Monday, March 20, 2023



MYSTERY OF INQUITY - White Hats on Standby - Breaking News on NATO - Muslim Power Grab - Al-Quds Brigades Commander Killed - THE MIDEAST BEAST - LIFE SITE NEWS - DAN BONGINO SHOW - High Profile Arrests Coming - Moving to Gold Backed QFS & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 20th 2023


BLP: Lady’s Man Lindsey Graham Calls for Shooting Down Russian Planes - By Jose Nino - Mar 19, 2023 - After two Russian fighter jets intercepted a United MQ-9 Reaper surveillance drone, with one allegedly striking the drone’s propeller, taking it down, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham called on to shoot down Russian military aircraft in the near future. (Comment: War Hawk Lindsey Graham claims President Reagan would have shot them down, but Reagan was a true conservative for 8 years in the presidency and war with Russia was never mentioned one time.)

White Hats on Standby for Trump Tuesday (Video) - Monday, March 20, 2023 9:03 - The latest situation updates and Intel reports that President Donald J. Trump has asked Gen. Eric M. Smith not to intervene on Tuesday unless the Deep State and criminal Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg have an ulterior motive unrelated to the Stormy Daniels Saga for reeling him in—such as trying to compel him to relinquish an item no longer in his possession, like the “nuclear football” that holds the launch codes to the United States’ nuclear triad….

Juan O' Savin Situation Update: “Something Big Is Happening” (Video) - Monday, March 20, 2023 8:47 - As we all hold our collective breaths, waiting to see if former President Trump will be arrested, the enemy is busy with other agendas we need to know about.. Juan has VITAL Intel about those other things. We need to get ready, Folks.. We may be in for MAJOR happenings! -

Breaking News! NATO 300,000 Troops At Russian Border, Civil War In USA, Banks Brace For Collapse! - Canadian Prepper - Monday, March 20, 2023 0:25 - Massive troop deployments are coming to Europe, Civil unrest in the USA, Germany threatens to Arrest Putin, Poland will enter conflict, that’s just scratching the surface of todays talk. Buckle up!

Judy Byington: Trump Arrest - Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 20 March 2023 (Video) - Monday, March 20, 2023 9:17 - “My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us” …President Donald Trump - Global Financial Collapse Imminent - Since Friday 10 March, 71 US banks and 1,400 banks worldwide have collapsed, plus the Federal Reserve was bankrupt – all of which would instigate a Global Currency Reset….

ATLAS SHRUGS: Massachusetts Bill Privileges Muslims as Virginia Muslim Official Uses Taxpayer Billions for ‘Muslim Power’ - By Robert Spencer - on March 19, 2023 - “Islam must dominate, and not be dominated,” said Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the old jihadi would be mighty pleased by recent developments in Massachusetts and Virginia. In line with the fact that Islamic texts and teachings frequently exhort Muslims to subjugate Infidels (cf. Qur’an 9:29), and never envisions the two living as equals under a secular law, in both states Muslims are working toward achieving a privileged position that other groups do not enjoy. There will be much more of this to come.

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: Israel eliminates Islamic Jihad commander in Syria, terror group claims - March 19, 2023 - A commander in the Palestinian Arab terrorist group Islamic Jihad was killed in Syria on Sunday in what the organization described as an assassination by Israeli agents. The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad group, said in a statement that Ali Ramzi al-Aswad, 31, was killed Sunday morning in the Damascus countryside in a “cowardly assassination with bullets bearing the fingerprints of the Zionist enemy,” referring to Israel.

THE MIDEAST BEAST: Netanyahu to UN - Construction of Third Temple Will not be an Obstacle to Peace with Palestinians - by Danny Nash - “The fact is,” the Israeli PM told world leaders at the United Nations, “a Jewish Temple used to stand right where the Al Aqsa mosque plaza now sits. Even Muslim archaeologists have reported its existence.” The temple he was talking about was Second Temple, built by King Herod, which stood for almost 600 years. And while the Romans destroyed the Temple 70 years after they nailed up a certain well-known Jewish carpenter, many modern Jews still pray for the day when the Temple will be rebuilt, because as everyone knows, the third installment of a trilogy, while never as good as the original, is always better than the sequel. (Comment: Daniel spoke of sacrifices and oblations during this period (Dan. 9:27). For Daniel’s prophecy to be fulfilled, a Jewish Temple must be built, and it must be in Jerusalem. I believe it will be built before the Tribulation & after the rapture because sacrifices will return to the third temple.)

