Friday, May 19, 2023

How God Sees You


How God Sees You - Biden, Harris, General Milley Arrested - China Unveils Grand Plan for Central Asia - New Benjamin Fulford Friday May Intel - Feinstein Has Brain Illness - Christians Honor Israel With March of the Nations and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

May 19th 2023



Situation Update, May 19, 2023 - We Are The WHITE HATS Who Must RESCUE The Republic! - Steve Bannon - Mike Adams Must Video - Friday, May 19, 2023 12:28 - NYC to start tracking meat purchases by citizens - Food RATIONING will happen soon, and “climate crisis” will be the excuse - 60,000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate have been hijacked off a train - That’s about 12 PALLETS of explosives - Fed-run black ops groups likely planning something bigger than 9/11 - We must PEACEFULLY save this republic from those who seek to destroy it - Adams offers sneak preview of amazing new silver-infused textiles - Full interview with Steve Bannon: America, AI terminators, Trump, RFK, censorship, Elon Musk and the CCP - Full interview with Jason Crowe from Qortal, the distributed content platform that CANNOT be censored or stopped -

THE DAN BONGINO SHOW: Chilling Words From An FBI Whistleblower! - Dan Bongino - Friday, May 19, 2023 12:09 - In this episode, I address the explosive FBI corruption hearing and the chilling words that ended the hearing.

ATLAS SHRUGS - Democrat Shakedown: Walgreens to Pay San Francisco $230 Million for FDA Created Opioid Crisis - Friday, May 19, 2023 14:09 - This is the new Democrat grift – blame anyone and everyone for their failed vicious policies and make them pay. The fact it is the government who is responsible for the opiad drug crisis. The FDA, the federal gatekeeper for prescription medication, could have prevented it. OxyContin became one of the most prescribed narcotics in the country because of this claim, “Delayed absorption as provided by OxyContin tablets, is believed to reduce the abuse liability of a drug.” Before a drug reaches the market, the FDA approves the label, also known as the package insert. It’s one of the most powerful tools the FDA has in regulating a drug’s use.

ATLAS SHRUGS - Leading Rabbi: It Is a Mitzvah [Good Deed] to Condemn George Soros - Friday, May 19, 2023 13:09 - It was wrong for Obama acolytes to denounce each and every criticism of the Obama presidency as “racist.” Yes, one of Barack Obama’s parents was Black. But his policies were not “Black.” They were just awful, destructive, and demanded sharp criticism. He was a horrible president, a foe of Israel, destroyed America’s cultural equilibrium and sent the United States into a tailspin from which it may not ever recover. That is not a “racist” opinion. Just a fact.

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – By Divina Ellison - Update as of May 19, 2023 – Biden, Harris, General Milley arrested & charged with treason – Military Tribunals at the White House – Martial Law coming -

THE CRADLE: Interpol orders arrest of Lebanon central bank governor - The order by the international police organization follows the arrest warrant issued by French authorities three days ago – By News Desk - May 19 2023 - Interpol has issued a notice for the arrest of Lebanese central bank governor Riad Salameh, while Lebanon’s caretaker interior minister Bassam Mawlawi indicated he would implement the arrest notice if instructed by the judiciary, Reuters reported on 19 May. Mawlawi revealed news of the order, which was issued after France put out its own arrest warrant for Salameh on 16 May as part of its investigation of Salameh on charges of embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars in public funds.

REUTERS: China's Xi unveils grand development plan for Central Asia - By Andrew Hayley - XIAN, May 19 (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday unveiled a grand plan for Central Asia's development, from building infrastructure to boosting trade, taking on a new leadership role in a region that has traditionally been a Russian sphere of influence. China is ready to coordinate development strategies with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and promote the modernization of all, Xi said in an address to a China-Central Asia Summit in northwest China.

By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts - Congress Descends…Fetterman Appears as a Slob, Feinstein Doesn’t Know Where She is, and Adam Shiff not fit to serve…..Friday, May 19, 2023 6:34 - John Fetterman is on the job in his hoodie and gym shorts in the Capitol. Then he attempts to opine on the 14th amendment. Meanwhile, Senator Feinstein doesn’t even know where she is. But the Dems will keep them no matter what because they hold the slimmest of margins. Oh a few who lust for her position are making noises.

