Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Modern Day Signs of the Times


Modern Day Signs of the Times - Massive Abuses of Government Power – China Mediating End to the War - Banking Crisis Goes Global - AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS - CANADA FREE PRESS - ZERO HEDGE On Biden Scandal - Louisiana revival heads into 19th straight week & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 15th 2023


X22 Report - Federal Reserve Believes They Have The Upper Hand By Nationalizing The Banks! It Has Begun! - Must Video - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 14:19 - The more the [CB]/[WEF] pushes the worse it gets for them, they are NOT in control, Trump and the patriots are. They are being brought down a path that will destroy their entire system. The exposure of the economic system and the corrupt banking system has already begun.

GATESTONE INSTIUTE: Massive Abuses of Government Power: Urgent Reform Needed of Data Privacy and Collection - by Pete Hoekstra - March 15, 2023 at 5:00 am - [T]he NSA's surveillance network "has the capacity to reach roughly 75% of all U.S. Internet traffic"... the NSA, working with the FBI, engaged in the bulk collection of phone records of U.S. citizens' phone records. Other programs may allow for data collection from Google, Facebook, YouTube and other platforms. These are the alleged capabilities that have been leaked to the media and government watchdog groups. One can only imagine what the federal government's more secretive and advanced programs might be capable of collecting.

ATLAS SHRUGS: China President Xi Plans Meeting with Zelensky to Discuss Peace Proposal, Mediating End to the War - By Pamela Geller - on March 14, 2023 - Wiping the floor with Biden. This was America’s global role and responsibility (not marching to WWIII) before the 2020 coup. Watch the Democrat party of treason spins this faster than Rumpelstiltskin….

BLP: Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump Call for De-Escalation of Tensions in Ukraine - By Jose Nino - Mar 14, 2023 - In a statement released on March 13, 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared that becoming “further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia” is not in the United State’s best interest. When Trump was asked about whether the US should support regime change in Russia, he responded: “No. We should support regime change in the United States, that’s far more important. The Biden administration are the ones who got us into this mess.” -

Woke Journalist Tries to Frame Jordan Peterson, Then THIS Happens!!! - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:03 -

Banking Crisis Goes Global! The Federal Reserve Begins A New Banking System Bailout! - Greg Mannarino - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:01 -

THE MEANING OF HEAVEN: An ethereal spirit world or a tangible new earth? -

SG Anon & Juan O Savin Stream - Latest Updates! - Must Video - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:21 - Here is latest updates and Intel to consider! -

Charlie Ward BOMBSHELL 3/15/23: It's About To Get Crazier! - Must Video - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:32 -

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: Military service member found dead at Pentagon inside car; investigation underway - A military service member was found dead in a parking lot outside the Pentagon on Tuesday, whose death is now the subject of an ongoing investigation. Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said the service member was found deceased in their vehicle in the Pentagon’s north parking lot, Fox News reported.

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: Feds knew for years fentanyl-tainted pills from Mexican pharmacies were killing Americans - pharmaceuticals. (Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS) - MARCH 15, 2023 CONNOR SHEETS - ALABAMA MEDIA GROUP AND KERI BLAKINGER - LOS ANGELES TIMES - Officials at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and State Department have known for more than three years that some pharmacies in Mexico are selling counterfeit medications laced with illicit fentanyl — and that American tourists are overdosing and dying from them. A California medical examiner first alerted federal authorities in the spring of 2019, when 29-year-old Brennan Harrell died of a fentanyl overdose after he and a friend bought pills at a drug store in Cabo San Lucas.

