Wednesday, August 23, 2023

America In Bible Prophecy


America In Bible Prophecy - Trump Controls Through Continuity of Government - Judy Byington Update - Nicola Tesla Stolen Death Ray - Juan O' Savin & Jason Sisneros - ATLAS SHRUGS Israeli Mother Shot Dead - the West's “Unipolar Moment” Has Ended - Globalism & the Coming World Dictator and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Aug. 23rd 2023



Donald Trump & US Special Forces Connection Now Revealed! Standing Back and Standing By! Everyone Get Ready! - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 -

The Hidden Threads: Bloodlines of the Illuminati Unveiled (video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 11:16 - In the intricate web of global power, the Illuminati’s bloodlines are the silken threads that many dare not touch. But today, we tug at these threads. Join me on a journey into the heart of the world’s most enigmatic dynasty. The Illuminati. A name that resonates with mystery and power. Where did they begin?



US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 23, 2023 -

South African president calls for fundamental reforms in global financial institutions at BRICS summit - Russian President Putin addresses 15th BRICS summit via video link, says bloc cooperates on principle of equality – By Hassan Isilow  | 22.08.2023 - Update : 23.08.2023 - South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Tuesday called for fundamental reforms in global financial institutions at the opening of the 15th BRICS summit held in Johannesburg. Ramaphosa said the BRICS New Development Bank is leading the way as an alternative by offering funds for developing nations without conditions.

Judy Byington: Pressing!! Just Say NO, Protect the Children, We Patriots Are Making The World Great Again Special Intel Report For Wed. 23 Aug. 2023 (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 6:59 - Judy Note: I received an Emergency Alert saying that the Canadian Government was murdering citizens of Celista British Columbia under the same fire scenario as in Maui. Evidently a Stef and Jorne owned a home at the end of Meadow Creek Road in Celista. Celista Fire Department and Canadian Forestry personnel showed up on Thurs. 17 Aug. 2023 and lit a back burn by their back door knowing that winds were on their way. The fire department sat watching the burn until it was well underway, and then left. They returned a while later and only put out small fires while the big one to this day was still raging. When Stef asked the firemen why, she was told they were ordered to sit on the burn. The fire is still burning and any water, gas and food people have tried to bring in have been stopped by a police block on the road. They are asking for help from anyone.

Michael Jaco & Ole Dammegard: Nicola Tesla Stolen Death Ray/Direct Energy Weapon Used as Early as 1947 Maine Fire (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 -

Bruce Poppy: Plandemic 2 Are You Kidding Me?, Maui Intel, Canadian & Youtube Censorship, Trump Seal, Current Events! (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 -

Juan O' Savin & Jason Sisneros: Disclosing New, Vital Intel About Maui Kill Switch, Trump, and More! (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 3:07 - Last night was an amazing telecast with Juan O’ Savin, Jason and the guys discuss all of the upcoming events and to share Intel about Maui and Trump..

Phil Godlewski: Lāhainā Intel (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 3:29 - Phil reveals the hidden truth behind the Lahaina “wildfires”, and casts light on the recent False Flag.

Bo Polny: So it Begins... the World Will Never Forget What's About to Happen (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 3:23 -

Juan O' Savin + SG Anon Intel: Advanced Weapon Used in Maui Same as Homeland Blazes & 9-11? (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 2:57 - In this video, Juan and SG Anon present the question, was an advanced weapons used in Maui, as it is widely believed to have been used during 9/11? As we are starting to understand, Maui was yet another false flag op, but the true purpose is still hazy..

