Friday, March 31, 2023

The Earth in Prophecy


The Earth in Prophecy - Simon Parkes & Charlie Ward – Real POTUS is Insulated – US MILITARY NEWS – Ben Fulford Update - DAN BONGINO SHOW - ALL NEWS PIPELINE & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 31st 2023


 US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic Via A GCR Update As Of March 31, 2023 -

New Monkey Werx SITREP 3.31.23 - 421 Aerial Survey's in 30 Days! - Friday, March 31, 2023 14:58 -

DAN BONGINO SHOW: The Redline Was Crossed, Now What? - Dan Bongino - Friday, March 31, 2023 13:28 - In this episode, I address the stunning indictment of Donald Trump by tyrant DA Alvin Bragg, and the likely outcome and repercussions.

New Benjamin Fulford Mass Intel Friday Geo-Political Update for March 2023 Q&A - Friday, March 31, 2023 15:00 -

HAL TURNER SHOW: Trans "Day of Vengeance" CANCELLED – WORLD - BY HAL TURNER - 31 MARCH 2023 - The Trans-Gendered Freaks have CANCELLED their "Day of Vengeance" scheduled for tomorrow, April 1, at the US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC.  Organizers cite "astronomical amounts of hate" as the reason for cancelling. It probably didn't help that one of their freakazoids murdered a bunch of Christian School Children in Nashville, TN the other day.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: We're Living The Period Of 'The Overture' Leading To 'Kinetic War' - Over 700 'Attacks' On Our Food Supply System And 'Grey Terror' From East Coast To The West Carried Out Before Our Eyes - Rush of Chinese men to get into America like an animal stampede before an earthquake – March 30 2023 - While the Communist propaganda 'mainstream media' and traitors in Congress will surely hope Americans never notice it until it's far too late, the hashtag over at Twitter #AmericaUnderAttack is suddenly seeing a lot of posts: from train derailments spilling toxic chemicals into major American rivers to attacks on power substations to communist-inspired Antifa attacks on police stations to violent transgenders carrying out murders at Christian schools to even more food processing plants being blown to pieces, such 'events' are looking to more and more people like 'America is under attack.'

MAIL ONLINE: Female California police union exec, 64, is charged with running eight-year, global FENTANYL operation from her gated community home - and using the union's UPS account to ship the killer drug - Joanne Marian Segovia, executive director of the San Jose Police Officers' Association, was charged with attempting to unlawfully import valeryl fentanyl - Starting in 2015, Segovia had at least 61 drug shipments mailed to her San Jose home from India, Hong Kong, Hungary and Singapore - Segovia used WhatsApp messaging service and her personal and office computers to order thousands of opioid tablets and other pills to her home - By ANEETA BHOLE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM and ASSOCIATED PRESS - PUBLISHED: 13:08 EDT, 31 March 2023 | UPDATED: 15:25 EDT, 31 March 2023 -

BLP: Tennessee Creates State Gold and Silver Reserve - By Jose Nino - Mar 31, 2023 - On March 23, 2023, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill into law that lays the groundwork for creating a state reserve to purchase, sell, and hold precious metals such as gold and silver. According to Mike Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center, such a move would grant Tennessee ability to “achieve more financial independence with gold and silver reserves, and could help undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.”

BLP: Roger Stone Outlines Political ‘Nosedive’ of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis After Turning on the MAGA Base - By Shane Trejo - Mar 30, 2023 - Legendary political pundit Roger Stone has outlined the total “nosedive” done by Ron DeSantis as the Florida governor conducts his shadow presidential campaign to upend Donald Trump and subvert the MAGA agenda. DeSantis has turned his back on the America First base at a time when Trump is likely to be indicted and the Republican base is rallying intensely around Trump against the left-wing political witch hunt that is set to ensnare him. DeSantis has been listening to his neocon globalist advisors, Stone explains, and that has resulted in the many substantial errors over the past weeks.

