Friday, March 17, 2023

The Gentiles in Prophecy


The Gentiles in Prophecy - Fetterman & Feinstein Died at Hospitals – SCOTUS Busted - Military Arrests Lori Lightfoot - Trap Set For The UniParty - Hezbollah's Wake-up Call to Israel - LIFE SITE NEWS & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 17th 2023


Restored Republic Via A GCR Update As Of March 17, 2023 - By Judy Byington - Friday, March 17, 2023 13:32 – Supreme Court members busted for money laundering – Chief Justice Roberts arrested for child trafficking – 71 US banks & 1400 banks worldwide have collapsed -

Kerry Cassidy Latest Intel March 17, 2023!! - Must Video - Friday, March 17, 2023 12:07 - Kerry Cassidy’s great intel with Lewis Herms! -

REAL RAW NEWS: Fetterman & Feinstein Died at Hospitals - By Michael Baxter -March 12, 2023 - Two United States senators have recently died in hospitals, said a U.S. Army Cyber Command source who claims his agency intercepted conversations in which Democrat leaders discussed the deaths of Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman and California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who allegedly perished within days of setting foot in hospitals.

REAL RAW NEWS: Military Arrests Lori Lightfoot - By Michael Baxter -March 16, 2023 - United States Navy JAG investigators on Wednesday arrested disgraced Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on charges of treason, JAG sources told Real Raw News. They have also detained Lightfoot’s wife, Amy Eshleman, as an accessory to crimes Lightfoot committed before and throughout the Covid-19 Plandemic. -


Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi receives a standing ovation and a hero's welcome in his hometown in Germany. - The Nation of Israel - Mar 13 2023 - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has just returned to Germany from Thailand, where he was advising the Royal family regarding the dire situation with the princess, who has been in a coma for months due to cardiac arrest after taking the jabs.

NATURAL NEWS: Divide and conquer: Gen. Michael Flynn warns China is dividing the US and its allies in push for global domination - Thursday, March 16, 2023 by: Kevin Hughes - China is causing division between the United States and its allies in order to push Chinese global domination. “Part of the 100-year war for the Chinese is to divide those who are allied with the United States of America. Divide those alliances and then build trust with the other side. So, divide us from some partners that we had. And then they become their new partner,” retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael “Mike” Flynn told host Alex Jones during the March 11 episode of “The Alex Jones Show” on the InfoWars network. -

X22 REPORT: Ep 3022b – Trap Has Been Set For The UniParty, Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, We Will Never Forget - The [DS] is now scrambling to shift the narrative, Biden is on deck and the evidence is now coming out and the D party will make a move on him. The people are now seeing the crimes and its going to get worse as time goes on. The [DS] used everything they had to get rid of Trump and in the process they hurt the people and the people will not forget. There will be accountability. Posted on March 16, 2023 -

 YNET: Hezbollah's wake-up call to Israel - Opinion: The blast at the Megiddo Junction, caused by a terrorist from Lebanon, should raise concerns within the military about the effectiveness of Israel's deterrence against Hezbollah – By Yossi Yehoshua – March 16th 2023 | 17:23 - Israel's security forces characterized the May 2021 Operation Guardian of the Walls as a wake-up call about the risks of a multi-front attack against Israel. However, during the operation, the attacks from Lebanon originated from Hamas cells situated in the region, rather than from Hezbollah.

JERUSALEM POST: Wagner’s convicts tell of horrors of Ukraine war and loyalty to their leader - In their ranks are murderers, thieves and a self-declared "Satanist." 5 agreed to be interviewed by phone and messaging app. What follows is the most detailed insider account of Wagner's convict army - By REUTERS Published: MARCH 16, 2023 20:17 - Updated: MARCH 16, 2023 20:21 - In October last year, a Russian news site published a short video of Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner Group, the Russian mercenary army, sitting with four men on a rooftop terrace in the resort town of Gelendzhik, on Russia's Black Sea coast. Two are missing parts of a leg. A third has lost an arm. They are identified as pardoned former convicts, returned from the front in Ukraine after joining Wagner from prison.

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: 4 Palestinian terrorists killed, 18 wounded in Jenin raid - March 16, 2023 - At least four Palestinian terrorists were killed during a daytime gun battle with Israeli security forces in Jenin on Thursday afternoon.