CITY FARMER NEWS: Hartford Hospital now has a rooftop garden - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 -

NTEB: Iran Unveils Their New ‘Mohajer-10’ Drone They Say Is Capable Of Reaching Israel And Dropping A Deadly Payload On Arch-Enemies The Jews - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 9:17 - The Biden administration has been busy unfreezing billions of dollars in Iranian assets, and this is one of the many factors as to why the terror state of Iran is not only surviving but thriving. Like the illustration of the attack dog willing to launch itself over the edge of a cliff as it seeks to devour a bird in flight, Iran is a nation fueled solely by hate, and that will prove to be its undoing. But before that day, Iran seeks to do as much damage to the Jews as possible, say hello to Mohajer-10. - “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Genesis 16:12 (KJB) -

TIM BROWN: Another Crisis Being Created - Have You Learned The Lessons Yet? This Reprobate Is A Lunatic! (Video) - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 9:13 - Crisis after crisis is created for those that profit from them the most (Jeremiah 11:9).  Here in America, we have the lunatics literally overseeing the asylum that they are creating (Isaiah 28:18). Over and over, they have been exposed for their contrived conspiracies (Luke 12:2) and yet, the question is, have you learned your lesson yet, Americans?  Because when the Americans learn the lesson and apply themselves to the lawful answers, this this ends, but not until then (Isaiah 51:4).

ATLAS SHRUGS: Israeli Mother Shot Dead in Front of Daughter by Muslim Terrorist - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 8:09 - Palestinian terrorism against Israel has skyrocketed since the Biden Administration restored U.S aid to Palestinian Authority. Once again, call your member of Congress and demand that all U.S aid to the Palestinian Authority is stopped. The Palestinian Authority uses this ‘aid’ to pay Palestinian terrorists to murder Jews.

EURASIA TIMES: With NASA’s Flock Of CubeSats – Blinky, Pinky, Inky & Clyde – Space Enters The Era Of Swarm Satellites - By Guest Author -August 20, 2023 - Four 6U CubeSats were launched into Earth’s orbit by NASA in July 2023. The “Starling” mission, which will last at least six months, will test the satellites’ ability to work together autonomously without receiving real-time updates from mission management. Each satellite is spaced roughly 40 miles apart, positioned at about 355 miles above Earth. A category of nanosatellites known as CubeSats uses standardized dimensions and form factors. The “one unit” or “1U” used in the basic CubeSat size is 10x10x10 cm in size, although it can be expanded to larger sizes, including 1.5, 2, 3, 6, and even 12U.

YNET NEWS: The world is becoming multipolar - Analysis: With the U.S. basically absent globally, new powers have emerged; China continues to strengthen its political and economic role in the Middle East, and would be happy to replace the US as new mediator in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict - By Anna Mahjar-Barducci|Aug.–22-2023 | 16:32 - From the vantage point of the Middle East, it appears that the West's “unipolar moment” has ended. The United States has concentrated all its efforts in financially and militarily supporting Ukraine against Russia, yet it has been neglecting other regions in the world - first and foremost the Middle East. The U.S. has been absent in the region and, as a result, its historic and strategic allies in the Gulf – such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE – have begun to look for other countries willing to support their interests.

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: Syria reports Israeli air strike in Damascus area - Official Syrian media report an explosion in the vicinity of the capital. Saudi TV channel reports the strike targeted a shipment of Iranian weapons. - Published: Aug 21, 2023, 11:19 PM (GMT+3) - Updated: Aug 22, 2023, 6:06 AM - Syrian media reported on Monday evening that Israel launched an air strike in the area of the capital Damascus. The official SANA news agency reported that an explosion was heard in the vicinity of Damascus. The Syrian Observatory Human Rights, an organization which is based in London and affiliated with the Syrian opposition, said that the Syrian air defense systems were activated and were attempting to intercept the Israeli missiles. The Saudi Arabian TV channel AlHadath reported that the air strike targeted a shipment of Iranian weapons that was making its way to Damascus. The Syrian army said damage was caused as a result of the attack and a Syrian soldier was injured.

