Sunday, March 19, 2023

How to Flee the Insanity


How to Flee the Insanity - Elon Musk says Trump Will Win - MILITARY TO ANOUNCE POTUS RETURN - Trump to be Reinstated by Military - MISES INSTITUTE & the Fed’s 2008 Mortgage Experiment - Banks Are Collapsing & Criminals Exposed - Israel’s Two-Faced Allies - The Agenda’s Net Zero & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

March 19th 2023


THE BURNING PLATFORM: George Soros Exposed as Major Force Behind Trump’s Prosecution and Imminent Arrest – March 18th 2023 - President Donald Trump reacted to the news of his imminent arrest in New York by pointing out that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office’s “leader is funded by George Soros.” Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg, whom Donald Trump is referring to in his post, was elected in November 2021 with indirect backing from left-wing billionaire George Soros, who gave $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which spent it to elect Bragg.

MAIL ONLINE: Elon Musk says Trump will win by a LANDSLIDE in 2024 if Manhattan DA arrests him Tuesday, as Republicans claim rumored indictment is plot to kill ex-president's re-election hopes - Trump, 76, said he will be arrested on Tuesday over claims he paid porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair - Tesla CEO responded by claiming move will get former president re-elected  - Republican Marjorie Taylor Green also commented, saying she believes Trump will 'ultimately win even bigger than he is already going to' - By EMMA JAMES FOR DAILYMAIL.COM  - PUBLISHED: 08:38 EDT, 18 March 2023 | UPDATED: 09:21 EDT, 18 March 2023 -

Julie Green Prophetic Word: [MILITARY HAS ANNOUNCED POTUS RETURN] Today – Update -

Julie Green PROPHETIC WORD [A TOTAL RESTORATION IS UPON] THE COLLAPSE Prophecy – Trump to be reinstated by military -

MISES INSTITUTE: How the Fed’s 2008 Mortgage Experiment Fueled Today’s Housing Crisis - Saturday, March 18, 2023 8:18 - How should Congress assess the Federal Reserve’s track record as an investor in residential mortgage-backed securities (MBS)? Regardless of Fed spin, it merits a failing grade. The Fed’s COVID-era intervention in the mortgage markets fueled the second real estate bubble of the 21st century. The bubble ended when the Fed stopped purchasing MBS and raised rates to fight inflation. While time will tell whether recent increases in home prices are reversed, the end of the bubble has already cost the Fed over $400 billion in losses on its MBS investments.

The Banks Are Collapsing - The System Is About to Reset - Are You Ready? - Saturday, March 18, 2023 0:53 – (Comment: 71 US Banks collapsed & 1400 worldwide have fallen into bankruptcy. The criminals have been exposed.)

Sarah Westall & Mike Gill "Shadow Banking Whistleblower Congress releases the names - Pandora Papers, New Hampshire Drug Cartel. 3-17-2023. Video 2 Pandora Papers Documentary - Saturday, March 18, 2023 4:51 -

Trump Returns To Facebook After Years Long Ban: ‘I’M BACK!’ - Saturday, March 18, 2023 8:57 - “I’M BACK!” the president wrote simply, along with a classic video clip of Trump addressing a crowd in New York City, alongside a very young Barron Trump and Former Vice President Mike Pence. -

New Monkey Werx SITREP Cloud Seeding and Railway Surveys - Saturday, March 18, 2023 12:14 - Studying religion & world religion for the last 40 years both academically & secularly I feel very confident in saying; We are watching the prophecies of the Bible come to pass before our eyes. Revelation means awakening, revealing. Every knee shall bow & every tongue shall confess to God. Romans 14:11 Roma -

Of Biden and Adrenochrome, A Secret Service Agent’s Story (Video) - Saturday, March 18, 2023 10:52 -

X22 Report - Kari Lake - Deep State Panic Mode! The Election Cheating Is Being Exposed! The People Know! Game Over! - Must Video - Saturday, March 18, 2023 15:39 - Kari Lake begins the conversation discussing on how the election fraud was exposed. Each step of the way the people are seeing something they didn’t think existed. Our elections are rigged. The cheaters who installed themselves in government are destroying the borders, the economy and our way of life. The people need to standup to these people and follow the rule of law to remove them. Kari’s case is headed to the Supreme Court; will the Supreme Court of Arizona follow the rule of law?

