Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Coming Abomination of Desolation


The Coming Abomination of Desolation - Marines Take Down Biden Loyalists in Maui – Weather Wars - Free Energy On the Way - Rods Of God To Hit The Deep State - Obama Bombshell - The Rise And Fall Of Satan’s Counterfeit Kingdom - Global Uprising Against Illegals and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Aug. 29th 2023



THE BURNING PLATFORM - WEATHER WEAPON HURRICANE IDALIA: You don’t know what you don’t know - OPERATION HURRICANE SEASON: Florida Under Withering Weather Attacks For Five Years - Submitted by Weather Wars Watcher - The very day that Florida set itself up as America’s premier (and only) FREEDOM STATE, it has found itself in the crosshairs of the New World Order globalist cabal. KEY POINT: The last three major hurricanes to hit the United States mainland — IN A ROW — have all made landfall in Florida with Idalia expected to be the third.  This has never happened before in Hurricane Season history. And, by the way, two of the older SOTN editors are long-term residents of Florida and they never saw a constant procession of superstorms as the geoegineered hurricanes of today.  The NWO weather warriors have been slowly and stealthily conditioning the Southeast populace to accept this new normal, which is actually a regime of geoterrorism for political distraction and climate crisis manipulation purposes, among other malevolent goals.  End of story! https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/08/29/weather-weapon-hurricane-idalia-you-dont-know-what-you-dont-know/

New SG Anon & Derek Johnson & Ultra Trump the Destroyer Live: Bombshell August Summer Trump Intel for 2023 - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 12:35 - New SGAnon & Derek Johnson & Ultra Trump the Destroyer Live: Bombshell August Summer Intel for 2023 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/08/new-sganon-derek-johnson-ultra-trump-the-destroyer-live-bombshell-august-summer-intel-for-2023-2544686.html

Mel Gibson Exposes Oprah Winfrey's Evil Maui Plan Continued - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 11:29 - https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/08/mel-gibson-exposes-oprah-winfreys-evil-maui-plan-continued-2544685.html

Situation Update: Aug 29, 2023 - Black Fencing Erected To Hide #Lahaina Truth From Us All... While Military Men Halt Photography Attempts! - Mike Adams - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 10:19 - https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/08/situation-update-aug-29-2023-black-fencing-erected-to-hide-lahaina-truth-from-us-all-while-military-men-halt-photography-attempts-mike-adams-3671343.html

TIM BROWN: US Government Raids Amish Farm & Seizes His Property: "Shocking Display Of Overreach" (Video) - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 12:00 - The federal government and even the state government were never designed to engage in this kind of tyranny against those they were supposed to serve.  Yet, month after month and year after year, we read about stories like this in which these criminal enterprises come in and destroy a local economy, a man’s livelihood and cast doubt on those things which God gave us to sustain us.  They do all this while promoting as “safe and effective” the dangerous “foods,” “drinks” and various other things such as pharmaceuticals.  Such is the case with an Amish farmer in Virginia, whose farm was raided and his property seized for simply providing something worthwhile and healthy to his community.  However, he is fighting back. https://beforeitsnews.com/food-and-farming/2023/08/us-government-raids-amish-farm-seizes-his-property-shocking-display-of-overreach-video-2533300.html


REAL RAW NEWS: Marines Take Down Biden Loyalists in Maui - By Michael Baxter -August 28, 2023 - Saturday, August 26 - A Marine reconnaissance platoon in Maui was forced to kill 15 civilians from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, part of the criminal Biden regime’s joint task force called JTF-50, who had arrived in the state to allegedly distribute water and food and evaluate the incomprehensible damage, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. “Criswell and FEMA were put in charge of the task force, and armed forces there are loyal to the fake president Biden, and they’re trying to undo all the help we’ve done. It’s a bloody fuc***** warzone out there,” he said of the unspeakable carnage. https://realrawnews.com/2023/08/marines-take-down-biden-loyalists-in-maui/