Capt Kyle: Critical Intel and Situation Update With Riccardo Bosi, David Guru, and Kelly - This is HUGE, Folks!! (Video) - Friday, May 19, 2023 6:58 - Capt Kyle & Kelly join our Aussie brothers for an Aussie – USA Round Table to discuss World Events & Geopolitical Updates! This is HUGE, Folks!

HOPE GIRL: It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Columbian drug cartel than with WHO, says MEP - Friday, May 19, 2023 10:02 - The third International Covid Summit was held at the European Parliament last week, on 3 May.  The Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”) who attended said it was a historic event. The Summit covered all aspects of the pandemic.  It also covered the documentation of the increasing power grab by the World Health Organization (“WHO”) and increased control by organized global entities.

New Benjamin Fulford Friday May Intel: American Renaissance Coming As Criminal Zionist Regime Is Destroyed! - Friday, May 19, 2023 9:58 -

Attorney Thomas Renz Unloads Horrifying Audio Recording Evidence Of Nurses Ordered To Murder COVID Patients For Hospital Profits! - Mike Adams - Friday, May 19, 2023 9:59 - Attorney Tom Renz of  joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the legal battle to hold the medical industry responsible for their murder protocol based COVID response.

THE HORN NEWS: Dianne Feinstein aide confirms brain illness - MAY 19, 2023 - 89-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., returned to Congress earlier this month after missing more than two months of work because of shingles, her office first claimed. When the elderly Feinstein returned, she was noticeably diminished and confined to a wheelchair. On Thursday, it was confirmed that Feinstein had suffered from more serious complications than previously disclosed. Feinstein’s office said Thursday that she is suffering from Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a complication from the shingles virus that can paralyze part of the face, and that she contracted encephalitis — inflammation of the brain — while battling the illness.The senator had not previously disclosed…..

FULL OF SCHIFF! GOP Files Resolution to BOOT Crazy Adam from Congress – May 19th 2023 - Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna filed a resolution on Wednesday evening to expel Rep. Adam Schiff, formerly the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, from Congress alleging that he pushed a false narrative to the American people in the Trump-Russia investigation.

How John Durham Documented the Biggest Illegal Dirty Trick in U.S. History & Why No One Will Be Held Responsible - What did Mr. Durham know three days ago when he released his report, that he did not know prior to the November 8th, 2020 election? – By ROGER STONE - MAY 19, 2023 - Special Counsel John Durham's final report on the origins of the Russian collusion hoax (also known as Obamagate) document the single greatest dirty trick in the history of American politics and government; an abuse of power in which the full authority and extraordinary intelligence capabilities of the United States government were illicitly and illegally used to remove a duly elected President — Donald J. Trump — from office.

DEFENSE ONE: Chinese Breakthroughs Bring Quantum Tools Closer to Practicality - Still, concerns of a Chinese “quantum supremacy” should be softened by the realities and difficulties of this new space. - THOMAS CORBETT and PETER W. SINGER | MAY 18, 2023 - A tenfold leap in a key aspect of quantum communications is just one of several recent breakthroughs by Chinese research teams that have major implications for the future of computing and communications. Quantum communications systems pass information using quantum bits: particles that exist in two states until they are observed. If an enemy observes these qubits—that is, intercepts a message—they lose this quality of “superposition.” The information they carry is lost and, as a bonus, the interception is easily detected. (Imagine dipping a cup into a stream of water; any attempt leaves traces.) But the intended recipients can interpret the information because they are being sent something called quantum keys. The inability to send enough of these keys has been a bottleneck in the pursuit of practical quantum communications.

WESTERN JOURNAL: Soros-Funded Prosecutor Resigns 'Effective Immediately,' Sets Up GOP Gov for Massive Move - By Erinn Broadus - May 17, 2023 - St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner resigned from office Tuesday weeks earlier than her stated departure date, according to a news release from her office. Gardner, whose campaign was backed by George Soros, announced her resignation May 4, stating her last day in office would be June 1. Gardner was criticized for her unwillingness to punish many violent criminals.

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: Fmr. Biden official arrested by ‘four unmarked police,’ says report – By Liz Lawrence - May 18th 2023 - A former Biden administration official was arrested on Wednesday as a “Fugitive From Justice,” according to Montgomery County, Maryland police logs. Former senior Department of Energy (DOE) official Samuel Brinton, who describes himself as “nonbinary,” was arrested at his home in Rockville. A witness who lives near Brinton told The Daily Wire that “four unmarked police showed up last night, they would not let his spouse Kevin leave. After about an hour Sam Brinton was escorted out in handcuffs.” Briton is reportedly being held in jail without bond.