CANADA FREE PRESS: And even as corrupt governments keep sending atrocities our way, God Almighty is still in His Heaven keeping watch over us. God Will Always Be With Us No Matter What The Enemy Holds In Store For Us - By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--March 15, 2023 - Worries about what is happening in a world seemingly gone stark raving mad is keeping many folk awake these lingering, long winter nights… (Comment: As a pastor I must interject here that you must put all your worries on God’s shoulders. Let him take the weight of the world on him. In  1 Peter 5:7, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”)

ZERO HEDGE: 'Another Scandal': Biden Admin 'Radicals' Blocked SVB Sale, Nationalized It, Then Blamed Trump For Collapse - BY TYLER DURDEN - TUESDAY, MAR 14, 2023 - 11:00 AM - Instead of spending taxpayer dollars to nationalize Silicon Valley Bank, a private buyer favored by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve had emerged, only to be nixed by FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing a source with knowledge of the situation. Kevin Hassett, former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Trump, told Fox Business that "there were buyers who were willing to step in & buy [SVB, but] the radicals at the @FDICgov basically weren’t going to allow that to happen ... the Biden Admin had a whitelist of companies that were allowed to buy the failed bank & companies that weren’t." "If this is true," said Grabien founder Tom Elliott, "then this is another Biden scandal."

REUTERS: Credit Suisse unease sparks sell-off in world stocks; gold resumes rally - By Chris Prentice & Dhara Ranasinghe - March 15, 202310:43 AM - NEW YORK/LONDON, March 15 (Reuters) - Renewed unease gripped world markets on Wednesday as news that Credit Suisse's largest investor said it could not provide the Swiss bank with more financial assistance sent its shares and broader European shares sliding. The yield on two-year U.S. Treasury notes fell to its lowest since September. Gold prices renewed their recent rally as investors sought safe havens. Oil prices pared losses after dropping to their lowest in more than a year.

END TIME HEADLINES: Louisiana revival heads into 19th straight week - Mar 14, 2023 - What started as a four-day revival event at a local church last year has blossomed into a 19th week of revival in the Hammond, Louisiana area, and it shows no signs of stopping. Sources tell CBN News, it started on Oct. 16 at the Old Zion Baptist Church located northwest of Hammond on Highway 442. On the first night of the revival, there were only about 125 people in attendance. But 34 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. By the fourth night, the gymnasium was packed. Then evangelist David R. Harrison of Voice of Hope Ministries set up his 2,500-seat tent in Hammond in order to help accommodate the large crowd.

ZERO HEDGE - Watch: Trump Vows To "Totally Obliterate The Deep State" In "The Final Battle" - BY TYLER DURDEN - TUESDAY, MAR 14, 2023 - 03:20 PM - Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News - Speaking to a huge crowd in Iowa Monday night, President Trump promised to “totally obliterate the deep state,” and described his push for a second term as “the final battle.” “What’s happening is very simple, our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know we are the only ones who can stop them,” Trump declared. “I will fire the unelected bureaucrats who have weaponized our justice system,” Trump continued, adding “IO will direct the Justice Department to go after Marxist prosecutors’ offices to make them pay for their illegal race based enforcement of the law.” “Many racists are there,” Trump further noted. Trump said in Davenport, IA he’s going to break up the Department of Education and send the resources, and segments back to the individual states!!

HARBINGER DAILY: How Can You Watch For A Day And Hour That No One Knows? By Amir Tsarfati - March 14, 2023 - The subject of Bible prophecy continues to be a hotly debated subject within the church. Some see it as already fulfilled others as allegorical lessons. But the most accurate way to approach the study of Bible prophecy is to see it as “history in advance”. What we also need to understand is that Bible prophecy is not predictions; it is as sure as the past as far as it being fulfilled.

YNET - Rampant Nazi Glorification: A look into Europe's antisemtic rallies - Special report: Study casts light on extreme right rallies across numerous European cities propagating Holocaust denial and hatred towards Israel and Jews - By Yaniv Pohoryles|March 14 2023 | 15:03 - Study casts light on extreme right rallies across numerous European cities propagating Holocaust denial and hatred towards Israel and Jews. It has been almost 80 years since the end of World War II, but far-right marches are still taking place across Europe. Many of these marches display anti-Semitic symbols and glorify Nazism.

JERUSALEM POST: Defense Ministry to use RAFAEL to improve remote-controlled naval guns - RAFAEL will be used for ongoing maintenance services for remote-controlled "Typhoon" cannons used by the IDF Navy. - By YONAH JEREMY BOB Published: MARCH 14, 2023 18:39 - Updated: MARCH 14, 2023 19:51 - The Defense Ministry on Tuesday signed a deal for Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. to perform ongoing maintenance services for its remote-controlled “Typhoon” cannons used by the Israel Navy when they are in operational use, it said in a press release.