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 29, 2023 – It took the Alliance Military five years to clear 32K miles of Underground DUMBs tunnels across the Globe with millions of children  saved – The oil market has been brought to zero to bring down Rockefeller – Free energy is on the way – Med Beds available - https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-august-29-2023/

BLP: 2A Hero Kyle Rittenhouse Rolls Out Foundation to Fight Gun Control - By Jose Nino - Aug 29, 2023 - On July 23, 2023, Second Amendment activist Kyle Rittenhouse filed paperwork for a newly created foundation titled “The Rittenhouse Foundation.” It’s a non-profit that “protects human and civil rights secured by law, including an individual’s inalienable right to bear arms” and “ensures the Second Amendment is preserved through education and legal assistance.” https://bigleaguepolitics.com/2a-hero-kyle-rittenhouse-rolls-out-foundation-to-fight-gun-control/

Judy Byington: “The Speaker of Truth Has No Friends.” ~African Proverb- Be READY, the Time is NOW! Special Intel Report For Tues. 29 Aug. 2023 (Video) - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 6:30 - Hurricane Idalia was about to hit Florida. No water available. Gas stations are out of gas. People in Walmart were getting sick from something in the air. Towns and cities evacuating – with all the signs of what happened in Maui. 20 million people in Florida are trapped by gas stations. They are not allowing gas to be pumped into containers for generators or vehicles, saying the fuel is contaminated. People are being told to evacuate but the gas stations are getting their fuel contaminated. The Governor (DeSantis) says the electricity for the whole State may go out.  Airports in Florida are being shut down so people cannot leave by that route.  Two hurricanes heading toward Florida and the East Coast.  A state of emergency has been declared in the State of Florida and people are being told to leave but that is being hindered.  Contaminated fuel around Tampa can harm or stop the engines of vehicles (even water will do that).  Any fuel gotten after 10 AM Saturday at Citgo around Tampa and some other stations are contaminated and vehicles will stall out on the roads. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/08/judy-byington-the-speaker-of-truth-has-no-friends-african-proverb-be-ready-the-time-is-now-special-intel-report-for-tues-29-aug-2023-video-3798091.html

Bo Polny's Bold Forecast Shakes Up Conventional Wisdom, Leaving Experts & Investors Alike Intrigued and Bewildered! (Video) - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 4:49 - Bo is shaking things up with his unconventional style and bold forecasts that typically come true! He is leaving the experts and investors stunned and bewildered! https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/08/bo-polnys-bold-forecast-shakes-up-conventional-wisdom-leaving-experts-investors-alike-intrigued-and-bewildered-video-3798076.html

Gene Decode: Major Intel Updates - New Info on DUMBs & More (Video) - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 4:21 - Gene Decode reveals the amazing technology that has been hidden from mankind for thousands of years. Topics are Massive underground bases at Dulce New Mexico and Denver Airport that have many levels to support Different Extraterrestrial Species. The DUMBs cost between 17 and 26 billion dollars to build and are dug using Boring Machines, Water Cannons, Thermal Energies and Chemical Dissolvents. The MagLev trains down there can do 10,000 mph and can travel from L.A. to NYC in 1/2 hour + much more…… https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/08/gene-decode-major-intel-updates-new-info-on-dumbs-more-video-3798074.html

Michael Jaco & David Nino: Rods Of God To Hit The Deep State & Then The Hounds Of Hell Will Be Released (Video) - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 4:10 - It’s about to get biblical, Folks and the hounds of Hell are going to be released soon! The Deep State is about to be destroyed! (Comment: The Rods of God are a system described in the 2003 United States Air Force report called Hypervelocity Rod Bundles [10] was that of 20-foot-long (6.1 m), 1-foot-diameter (0.30 m) tungsten rods that are satellite-controlled and have global strike capability, with impact speeds of Mach 10. Causes a nuke like explosion without the faal out.) https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/08/michael-jaco-david-nino-rods-of-god-to-hit-the-deep-state-then-the-hounds-of-hell-will-be-released-video-3798072.html