WEATHER: California's Storm Siege On Pause Now, But Wetter Pattern To Return - By Chris Dolce – March 17th 2023 -

LIFE SITE NEWS: Tens of thousands take to streets of Madrid for Spain’s annual March for Life - The marchers protested 'laws and practices that threaten life and human nature at every moment of life' in Spain, such as abortion, euthanasia, and transgenderism. Over 50,000 people thronged the streets of Madrid on March 12 for Spain’s March for Life. The annual event, called the Yes to Life march, was sponsored by over 500 organizations belonging to the Spanish Yes to Life Platform (Plataforma SI A LA VIDA). -

Croatian MEP: 'Billions of Doses of Covid Vaccines Are Being Burned Across the World, No One Wants Them' (Video) - “Billions of euros of taxpayers’ money are being burned, and nobody asked the citizens anything when those vaccines were bought,” he stressed. “No one asked for a permit, not even us representatives who were elected by the citizens to protect their health and their property.” -

New Patriot Militia Group EXPLODES across the Nation!!! - March 17th 2023 - Turley Talks - Daily News - Highlights -  “By some estimates, People’s Rights now has over 50 thousand members and are represented in all 50 states.” “People’s Rights is being compared to a kind of like an Uber for militias! If you’re in need of anything, you can text a number and the closest militia group will come to your aid within minutes! It’s astonishing stuff!”  “The ultra-leftists over at Mother Jones actually flipped out that Ammon Bundy came in third in the Idaho governor’s race, getting over a hundred thousand votes. That’s nearly 20% of the total vote in Idaho.” -

Juan O Savin & David Nino Rodriguez - Revelations Are Here! What Lies Ahead? - Must Video - Friday, March 17, 2023 10:26 - How much longer are the White Hats going to hide the fact that Trump is still President and Commander-in-Chief under COG since the invasion of the CCP in collusion with several other countries and establishment of the Biden puppet regime from the American people?

MISES INSTITUTE: No, We Don't Need More Nuclear Weapons - Friday, March 17, 2023 14:17 - Republicans and Democrats may quibble over how federal tax dollars might be spent on various social welfare programs like Medicaid and food stamps. But alongside Social Security, there is one area of federal spending that everyone can apparently agree on: military spending.



The Gentiles in Prophecy – Spent Glory or Future Empire?

by Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: January 16, 2012

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 17th 2023


“Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”  (Luke 21:24)

Although the Scriptures focus upon God’s dealings with His Chosen People, the Jews, the non Jews (known in the Bible as the Gentiles), are not ignored — as the quote above from Jesus demonstrates.


The Bible teaches that God chose the Jewish people to serve as witnesses of His glory (Isaiah 41:10-12). He also chose them to serve as a channel of His blessings to the world (Genesis 12:1-3).


Through the Jews, God revealed Himself and His Law. And through the Jewish prophets, He pointed Mankind to the coming Messiah (1 Peter 1:10-12).


The Focus Shifts

God did not start using the Gentiles as a vehicle of His purposes in history until His Chosen People turned their backs on Him and gave themselves to human idols. At that point in time, God began to work through both the Jews and the Gentiles to carry out His plan of redemption.


His first step was to bring judgment upon the Jews for their idolatry. He did this by allowing them to be taken into exile by the Babylonians.


It was during this exile (605 — 536 B.C.) that God revealed to His prophet Daniel that He had a plan for using the Gentile nations to help achieve His purposes in history.


A Prophetic Dream

Daniel was one of the Jewish exiles. He came to the attention of the Babylonian leaders through his ability to interpret dreams. He was called upon to interpret a troubling dream which God gave to the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar.



The king saw a huge statue of a man in his dream. The statue was made of a succession of metals. It had a head of gold, a silver chest, thighs of brass, and legs of iron. It rested upon a precarious foundation — feet of iron mixed with clay.


As Nebuchadnezzar stared at the statue, admiring its beauty, the feet were suddenly struck by a supernatural stone (“a stone cut out without hands”). The statue collapsed, and the stone expanded rapidly into a mountain that engulfed the whole world (Daniel 2:31-35).


Daniel explained that the dream dealt with the future and extended even to the “latter days” (Daniel 2:28). He pointed out that the golden head was representative of the Babylonian empire. It would be succeeded by another empire represented by the silver chest, and it would, in turn, be overthrown by another empire symbolized by the thighs of bronze. The fourth empire in the series was represented by the legs of iron (Daniel 2:36-40).


Later, God revealed to Daniel that the empire that would follow Babylon would be the Medo Persian which, in turn, would be overthrown by the Greeks under Alexander the Great (Daniel 8:1-8, 20-21).   The empire symbolized by the iron legs was never specifically identified, but we know from history that it was the Roman Empire which eventually split into two parts, the Eastern and Western Empires.


A Prophetic Gap

The prophecy evidently contains a time gap because there is nothing in history that corresponds to the empire represented by the feet of iron mixed with clay.


In subsequent dreams and visions, the Lord revealed to Daniel that this kingdom of iron mixed with clay would be a loose confederation of ten nations (Daniel 7:24). This confederation would arise out of the territory of the empire of iron — the Roman Empire (Daniel 7:7-8). Daniel was also shown that this revived European confederation would serve as the base for the construction of the last great Gentile world empire — namely, the empire of the Antichrist (Daniel 7:8,24-26; 8:19-27).


