality is conditional, depending upon one’s acceptance of Christ. I believe the Bible teaches the unrighteous will be resurrected, judged, punished in Hell for a period of time proportional to their sins, and then suffer destruction (the death of body and soul).


In a moment we will take a brief look at both views, but before we do, I would like to remind us all of a sobering truth: Hell is a reality, and it is a dreadful destiny. Hell exists because God cannot be mocked (Galatians 6:7). He is going to deal with sin, and He deals with sin in one of two ways — either grace or wrath. John 3:36 says, “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”


Whatever we conclude from the Scriptures about the duration of Hell, we must remember that Hell is to be avoided at all costs. Whether the wicked suffer there eternally or are destroyed after enduring God’s terrible punishment, Hell is an unimaginably terrifying place.


We must also remember that our beliefs about the duration of Hell are not on the plane of cardinal doctrine. Sincere, godly Christians may study the same scripture passages about Hell and end up with differing conclusions about the issue of its duration. Our varied viewpoints, arrived at through earnest and godly study, should not be allowed to cause division or rancor in the body of Christ.


The Traditional Viewpoint

Few traditionalists are happy about the doctrine of the eternal torment of the wicked, but they accept it anyway because they believe it to be Biblical. In this they are to be commended.


Most point to scriptures such as Matthew 25:46 for support: “Then these [the wicked] will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Since the word “eternal” is used of both the wicked and the righteous, they conclude that the punishment must be eternal in the same way that the life is.


Many traditionalists also cite Revelation 20:10 — a verse specifically about the Devil, the Antichrist and the False Prophet — to prove that a God of love can indeed sentence at least some of His creatures to eternal torment: “And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” If it is possible for God to treat one set of His creatures in this way, they reason, why should it be impossible for Him to do the same thing with another set?


Still another Revelation passage also figures in the traditionalist argument. Revelation 14:9-11 reads:


“And another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or upon his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.'”


Traditionalists notice that not only are these unbelievers tossed into the lake of fire where “the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever,” but they have no rest “day or night.” This is in stark contrast to the saved, who will enjoy rest eternally (Revelation 14:13). To traditionalists, both the “rest” of believers and the “unrest” of unbelievers seem to imply a conscious state.


Other Traditionalist Arguments

In other parts of the Bible, several passages which talk about Hell use the word “destroy” or “destruction” to describe what happens to the unrighteous. Traditionalists claim that the picture in these passages is not of obliteration but of a ruin of human life out of God’s presence forever. In this way they are able to conceive of a “destruction” which lasts forever.


A more philosophical traditionalist argument concerns Mankind’s creation in the image of God. Some traditionalists believe that the torments of Hell must be eternal, since humankind was made in the image of God and that image cannot be “uncreated.” Thus they believe that immortality was bestowed on Mankind when God created male and female in His image.


Last, many traditionalists believe that Hell must be eternal because of the nature of sin itself. All sin is an offense against God, goes this argument, and since God is infinite, all sin is infinitely odious. Jonathan Edwards, the great Puritan theologian, took this line of argument in his book The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners.


As you can see, these arguments seem both biblical and substantial. And yet they are not without significant problems. Allow me to explain why I believe the conditionalist approach is a better solution to the difficulty.


The Conditionalist Viewpoint

The doctrine of the duration of Hell has been so strongly held throughout the history of Christianity that few have dared to challenge it. Adding to the reluctance has been the fact that most modern challenges have come from the cults. Thus, a person who dares to question the traditional viewpoint runs the risk of being labeled a cultist.


A classic characteristic of modern-day “Christian” cults is their denial of the reality of Hell. Some argue that everyone will be saved. Most take the position that the unrighteous are annihilated at physical death.


The views of the cults regarding Hell have always been repulsive to me because they deny the clear teaching Scripture that the unrighteous will be sent to a place of suffering called Hell. Yet, I have never been able to fully embrace the traditional viewpoint of conscious, eternal punishment.


Traditionalist Difficulties

My first difficulty with the traditional view is that it seems to impugn the character of God. I kept asking myself, “How could a God of grace, mercy and love torment the vast majority of humanity eternally?” It did not seem to me to be either loving or just. I realize He is a God or righteousness, holiness and justice, but is eternal suffering justice? The concept of eternal torment seems to convert the true God of justice into a cosmic sadist.


Second, the concept of eternal torment seems to run contrary to Biblical examples. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire — suddenly and quickly. He destroyed Noah’s evil world with water — suddenly and quickly. He ordered the Canaanites to be killed swiftly. In the Law of Moses there was no provision for incarceration or torture. Punishments for violation of the Law consisted either of restitution or death. Even sacrificial animals were spared suffering through precise prescriptions for their killing that guaranteed a death that would be as quick and painless as possible.


As a student of God’s Prophetic Word, I found a third problem with the traditional view. It seems to contradict a descriptive phrase that is used in prophecy to describe Hell. That term is “the second death.” It is a term peculiar to the book of Revelation (Revelation 2:11; 20:6,14; 21:8). How can Hell be a “second death” if it consists of eternal, conscious torment?