BO Polny: The Next Four Months Are a Time That the World Will Never Forget - God Has Got This (Video) - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 12:01 - Bo joins the FOC and they are breaking it down as to what is happening now and what will happen in the near future! Things are heating up and it’s going to get even more crazy!! -

DAN BONGINO SHOW: Biden Wants To Put You On A List! - Dan Bongino - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 14:38 - Biden wants to put you on a list so they can target you. In this episode, I address the dangerous new move by the White House to get you on a “gun list.” I also address why the banking crisis is just beginning. The Clown Show: Banks failing, trains derailing, military failing… lock downs, bail outs, drag shows, campus chaos. Yes elections have consequences & stolen elections have catastrophic consequences! The Obiden regime is killing the US.

The Ursula von der Leyen File – EU Commission President - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 14:38 – (Comment: If Hitler had a sister she would be it!) The Ursula von der Leyen File – EU Commission President - 13.03.2023 - “Ursula von der Leyen is part of a gigantic Covid-19 science scam and a propaganda campaign that has caused and will continue to cause a massive violation of human rights and freedoms. This is a threat to democracy in Europe. Because of her activities and major conflicts of interest, she should resign as Commission President.”

President Macron Returns From Congo…Wednesday, March 15, 2023 14:01 -

LISA HAVEN Exclusive! Insider Leaks Critical Detail! What They’re Not Telling You About the Current Crisis, Is Key to Everything! - Wednesday, March 15, 2023 12:30 - By Lisa Haven - In this exclusive video report, I interview Justin Barclay, an author, guest speaker on Glen Beck, and Podcaster, and he reveals bombshell information about the true state of our country. Everything from how deep China’s influence is to the real communist agenda. You don’t want to miss it! All that and more in this report!

ALL ISRAEL NEWS: Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls on Israeli Arabs to start intifada - Call for violent uprising comes days after PIJ official claimed Israel is at its weakest - All Israel News Staff – March 14th 2023 - A spokesperson for the Al-Quds Brigade military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization called on Israeli Arabs to join the fight against Israel by starting a violent uprising. -

BREAKING: A 'Vast Censorship Enterprise' Funded by Taxpayers Knowingly Suppressed Vaccine Injury Content - A TWITTER FILES bombshell just dropped revealing how a foreign, dark money group (CCDH) targeting the free speech of US citizens may have been indirectly funded by the US government, military, and taxpayers themselves. Moreover, CCDH is part of a vast Censorship Enterprise which knowingly called for the suppression of true stories and content related to injuries from the experimental mRNA jabs – March 15th 2023 -

GATEWAY PUNDIT: Demand ‘America First’ Science – Stop “Scientific Money Laundering” and Billions Funneled to China Via US-Funded Research - By Joe Hoft - Mar. 14, 2023 8:00 am - Billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have been funneled into China’s research and development programs by siphoning off U.S. research funding to China-only projects or intellectual property transfer to China via U.S.-funded research. Below are two examples engineered by the same People’s Liberation Army-trained scientist, Shibo Jiang, who worked in the United States for 20 years and received $18 million in research funding from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) before returning to China.



Modern Day Signs of the Times

by Dr. David Reagan

Published on: January 7, 2015

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 15th 2023

Whenever I present an overview of the signs of the times that point to the soon return of Jesus, I am often confronted by someone often a professing Christian – who will say, “Come on David, these signs you are talking about have always existed in one degree or another, so what else is new?” They will then proceed to point out that there have always been wars and rumors of war, there have always been natural calamities, and throughout history Christians have always been persecuted. Then comes the inevitable challenge: “Show me something really new and unique that clearly points to our day and time as the season of the Lord’s return.”


The challenge is understandable, but it is not entirely legitimate. That’s because Jesus said the end time signs would be like “birth pangs” (Matthew 24:8). In other words, the signs would increase in frequency and intensity as the time draws near for Jesus to return. There would be more earthquakes, and more intense ones. Wars would be more frequent and more horrible in their degree of devastation. And that, of course, is exactly what has happened in this century. All the signs have been increasing exponentially in both frequency and intensity.


