Wednesday, May 31, 2023

God’s Answer For a Dying World


God’s Answer For a Dying World - China Calls Biden a Fake President - Phil Godlewski Vital Intel – Why the Roman Catholic Church is Not Christian – EBS & Financial Reset - MORE EPSTEIN LISTS - Satan’s Crown Jewel’ - THE TYRANT OF TURKEY and more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

May 31st 2023


New Steve Quayle: Special Report — America Will Not Escape its War on God — A View to the Kill - Steve Quayle Joins Doug Hagmann - May 30, 2023 - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 10:01 - And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (Rev 18:2) -

MAIL ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Snitches get stitches! Ghislaine Maxwell is living in 'constant fear' of a brutal revenge prison beat down by two violent Cuban inmates who were thrown in solitary for 47 DAYS after she ratted them out 'for trying to extort her' - Maxwell reported the inmates - known as 'Las Cubanas' - to authorities after they demanded items from her commissary order, sources tell - An insider said the women 'have a reputation for being tough and mean' and they're 'saying Maxwell needs to pay for the 47' - READ MORE: Trove of never-before-seen emails gives unprecedented insight into Epstein's network that includes Chris Rock, Peter Thiel, and Irina Shayk - By BEN ASHFORD FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 08:53 EDT, 31 May 2023 | UPDATED: 10:52 EDT, 31 May 2023 -

AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS: Virgina Gov. Youngkin sending Nat’l Guard to US-Mexico border - On Wednesday, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced he is sending National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to help Texas respond to the ongoing border crisis. Virginia is deploying 100 troops in response Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s request for military support, Youngkin’s office said in a press release.

ATLAS SHRUGS - Mainstream Journalist: Jamie Foxx Suffered Massive Stroke Following His COVID Vaccination. - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 13:09 - Journalist A.J. Benza Says He Has First-Hand Knowledge of What Caused Jamie Foxx’s Stroke - “I had somebody in the room who let me know that Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot. He did not want the shot but with the movie he was on, he was pressured to get… - Mike Tyson confirms that Jamie Foxx suffered massive stroke following his COVID vaccination. -

Uganda's President Sides With Law Of God By Signing Anti-Sodomy Legislation - Antichrist Republicans & Democrats Attack Him & The Law (Video) - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 13:05 - “Christians” in the United States need to wipe the sleep from their eyes and stop supporting candidates that claim they believe the Bible and then shake their fist in the face of Almighty God when God says that sodomy is wrong.  Yet, they seek to decriminalize what God says is a violation of law.  And don’t think it’s just Democrats.  It’s Republicans too.  The latest evidence of the spirit of antichrist comes from both the usurper in the White House, along with those that claim they “love God.”  Sadly, their lips praise Him, but their hearts are far from Him.

Stew Peters WORLD PREMIERE (5/30/2023): “Final Days”  — FULL Documentary - From the Directors of ‘Died Suddenly’: ‘Final Days’ - Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come. - Karen Kingston: ‘Final Days’ Sheds Light on the Darkness of mRNA Technologies - Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. (Matt 10:26) - And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [Greek word pharmakeia] were all nations deceived. (Rev 18:23)

REAL RAW NEWS: China Calls Biden a Fake President and Lloyd Austin a Fake Defense Secretary - By Michael Baxter -May 30, 2023 - Has Beijing finally accepted that Joseph R. Biden is an illegitimate president and that Donald J. Trump is still the lawfully elected President of the United States? The answer could be….

US MILITARY NEWS: Restored Republic via a GCR – By Divina Ellison - Update as of May 31, 2023 -

JUST THE NEWS: After John Durham bombshell, judge breathes new life into Clinton Foundation whistleblower case - U.S. Tax Court asks for new motions this summer from whistleblowers, IRS in aftermath of precedent-setting rulings. May 31st 2023 - Just a few weeks after Special Counsel John Durham revealed significant failures to investigate allegations against Hillary Clinton’s family charity, a U.S. Tax Court judge has once again breathed new life into a years-long whistleblower case alleging IRS improprieties involving the controversial Clinton Foundation.

Phil Godlewski: Vital Intel - Start - May 30th, 2023 (Video) - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 6:52 - Phil reveals details of an emerging Intel drop, set to take place throughout the month of June 2023.

Lt. Scott Bennett: Major Intel Drop From US Army Special Ops/Psychological Warfare Analyst (Video) - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 6:58 - In 2011, 2LT Scott Bennett, Ph.D., U.S. Army Special Operations Officer and Psychological Warfare analyst, was unlawfully imprisoned on trumped up charges by the Obama Administration for filing intelligence reports exposing terrorist finance corruption involving the Clinton Foundation, the Muslim Brotherhood, US Central Command, and Booz Allen Hamilton.