Obama Bombshell: "I'm Exposing What They Are Planning Before They Jail Me"!! - Must Video - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 9:47 - Obama had wounds on his hands I think he knew too much and was Clintonized! ALL THESE CHEFS WERE PROBABLY NOT WANTING TO COOK AND PREPARE BABIES/CHILDREN TO CONSUME. TRUMP WAS RIGHT. “THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!” Give me a break. He didn’t need to be feathered in 3’ of water he was killed, we know it. https://beforeitsnews.com/obama/2023/08/obama-bombshell-im-exposing-what-they-are-planning-before-they-jail-me-must-video-2486219.html

TIM BROWN: Marxist Teacher Who Called for Violent Cultural Revolution Wins Seat on State Legislature - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 9:38 - Considering that public indoctrination centers, funded and directed by the federal government, are unconstitutional, I’m not surprised that this is happening.  Consider the Marxist agenda taking place in schools to deprive students of the law, history and basic education.  In their place, Marxist, Critical Race Theory, Gender confusion and sodomy have been substituted.  One such Marxist teacher, who called for a violent cultural revolution has now won a seat in the Colorado state legislature. Hannah Grossman reports: https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2023/08/marxist-teacher-who-called-for-violent-cultural-revolution-wins-seat-on-state-legislature-2607019.html

In 24 hours EVERYTHING changes for the U.S., Putin is Ready" - Douglas Macgregor's Last WARNING - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 9:23 - The land of Ukraine is soaked in the blood of its sons and daughters. The battlefields are littered with the fallen, and the hospitals are overflowing with wounded soldiers. Estimates suggest that as many as 350,000 Ukrainians have perished, and millions have fled their homeland. The nation is on the brink of collapse, torn apart by a war that shows no signs of abating. The question that looms large is: when will the world say enough is enough? https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/08/in-24-hours-everything-changes-for-the-u-s-putin-is-ready-douglas-macgregors-last-warning-3798097.html

HARBINGER DAILY: Built Upon Lies And Spiritual Darkness: The Rise And Fall Of Satan’s Counterfeit Kingdom – By Dean Dwyer - August 27, 2023 - Given what we know about the coming Millennial Kingdom (with Christ ruling and reigning from Jerusalem in truth and righteousness), Satan will also enact a counterfeit plan to establish a theocracy built upon lies and spiritual darkness. In fact, consider these similarities: https://harbingersdaily.com/built-upon-lies-and-spiritual-darkness-the-rise-and-fall-of-satans-counterfeit-kingdom/

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: Federal court says parents have no right to opt kids out of LGBT curriculum - August 27, 2023 - The court conclude the plaintiffs’ right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum is not a fundamental right. - By Charles Hilu, Washington Free Beacon - A federal court ruled Thursday that parents who sued a Maryland school district have no right to opt their children out of classes teaching LGBT curriculum. The parents, who sued Montgomery County Public Schools, sought for the school district to reinstate a policy that allowed them to withdraw their children from discussions of books featuring LGBT characters. The district in January put in place the policy but reversed course in March. (Comment: Parents absolutely have the right to judge what goes into their children’s young minds. They can opt out of the schools and put them in private schools or charter schools, or home school their children if they want. Allowing Queer Nation to have a say in the upbringing of your child in public schools is not an option to believers. Take to the courts and sue, sue, sue, to get their attention.) https://worldisraelnews.com/federal-court-says-parents-have-no-right-to-opt-kids-out-of-lgbt-curriculum/