Simon Parkes & Charlie: Exclusive Situation Update (Video) - Friday, March 31, 2023 8:47 -

TRUMP: "INDICATED" - Before You Are VINDICATED as a Hero. Q (Video) - Friday, March 31, 2023 9:13 -

Glenn Beck Issues Grave Warning To America After Trump Indictment (Video) - Friday, March 31, 2023 8:58 - ‘The Great Reset’ author Glenn Beck reacts to the ‘unprecedented’ indictment of former President Donald Trump on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.

SG Anon: Situation Update #47: President Trump Indicted By Manhattan Grand Jury (Video) - Friday, March 31, 2023 8:36 - SG fills us in on the indictment of President Trump.. What a time to be alive, huh? Who would have thought we’d witness this? Meanwhile the financial system is crumbling under their feet, the real POTUS is insulated, military operations next step…

Michael Jaco: Revolutions on the Brink Around the World. When Does the Revolution Start for America? (Video) - Friday, March 31, 2023 8:52 - As we’ve stated over this month and before, the world was about to catch fire and now the match has been put to the timber and it’s blazing!! Everyone has had enough of the corruption, the strife, the lies! Will a global revolution begin now?

Putin and China JUST Changed EVERYTHING as the U.S. Readies for War - Friday, March 31, 2023 10:26 - Chinese President Xi Jinping proclaiming to his military forces: “In the face of wars that may be imposed on us, we must speak to enemies in a language they understand and use victory to win peace and respect…

X22 Report - Deep State Lost The Court Of Public Opinion! The Bait Has Been Set! Years Of Planning! - Must Video - Thursday, March 30, 2023 21:06 - The [DS] has now lost the court of public opinion. Every time they attacked Trump it was an attack on the American people and this woke the American people up. Trump has been baiting them in from the beginning and now he has almost completed the setup and the sting operation. The last part is to allow the [DS] to bring up to the brink of war, this will jolt the rest of the people awake. Years of planning but now the people are awake and ready to battle the [DS].

WORLD NET DAILY: Trump accuses Dems of 'election interference at the highest level in history' - Follows reports Manhattan grand jury indicted former president on questionable charge - By Bob Unruh - Published March 30, 2023 - Former President Donald Trump is accusing President Joe Biden of "political persecution" and "election interference at the highest level in history," following news that a Manhattan grand jury has indicted Trump on a questionable charge that most legal experts, including lifelong Democrats like Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz, have condemned as a totally "political" prosecution.

ZERO HEDGE: Huge Block Of Gulf Of Mexico Auctioned For Oil Drilling, Infuriating Biden's Climate Activists - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, MAR 30, 2023 - 05:00 PM - As required by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) auctioned oil and gas drilling rights across 73.4 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico despite the Biden administration's pledge to end new leasing as part of climate change initiatives.

HARBINGER DAILY: The Spirit Of Adolf Hitler Is Alive In The World Today… For That Spirit Is Satan – By Jan Markell - March 23, 2023 - Many pastors and churches sold out to the Nazis or else turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to the suffering of Europe’s incarcerated. Satan worked himself into the very heart of the church in Germany and caused many church people—pastors and laymen alike—to rationalize and compromise with the Nazis. A hear-no-evil, see-no-evil mentality swept the country with regard to her treatment of the Jews and other “undesirables.” When Germans were questioned about things they had seen, the whole nation suddenly developed a strange form of “amnesia.” Perhaps it was a self-protecting device that helped them forget the terrible ordeal of Nazi Germany. The nation that had produced Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and a host of other men and women for whom the world will always be grateful, also perpetrated and, often actively or passively, supported the carnage of the Third Reich.

LIFE SITE NEWS: ‘Real enemy is humanity itself’: Exposing the occult roots of The Club of Rome’s climate agenda - Global environmentalism is a dangerous cult whose claims of apocalypse, and of the efficacy of the solutions technology presents, are as fantastical as the beliefs which inspired them. - Thu Mar 30, 2023 - The evidence for the influence of occultism over the global environmental movement begins with the man who is credited with founding it: Maurice Strong. Maurice Strong was a Canadian oilman, a rich entrepreneur whose involvement with the Club of Rome saw him rise to promote a worldwide green agenda based on fantasy, misanthropy, and the deliberate manipulation of public sentiment. He led the United Nations Environment Program, and later the World Economic Foundation. The mastermind behind the 1992 Rio Earth summit, he is credited with the creation of the phrase “climate change.”