LIFE SITE NEWS: Traditional family values enjoy support in Africa – March 20th 2023 - Traditional family values are still being supported in Africa despite the LGBTQ agenda’s attempt at using propaganda to change the ideals of the people there. As the LGBTQ agenda continues to destroy the innocence of children and families in the West, pro-sodomy activists now seek to expand their progressive empire to Africa. Kenya, a stronghold of traditional Christianity, is the LGBT agenda’s prime target.

ZERO HEDGE: Musk Blasts Biden After Prez Lies Twice About '3% Billionaire Tax' - BY TYLER DURDEN - SUNDAY, MAR 19, 2023 - 05:45 PM - On Saturday, President Biden's social media galaxy brains tweeted out a twice-corrected lie, quoting the president telling said lie, that billionaires are getting away paying just 3% of their average earnings in taxes.

THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: Will Secret Service Respond To A Trump Arrest? - Dan Bongino Live - Monday, March 20, 2023 10:52 - The police state is here. In this episode, I address the police state’s latest threat to arrest and indict Donald Trump on ridiculous, Soviet-style charges. I also address how the Secret Service could respond.

"THE Game's OVER" Prepare IMMEDIATELY. Its DONE 3/20/2023 (Video) - Monday, March 20, 2023 9:38 - Tomorrow could change everything! The one sure thing is, THE GAME IS OVER! The enemy is on their last move and we WILL WIN!! (Comment: We are moving to a gold backed QFS system making your money more valuable.) -

Trump Assassination This Week Will Be Kennedy Chaos Public Execution Replay – Putin made a surprise visit to the liberated city of Mariupol in the Donbas Region now under rapid reconstruction - Monday, March 20, 2023 10:53 -

CHRISTIAN PATRIOT NEWS: The Enormity of What's Coming Will Shock The World! High Profile Arrests! Buckle Up! - Monday, March 20, 2023 9:55 - The Enormity of What’s Coming Will Shock The World! High Profile Arrests! Buckle Up! -

This Tangled Mess We’re In: America’s Drastically Dangerous Future - By Frosty Wooldridge|March 20th, 2023 - United States Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said, “The US does not have “operational control” of the southern border.” That statement contradicts Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In fact, Mayorkas has kept our southern border open, with Joe Biden’s bidding, for a whopping 26 months.  Anyone from over 150 countries, and any drug cartel mules with millions of fentanyl pills, along with more than 100 documented terrorists, have had total access to cross America’s borders—unimpeded.

TOWN CRIER: 40 African countries are in Moscow today – admin - March 20, 2023 - 40 African countries are in Moscow today!! The conference is called “Russia-Africa in a Multipolar World.” - Are African leaders now ignoring Washington DC and its endless wars? Are they now sensing a new world of opportunities based on development and cooperation? Or are they sheep being led to the slaughterhouse? Putin is also scoring big on global diplomacy. Meetings with Africa, followed by Xi Jinping’s 3-day visit! Russia and china were the ones that provided all the weapons and training along with the ideologies to the liberation movements in Africa. In essence they were out flanking the west. The west got the idea of getting Africa in debt with loans that could not be paid back and the dictated through ESSAP’s when payments defaulted. Who do you think Africa will now support. After all, if the west falls no more loans to pay back.

MAIL ONLINE: Central banks try to steady the ship as global markets slide including Nikkei and FTSE and Credit Suisse shares plunge by 60.5% after UBS buys embattled bank for $3.2billion - Credit Suisse shares fell by 60.5% in premarket trading while UBS lost 8% - Investor optimism about efforts to stem a banking crisis have quickly evaporated - By CHRISTIAN OLIVER - PUBLISHED: 06:12 EDT, 20 March 2023 | UPDATED: 11:57 EDT, 20 March 2023 -



By Ron Ferguson

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Published on: November 28, 2020

March 20th 2023


This current generation, it is true,


Are lovers of pleasure, more than of God.