 Extent Of De-Banking Revealed: Nearly One Million UK Accounts Shut In Past Four Years – Aug. 28th 2023 - Nigel Farage is taking on the global bank cartel on two counts: De-banking based on political views and forcing cash out of society. Britain is the canary in the coal mine because the Bank of England is arguably the most powerful central bank in the world. BoE is pushing its member banks to crush opposition while taking over all monetary policies.The war between central banks and their respective governments is fully in the open. The concept of the nation-state is over, they reason, and therefore their singular clients are not clients any more. In the UK, the BoE’s iron teeth have come out and the government appears to be powerless and unwilling to challenge it. TN Editor - https://davidicke.com/2023/08/28/extent-of-de-banking-revealed-nearly-one-million-uk-accounts-shut-in-past-four-years/

RAIR FOUNDATION: Global Uprising - From Spain to New York City, Communities Protest Against Influx of Illegal Migrants (Video) - By Amy Mek - August 28, 2023 - Conservative communities voicing concerns about unregulated migration are often labeled as racist, while left-leaning areas facing similar issues encounter more acceptance, laying bare a striking hypocrisy. In a united show of concern, La Isleta neighborhood residents gathered on Tuesday afternoon at the entrance of Canarias 50, a migrant housing facility, to raise awareness and protest the dangerous “coexistent” issues related to a group of “Moroccan immigrants” currently residing there. The demonstration aimed to draw attention to escalating disturbances caused by the illegal immigrant population, including disruptions, thefts, and threats against neighbors. The event also allowed frustrated residents to voice their grievances openly. https://rairfoundation.com/global-uprising-from-spain-to-new-york-city-communities-protest-against-influx-of-illegal-migrants-video/




The Coming Abomination of Desolation

by Britt Gillette

Published on: December 8, 2012

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Aug. 29th 2023



In the near future, an event of enormous significance will transpire in Jerusalem, the effects of which will resound throughout the world and throughout eternity. A man will ascend the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, go into the Holy of Holies within the rebuilt Jewish Temple, and proclaim himself to be God Almighty. In His Olivet Discourse, a response to His disciple’s questions concerning the end of the age, Jesus Christ warned His followers that this event, known as “the abomination of desolation,” will be the key event which will trigger the Great Tribulation:


“The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about – the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.” Matthew 24:15 (NLT)


When this event occurs, it will dominate contemporary news headlines. Christ tells us it will also be a sign to the world that His Glorious Appearing is close at hand.


The abomination of desolation will mark the beginning of a time of unspeakable satanic violence and human anguish. In fact, Jesus told His disciples it will be a time of great tribulation such as the world has never seen, nor ever will see again. A cursory glance at Jewish historical events of the past century, which include the Holocaust, Stalin’s pogroms, and Muslim attempts to wipe out the Jewish state of Israel, vividly illustrate the depths of human depravity. Yet, our Lord informs us that these horrors will pale in comparison to those which are to come.


What is the Abomination of Desolation?


In order for people to recognize the abomination of desolation when it takes place, they must first know what it is. Some translations of the bible render this phrase the “abomination which causes desolation,” a more accurate depiction of the event. For this act of abomination, once committed, will literally cause the desolation of Israel.


Let’s examine the definitions of the key components in this satanic act of arrogance.


“Abomination” Defined


Webster’s dictionary defines the word “abomination” as a “loathsome or disgusting act.” This serves as an adequate biblical definition as well, for when the bible mentions something as an “abomination” it means “an act which is loathsome or disgusting in the eyes of God.” In most instances in which the word “abomination” is used in the bible, it is used to describe the sin of idolatry. Therefore, it’s reasonable to conclude that the abomination which is the abomination of desolation will be an idolatrous act which will defile the Holy Place.


If this is true, then what is “the Holy Place”?


“The Holy Place” Defined


The “Holy Place” of which Jesus spoke is the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Although some people have interpreted the “holy place” as any number of things – Israel, Jerusalem, the Jews, or the church – the full context of the scriptures makes it fully clear that Jesus is referring to the Jewish Temple.