SG Anon: HUGE Intel - Mount Rushmore, EBS, Financial Reset, and Turning the Tables on the Deep State! (Video) - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 6:12 - Meri interviews SG ANON with Important INFORMATION about this coming WEEKEND and the GREAT AWAKENING which is at hand.

The Wicked Will Store Up the Riches for Ultimately the Redistribution to the Righteous, QFS GES XRP (Video) - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 6:39 -

Here are the 35 Republicans Who Stand with “We the People” and Won’t Vote for Biden & McCarthy’s Flawed Uniparty Bill - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 9:09 - On Tuesday night, the House Rules Committee on Tuesday voted to advance the McCarthy-Biden Fiscal Responsibility Act. The 9-majority and 4-minority committee voted 7-6 to advance the bill with Reps. Chip Roy and Ralph Norman voted against the measure. “House Rules Cmte approves rule to govern floor debate on debt ceiling bill tomorrow. The vote was 7-6. Roy and Norman defected Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) votes yes on the rule. Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Ralph Norman (R-SC) were nays,” Fox News Congress reporter Chad Pergram reported. The full House of Representatives will vote on the bill Wednesday night.


Larwyn’s Linx - Biden crimes: Wray headed for contempt after ignoring 'criminal scheme' FBI subpoena - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 7:25 -

THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE: Hollywood Star Admits Elites Use Children's Blood in 'Sickening' Satanic Rituals -

STRANGE SOUNDS: Why is it that certain criminals are allowed to steal/kill/abuse openly with no fear of being held accountable? - Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for May 30, 2023...STRANGE SOUNDS - MAY 30, 2023 -

ZERO HEDGE: The Great Student Loan Nonpayment Boondoggle Is Over And Household Spending Is About To Collapse - BY TYLER DURDEN - WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 2023 - 06:55 AM - In the small print detailing the end of the debt ceiling melodrama which, as we explained, is a farce as it boosts inflation-adjusted spending contrary to Republican promises, there was some actual news: the great student loan boondoggle is about to come to a screeching halt, after a three year "emergency pause" which redirected tens of billions in dollars away from mandatory student loan repayment to other forms of discretionary spending.

HARBINGER DAILY: ‘Satan’s Crown Jewel’: Abortion Is the Culmination of Secular Thought – By Answers In Genesis - May 30, 2023 - In Genesis 2, we see God’s created institution of lifelong, monogamous marriage and his command for Adam and Eve (and, by extension, all humanity descended from them) to be fruitful and multiply. Family is the first institution established by God, long before the government’s attempt to redefine it. When Christianity confronted the Roman world, one striking difference between those who followed Christ and those who followed the false gods of the Romans was the value that Christians attributed to babies, children, women, and slaves—all classes of people who were seen as the chattel of the free Roman man.

HARBINGER DAILY - Undermining National Sovereignty: Efforts To Stop UN World ‘Health’ Power Grab Accelerate – By Alex Newman - May 30, 2023 - Amid a major power grab by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) seeking to further empower the global agency, lawmakers and leaders across the United States are stepping up efforts to protect self-government, national sovereignty and the rights of all Americans. In fact, many in Congress and beyond say it is time for the U.S. government to defund and even withdraw from the WHO once again.

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: Does CUNY School of Law support ‘revolution’ against America? -  May 30, 2023 - The commencement speech by City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law graduate Fatima Mousa Mohammed, delivered on May 12, alarmed not only Jews, but also patriotic Americans. They were outraged not only by her vicious lies against the State of Israel, but even more so by what seemed to be a call for the destruction of America. (Comment: A veteran CUNY law professor has blamed the “blatant call for American insurrection” in this year’s graduate commencement speech on the school being run by a bunch of “far left, Marxist lunatics.” Professor Jeffrey Lax, a full-time CUNY professor for 20 years, told Fox News that Fatima Mousa Mohammed’s anti-Israel call for revolution was “the most disturbing commencement speech I have ever heard in my entire life.” Yet this type of blows against the empire never ceases from the lunatic left. When Anti-Semitism brings forth hatred against Israel, say the holocaust was a lie and calls for the overthrow of the American government that is treason. This type of lunacy needs to be dealt with.)