Their entertainment exploits do accrue,


And treasures of their leisure get the nod.


Their measure is materialism,


While over the Lord God, they ride roughshod.


And how view we this age – modernism,


Pluralism, eroticism, and


Militarism, radicalism.


Against all these the Christian takes a stand.



The Bible’s prophecies speak of decline


At the close of the Church age, in each land.


‘Mid persecution, God’s own must align


With faith and love upon a hostile earth.


Resist the devil, and in God, recline.


How long was it after angelic birth


That Satan fell from heaven like lightning?


Furious now, he plants for all he’s worth,


Wickedness so great, it is frightening.


With false wonders, and all power and signs


And with deception that is heightening –


This rebellious one, and from ancient times,


With his angels, down to the earth He was thrown –


Master of this world, in whose realm he shines.


But to God, all future history is known,


And Satan will be crushed under our feet,


For God’s word in all its splendor has shown


The future time when all will be complete;


A coming time for Satan’s cessation.


Meanwhile, he works with cunning and deceit.


Dissemination of information


Is rampant and constant with mobile phones.


They eat, sleep, talk, walk their fixation.


Facebook; rock music, all day through headphones,


Distraction and curse the devil applies –


Vehicle for Satan through tones and semitones –


We have a world of arrogance and lies,


Distorted, delusional, mangled mess.


Where honesty’s cloaked in subtle disguise;


Causes man generally to confess


That good is evil and evil is good;


Sweet is sour, and sour parades in sweet’s dress.


For us Christians, it must be understood


That these are the days of darkened light.


We must withstand, as Christians have withstood.


It is against the world’s darkness we fight.


We are not blinded to Satan’s foul schemes.


The world might be dark, but our view is bright.


So many endeavors touch the extremes


Of fanciful foolishness of men’s lives.


They each build around them uncertain dreams.


Satan’s horde is diligent, and it strives


To pervert the eternal human soul


For hell, and from heaven, so it deprives.


Therefore, it is Satan’s ultimate goal


To confuse, confound, pervert and hate;


To bring the nations under his control.


Why do the nations rage and legislate


Against what’s upright, moral and decent,


While every essence of sin they dilate?


Duped, they seek out paths that are putrescent –


Abortion to twenty-two weeks is law;


Homosexual marriage – God’s law rent.


Many more would swell the list of man’s straw.


Why do people imagine a vain thing,


Opposing God’s word against which they gnaw?


Satan they are aiding and abetting,


While giving credence to the “isms” of men,


And it is God they are abusing.


And what of this world’s “isms” can we say then –


Humanism, liberalism and


Environmentalism and its yen?


So many more will claim the devil’s brand –


Abortion, sexuality, gender,


Human relations, we can expand.


In all of this, who is the offender?


He, through human history, the insurgent,


Thrown out of heaven, from all its splendor.


In these last days, his vileness resurgent,


And for their ruin, among the nations moves,


So they, from all truth, become divergent.


All ideologies vile, he approves.


He promotes demonic fermentation.


God’s precepts, among the nations, he removes.


Vile Satan, what caused in you, gestation


From perfection to your full decadence;


From the Anointed Cherub, to mutation?


In all you are and do – abhorrence


As among men you move and infiltrate,


But in God’s righteous judgement – dissidence.


Education streams you adulterate.


Governments and rulers are in your pay.


All men’s ambitions – desecrate.


In the United Nations – have your sway


To every land on earth.  You organize


Such, that every human being is your prey.


Any spark of decency – tyrannize,


And seek destruction of the human race.


All that’s good and holy – you demonize.


All that’s not of God, you surely embrace.


Iniquity and evil are your being.


In righteous eyes, an absolute disgrace!


With eyes opened wider, we are seeing


One aspect of this world’s false devotion.


From all its errors, godliness is fleeing


From evolution’s evil promotion:


“Survival of the fittest” it acclaims,


Then all human values face demotion.


Unleashed, vaulting pragmatism proclaims


“I fight for my existence tooth and claw”


The biblical principles, it disclaims,


Of adherence to God’s compassion law.


God said to love your neighbor as yourself,


Not to squash him under, for more and more.


We hear the term “every man for himself”


For evolution’s doctrine has that theme:


“Others are lesser value than myself.”