Media Ignore Bank Records: “Biden Has Been Bought Off by the Chinese Communist Party” - by Selwyn Duke March 21, 2023 -




The Earth in Prophecy – Eternal Restoration or Fiery Finish?

by Dr. David R. Reagan

Published on: August 16, 2012

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 31st 2023


Did you know we are living on earth number three? Did you know the Bible reveals that there are two earths yet to come? Did you know the Bible teaches that the earth is eternal?




Earth I

The first earth was the one created in the beginning (Genesis 1:1). It was perfect in every respect (Genesis 1:31). But because of Man’s sin, God placed a curse upon the earth (Genesis 3:17-19).


The Bible indicates that this curse radically altered the nature of God’s original creation. Instead of Man exercising dominion over Nature, as originally planned (Genesis 1:26, 28), Nature rose up in conflict with Man, as poisonous plants, carnivorous animals and climatic cataclysms (like tornados) suddenly appeared.


Earth II

The curse radically altered the original earth, but Earth II was still quite different from the one we live on today. There is much Biblical evidence in both Genesis and Job that the second earth had a thick vapor canopy which shielded life from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, producing the long life spans recorded in Genesis (see Genesis 2:5-6 and Job 38:8-11).


The whole earth was like a greenhouse with thick vegetation growing everywhere, even at the poles. There was also probably only one large land mass.


Once again the sinful rebellion of Mankind motivated God to change the nature of the earth (Genesis 6:11-13). The change agent this time was water. It appears that God caused the vapor canopy to collapse (Genesis 7:11). He also caused “fountains of the great deep” to break forth upon the surface of the earth (Genesis 7:11).


Earth III

Like the curse, the Flood radically altered the nature of the earth. It produced Earth III, the earth we now live on.


The earth tilted on its axis, forming the polar caps. The unified land mass was split apart, forming the continents as we now know them (which is why they fit together like a jigsaw puzzle — see Genesis 10:25). And the vapor canopy was so completely depleted that ultraviolet radiation began to reach the earth in unprecedented levels, resulting in greatly reduced life spans, first to 120 years and then to 70 years.


The Bible reveals that the current earth, Earth III, will be radically changed again at the Second Advent of Jesus. The change agents will be earthquakes on the earth and supernatural phenomena in the heavens.


The changes produced will so totally alter the earth and its atmosphere that Isaiah refers to “the new heavens and the new earth” which will exist during the reign of the Lord (Isaiah 65:17).


Earth IV

Earth IV — The millennial earth — will be very different from the present earth. The earthquakes that will produce it will be the most severe in history.


Every valley will be lifted, every mountain will be lowered, and every island will be moved (Revelation 6:12-14; 16:17-21). Jerusalem will be lifted up, and Mt. Zion will become the highest of all the mountains (Zechariah 14:10 and Micah 4:1).


The vapor canopy will likely be restored because life spans will be expanded to what they were at the beginning of time (Isaiah 65:20,22).


Further evidence that the vapor canopy will be restored is to be found in the fact that all the earth will become abundant once again with lush vegetation (Isaiah 30:23-26 and Amos 9:13-14). The Dead Sea will also become alive (Ezekiel 47:1-9).


Most important, the curse will be partially lifted, making it possible for Man to be reconciled to Nature and for Nature to be reconciled to itself. The wolf will dwell with the lamb because the wolf will no longer be carnivorous. The nursing child will play with the cobra because the cobra will no longer be poisonous (Isaiah 11:8).