And We Know Interview With Mike Bucher, Pastor, Dragster RACER, Jesus Revolution Continues! Pray! - Must Video - Saturday, March 18, 2023 12:48 - So they plan to arrest Trump on Tuesday?? Okay then. We heard this would happen 3-4 years ago. Q said it would. But this should start all the dominoes falling, not as fast as they would really fall. Trump said on TS around 10 am to Protest this arrest and take our country back. He didn’t say to be violent. So now it’s hurry up and wait. Again.

JUST THE NEWS: Manhattan DA's Trump case rests on shaky legal, ethical ground, experts say - Ordinarily, such a charge would be considered a misdemeanor and come with a two-year statute of limitation. - By Ben Whedon – march 18th 2023 - Former President Donald Trump on Saturday shocked the world with an announcement that he expects to be arrested Tuesday in connection with an ongoing investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a case legal scholars have suggested has a questionable legal basis.

Michael Jaco: Huge!! Biden Is G.O.N.E..- CNN BREAKING NEWS TRUMP - MARCH 19, 2023 (Video) - Sunday, March 19, 2023 9:54 - Things are about to blow, Folks, and Mike has HUGE Intel about that and more! Biden is GONE?? The US government is in total chaos and the truth keeps coming out and exposing the treasonous politicians!

Juan O' Savin: HUGE Intel 3.19.23 (Video) - Sunday, March 19, 2023 9:48 - With Trump’s possible impending arrest, the economic collapse, and the government’s growing tyranny, things are about to EXPLODE! We the People have had enough and Juan covers what could be coming next for us that maybe the powder keg to disaster!

TIM BROWN: We Should Let Bad Banks Fail & Suffer The Consequences Without Stealing From The People To Keep Them Around - Sunday, March 19, 2023 9:09 - Big banks, as well as big businesses, should be allowed to fail without bailing them out by stealing the money from Americans.  Yet, that is what has gone on for decades in the US because we are told by the fascists in government that their corporate fascist buddies in big business and banking are “too big to fail.”  Nonsense!  Let them suffer the consequences of their actions, namely pimping lawless money to the public.

SG Anon: Situation Update March 19, 2023: Trump's Arrest? (Must See Video) - Sunday, March 19, 2023 9:42 - SG has a lot of Intel and some centers around Trump’s possible return. Trump announced recently that he maybe arrested this coming Tuesday.. Things are heating up, Folks, ad this could be the catalyst that sets of a major conflict between the citizenry and the government..

USA WATCHDOG: Trump CV19 Vaxxx Contract Violated By Pfizer - Karen Kingston With Greg Hunter (Video) - Sunday, March 19, 2023 9:58 - By Greg Hunter’s – March 18, 2023 - Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts. Kingston has been doing a deep dive into the contract President Trump signed with Pfizer for their version of the CV19 vax. The contract proves Trump required Pfizer to follow the law to produce a safe and effective vaccine. The Pfizer vax was not safe or effective and violated the contract.

ISRAEL TODAY: Israel’s Two-Faced Allies - by Melanie Phillips - America and Britain undermine Israel’s security and defense against existential attack by sanitizing, promoting and funding Palestinian Arabs, whose active cause remains the destruction of the Jewish state. - Mar 17, 2023 at 7:00 am - (JNS) America and Britain claim to be allies of Israel. There is no gainsaying the deep links between them of military assistance, intelligence and trade. Israel is the invaluable strategic asset for America and Britain in the Middle East, a crucial bulwark in the defense of the West. -

EXPOSE: The Agenda’s “Net Zero” could mean “zero” of anything and everything - BY RHODA WILSON ON MARCH 17, 2023 - What does the term “Net Zero” actually mean? That nothing will be left once zero carbon has been achieved? By reducing carbon dioxide to nil, zero carbon, all plant life dependent for its growth on this natural gas, will die. By extension, all humans and animals dependent upon the oxygen that plants produce, via the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen, will also die. Basic biology reveals that is indeed the case. (Comment: I took Biology in school where I learned that carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants making them much greener thus resistant to disease. In Calif where smog was a problem they have plants everywhere close to the highways and many planted on the median dividers so they can absorb the carbon dioxide. This is just common sense. With the leftist agenda, however, common sense is not so common.)



How to Flee the Insanity

Eternity Awaits Just Ask

By Pastor Gary Boyd

March 18th 2023


This worship of the young and wanting to stay young looking has led to the state we are in today. Adrenochrome has been sold to thousands of celebs who feel their grip on Hollywood is slipping. Mark Wahlberg is the only one sane enough to get out and start his own production company leaving the degenerates behind to eat each other alive I would suspect. The awakening has driven thousands to flee Cali to rid themselves of the Newsome derangement syndrome escaping high taxes, the forever growing numbers of homeless, BLM wanting to get paid reparations because they are black, the spread of STDs, drug use and the trafficking of children. People who own RV's are already gone.