The hurting ones may cry with silent scream.


As they are not the fittest, you ignore


Their pleas. For evolution’s cruel regime


Will murder the yet unborn child, before


It can mount its defense, its case to raise,


So it’s evolution we must abhor.


Harken here! God knows the ways


Of the murderers, and the ruthless mob;


Those who ascribe to subjugating gaze;


Whose hearts unchecked, with wicked passions throb;


Who are evolution’s selfish offspring,


But your future’s sure. God you cannot rob!


In this chaotic world with its blurring


Of divine boundaries that are set in stone,


Man is launching into an authoring,


Where humanism’s future is unknown


In its reckless abolition of God,


Its futile chase, one day it will bemoan.


Man will bow to none other, than the rod


Of his legislated humanism.


Men of influence think it warped and odd


That Christians might raise a criticism


Of their ungodly and satanic lives.


They accuse the Christian of dogmatism


While they engage their atheistic drives


With all pre-flood9 urgency and yearning –


Godlessness, until judgment day arrives.9


What of these days when men’s hearts are burning,


Inflamed to pursue so sinful a course?


All around, to evil they are turning.


It’s the Bible’s prophecy we endorse,


When it sheds light on the present last days;


When we see from standards, certain divorce,


And women and men move with hearts ablaze –


Money lovers, self-lovers, ungrateful,1


And obedience to parents decays,


Conceited, brutal, reckless and boastful


Irreconcilable and unloving


Treacherous, malicious gossips, hateful,


No self-control, unholy, reviling.


Comprehend these things, but don’t be alarmed


But note well, for these things are beguiling.


The confused world in everything is charmed


By subtle guile and enticing delights,


And will embrace actions by which it is harmed.


The pleasures of sin will stir appetites,


But the Christian with God, he understands


The world is entering darkening nights.


The rulers of the world lift up their hands


To execute agendas they devise,


Imagining things vile for all their lands;


To institute their plans considered wise –


They know not what, because their vision’s blind.


They plot to culminate their sure demise,


Yet think the strategies they have outlined,


And those on which to lavish much acclaim,


Are policies to benefit mankind?


The God who rules will not deny His Name,


Though Satan’s active in his deception


With “God is dead,” advancing his own fame.


But where rests God in the world’s rejection?


With humanism’s tune, the nations ring.


Their loyalty? Another owns defection!


The nations rage and all their hatred bring


At the behest of their commander vile;


His praises claim; his attributes they sing.


The nations’ goals – their “leader” will defile:


Their Satan by whose power they are fixed.


So God’s right? His claim they will revile.


With craftiness … hatred and love come mixed,


As Satan holds the nations in his sway;


Their minds, unknowingly, are all transfixed,


So evil is good; evil for good, repay!


Usurper’s role, angel of light impressed,


And gilds the nations grasping in dismay.


O, Lucifer, god of this world possessed,


You guide the peoples with your unseen mind


Ensnaring them; in vileness you invest.


Through governments, your demons are entwined.


Their laws, with humanism, you endow,


And godliness, with tragedy, maligned.


Named “prince and power of the air” for now –


Usurped through fiendish pride, you renegade,


Defeated, but to Christ one day, you’ll bow.


The world’s condition now is retrograde


But for the Christian, of greater concern,


Are abominations that masquerade?


In Christian circles, where truth, one will spurn


And errors of doctrine and faith, accept.


Where now is the person who will discern?


The evil that entered while clergy slept;


When ties to God’s holy word were detached;


And away from God’s truth, wicked men stepped.


From once sound doctrinal statements, are scratched


The virgin birth, eternal punishment,


Repentance and sin. Liberals attached


Themselves to pursue spineless appeasement


To the world’s vulgar standards of Satan.


God’s honorable truth met abasement.


Many churches preach the dogmas of man.


The Bible’s teachings have been watered down.


Laodicea’s weak tepidness began


In the eighteen hundreds, and hangs around


With insidious leaven, dictating


Godless doctrines inside churches, that crown


Not God and His gospel, but abducting


From truth, they will surely have their reward.


All sin, the lake of fire is attracting.


Christian, look up! We belong to the Lord.


He will deliver us by His power.


He is coming soon! Praise with one accord!



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