Sunday, August 6, 2023

Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem


Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem - Panic in DC – Trump to Be President of The New Republic of The United States - Tucker Carlson Sent Out Final Warning - SNAKE McConnell And His GOP RINOS - Sharia in Texas - NESARA Big August Summer Intel - The GESARA Talk Show - Mel K & James Howard Kunstler and more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Aug. 6th 2023



Trump Aid Confirms on National TV, "Biden is Only President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation!" - Sunday, August 6, 2023 - Trump Aid Confirms on International Television, “Biden is Only The Legitimate President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation!” Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of The United States! In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America returns to The Gold Standard! The Best Truly is Yet To Come! Justice is Coming! It’s Time for Arrests, Military Tribunals & Executions! After We Win, We Will Never Lose Again! Are You Ready to be Part of History? You’re Watching A Scripted Movie! And You’re Going To LOVE The Way This Movie Ends! Hold The Line! We’re Almost There! Corrupt Politicians And Their Fake News Propaganda Media Partners Will All Be EXPOSED For Their Crimes Against Humanity! Soon [They] Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street! We’re In A Battle of Good vs. Evil. It’s The Battle of Our Lives to Save Our Country, Our Children and Our Future!

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 5, 2023 -

Panic in DC! The Gangsters Are Running Out of Moves! (Video) - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - DC is brimming with panic as the enemy is losing power and its choke hold on this nation!

Dr. David Martin On Medical Tyranny & How We Got Here THE MOST EPIC SPEECH ON C-19. THX John Galt (Video) - Saturday, August 5, 2023 -

1 Minute Ago: Tucker Carlson Sent Out Final Warning (Video) - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - Tucker is back and is once more warning us of the evils that have taken over our country and our world.

10 Minutes Ago: Donald Trump EXPOSED The WHOLE Damn Thing! (Video) - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - No matter what is done to Donald Trump, he never gives up and ALWAYS fights back! As the enemy piles on more legal woes on the former president, he is swinging back and exposing the whole damn thing!

ATLAS SHRUGS: Sharia in Texas - PROBATION for Muslima Who Stabbed Her Blind Date In Neck For Revenge for Drone Killing of Terror Master Soleimani - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - The Muslim woman who admitted trying to kill her PlentyOfFish date during sex at a Vegas hotel to avenge a US drone killing of the Iranian terror chief – telling cops ‘it’s fair that American blood be spilled.’ – has been given probation by a Texas judge.

SNAKE: McConnell And His GOP RINO Senate Drones Are Silent On Trump Indictment, Again - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - Republican voters have learned they can’t expect much from their incumbent leaders in the upper chamber. While the top contender for the Republican presidential nomination is targeted by an array of political witch hunts, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and most of GOP Senate leadership are missing in action, again.

ZERO HEDGE: The Next Generation Is Being Groomed For Destruction – Here's Why They Are Vulnerable - BY TYLER DURDEN - FRIDAY, AUG 04, 2023 - Authored by Brandon Smith via - The past week the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the US, issued guidance on the use of leftist activist symbols in public school classrooms. As part of their advice to teachers, they recommended violating district and state rules and hanging items such as pride flags and BLM flags. This is generally cited as a means to “start a conversation,” a way for teachers to circumvent school rules. They might not be able to spend each day spinning lessons on woke concepts, but if a child asks a question about the flags in the room, then they can provide “context.”

LIFE SITE NEWS: Bishop Strickland: World Youth Day is helping ‘to secularize the Catholic Church, de-emphasize Christ’ - The 2023 World Youth Day has touted its focus on 'climate change' aspects and 'interfaith dialogue.' -  Thu Aug 3, 2023 - TYLER, Texas (LifeSiteNews) — Tyler’s Bishop Joseph Strickland has publicly criticized the current World Youth Day for having “fallen prey to the current trend to secularize the Catholic Church and de-emphasize Jesus Christ.” In a short post on X—formerly called Twitter—Bishop Strickland slated World Youth Day (WYD), which is currently taking place in Lisbon.

New Dr. Scott Young: NESARA Big August Summer Intel 2023 - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - The National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation…

Latest Nesara Gesara Intel Summer News via The Gesara Talk Show - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - Latest Nesara Gesara Intel Summer News via The Gesara Talk Show from Colgne Germany -

BORDERLAND BEAT: More than 530,000 Fentanyl Pills Seized In A Car In Culiacán: Sinaloa - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - A vehicle was driving with a blown tire when it was stopped by the National Guard, the driver ignored the vehicle and continued driving until he fled, leaving the unit abandoned. Upon inspection of the abandoned car, several boxes and department store bags were found in the back seat, containing more than 530,000 blue tablets with the characteristics of fentanyl, distributed in transparent plastic bags. -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Jack Smith Could Be Indicted For The Very Thing He Charged Trump With - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says that under his own “fraud” standard, Special Counsel Jack Smith could be indicted for omitting a key portion of then-President Donald Trump’s speech in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021. The indictment “is one of the strangest documents I’ve ever read. To show you how open-ended and broad this indictment is under the terms of this indictment, Jack Smith (the prosecutor) could be indicted. The core of the indictment is that Donald Trump lied to the public…but Jack Smith lied. In his indictment, he outlined the speech that Donald Trump made on Jan 6th…but he deliberately, willfully, and with malice leaves out key words. He doctors the speech.”

MEL K SHOW: Mel K & James Howard Kunstler | The Government is Not Our Country: Revenge of the Blob | 8-3-23 -

REAL RAW NEWS: Putin Bans 5G across Russia, Destroys All Towers - By Michael Baxter -August 5, 2023 - Russian President Vladimir Putin has banned 5G towers in the Russian Federation amid concerns the technology is medically unsafe and has caused the deaths of school children near St. Petersburg. Discussions over the adverse effects of 5G are not new. For over a decade, alternative media have linked technology to myriad health issues, including immunosuppressive diseases and virus replication, the specifics of which are beyond the scope of this website and the author’s knowledge. However, Putin’s pledge to dismantle existing 5G super towers shows the hazards of electromagnetic radiation are rooted more in fact than conspiracy.

