Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Martial Law Coming Soon


Birth Pangs - Martial Law Coming Soon - Maduro to Ditch US Dollar - Biden’s Impeachment & Removal - Scott McKay & Sacha Stone - Everything About to Change – Jaco & Dammegard & Bennett Intel - ATLAS SHRUGS - TIM BROWN Reports Two Different Voices – Belgium a Muslim Country and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

May 17th 2023



"Most Of Them Are Dead!!" Ukraine's Neonazi Army Decimated Says Col. Douglas MacGregor! - Redacted News With Clayton Morris - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 11:57 - Colonel Douglas MacGregor reveals the devastating truth about Ukraine's standing army, they've been obliterated. President Zelensky this weekend said there are long lines at Ukraine's recruitment centers but there is no evidence of that. Russia continues to decimate air defense across Ukraine ahead of a June offensive.


Wow! CERN Elon Musk Disturbing Discovery! - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 13:48 – (Comment: Exploring the subatomic world of ghost particles is exciting to learn about. So what really goes on at CERN?) -

New Julie Green Latest Intel 5.17.23: "Something Unexpected Is Happening" - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 15:22 – (Comment: How God will save us from a tyrannical government. Julie tells us not to believe what governments are presenting to us as the truth. Do not believe the lies or deception.)

Exclusive: The Fall of Britain With Gareth Icke! The Great Reset Is Upon Us! – WAM - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 14:25 – (Comment: When Icke talks about the Great Reset he means the NWO reset. Not the Trump reset that is moving ahead as planned.)

REAL RAW NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update - By Ivar Casandra | 05/16/2023 – World Military Alliance arresting the few remaining rogue elite that control 24% of the US population. In 46 of the 50 states public officials are now admitting elections fraud and Trump is the real president. Martial law coming soon.

Maduro to ditch US dollar in Venezuela's economic transactions - By Al Mayadeen English - Source: Agencies - 16 May 11:15 - The Venezuelan President says this is the path of a free economy. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced on Tuesday that his country will move forward on the path of abandoning the dollar in economic transactions. Speaking to local media, Maduro said, "This is the path of Venezuela and the path of a free economy where currencies are not used to punish countries and impose sanctions."

BLP: O’KEEFED - Fox News Producer Admits Tucker Carlson Removed Over Dominion Lawsuit, Exposes How Biden Comms Official Became Dominion Mouthpiece - By Shane Trejo - May 16, 2023 - The O’Keefe Media Group has released hidden camera video showing a Fox News producer admitting that journalist Tucker Carlson was removed from his prime time position because of the Dominion defamation lawsuit. The Fox News producer also stated that a top communications professional in the Biden administration left his post, started his own firm, and immediately started doing public relations for Dominion Voting Systems – showing how the vote tabulating organization is deeply connected to the regime.

Biden’s Removal - Here's How It Will Happen (Video) - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:45 - The impeachment of Joe Biden seems to be an imminent event and we all wonder when and how it will happen. This video shares the Intel about that and when we can expect it.

Scott McKay & Sacha Stone: Critical Intel - White Hat Revelations (Video) - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:21 - Scott and Sacha are together again and sharing what can only be viewed as massively critical Intel and White Hat revelations.. As our time draws closer, the Intel is becoming clearer and the enemy knows their time is almost UP! -

Juan O' Savin: MAJOR Intel May 17: Everything is About to Change!! (Video) - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:11 - Juan is back and says everything is about to change BIG TIME! Don’t miss this very important Intel and full situation update report! It’s almost time!!!