ISRAEL TODAY: Christians Honor Israel With “March of the Nations” - The Christian procession through the streets of Jerusalem demonstrated to Israelis that they do not, and will never again stand alone. - By Israel Today Staff | May 18, 2023 - Thousands of Christians took part in the “March of the Nations” in Jerusalem this week. The procession concluded with a rally in Safra Square near Jerusalem’s Old City. The first March of the Nations was held in Jerusalem five years ago (2018) to mark the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel.

LIFE SITE NEWS: California backs down on forcing doctors to participate in assisted suicide in pro-life victory - 'Our clients seek to live out their faith in their medical practice, and that includes valuing every human life entrusted to their care.' - Thu May 18, 2023 - 3:20 pm EDT - (LifeSiteNews) — California has backed down on enforcing a law requiring medical practitioners to participate in physician-assisted suicides against their will and has agreed to pay $300,000 to the Christian medical professionals who took the state to court. California legalized assisted suicide in 2015 with the End of Life Option Act, under which physicians were able to opt out of participation in, and could not be punished for, “refusing to inform” a patient about his “right” to assisted suicide or for refusing make a referral to a more willing physician. -




How God Sees You

by Jack Kelley

Published on: June 28, 2015

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

May 19th 2023



I’m convinced most Christians don’t have a very good understanding of how God sees us.


I’m not surprised about this because it’s really hard to for us to comprehend. God sees us so differently from the way we see ourselves and the way others see us, that there’s really no comparison.


It’s like He and we are looking at two different people. And in a way that’s true because we can only see ourselves from our past experiences, but He has chosen to see us now as we will be in the future when we’re with Him forever. So let’s set aside how we see ourselves for a moment and take a look at five things the Bible says about how God sees us.


You Are His Child Forever


“Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God” (John 1:12-13).


How many times have you heard someone say, “We’re all God’s children.” Do you realize that’s not a true statement? Only a born-again believers can legitimately call themselves children of God because one of the things that happens when we become born-again is that God actually adopts us as His own.


Galatians 4:4-7 says the way to our adoption into the family of God was opened with the death of Jesus. As soon as we were born again we received the adoption to sonship, and the Spirit of God’s Son came into our heart. So we are no longer slaves, but God’s children; and since we are his children, God has also made us His heirs. This is why Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us the Holy Spirit was given to us as a deposit that guarantees our inheritance. As heirs of God we have an inheritance that no one can take from us.


From 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 we learn that when we were born-again, God set His seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our heart guaranteeing what is to come. Since then it’s God Himself who makes us stand firm in Christ. Having freed us from the one who held us in slavery, He set His own seal of ownership on us. We are no longer slaves but sons and daughters of God. Having been bought at a price, the precious blood of Jesus, we belong to God now, and no one can ever change that.


He has placed us under the care of His Son, as the owner of a flock of sheep would place them under the care of a shepherd. It’s the Father’s will that the Son should lose none of those He’s been given, therefore everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life (John 6:37-40).


This is not something we accomplished through any personal effort of our own. It’s a work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that cannot be undone. Nothing in all of creation can change what they have done in us (Romans 8:38-39) and no one can ever take us out of their hands (John 10:27-30). Once we are born-again, we are God’s children forever.


You Still Sin, But He No Longer Counts Your Sins Against You


“Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit” (Psalm 32:1-2).


In Psalm 32:1-2 King David foresaw this and in Romans 7:15-24 Paul explained it. Having admitted that try as he might he just couldn’t completely stop sinning, he gave us God’s perspective on the matter. He said that when he sinned, it was no longer he himself who sinned, but the sin who lived within him.


Here’s what he meant. In Romans 7:9 Paul said, “Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died.” He was talking about reaching the age when he became accountable for his sins. Before that happened he was not accountable and had eternal life. It’s not that he didn’t sin before then, but his sins were not counted against him. However, as soon as he was old enough to be accountable, the penalty for his sins was applied and he no longer had eternal life.


Now let’s look at two seemingly unrelated statements Jesus made about what it takes to enter God’s Kingdom. In Matt. 18:3 He said, “Unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”And in John 3:3 He said that no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born-again.