In the Book of Acts, the Jewish Temple is referred to as the “Holy Place” (emphasis added):


“The seven days were almost ended when some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul in the Temple and roused a mob against him. They grabbed him, yelling, ‘Men of Israel, help us! This is the man who preaches against our people everywhere and tells everybody to disobey the Jewish laws. He speaks against the Temple – and even defiles this holy place by bringing in Gentiles.’ (For earlier that day they had seen him in the city with Trophimus, a Gentile from Ephesus, and they assumed Paul had taken him into the Temple.)” Acts 21:27-29 (NLT)


In addition, the prophet Daniel refers to the abomination of desolation in reference to the Jewish Temple:


“He will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. Then as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the end that has been decreed is poured out on this defiler.” Daniel 9:27 (NLT)


The fact that the abomination of desolation occurs along with putting “an end to the sacrifices and offerings” is further evidence that the Jewish Temple plays a pivotal role in this infamous event.


So why is the abomination one of “desolation”?


“Desolation” Defined


Webster’s dictionary defines “desolation” as “a barren, neglected state or area.” This is the perfect definition for understanding the meaning of our topic. For Jesus tells us that this act will cause the desolation of Israel:


“Then those in Judea must flee to the hills. A person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the house to pack. A person out in the field must not return even to get a coat. How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days. And pray that your flight will not be in winter or on the Sabbath. For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones.” Matthew 24:16-22 (NLT)


Once the abomination of desolation takes place, it will soon be followed by unprecedented persecution of the Jewish people. This is difficult to believe, given our knowledge of the Holocaust. But according to Jesus, these will be the darkest days in Jewish history.


The Jews will face persecution at the hands of the Antichrist, an arrogant world dictator who will commit the abomination of desolation by proclaiming himself to be God.


Antiochus IV Epiphanes


Believe it or not, a similar abomination took place in history once before.


In 167 B.C., the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes erected a statue of Zeus in the Holy of Holies and desecrated the sanctuary and its holy vessels. Several centuries prior to this, the prophet Daniel (in Daniel 11:21-35) prophesied the life and times of this sinister figure. Yet those same verses, in many ways, also apply to the Antichrist, whose life is detailed in Daniel 11:36-45.


Some people claim that Antiochus IV Epiphanes committed the abomination of desolation, thus fulfilling the prophecies of Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15. But this is simply not true. Although the Book of Daniel was written prior to 167 B.C., the Olivet Discourse took place almost two centuries later. Jesus was well aware of the abominable acts committed by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. After all, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah is a celebration of the Temple’s liberation from the rule of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Clearly, Jesus spoke of a future abomination:


“The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about – the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.” Matthew 24:15 (NLT)


Although Antiochus IV Epiphanes came in the spirit and power of the Antichrist, the Antichrist himself will be the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel 11, Daniel 9:27, and Matthew 24:15. This is why Jesus referred to the desecration of the Temple as a still future event.


If we examine the signs of the times, we’ll find God is warning us that this future event will take place soon – in our generation.


The Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation


The Book of Revelation provides us with further knowledge regarding the Antichrist and his monumental act of desecration:


“He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.” Revelation 13:14-15 (NLT)


The Antichrist will fulfill this prophesy by standing in the Jewish Temple and proclaiming himself to be God. He will set up an image in the Holy Place and demand the world worship it.


Such a scenario is in full agreement with the apostle Paul’s description of the Antichrist and his character:


“He will exalt himself and defy every god there is and tear down every object of adoration and worship. He will position himself in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:4 (NLT)


The Antichrist will not just be an enemy of God Almighty, but of anything which distracts the human race from the worship of himself as the one true God. Needless to say, the Antichrist will be quite arrogant.