Judy Byington: Urgent EBS Activated 10 Days of Darkness Soon - Intel and Situation Update for Wed. 17 May (Video) - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:01 - Our Children are Being Indoctrinated - Our Values are Being Desecrated - Our Heritage is Being Obliterated And our Country is Being Humiliated By a President Who Has No Idea What the Hell is Going On.…Donald J. Trump

Michael Jaco, Ollie Dammegard, and Scott Bennett Major Intel Update and Full Status Report (Video) - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:30 -

ATLAS SHRUGS: This is how we treat our veterans? It’s beyond disgraceful. This is evil. New York hotel kicks out 20 homeless veterans to make room for ‘asylum seeking’ migrants. The name of the hotel is The Crossroads Hotel. Migrant hotels are a worldwide problem now — Ashlea Simon (@AshleaSimonBF) May 16, 2023 – NYC Mayor is lying through his teeth. Veterans and homeless are been kicked out of hotels to make room for illegals. NYC children suffered during school closures due to Covid yet Adams is punishing them more by making them to sacrifice their school gyms to shelter illegals.…

ATLAS SHRUGS EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Protests Continue “Stop Children’s Drag Queen Story Hours” NYC 53rd St Library - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 8:49 - Of all the terrible, horrible things the Democrats have done to our country, the perverse sexualization of our children is the most wicked, grotesque and unforgivable…

TIM BROWN - Two Different Voices: The Children Of God Said “We Are Well Able To Overcome It!” But The Rebels Picked Up Stones To Stone Them… - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 8:44 - It has been said that “the course of this world away from God; therefore I must go against the current of this world if I am a child of God,” and yet, the problem that I see with this is that a majority of those who you would expect to be the worldings are, in fact, the professed Christians in America today.  Nothing new here, I’ll explain in a moment.


Against all Enemies, Foreign, and Domestic…Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:57 - Time to choose: get to fightin’ or get to dyin’. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. — Roman Statesman, Marcus Tullius Cicero

Larwyn’s Linx: The FBI is the most dangerous domestic terror organization in America. - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:41 -

CANADA FREE PRESS: Will America’s Fascination With Contradiction End in Insanity And A Fiery Demise? - By Kelly O'Connell ——Bio and Archives--May 17, 2023 - “Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has -- it has stolen” -- Friedrich Nietzsche - Amazing fact! As our older leftist standards age, they run afoul of new commitments, eviscerating the past ideals. Goodbye to claims of absolute rules and ultimate truth. Thereby, liberals expose their entire con-game, based on incremental gain of the whole society. But demolishing one set of ideals, then setting up new ones to be disappointingly obliterated again… as the world falls deeper into confusion displayed in ever-enveloping chaos. (Comment: Do you remember who is the author of chaos & confusion? Yes it is the devil, but the devil is only one entity, God is everywhere all the time.) 

Left-wing German government pushes for 250,000 Kenyan immigrants amid migration crisis - Germany already accepted well over 1 million migrants last year, but the government already has plans to bring in another quarter million just from Kenya - May 10, 2023 - Germany’s left-wing government, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, is pushing to bring in 250,000 Kenyan migrants to fill what the government claims is a shortage of skilled workers. During a joint press conference with Scholz in the State House of Nairobi, Kenyan President William Ruto said that a draft agreement between Germany and Kenya is currently being worked on to facilitate the transfer of Kenyans to Germany.

NATURAL NEWS: Corporate media BAFFLED as to why “Brits are dying in their tens of thousands” – could it be covid jabs? - Tuesday, May 16, 2023 by: Ethan Huff - From May to December of last year, tens of thousands more Brits than usual died for mysterious reasons – or so that is what the corporate media is claiming while avoiding all talk of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” The Mirror, a British tabloid, reported that Brits “are dying in their tens of thousands,” but that “we don’t really have any idea why.” They are simply baffled, they say, while making no mention whatsoever of the covid injections that most Brits and Westerners either chose or were forced to take as part of the covid psy-op.

RAIR FOUNDATION - Colonized Belgium: Yemeni YouTuber Visits Brussels and Discovers It Has Become a 'Muslim Country' (Video) - By Amy Mek - May 16, 2023 - While globalists argue that the notion of the “Great Replacement” is a mere right-wing conspiracy theory, the statistics paint a different reality. During his visit to Belgium, a highly controversial Muslim Yemeni YouTuber openly glorifies the triumph of Brussels’ conquest. In a video he shot, the Moroccan shamelessly extols the profound impact of mass Islamic migration on Europe, applauding the detrimental cultural and demographic shifts it has imposed. Moreover, he unabashedly underscores the alarming dominance of Moroccan communitarianism, attributing it to the gradual Islamization and erosion of European identities—an issue that sparks intense debate and concern. (Comment: Gee I wonder what did they think was going to happen when you bring into the country Islamic Muslims? France proved they will not conform to law & order, but prefer to believe in sharia law. Is Belgium really that dense? Common sense is not that common anymore.)