The Problem of Destruction

A fourth reason the traditional view has always troubled me is that it seems to ignore an important Biblical teaching about Hell; namely, that Hell is a place of destruction. Jesus Himself spoke of Hell as a place of “destruction” (Matthew 7:13). Further, in Matthew 10:28 Jesus says: “Do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.”


Likewise, in 2 Thessalonians 1:9 Paul says that those who do not obey the gospel “will pay the penalty of eternal destruction.” The writer of Hebrews says that the unrighteous will experience a terrifying judgment that will result in their consumption by fire (Hebrews 10:27). Even one of the most comforting verses in the Bible speaks of the destruction of the unrighteous: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should notperish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).


The traditionalist argument that the word “destroy” or “destruction” should be interpreted as “irreparable loss” seems a stretch to me. It seems much more likely that “destroy” should be taken to mean exactly that.


The Meaning of Punishment

Fifth, there is a difference between eternal punishment and eternal punishing. It is one thing to experience a punishment that is eternal in its consequences; it is another thing to experience eternal punishing.


The Bible also speaks of eternal judgment (Hebrews 6:2). Is that a judgment that continues eternally, or is it a judgment with eternal consequences? Likewise, the Bible speaks of eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12). But this does not mean that Christ will continue the act of redemption eternally. That act took place at the Cross, once and for all. It was an eternal redemption because the result of the redemption had eternal consequences.



Sixth, I noted earlier that traditionalists often cite Revelation 14:9-11 to demonstrate that the suffering of the wicked will be eternal. They most often highlight two phrases. The first refers to those who take the mark of the beast during the Tribulation, who will be “tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels.” The second is that “the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever.” Notice that this passage does not speak of eternal torment. Rather, it speaks of “the smoke of their torment” ascending forever.


The Bible is its own best interpreter, and when you look up statements similar to this you will find that they are symbolic for a punishment that has eternal consequences, not a punishment that continues eternally. For example, consider Isaiah 34:10 which speaks of the destruction of Edom. It says the smoke of Edom’s destruction will “go up forever.”


I have been to Edom (the southern portion of modern day Jordan in the area around Petra). I have seen its destruction. But there was no smoke ascending heaven. The reference to eternal smoke is obviously symbolic, indicating that Edom’s destruction will give eternal testimony to how God deals with a sinful society.


The same is true of Jude 7 when it says that Sodom and Gomorrah experienced “the punishment of eternal fire.” Again, I have been to the area at the southern tip of the Dead Sea where these twin cities existed. The area is one of utter devastation, but there is no smoke going up to heaven. They are not burning eternally. They simply suffered a fiery destruction that had eternal consequences.



Last, many traditionalists believe that the soul is immortal. But is it? I believe the Bible denies the immortality of the soul point blank.


In 1 Timothy 6:15-16 Paul says that God alone possesses immortality. And 1 Corinthians 15:53 teaches that the Redeemed will not become immortal until the time of their resurrection.


In other words, immortality is a gift of God which He gives in His grace to the Redeemed at the time of their resurrection. There is no need to believe in an eternal Hell if the soul is not intrinsically immortal. And it isn’t.


Can History Decide the Question?

You should see by now that both the traditional and the conditional positions on Hell can muster good, Biblical support for their point of view. Can church history help us decide which is right?


Unfortunately, it cannot, for both viewpoints can be found in very early writings. The idea of a Hell where the impenitent were eternally tormented can be traced to a time even before Jesus. The intertestamental Book of Enoch, as well as theFourth Book of the Sibylline Oracles, both speak of the eternal suffering of the wicked. The great Rabbi Hillel, who lived at about the same time as Jesus, taught that one class of sinner would be punished “to ages of ages” — even though he maintained that most of the damned would be annihilated.


These are all non-Christian sources. But Cyprian, a Christian from the Third Century, wrote that “the damned will burn forever in hell.” If we ask who was responsible for systematizing and popularizing the traditional viewpoint, we find that it was Augustine around the year 400 A.D. But the position certainly was taught before his time.


The conditionalist viewpoint can also be traced back to Bible times. For example, it can be found in the writings of Justin Martyr (114-165 A.D.). In his Dialogue with Trypho the Jew,Martyr states that the soul is mortal, that the souls of the unrighteous will suffer only as long as God wills, and that finally their souls will pass out of existence. The concept is also affirmed in the Didache, a Second Century Christian handbook. That book speaks of “two ways” — the way of life and the way of death. It says the unrighteous will perish.


The Reality of Hell

Which viewpoint is right? I have already cast my vote for the conditionalist understanding. You may decide that the evidence points in the other direction.


But whatever you conclude, based on our study of Scripture, we can agree that Hell is a terrifying, horrendous, ghastly place that should be avoided at all costs. You certainly do not want your friends or your family to go there — there will be no parties in hell! — and you should do all you can to make sure it is not your final home.


The truth is — as I have stressed repeatedly — your eternal destiny is in your hands. You can choose eternal life by receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Or, you can choose eternal destruction by refusing to accept God’s gift of love and grace. I urge you to choose life by accepting Jesus (Deuteronomy 30:15-19).