HARBINGERS DAILY: Globalism and the Coming World Dictator: Reforming the Governments of the Nations – By Jeff Kinley - August 22, 2023 - For some 6000 years, Satan has longed to accomplish his original threefold objective: to be God, to rule the earth, and to be worshiped by all of humanity. But in order for this to happen, the world must be fundamentally changed. Satan must reshape and re-create it in his own image. This requires four essential elements in his strategy; Reform the governments of the nations - Deceive the hearts of humanity - Prepare and position his Man of Sin - Remove the Church’s influence -

THE JERUSALEM POST: Russia's Medvedev hints at future Russian invasion of Georgia - "The idea of joining Russia is still popular in Abkhazia and South Ossetia," Medvedev, a former Russian president, wrote in an article. - By REUTERS Published: AUGUST 23, 2023 00:22 - Updated: AUGUST 23, 2023 02:22 - The deputy chair of the Russian security council Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow may annex Georgia's breakaway regions South Ossetia and Abkhazia. "The idea of joining Russia is still popular in Abkhazia and South Ossetia," Medvedev, a former Russian president, wrote in an article published early on Wednesday by Argumenty I Fakty newspaper.

LIFE SITE NEWS: Pope Francis appoints pro-abortion, pro-LGBT friend as founding member of new Vatican institute - Eugenio Zaffaroni is one of the founding board members of a new Vatican-based ‘social rights’ institute, despite his record promoting anti-life agendas. – Aug. 23rd 2023 - VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has appointed his longtime friend and fellow Argentinian Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni to a Vatican position, despite Zaffaroni’s controversial record and his support for homosexuality and abortion. Announced August 18 by the Holy See Press Office, Pope Francis formally recognized a group first created in 2019 and made the peculiar move of designating it as a private association of the faithful. (Comment: This is the same Pope who supports the sex trafficking of minors, selling baby body parts, and helps in selling Adrenochrome to the elite. Is it any wonder then that he would support a man who supports the killing of babies and the gay community, both abominations according to scripture. Him or a Pope like him who will be called the False Prophet will support the Antichrist when he comes and he will be called the man of sin.)

RAIR FOUNDATION: Prominent 'Moderate Muslim' Attorney's Son (17) Arrested in 'Most Serious Islamic Terror Plot in Philadelphia's Recent History' (Video) -  By Amy Mek - August 22, 2023 - How can we ever defeat our enemy if we continue to pretend that Muslim terrorists are not motivated by Islamic doctrine and faith? Philadelphia, PA – A stunning revelation has shaken Philadelphia’s legal and community circles as Qawi Abdul-Rahman, a well-known devout Muslim criminal defense attorney and former candidate for the Common Pleas Court judge position, confirmed that the terror suspect arrested by the FBI in an armed raid on his suburban home is none other than his own 17-year-old son. Observe the prayer bruise positioned at the center of Qawi Abdul-Rahman’s forehead, a physical manifestation called the “zebibah,” indicative of fervent Islamic commitment. (Comment: Banging your head against the floor in fervent Muslim prayer is what lunatics would do in an asylum. Now it appears the lunatics are running the asylum.)

THE PEOPLES VOICE: Protect Your Privacy From Warrantless Surveillance by the WEF - We Are All Julian Assange! The illegitimate President of France Emmanuel Macron has enacted a dystopian bill authorizing the government to spy on everybody in France through their smartphones… without a warrant. The French Spy Bill grants authorities the ability to remotely access the cameras and microphones on your devices, whenever they feel like it, without a warrant, and without you even knowing about it. And in case you think this is only happening in France, think again. These Orwellian laws are coming to all WEF-infiltrated countries soon. Here at The People’s Voice, we have uncovered a legal loophole for people to opt out of this Orwellian new law.  In the small print of the bill, the Macron regime has prohibited itself from spying on journalists. Therefore we are inviting you to become a legally accredited citizen journalist with The People’s Voice today!

NTEB: India has become the first nation to land on the south pole of the moon after its Chandrayaan-3 touched the lunar surface Wednesday. – Aug. 23rd 2023 - After decades of no one landing on the Moon, interest in doing just that is now off the charts. Russia sent up a craft that crashed yesterday, surprising no one, leaving the nation of India to beat everyone else in landing on the south pole of the Moon in their Chandrayaan-3 rocket. “The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” Psalm 115:16 (KJB) - Your King James Bible is quite clear when it tells you that while man has been given dominion over the earth, he is in no way been authorized or empowered to exert dominion in Outer Space. Mankind since the mid-20th century has been begging for 'contact from beyond', and sooner rather than later the LORD is going to allow that to happen. I fully expect we will make contact with the fallen angel 'space aliens' before the Rapture of the Church takes place.