By putting these together with Paul’s comments on accountability we can see the Lord’s two statements really weren’t unrelated at all. Remember, Paul said little children have eternal life because their sins are not counted against them. Jesus said in order to enter the Kingdom we have to become like little children again. But He also said in order to enter the kingdom we have to be born again. Therefore, the way to become like little children so our sins are not counted against us is to be born-again.


The proof of this is when Paul was born-again God no longer counted his sins against him, but attributed them to the sin that still lived within him. He had become like a little child again, not accountable for his sins, and had regained eternal life even though he couldn’t prevent himself from sinning.


You Are Perfect In His Sight, As Righteous As He Is


“For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy” (Hebrews 10:14).


In Romans 3:20-24 Paul explained that no one will be declared righteous by keeping the Law because the purpose of the Law was to make us conscious of our sinfulness. Therefore, God made known a righteousness from Him apart from the Law that comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe, being justified freely by His grace.


From 2 Cor. 5:17 we learn that if anyone is in Christ he or she is nothing less than a new creation in Christ. “The old has gone, the new has come.” This is not something that will happen someday, or that we have to bring about ourselves by changing our behavior. It’s something that from God’s perspective has already happened and is irreversible. It happened because we are “in Christ” or born-again.


This is possible because when His Son, who was without sin, became sin for us, God was able to make us as righteous as He is (2 Corinthians 5:21). From His perspective we’ve become perfect forever because the Son’s one sacrifice for sin applies for all time, covering the entire lifetime of every believer (Hebrews 10:12-14).


When Jesus went to the cross He forgave us all our sins (Colossians 2:13-14). Those who had already died believing He would come to save them were in Paradise awaiting His atoning sacrifice. When Jesus died, their sins were forgiven retroactively. Other believers were alive at the time of His death and received the benefits of His sacrifice immediately. Still others would not be born for many years, meaning all their sins were in the distant future. Their sins would be forgiven as soon as they heard the gospel and believed it no matter how far in the future that happened.


So even though the Lord’s death took place on a single afternoon in time, it had to apply for all time, past, present, and future. It also had to apply for the entire lifetime of each believer. Otherwise the phrase “He forgave us all our sins” could not be true. But because it is true, God can now see us as if we always have been and always will be perfect.


This is how He can guarantee our inheritance from the time we believed (Ephesians 1:13-14), and how He can assume responsibility for making us stand firm in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:21-22). Having already paid the penalty in full for all the sins of our life, He is able to regard us as being righteous, as if we never sinned in the first place. From His perspective we are innocent, like the little child Jesus said we have to become.


You Cannot Be Condemned for Any Reason


“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”(Romans 8:1).


Because of this, we can no longer be condemned for any reason. “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him” (John 3:17).


[Jesus said,] “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my words and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has passed over from death to life” (John 5:24).


None of the above has required anything of you except to believe that when Jesus went to the cross, He went for you. Everything was settled for you the moment you believed that.


When You Stand Before God You Will Be As Perfect As He Is


Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is (1 John 3:2).


At the moment of the Rapture we will be changed from mortal to immortal and what we are now by faith we will become in fact (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). All physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imperfections will be gone forever. All desire to sin will be gone, as will the disappointment, shame, and guilt that accompanied it.


Our spirit will be in perfect alignment with God’s Spirit, our will in perfect harmony with His. The restrictions imposed on our abilities by the curse under which we’ve labored all our lives will be lifted as we emerge from the dark oppressive past into a bright and limitless future.


No matter what kind of sinners we have been here on Earth, or how often we stumbled and fell, or how disapprovingly we’ve been looked upon by our peers, when we stand before our Creator every hint of our earthly self will have disappeared and we will finally be the perfect example of ourselves He created us to be, fit to dwell in the presence of the Lord forever in the most luxurious environment He has ever designed.


What Should We Do About This?


As you can see, none of the above has come to us as a result of our behavior. As soon as we believed, it was accomplished in our lives as the free gift of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9) and can never be reversed. We don’t know why God chose to make this act of His Grace such a polar opposite to His requirements of those who labored under the Law before us. And from reading prophecies that describe life on earth in the Millennium, we can see that once the Church is gone no other group of believers will ever enjoy such a lavish display of His love after us. The only explanation He gave was that through us He wanted to demonstrate the incomparable riches of His grace in ages yet to come (Ephesians 2:7).


But even though He placed no conditions on us other than to believe in the one He sent (John 6:28-29) I believe Paul was very clear in describing the appropriate response to such an overwhelming display of His kindness.




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