Unfortunately, much of the world will answer the call to worship him:


“And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life before the world was made – the Book that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered.” Revelation 13:8 (NLT)


The Arrogance of the Antichrist:


The abomination of desolation is not only an act of rebellion against God Almighty, but a proclamation of inflated self-worth. Another being proclaiming himself to be God is the ultimate act of arrogance, and the bible reveals, the Antichrist will be the most arrogant individual in history:


“This little horn had eyes like human eyes and a mouth that was boasting arrogantly.” Daniel 7:8 (NLT)


“The king will do as he pleases, exalting himself and claiming to be greater than every god there is, even blaspheming the God of gods.” Daniel 11:36 (NLT)


“He will have no regard for the god of his ancestors, or for the god beloved of women, or for any other god, for he will boast that he is greater than them all. Instead of these, he will worship the god of fortresses – a god his ancestors never knew – and lavish on him gold, silver, precious stones, and costly gifts.” Daniel 11:37-38 (NLT)


The Antichrist will be so filled with self-love and hubris that he will launch a spiritual and physical rebellion against God Almighty. He will place himself above all others, attempting to overthrow the Lord of the universe and set his own throne high above God’s stars.


He Will Attack the Saints


As part of his campaign to create universal worship of himself, the Antichrist will set out to destroy those who are faithful to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.


“And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and overcome them.” Revelation 13:7 (NLT)


“He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people. He will be a master of deception, defeating many by catching them off guard. Without warning he will destroy them. He will even take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.” Daniel 8:24-25 (NLT)


The Antichrist will wield enormous power, and he will “devastate” the holy people of God. But he will meet his demise when he challenges the Prince of princes in battle – the Lord Jesus Christ.


When Will the Abomination of Desolation Occur?


The bible is clear that the abomination of desolation will occur at the mid-point of the Tribulation, a seven year period in Israel’s history set into motion by a covenant between Israel and the Antichrist:


“The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.” Daniel 9:27 (NLT)


The Antichrist will sign a treaty with the state of Israel for a period of seven years. The details and nature of this treaty are yet unknown, but many have speculated that in a bid to secure peace with its neighbors, Israel will agree to rely on the Antichrist for its national security. God refers to this agreement as a “covenant with Sheol” (or hell), and God’s assessment will prove true when the Antichrist breaks this covenant after three and a half years. The abomination of desolation will serve as a public acknowledgment that he is breaking his treaty with Israel, and it will signal the beginning of the Great Tribulation, a time of unprecedented persecution of God’s people:


“And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place to care for her for 1,260 days.” Revelation 12:6 (NLT)


The woman referenced in this passage is the nation of Israel, which gave birth to the Messiah. Because of the Antichrist’s persecution, the nation of Israel will be forced to flee into the wilderness, where God will supernaturally protect her. The Antichrist’s campaign of persecution against the Jews will last 1,260 days, which is 3.5 biblical years.




The implications of the abomination of desolation can not be overstated. Our generation has already witnessed the fulfillment and initial fulfillment of most of the bible’s end times prophecies. The Jews have been gathered from distant lands to resurrect the nation of Israel. The Jews are in possession of Jerusalem. The Gog and Magog alliance is forming. The European Union (the revived Roman Empire) is quickly becoming the world’s most powerful super state. All of these are signs of the times. Yet, in order for the abomination of desolation to occur, still another event must take place – the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.


As of this writing, the secular world views the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple as a highly improbable event. Yet, God Himself has told us the Jewish Temple will exist in the last days. Therefore, when the Temple is rebuilt, it will serve as a sign to the entire world that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is God Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega.


Nearly the entire world – a billion Muslims, countless Anti-Semites, world leaders and diplomats, and even Israeli politicians frightened of war – speak with one voice when it comes to the idea of rebuilding the Jewish Temple. “It will never happen!” they say. But God has other plans. The Temple will be rebuilt, and soon thereafter, the world will tremble when a man of unprecedented power and frightening arrogance visits its inner sanctuary.


Knowing that everything the Lord has revealed to His prophets is destined for fulfillment, we should pray for the people of this world, while living our lives for the next and remaining alert to the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:


“Keep alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36 (NLT)


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