THE EPOCH TIMES: Numerous Arguments Filed to Remove Georgia Trump Case From State Court – By Catherine Yang - Aug. 23rd 2023 - Multiple codefendants of former President Donald Trump charged over contesting the 2020 general elections in Georgia have now filed notices of removal, requesting the state case be moved to federal court where they will likely have charges or the entire case dismissed based on immunities or additional defenses outlined in the U.S. Constitution. The nature of each notice differed greatly, pulling from various precedents and listing ever more additional defenses. Only one notice is needed in order to move the entire case from state to federal court.

Freedom Force Battalion: Melissa Red Pill & Dr. Jan Halper! - 8/23/2023 - Must Video - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 14:38 -

New Juan O Savin: Bombshell August Crimes Against God Intel - Our Children Must Be Protected! - Gerry Foley 8 23 2023 - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 14:43 -

New Bo Polny: September Warning! 2500 Year Old Prophecy! Beyond the Veil of Limitations Starts 11 am Eastern - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 10:52 -

JUST HAPPENED! Jesse Watters EXPOSED Nanci Pelosi's DARKEST CORRUPTION. - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 14:49 -


America In Bible Prophecy

by Britt Gillette

Published on: July 8, 2014

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Aug. 23rde 2023



Is America in bible prophecy?


This is one of the most common questions from contemporary students of bible prophecy, particularly those who live in the United States.


Bible prophecy reveals much about the end times, yet the United States seems conspicuously absent from the geopolitical picture foretold by the prophets.


Given the seeming nearness of Christ’s return, this is difficult for most people to understand.


After all, the United States is currently the most powerful and influential nation on earth.  How then can it play no role in end time events?


Where Is America In Bible Prophecy?


The fact is neither America nor the United States are mentioned by name in bible prophecy.


When searching for America in bible prophecy, it’s important to understand that the Bible is a Middle Eastern book with an Israel-centric geographical perspective.  Directions, for instance, are often given in relation to Jerusalem.


Furthermore, the fact that America as a nation was unknown to the prophets has no bearing on its absence in bible prophecy.


After all, the nation of Russia was also unknown to the prophets, yet Ezekiel 38-39 clearly identifies Russia (Gog) as a major end time player:


“Son of man, prophesy against Gog. Give him this message from the Sovereign Lord: I am your enemy, O Gog, ruler of the nations of Meshech and Tubal.  I will turn you around and drive you toward the mountains of Israel, bringing you from the distant north.”  Ezekiel 39:1-2(NLT)


In addition, the Asian nations (also relatively unknown in John’s day) are clearly identified as major end time players in Revelation 16:


“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River, and it dried up so that the kings from the east could march their armies toward the west without hindrance.”  Revelation 16:12 (NLT)


Given the mention of most every other major nation in the contemporary world, why does the Bible remain silent regarding the United States?


According to some, the Bible may have something to say about America’s role in bible prophecy after all.  So let’s look at what they have to say…


Is This America?


When searching for America in bible prophecy, several biblical passages are held up more often than others by proponents who see the United States in the Bible.


Below are some of the more regularly mentioned:


1) The Merchants of Tarshish and All Her Villages


One of the most commonly cited verses regarding America in bible prophecy can be found in the Book Ezekiel:


“Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages will say to you, ‘Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?’” Ezekiel 38:13 (KJV)


The verse references the Gog / Magog war against Israel, which is questioned beforehand by diplomats from many lands, including “the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages.”


According to proponents of this view, Tarshish is a reference to Great Britain and “all her villages” is a reference to the former British colonies of Canada, Australia, and the United States (among others).


This is certainly a creative interpretation of scripture and quite a stretch, especially in light of the fact that no consensus exists in regard to the identity of Tarshish.