But still, it is legitimate to ask if there are any signs that are truly unique to our day and time – signs that have never existed before. Are there new signs that clearly point to this period of history as the time of the Lord’s return? The answer is yes.


A Key Prophecy

A verse that immediately comes to mind in this regard is found in Daniel 12. Daniel was given many prophecies by the Lord. Those relating to his day and time he clearly understood. He even seemed to understand prophecies that the Lord gave him relating to distant times, such as the succession of Gentile empires that would ultimately lead to the establishment of the Roman Empire. But when it came to prophecies about the end times – the period leading up to the Lord’s return as King of kings and Lord of lords – Daniel did not understand what was revealed to him.He wrestled mightily with the prophecies and finally cried out to the Lord in despair. “I have heard,” he said, “but I do not understand! What do these events mean?” (Daniel 12:8). The Lord, in effect, responded by saying, “Cool it, Daniel, because it is not for you to understand!” The Lord’s actual words were: “Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time” (Daniel 12:9). It was Daniel’s responsibility to deliver the prophecies, not understand them.


Note that Daniel was told the prophecies would not be understood “until the end time.” In fact, in the very next verse the Lord told Daniel that at the proper time “those who have insight will understand” (Daniel 12:10).


Accordingly, there are many end time prophecies that have never been understood until now, either because their understanding depended on historical events or because they were dependent upon technological developments. The fact that these prophecies have become understandable in recent years for the first time ever is proof positive that we are living in the end times. Let’s look at some examples from the book of Revelation.


Revelation Examples

The Tribulation Slaughter – Revelation 6 says that the Tribulation will begin with a series of judgments that will result in the death of one-fourth of Mankind. The world’s population is approaching six billion. That means one and a half billion people will die in the initial judgments, reducing the world’s population to 4.5 billion. The next series of judgments, recorded in Revelation 8 and 9 will kill another third of Mankind. One-third of 4.5 billion is another one and a half billion. Thus, in the first 3 years of the Tribulation, a total of 3.5 billion people will die. That’s half the population of the world!


Is this possible apart from the use of nuclear weapons? Only if it is a supernatural intervention of God. But God normally works through natural processes.


The unparalleled carnage of the Tribulation seems to me to point to nuclear weapons. Revelation 8 speaks of one-third of the earth being burned and one-third of the seas being polluted (Revelation 8:7-8). Later in the Tribulation, near the end, we are told that people will suffer from “loathsome and malignant sores” (Revelation 16:2). That sounds like one of the effects of radiation poisoning.


The advent of nuclear weapons makes possible for the first time the overwhelming Tribulation carnage portrayed in Revelation. I think nuclear power was what Jesus referred to in His Olivet discourse when He said that the end times will be characterized by “men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken” (Luke 21:26, emphasis added).


The prophecies concerning the Tribulation carnage have clearly depended upon a major technological breakthrough for their understanding. We are living in the time of that breakthrough.


The Army of 200 Million – Chapters 9 and 16 of Revelation state that an army of 200 million soldiers will march “from the east” toward Israel. Daniel 9 indicates that this will be an army representing nations in revolt against the Antichrist.


Demographers estimate that the total population of the world at the time the Apostle John wrote Revelation (95 A.D.) was only 200 million. How could an army that size march out of the east? It made no sense. In fact, it took 1,650 years for the world’s population to double to 400 million! At the beginning of this century the total world population was only 1.6 billion, still too small for an army of 200 million to march from the east.


But this century has witnessed an exponential increase in population. The population count is now at 5.8 billion, and just one country to the east of Israel – namely, China – could field an army of 200 million.


Here we have a clear example of a prophecy about the end times that could never be understood apart from historical developments.


The Two Witnesses – Revelation 11 reveals that two great witnesses of God will preach in the city of Jerusalem during the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation. Then, in the middle of that terrible period, the Antichrist will kill them.


We are further told that their dead bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days and that all the people of the world will look upon them. How could that be? Prior to 1957 that prophecy was not understandable in natural terms. There was just no way that all the people of the world could look upon two dead bodies in the streets of Jerusalem.