As I am a pastor, then how does God figure in all this? Well if you know your scripture God controls the weather. God, being the Creator of everything (Genesis 1:1), has full control over nature and the weather (Job 26; Jeremiah 10:13; Exodus 9:29; Psalm 135:6-7; ). God gives His orders and arranges for the course and sequence of natural events (Colossians 1:16-17). He controls the rain (1 Kings 17:1; Psalm 77:16-19), the wind (Mark 4:35-41), the clouds (Job 37:11-12, 16), and the lightning (Psalm 18:14).

Look then at what is happening to California? Headlines are dire. Cali to Turn Into Big Swamp - Sky River to Blow Cali Away - Rescues Continue in Mountain Cabins in the Sierras - One Million in Cali Have No Power - Earthquakes Rumble the North; does all this mean judgment is on the way?


I along with my son lived in Camarillo California from 1987 - 1995 with access to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oxnard, and the mountain community in Ojai. I could not go any further than these communities because of my job at the time. We lived through the Rodney King riots when large chunks of La La Land burnt to the ground.

The Thousand Oaks fire that burnt the hills all the way down to Malibu comes to mind because of the direct effect it had on my son and I. My son and I took sandwiches and water to the Firemen at the time. It was a giant wakeup call. Firemen stated to the press at the time that two firemen wannabees set the blaze off in Thousand Oaks, a bedroom community next to Los Angeles.

At that exact moment I was coming back from Los Angeles going down the Conejo Grade when smoke popped up in my rear view mirror. The Santa Ana winds had just kicked in and the onslaught of sparks & fire tornadoes blew over Ventura Highway onto the Santa Monica Hills roaring towards Malibu. All this happening because two kids in their early 20’s wanted to be heroes by putting out the fires and perhaps getting a leg up on being firemen. Insane or what?




We lived through the Northridge earthquake of 1994, earthquake that struck the densely populated San Fernando Valley in southern California, U.S., on January 17, 1994. Here are some facts & stats from to shore up my memory of that time.

The third major earthquake to occur in the state in 23 years (after the 1971 San Fernando Valley and 1989 San Francisco–Oakland earthquakes), the Northridge earthquake was the state’s most destructive one since the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and the costliest one in U.S. history.

The earthquake occurred just after 4:30 AM local time along a previously undiscovered blind thrust fault in the San Fernando Valley. Its epicentre was in Reseda, a suburb located about 23 miles west-northwest of downtown Los Angeles. The major shock lasted 10–20 seconds and registered a magnitude of 6.7. Between 60 - 70 people lost their lives including a CHP officer who ran off a collapsed highway falling 70 feet to his death.

Being a student of prophecy it looked like the end had begun. It was time to sell off what we had, pack up the Lincoln and head back to Illinois from where we started.

Does God send earthquakes then for those committing sins against his children? Read what it says here in scripture. In Isaiah 29:6 He thunders, “the LORD Almighty will come with thunder and earthquake and great noise, with windstorm and tempest and flames of a devouring fire.”

It was well known in Hollywood back then the porn industry in Northridge was the center of adult & child porn back then. If you think then you can escape justice just because you do not believe in God, you are sadly mistaken.


Do you know what it is like in hell? What does scripture say? We can know from what Jesus said that hell is an eternal (Matthew 25:41), physical (Matthew 10:28), and horrifying (Mark 9:43) place where those who’ve sinned (Romans 3:23) are headed, and from where Jesus Christ came to rescue all who would believe in him (John 3:16-18).

There is an unquenchable fire that sears you. A gnashing of teeth likened to wild animals thirsting for water. A black realm of darkness envelops you. God’s word is faithful to warn against hell by describing the depth of its torment with images of darkness, gnashing of teeth, fire, and complete separation from God.

Jesus said, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness” (John 12:46)

You do not have to belong to any special Church to have salvation. Why not ask Jesus for redemption for your sins? It does not cost anything. It is free. Our Bible says in Ephesians 1:7 - In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

Just say the sinner's prayer and you will be free to enjoy eternity with Jesus in Heaven and receive your mansion as the Bride of Christ. Here it is. “Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. I believe you died for my sins so I could be forgiven. I receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for coming into my life. Amen.” Eternity awaits, just ask.


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