Some biblical scholars claims that Tarshish is really a reference to Spain, while others say its India, Asia Minor, or coastal areas in the Mediterranean Sea.


Either way, no one can objectively point to this verse as the “smoking gun” which proves America is in bible prophecy.


2) Babylon


Another commonly cited reference regarding America in bible prophecy is Babylon.  Here’s one passage often cited:


“One of the seven angels who had poured out the seven bowls came over and spoke to me.  ‘Come with me,’ he said, ‘and I will show you the judgment that is going to come on the great prostitute, who rules over many waters.  The kings of the world have committed adultery with her, and the people who belong to this world have been made drunk by the wine of her immorality.’” Revelation 17:1-2 (NLT)


The United States certainly rules over many waters, and our export of morally degenerate aspects of our media and culture have certainly not served the world well.


Nevertheless, taken in its proper context, Revelation 17 describes Mystery Babylon which is a biblical symbol for false religion, not the United States.


Babylon was the birthplace of false religion, and “the people who belong to this world have been made drunk by the wine of her immorality” by embracing false religion.


In Revelation 18, we encounter additional parallels:


“After all this I saw another angel come down from heaven with great authority, and the earth grew bright with his splendor.  He gave a mighty shout:  ‘Babylon is fallen – that great city is fallen! She has become a home for demons. She is a hideout for every foul spirit, a hideout for every foul vulture and every foul and dreadful animal.  For all the nations have fallen because of the wine of her passionate immorality. The kings of the world have committed adultery with her. Because of her desires for extravagant luxury, the merchants of the world have grown rich.’” Revelation 18:1-3 (NLT)


Proponents of the Babylon is the United States theory point to the numerous parallels between the City described above and the United States of America.


But again, bible prophecy needs to be understood in its context, and not interpreted so as to agree with a predetermined viewpoint.


Revelation Chapter 18 does not describe the United States of America, but rather the Empire of the Antichrist and the actual realworld City of Babylon.


This is confirmed in the Book of Zechariah, when it’s revealed exactly where the epicenter of the end times false religion will geographically be located:


“Then the heavy lead cover was lifted off the basket, and there was a woman sitting inside it.  The angel said, ‘The woman’s name is Wickedness,’ and he pushed her back into the basket and closed the heavy lid again.  Then I looked up and saw two women flying toward us, gliding on the wind. They had wings like a stork, and they picked up the basket and flew into the sky. ‘Where are they taking the basket?’ I asked the angel. He replied, ‘To the land of Babylonia, where they will build a temple for the basket. And when the temple is ready, they will set the basket there on its pedestal.’”Zechariah 5:7-11 (NLT)




Some interpretations say “the plains of Shinar” or “the land of Shinar” instead of Babylonia.  Nevertheless, Babylon is located on the plains of Shinar in modern day Iraq.




A close examination of the Babylon in Revelation confirms that Babylon is not a reference to America in bible prophecy.


3) A Great Eagle


Another commonly cited America in bible prophecy passage is also from the Book of Revelation:


“When the dragon realized that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle so she could fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness. There she would be cared for and protected from the dragon for a time, times, and half a time.”Revelation 12:13-14 (NLT)


Proponents who see the United States as the great eagle in Revelation 12 point to America’s prominent national symbol as evidence of its identity as the eagle.


But yet again, this passage needs to be interpreted in a biblical context.


The eagle is a clear reference to God, not the United States, as evidenced by the following verses:


“You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.” Exodus 19:4 (NLT)




“Like an eagle that rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so he spread his wings to take them up and carried them safely on his pinions. The Lord alone guided them; they followed no foreign gods.”Deuteronomy 32:11-12 (NLT)


Yet again, in order to see America in bible prophecy, you’re required to engage in some creative and imaginative interpretations.