Further evidence of a time gap is found in the fact that history fails to show a ten nation European confederation expanding into a world empire and then being suddenly destroyed by a supernatural intervention of God. Nor has a kingdom from God encompassed the whole world, submitting the nations to the rule of the Messiah (Daniel 2:41-45; 7:13-14,27).


A Prophetic Vision

Forty eight years after Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the Lord gave Daniel a vision of the same succession of Gentile empires.  However, instead of a glorious statue of a man, Daniel saw a series of ravenous wild beasts which devoured each other.


The first beast, representing Babylon, was a lion that had wings like an eagle. The second, a symbol of Medo Persia, was a bear raised up on one side. Next came a leopard with wings like a bird, representing the rapid conquest of Alexander the Great who built the Greek Empire. The fourth beast was “dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth” (Daniel 7:7). It also had ten horns (Daniel 7:7). The iron teeth of the beast relate to the iron legs of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, and so it represents the Roman Empire.


While Daniel was observing the fourth beast, “a little horn” representing the Antichrist grew out of the beast’s head. It subdued three of the other horns and then took over the rest of the horns. It then quickly “devoured the whole earth” (Daniel 7:23-25). But after three and one half years, it was judged and “destroyed forever” (Daniel 7:26).


It is obvious that the feet and ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue correspond to the ten horns of Daniel’s vision. Both represent a coalition of ten kingdoms which will serve as the base from which the Antichrist will conquer the world.


Why two presentations of the same succession of empires? Nebuchadnezzar’s dream presents the prophecy from Man’s viewpoint, looking upon the empires as beautiful and glorious. Daniel’s vision sees the kingdoms from God’s viewpoint — as a succession of wild beasts who are cruel and ruthless.


In both cases, the final Gentile empire of the Antichrist is suddenly destroyed supernaturally, bringing to an end what Jesus referred to as “the times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24).


A Prophetic Expectation

The “times of the Gentiles” began with Nebuchadnezzar. They continue to this day, and they will not end until the Second Coming of Jesus.


The ruthless glory of the Gentile empires was temporarily suspended when the Roman Empire split and then later collapsed. At that point the international community reorganized into nation states.


Since that time there have been many attempts to rebuild a great Gentile world empire, the three most notable being the Holy Roman Empire (the First Reich), the French Empire of Napoleon, and the Third Reich of Hitler. However, all of these fell short.


But the glory is not all past. The greatest Gentile empire is still future. It will be the empire of the Antichrist.


That’s what all the talk about a “New World Order” is about. Satan is coalescing a new world wide Gentile empire. Its nucleus is being provided through the reunification of Europe.


Before long, some dynamic, charismatic political personality will emerge in Europe who seems to have the answers to all the world’s problems. Europe will unite behind him, and he will then venture forth to build a new world order, using both deception and force (Daniel 11:36-45 and Revelation 6:1-6).


The final Gentile empire will unite the world politically, socially, economically and spiritually. Every nation will be included (Revelation 13:7). The Antichrist will be assisted by a False Prophet who will pull together the world’s religions into an amalgamated, apostate super church that will worship the Antichrist (Revelation 13:11-18).


At the end of seven years of unparalleled tribulation upon the earth, God will pour out His wrath upon this last Gentile empire. Its overwhelming destruction by fire will take place in one hour (Revelation 18).


That’s when Jesus will return to set up another new world order — the perfect world order. He will reign from Mt. Zion in Jerusalem with a rod of iron, and the world will be flooded with peace, righteousness and justice as the waters cover the seas (Isaiah 11:9 and Habakkuk 2:14).


Prophetic Urgency

The “times of the Gentiles” are rapidly coming to a close. Jesus said the final days of this time period would be marked by the liberation of Jerusalem from Gentile control (Luke 21:24). That glorious event took place on June 7, 1967 when the Jews reconquered the city of Jerusalem for the first time in 1,897 years.


The Church may not have understood the significance of this event, but the Orthodox Jews certainly did. Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the Chief Rabbi of the Israeli Army in 1967, rushed to the Wailing Wall, blew a shofar, and solemnly proclaimed “the beginning of the Messianic Age!”


The Orthodox Jews know the Old Testament prophecies, and those prophecies say that the Jews will be back in the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem when the Messiah comes (Ezekiel 37 and Zechariah 12).


A Warning

Do not be deceived by all the talk about a “New World Order.” It is the old world order dressed up in new clothes.


Satan is pulling together one last worldwide Gentile empire in his futile attempt to frustrate God’s master plan. Most of the world will be deceived into believing that this “New World Order” will produce a utopia on earth. It will create, instead, a living hell.


The “New World Order” is doomed to failure, for it will be based on the wisdom of Man. Pray for the coming of the perfect world order that Jesus will establish when He returns. It will be based upon the Word of God.

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