Earth V

But Satan’s last revolt at the end of the Millennium will leave the earth polluted and devastated (Revelation 20:7-9). Thus, at the end of the Lord’s reign, God will take the Redeemed off the earth, place them in the New Jerusalem, and then cleanse the earth with fire (2 Peter 3:10-13).


In other words, God will superheat this earth in a fiery inferno and then reshape it like a hot ball of wax. The result will be the “new heavens and new earth” prophesied in Isaiah 66 and Revelation 21.


This will be Earth V, the perfected, eternal earth where the Redeemed will spend eternity in the New Jerusalem in the presence of God (Revelation 21:1-4). The curse will be completely lifted from this earth (Revelation 22:3).


Restoration in the Old Testament

God loves His creation, and He is determined to restore it to its original perfection.


This purpose of God was reflected in the rites of the Tabernacle of Moses. Each year when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies to make atonement for the sins of the nation, he would sprinkle blood on the Mercy Seat of the Ark — and also on the ground in front of the Ark (Leviticus 16:15).


The blood on the Mercy Seat pointed to the promise of God that one day He would send a Messiah who would shed His blood so that the mercy of God could cover the Law and make it possible for us to be reconciled to our Creator. The blood on the ground pointed to the promise of God that the sacrifice of the Messiah would also make it possible for the creation to be redeemed.


In the Old Testament, Isaiah 11 gives us a beautiful picture of the redeemed creation during the Millennium. We are told that the meat eating animals will cease to prey on each other and “will eat straw like the ox.” The poisonous animals will also be transformed. They will cease to be dangerous (Isaiah 11:6-9; 35:9).


The plant kingdom will similarly be transformed back to its original perfection before the curse. The result will be incredible agricultural abundance:


“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord,

“When the plowman will overtake the reaper

And the treader of grapes him who sows seed;

When the mountains will drip sweet wine . . .”

— Amos 9:13


The prophet Joel adds that “the threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil” (Joel 2:24).

The implication of these passages is that Man will no longer have to strive against nature because weeds and poisonous plants will cease to exist and rainfall will be abundant.


In fact, Isaiah tells us that areas of wilderness will be transformed into glorious forests (Isaiah 35:2) and deserts will become “springs of water” (Isaiah 35:7).


Restoration in the New Testament

The promise of a redeemed and restored creation is reaffirmed in the New Testament. Peter referred to the promise in his second sermon at the Temple in Jerusalem. He told his audience that Jesus would remain in Heaven until the time comes for the “restoration of all things” (Acts 3:21).


Paul elaborates the theme in Romans 8:18-23. He declares that the whole creation is in “slavery to corruption” (verse 21). This is a reference to what physicists call the Second Law of Thermodynamics; namely, that all of creation is running down, moving from order to disorder — that all of creation is in bondage to decay.


Paul then pictures the creation as a pregnant woman waiting anxiously for the moment of delivery when the curse will be lifted and the creation will be redeemed. He says that will occur at “the revealing of the sons of God.”


That is a reference to the resurrection of the saints, a point he makes clear in verse 23 when he says that the saints should yearn with nature for that same event because that is when each of us will receive “the redemption of our body.”


The Eternal Earth

The Old Testament has little to say about the eternal earth which God will create at the end of the Millennium. Isaiah simply asserts that such an earth will be provided (Isaiah 66:22). Isaiah’s only other reference to a “new earth,” in Isaiah 65:17, is a reference to the renovated earth of the Millennium.


In Revelation 21 the apostle John gives us the most detailed look at what the new, eternal earth will be like. And yet, his description is tantalizingly vague. He makes a cryptic reference to the fact that there will no longer be any sea (Revelation 21:1). Beyond that, all he tells us is that God will make “all things new” (Revelation 21:5).


A Glorious Blessing

I think the reason the passages about the eternal earth tell us so little about the features of that earth is because they focus on one glorious fact that overshadows any concern with what the new earth will be like. That fact is that the Redeemed will live in the presence of Almighty God (Revelation 21 and 22). We will “serve Him” and we will “see His face” (Revelation 22:3-4). What the earth will be like pales in comparison to this revelation.



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