4) A Tall and Smooth People


The final America in bible prophecy verses we’ll  look at are from Isaiah:


“Go, swift messengers! Take a message to a tall, smooth-skinned people, who are feared far and wide for their conquests and destruction, and whose land is divided by rivers.” Isaiah 18:2 (NLT)




“At that time the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will receive gifts from this land divided by rivers, from this tall, smooth-skinned people, who are feared far and wide for their conquests and destruction.”  Isaiah 18:7 (NLT)


Some people claim these verses are a reference to the United States because America is “feared far and wide” and it’s divided by rivers (or even two oceans).


Yet, by simply reading verses one and two from Isaiah 18, we find that the nation referenced is not the United States:


“Listen, Ethiopia – land of fluttering sails that lies at the headwaters of the Nile, that sends ambassadors in swift boats down the river.”  Isaiah 18:1-2 (NLT)


Cush, or Ethiopia, is the land of “tall, smooth-skinned people” referenced in Isaiah 18.


In short, the Bible makes no direct reference to the United States or America when it comes to the end times.


America’s Prophetic Role


In spite of the Bible’s silence in regard to the United States, America does have a profound role of prophetic significance in world affairs. While it may not be mentioned directly in end times bible prophecy, the United States has played a pivotal role in setting the stage for God’s worldwide end time drama.


Below is a list of three significant American contributions in setting the stage for the near-term fulfillment of end times bible prophecy:


1) American Support of Israel


The unrivaled prosperity and success of the United States is no coincidence.


Long ago, God made a promise to Abraham and his descendants:


“I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt.” Genesis 12:3 (NLT)


God promised to bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse them.


Since its Revolutionary foundation, the United States has been a safe haven for Jews relative to the other nations of the world.  There are always exceptions, but for the most part, the United States has treated the Jewish people with kindness and acceptance, granting them full rights of citizenship.


In 1948, the United States fully supported the newly established nation of Israel, becoming its staunchest ally in the decades that followed.


American support during the Cold War as well as American military aid and assistance helped Israel thwart the existential threats posed by the Soviet Union and Israel’s hostile Arab neighbors.


In short, God used the United States as a mid-wife in the rebirth of Israel.


2) America and Global Evangelism


Since its inception, America has been a global leader in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The earliest settlers brought the Good News to the natives of North America, and in the centuries since, America has led the world in the international export of Christian evangelism.


The fruits of this global evangelism include countless missions, untold church plantings, the distribution of millions of bibles in hundreds of languages, and radio, satellite, and Internet ministries reaching all over the earth.


America’s role in preaching the gospel throughout the world can NOT be overstated, and according to Jesus Himself, the Good News must reach a global audience before He returns:


“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 (NLT)


3) America’s Role in Increasing Travel and Knowledge


According to the Book of Daniel, the end times will witness a marked increase in travel and knowledge:


“But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase.” Daniel 12:4 (NLT)


The fact that the world has already witnessed this dramatic increase in travel and knowledge is apparent even to the most casual observer.


For thousands of years, the horse remained the fastest mode of human transportation while the world’s most celebrated libraries contained at best thousands of scrolls.


Today, jets can travel faster than the speed of sound and handheld devices can store hundreds of times as much information as the Library at Alexandria, which is widely considered the greatest depository of knowledge in the ancient world.


America’s role in bringing about this explosion in travel and knowledge is unrivaled and indisputable.


The United States was the first nation to fully unleash the power of the free market, resulting in a burst of entrepreneurial creativity and innovation which enabled an exponential increase in technological development which spread throughout the world.


As a result, it’s hard to deny America’s signficance in setting the stage for Christ’s return.


America in the End Times


But America’s prophetically significant role in leading up to the end times doesn’t necessarily translate into a significant or even notable role during the seven year Tribulation.


In fact, the Bible doesn’t even mention the United States or America.




The Bible’s silence in regard to America seems to necessitate a notable decrease in its power and influence.


And given the lateness of the hour, it’s likely that America’s fall from power will be sudden and dramatic.


What could cause such a powerful and influential nation to suddenly fall from its perch?