Is the UK sending military equipment to enrich the oligarchs who own Ukraine? - BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 16, 2023 • Ukraine isn’t in the news much anymore and perhaps that’s because some curious things are happening that corporate media can’t easily explain without incriminating the very regimes they’ve supported, and themselves. After what seems to be a threat of terrorist actions against Europeans by the Zelensky regime, the UK and Germany are rushing once again to Zelensky’s aid.  But it gets worse.  It seems oligarchs are well on their way to owning Ukraine with the major shareholder being Blackrock. So, in reality, who are the UK and Germany supporting?




Birth Pangs

by Jack Kelley

Published on: November 28, 2014

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

May 17th 2023

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains (Matt. 24:7-8).


Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains (Mark 13:8).


Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven (Luke 21:10-11).


The Greek word translated “birth pains” or “birth pangs” is also translated “travail” and “sorrows.”  This is the reason why some scholars call the first half of  Daniel’s 70th week “the beginning of sorrows.” They say the signs Jesus was talking about in the above verses were meant to indicate that the 70th week has begun. The name for the second half is the Great Tribulation, which begins with the Abomination of Desolation (Matt. 24:15-21).


Here’s their rationale for this.   The disciples were asking for signs of the end of the age. Since the 69th  week of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy was at an end, they wanted to know how to recognize the beginning of the 70thWeek.  Jesus had just told them the temple was going to be torn down (Matt. 24:2), so there was obviously going to be a delay, because a Temple is required during the 70th week to complete the prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27).


Many of these scholars are also pre-trib, so they don’t believe the events we’re seeing in the world today  can be the birth pangs referenced in the verses above, because pre-trib believers won’t be here when the 70th Week begins. They cite several good reasons to believe Daniel’s 70th week has still not begun, the most obvious being that Israel has not reinstated it’s national covenant with God and there is no Temple there.


They also say the great signs from Heaven (not in the heavens) in Luke 21:11 refer to two specific supernatural events.  One is the blackened sun and blood red moon of Rev. 6:12, and the other is the sun and moon both going dark, with the stars falling from the sky in Matt. 24:29.  They say Rev. 6:12 will be a sign from Heaven that the 70th Week has begun and Matt. 24:29 is the sign that will mark it’s end.


I agree with that interpretation of Luke 21:11.  But I’ve never been fully convinced that none of the birth pangs can begin before the 70th Week, because birth pangs begin in a mild and infrequent way and then escalate in both intensity and frequency over time.  To me the events we’re currently experiencing fit the Lord’s description of birth pangs and are getting pretty frequent and pretty intense.


Also, I see Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38 as part of the birth pangs, and I’m not convinced that they have to happen during the 70th Week.  In fact, I believe Ezekiel 38 will be the last of these three and will lead the world directly into the 70th week because it’s the one that awakens Israel to God’s presence (Ezekiel 39:22) and ignites their desire for a temple.


This is the point at which Israel’s hardening will be relaxed (Romans 11:25).  It’s also when God will turn His attention back to Israel to build a temple there (Acts 15:16-18) in order to fulfill the 70 Weeks prophecy.  I’ve previously expressed  my opinion that both Romans 11:25 and Acts 15:16-18 require the prior removal (rapture) of the Church.


In summary then, I believe we are currently seeing the birth pangs Jesus mentioned and, while some are more advanced than others, all are in some stage of reaching the frequency and intensity required to  trigger the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Week. With that, lets take a look at current events I believe to be in the category of birth pangs so you can decide if you agree.


Nation Will Rise Against Nation, And Kingdom Against Kingdom.