All that changed on October 4, 1957 when the Russians sent up the first Sputnik satellite. Today, 30 years later, our planet has many man-made satellites circling it, making possible all sorts of instantaneous communication. When those two prophets lie dead in the streets of Jerusalem, all someone will have to do is point a TV camera at them, send the signal up to a satellite, and all the world will be able to look upon them. Once again, modern technology has made an ancient prophecy understandable for the first time.


The Nation of Israel – Revelation 12 focuses on the nation of Israel. It makes clear that in the middle of the Tribulation Satan will motivate and empower the Antichrist to annihilate the Jewish state and its people. A remnant of the Jews will flee into the “wilderness” where they will be supernaturally protected by the Lord (Revelation 12:14).


At the time the book of Revelation was written, Jerusalem had already been destroyed by the Romans and the worldwide distribution of the Jews had begun. Until this century, there was never any prospect that the nation of Israel would ever exist again. There were, of course, prophetic scholars who pointed to the many promises in Scripture that say the Jews will be regathered in the end times and the nation of Israel will be reestablished once more. But people laughed at these scholars and wrote them off as “dreamers” who were out of touch with reality.


Then, on May 14, 1948 the “dream” came true. The independence of the nation of Israel was proclaimed, and the Jewish state came back into existence for the first time in almost 2,000 years.


All the end time prophecies of the Hebrew Scriptures make it clear that the Lord will return when the Jews are back in the land (Ezekiel 37) and back in their capital city of Jerusalem (Zechariah 12). Jesus emphasized these two events in His teaching. He pointed to the reestablishment of the state in his fig tree parable (Matthew 24:32-35), and He stressed the importance of the reoccupation of Jerusalem in His Olivet discourse (Luke 21:24). He stated point blank that when Jerusalem is no longer under Gentile control, all the end time events would take place. Jerusalem ceased to be under Gentile control on June 7, 1967.


The central piece of the end time world political puzzle is now in place for the first time.


The Image of the Beast – Revelation 13 says that the Antichrist’s religious leader, the False Prophet, will make an image of the Antichrist that will appear to come alive and speak. This trickery will amaze most of the world’s population and will cause many of them to give their allegiance to the Antichrist.


What is the explanation of this event? Many have concluded that Satan will empower the False Prophet to give the image life. But Satan does not have the power to create life. Satan is a liar and a deceiver.


So, again, how can the False Prophet give an image life? I don’t see any way for him to do it apart from modern technology. The illusion can be created through the use of modern robotics.


Thirty years ago in 1967 I took my family to Disneyland. We went into a theatre where we saw a man who looked exactly like Abraham Lincoln get up out of his chair in stage center, walk to the edge of the stage, grab the lapels of his jacket, and proceed to quote the Gettysburg Address. When he finished, a lady behind me exclaimed, “Wasn’t he a good actor!” He was not an actor. The “actor” was a robot. That was thirty years ago. Think what could be done today with the advances in computer technology.


The Mark of the Beast – Another prophecy in Revelation 13 that is dependent on modern technology is the famous one that states the Antichrist will control the world’s economy by requiring people to bear his mark or name on their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell anything.


Again, how could this be possible before the invention of laser and computer technology?


The Uniqueness of our Age

After reviewing the prophecies listed above, I don’t think we need any handwriting on the wall to indicate to us that we are living in a unique age. Historical developments and technological inventions are making it possible for us to understand many end time prophecies for the first time. Nor is the list above an exhaustive one. I could name many other signs unique to our day and time – such as the reunification of Europe, the exponential increase in travel and knowledge, and the preaching of the Gospel to the whole world.


Even the phenomenal success of Hal Lindsay’s book, The Late Great Planet Earth, is a unique sign of the times. Keep in mind that this book was the number one best seller in the world, with the sole exception of the Bible, for ten consecutive years, from 1970 to 1980 (as authenticated by Time Magazine). What was it that the Lord told Daniel? – “Seal it up to the end of time when those who have insight will understand.”


The bottom line, my friends, is that we are living on borrowed time, because Jesus is coming soon!





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