Rothschild Temple Exposed! Shocking Footage! - Sunday, August 6, 2023 -

New Gene Decode: Dr. Steven Greer & Hidden Technologies - Testing the Waters ~ Answers - Sunday, August 6, 2023 - Gene dives deep into answering a question around what hidden tech could be released into public knowledge in the coming months due to the powerful presentation by Dr. Steven Greer on July 13th. Dr. Greer gave the Deep State 6 months to disclose hidden technology or he and his team will release it for them and this ultimatum is causing a REAL shift for disclosure! Gene talks in depth about: Free energy technologies - Healing technologies and more…

John Galt Weekend Update: Intel From SG Anon, Juan O' Savin, Jim Willie, Ed Dowd, Dr. McCullough, X22- MORE (Video) - Sunday, August 6, 2023 - As the New World Order tries to enslave us, we have been paying attention! Biden wants the border wide open because he gets money from the cartels for allowing the border to be wide open. Human trafficking is the most popular money system going right now. It is growing daily and has become the biggest money maker going! Do you think that maybe Biden is getting a cut of that?

Admiral Mark Bristol And The Diplomatic Cover Up of Modern Turkey's Crimes - Sunday, August 6, 2023 - History teaches us that governments kill on an industrial scale while private citizens commit heroic acts to save lives, often without applause. When we look back at even recent history we find that the diplomats, generals, and political leaders are the worst of men. And that fact hasn’t changed, regardless of the country, regime, or era.

THE HAL TURNER SHOW: Saudis Warn Citizens: "Leave Lebanon Quickly" – WORLD - HAL TURNER - 05 AUGUST 2023 - Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Lebanon urged its citizens to leave the country as soon as possible, and to avoid approaching areas where there have been armed clashes. In a statement posted late Friday on X, formerly known as Twitter, the embassy warned Saudi citizens not to visit areas where armed clashes were taking place, the official Saudi news agency SPA reported. The Saudi diplomatic mission also stressed "the importance of respecting the travel ban on Lebanon." It was followed Saturday by Kuwait, which issued an advisory calling on Kuwaitis in Lebanon to remain vigilant and avoid "areas of security unrest," though without asking them to leave the country.

Franklin Graham returning to UK after legal victory over canceled events - By Michael Gryboski - Mainline Church Editor - The Rev. Franklin Graham will be returning to the United Kingdom for his "God Loves You" tour a couple of years after he won a legal battle against a venue that canceled his events due to disagreeing with his biblically-based views on homosexuality. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which Graham heads, announced on Thursday that they were adding two stops to the group’s “God Loves You” tour. These new stops include Aug. 26 at the ExCeL London convention center and June 22, 2024, at the OVO Hydro arena in Glasgow, Scotland. -




Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem

By Bill Wilson

Published on: August 5, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Aug. 6th 2023



There are many parallels between Israel and the United States.


The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been under constant attack by leftists who seek to undermine him and his common sense approach to government. The same type of people have been falsely accusing Donald Trump in attempts to undermine both his presidency and his quest to return to office—much the same as what Netanyahu experienced. Court case after court case, never successful on the general accusation, finding bits and pieces under mostly false pretense. Death by a thousand cuts.


Meanwhile, the poster boy for bribery, Joe Biden, continues to poke at Netanyahu for not towing the leftist line—as if it is any of Biden’s business. Netanyahu and his allies are trying to bring some common sense to the judicial system in Israel, trying to balance the branches of power. To this, the leftists have organized massive protests, claiming the reigning in of the Supreme Court’s discretionary authority is a front to “democracy.” In reality, it strengthens democracy. Biden, for his point, issued a statement through his Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who said, “It is unfortunate that the vote today took place with the slimmest possible majority.” But if it had gone the other way by one single vote, Biden would have been crowing victory for the left.


The turmoil in Israel is on many fronts. Economic, military, judicial, social (especially with homosexuality), and political. Citizens in the United States are experiencing much the same. The two nations have been inextricably tied together since the rebirth of Israel. There is also a strong spiritual tie. The US came into existence as guided by the laws of God and the precepts outlined in biblical books such as Deuteronomy. The US system of representative government was also modeled after the advice given Moses by his father-in-law Jethro in Exodus—to choose “able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rules of fifties, and rulers of tens.”


But there is one verse in the Bible that clearly speaks to the troubles our nations are having. Speaking of Israel, in Genesis 12:3, the Lord says, “And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you, and in you shall families of the earth be blessed.”


During the Obama Administration, which treated Israel with contempt, the US faced much economic, social, and political turmoil. During the Trump Administration, in which Israel was treated as a true friend, the US prospered. During the current Biden Administration that treats Israel poorly, America is once again faced with economic, social, and political turmoil, even as the forces of evil work in both countries to undermine what is good and right.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for Israel’s peace is our peace.


Conclusion by Pastor Gary Boyd

The time is coming for Israel to stand up to its enemies on the borders. Its border troops are attacked daily. It is time to take back the Promised Land once and for all. As soon as the Obiden regime is tossed out it will be time to move on its enemies.

America has the same problem on its border as the governor of Texas moves its National Guard to secure the southern border to stop illegals from coming across with weapons, diseases, Chinese troops in disguise, illegal drugs that are killing Americans, and personal property being destroyed by trespassers on our soil.

It is time to stop listening to the lies from the left and take our country back before it falls to our enemies. May God bless. Maranatha




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