We see the problems Israel is having with its neighbors, the Syrian revolution, the growing but as yet ineffective coalition against the Islamic State, the Ukraine / Russia conflict, and the fighting in several African countries as signs that nations are rising against nations.  But did you know that according to the Institute for Economics and Peace, the world as a whole has been getting incrementally less peaceful every year since 2007. The IEP monitors 162 countries around the world and currently only 11 of them are totally free from internal or external armed conflict.  In other words all but 11 of these 162 countries are either attacking someone or they’re being attacked by someone.  Granted, most of these involve separatist or revolutionary movements, or terrorists, but if this seems to you like the whole world must be at war, you’re not far off.


Earthquakes In Various Places

Just about everyone has finally admitted that earthquakes have been steadily increasing in recent years.


A new study finds there were more than twice as many big earthquakes in the first quarter of 2014 as compared with the average since 1979. The average rate of big earthquakes – those larger than magnitude 7 – has been 10 per year since 1979, the study reports. That rate rose to 12.5 per year starting in 1992, and then jumped to 16.7 per year starting in 2010 – a 65 percent increase compared to the rate since 1979. This increase accelerated in the first three months of 2014 to more than double the average since 1979, the researchers report.


“We have recently experienced a period that has had one of the highest rates of great earthquakes ever recorded,” said the lead study author, a research geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).



The latest figures from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization indicate that about one out of every eight people in the world is chronically undernourished. It also adds that the world produces enough food overall to meet everyone’s needs but many people either live in places where it’s hard to grow food or they don’t earn enough to buy as much as they need.  In some parts of the world people can no longer assume when they get up in the morning that they will get even one decent meal before night time.


With food prices rising much faster than incomes, more and more people are finding themselves unable to obtain adequate amounts of decent food even in so-called developed countries.  This will continue to get worse until the Bible says it will take everything an average person earns in a day just to get enough food for that day.



The dictionary defines pestilence as a deadly or virulent epidemic disease. For the past few years we’ve had to deal with diseases that fit this definition on a regular basis. So far all of them have been brought under control one way or another.  Currently it’s the Ebola virus that has everyone’s attention. Worst case scenarios abound with some experts saying it’s already too late to stop it, and predicting over 1 million deaths in the next 6 months.Others say the scare tactics being used in reporting on it are mostly just that and as in previous years the pandemic everyone is so afraid of will not materialize.


But Jesus said pestilence in various places will be one of the birth pangs.  I think it’s too early to tell whether Ebola will fulfill His prophecy on a broad scale or not, but if it doesn’t something else will.  One thing is certain. People in the places where Ebola is on the loose are experiencing pestilence to a degree previously unknown, and if it does become more widespread it could be a catastrophic fulfillment of the Lord’s prophecy.


What Does All This Mean?

In summary, of the four categories Jesus mentioned, conflict between nations and earthquakes in various places seem to be advancing steadily with famine and pestilence still in more moderate stages. This tells us things will at least continue to get worse in those categories.


Then, just at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week there will be a brief pause where to the unsuspecting world it will look as if peace has finally come. I believe this will follow Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38 which will be the last of the birth pangs before the 70th Week begins. The covenant that will  be enforced by the anti-Christ (Daniel 9:27) will convince the world that war in the Middle East is a thing of the past.  Paul said this will be the most dangerous sign because it will cause unbelievers to be caught totally unawares.


While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape (1 Thes. 5:3).


The labor pains will begin again and this time there will be no let up until the birth of the Messianic Age. Three cycles of judgments known as the time of God’s Wrath will come, and by the time they’re over the world as we know it will lie in shambles with at least half of its inhabitants dead.  Jesus called the last of these three cycles the worst time of judgment in human history, never seen before and never to be seen again (Matt. 24:21).


God told Jeremiah His goal in these judgments is to completely destroy all the nations among which His people have been scattered, and to discipline Israel in preparation for the coming kingdom (Jeremiah 30:11).


Paul said Jesus will rescue the Church from the time and place of these judgments (1 Thes. 1:10) because we are not appointed to suffer wrath (1 Thes 5:9). Here’s how that will happen.


On a day no one could have predicted in advance we’ll hear the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God (1 Thes. 4:16-17).  Before either of these sounds can register in our minds, we’ll be standing before the Lord, ready for our journey to His Father’s house where He’s been preparing a place for us (John 14:2-3).  Our time on earth will have ended, and our time in eternity will have begun. We’ll finally be home.

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