Here are a few possible reasons for America’s absence in end times bible prophecy (Note that these are merely speculations and not predictions):


1) The Rapture


While only God can know a person’s heart, there’s a good probability that the United States will lose more citizens as a result of the rapture than any other nation in the world.


With more self-proclaimed born again Christians than everywhere else on earth, the rapture has the potential to destroy the United States in a moment’s notice.


Imagine millions of hard working Americans – homeowners, tax payers, leaders – simply disappearing.


Aside from the Hollywood images of crashing planes and cars, think of the implications.  Businesses crushed as owners and employees disappear…  Millions of consumers gone overnight…  Millions of additional vacant homes added to an already bloated housing inventory…


From an economic standpoint, the rapture threatens to destroy the American economy, and America’s military might is built on the back of unprecedented military spending enabled by a robust economy.


2) Financial Collapse


Take an honest look under the hood of America’s debt-based economy, and you’ll realize it doesn’t necessarily take a major event like the rapture to spark a financial collapse.


By ignoring the biblical principles of financial stewardship, many Americans have set themselves and their nation on course toward bankruptcy.


Unless something dramatically changes, America’s national debt will exceed its total annual output within the next few years.


Meanwhile, several states are on the brink of bankruptcy, with most every other state and local government soon to follow.


But it’s not just America’s government which lives beyond its means. Our government is merely an extension of the behavior exhibited by its individual citizens.


Today’s average American today is burdened by a debt to disposable income ratio of 133%.  That means the average American has already spent every dime of his or her disposable income, plus an additional 33%!


Is it really difficult to envision this debt-saddled house of cards suddenly collapsing?


If and when it does, America’s global power and influence will quickly disappear as well.


3) Defeat at the Hands of the Antichrist


The Book of Revelation reveals that the Antichrist and his kingdom will become so powerful that no one will be able to resist militarily:


“They worshiped the dragon for giving the beast such power, and they worshiped the beast. ‘Is there anyone as great as the beast?’ they exclaimed. ‘Who is able to fight against him?'” Revelation 13:4 (NLT)


Perhaps the absence of America in bible prophecy is due to the Antichrist conquering or annexing the United States into his revived Roman Empire.


4) Fading into Obscurity


Of course, it doesn’t necessarily require a major event such as the rapture, a financial meltdown, or loss of sovereignty for the United States to fall from its position as the world’s most powerful nation.


In addition to our massive debt, America is in a state of prolonged moral decay.  We’ve pushed God out of our schools, public buildings, and public discourse…  Broken families are now the norm…  Our entertainment grows more and more degenerate with each passing year…  And a record number of citizens are dependent on government, not a result of disability, but as a result of sloth and laziness.


We can’t rule out the possibility that the United States will simply fade into obscurity, surpassed by its rivals due to a combination of financial turmoil, moral decay, and societal breakdown.


The rapture would simply serve as the final nail in the coffin of America’s international dominance.


5) A Host of Other Reasons


The above scenarios offer just a few speculations regarding America’s absence in bible prophecy.


But in all likelihood, there’s a host of other reasons for the Bible’s silence that we have yet to understand or imagine.


Nevertheless, the sudden loss of America’s current role as the world’s lone superpower is not difficult to fathom, and it likely explains the Bible’s strange silence in regard to the world’s most powerful nation when it comes to end time matters.




As students of bible prophecy diligently search the scriptures, the question continually pops up…


Why isn’t America in bible prophecy?


In all likelihood, some of us will not know the answer in this life, but in hindsight, it will most likely be plain and obvious to the people of the Tribulation.


The need to see America in bible prophecy stems from a common mistake in the study of bible prophecy – trying to fit bible prophecy into the current headlines, rather than reading current headlines in the context of bible prophecy.


We can see the many signs of the end times, knowing the hour is late and His coming is near.


And with America still holding a position of strength and power in the world, it’s difficult to reconcile our belief that the end is near with theBible’s silence regarding America’s role.


Nevertheless, we can be confident that bible prophecy will come to pass with 100% accuracy, and the United States will not be a significant player in end time events.

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