THE TYRANT OF TURKEY: Could Erdogan’s win have prophetic implications? Is it troubling that Russia and Iran were the first to congratulate Erdogan? You bet it is. - by Joel C. Rosenberg | May 30, 2023 - First, Turkey is militarily important given that it has a population of 85 million and the biggest army in all of NATO. Second, Turkey is geographically important, strategically positioned at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and the Middle East, just south of Russia and just north of Israel. Third, Turkey – known in ancient times as “Asia Minor” – is biblically important, the place where the Apostle Paul used to preach the Gospel, plant churches, and write epistles in the first century. Fourth, Turkey is prophetically important. The first several chapters of the Book of Revelation were written to people living in ancient Turkey and those prophecies came to pass. What’s more, Turkey plays a key role in another major biblical prophecy that will come to pass in the “last days” of history before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ….

NTEB: Thousands Of Roman Catholics Flock To Worship At The Dead Body Of ‘Miracle Nun’ Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster Whose Body Did Not Decay - Published 23 hours ago on May 30, 2023 - By Geoffrey Grider - The Roman Catholic Church loves their idols, especially dead bodies either whole or in part, to gather around them in worship. NTEB has done many articles about the necromancy habits of the Vatican, like this one. Please don’t look at that article while you’re eating, you’ll understand why when you see it. Meet Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, the ‘miracle nun’ who died 4 years ago. They just dug her up and found her corpse to be ‘remarkably preserved’. Miracle? It might be, but not from God. “He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.” Matthew 12:27 (KJB) – (Comment: So just what is Necromancy? According to Wikipedia Necromancy is the practice of magical sorcery involving communication with the dead by summoning their spirits as apparitions or visions, or by resurrection for the purpose of divination; imparting the means to foretell future events; discovery of hidden knowledge; “returning a person to life”, or to use the dead as a weapon. Sometimes categorized under death magic, the term is occasionally also used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft as a whole. As you can see there is nothing Christian about the Roman Catholic Church.)

MISES INSTITIUTE: The Economic Nationalists Are Wrong: Free Trade Means Freedom and Prosperity - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 15:09 - Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a debate about the morality of capitalism between James Otteson and Michael Anton, a defender of economic nationalism. Otteson made a good case for capitalism; however, Anton derailed the debate by choosing to focus on specific policies rather than ethical concerns. Ironically, Anton admits that he has hardly ever picked up an economics textbook.

President Trump declares War on illegal immigration - Wednesday, May 31, 2023 14:57 – SSTN MARK MATHENY - TRUMP WAR ROOM - #AGENDA 47 President Trump’s plan to discourage illegal immigration by ENDING automatic citizenship for the children of illegal aliens.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: Tearing Off The Veil Of Secrecy By Exposing The Globalist Luciferians Hiding In Plain Sight, Carrying Out A New Holocaust And Leaving A Trail Of Devastation The World Over - Part One - By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline - The last three years have been shown to be an exercise in lies, deception, destruction and power grabs not just here in the U.S. but all around the world. The COVID-19 (“pandemic” and “vaccine”) events were clearly a global military operation perpetrated by a powerful elite comprised at least of characters from the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, world governments, medical and scientific experts, academia, pharmaceutical heads, and high-ranking military. No other explanation fits the totality of the precision and timing of the lockstep measures taken by the governments of the world. The question then is not so much who orchestrated this takedown of humanity, but who are these people, who do they represent in their quest for power and control, and what inspires them in their quest to kill off humanity? This will be at least a preliminary attempt to peel back the layers hiding the truth.

WORLD NET DAILY: 'He must be stopped': Jewish conservatives launch 'Jews Against Soros' coalition - 'George has dedicated his entire life's work to harming America' - By WND News Services - Published May 31, 2023 - Two Jewish conservatives launched a campaign attacking George Soros Wednesday, arguing that criticism of the left-wing billionaire and business mogul is “not antisemitic.” Josh Hammer, a senior editor at Newsweek, and Will Scharf, who is currently running for Missouri Attorney General, announced the “Jews Against Soros” campaign Wednesday as a “new grassroots coalition of Jews” that opposes the billionaire’s “radical left-wing agenda,” according to a press release. The goal of the campaign is to combat the idea that any criticism of Soros’ political activity and influence is antisemitic, a charge often levied at those who have criticized the left-wing megadonor’s funding networks.


God’s Answer For a Dying World

by Joseph Chambers

Published on: July 8, 2015

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

May 31st 2023



Animals, Birds, and Fish are mysteriously dying by the millions all over the world.


What is overwhelming is that a prophet of God prophesied this very phenomenon thousands of years ago. It is absolute proof that we are at the door of the End. The last days are here and only a foolish church can possibly deny these facts. Those that teach Post-Millennialism, Dominion Theology, or any other of the false doctrines will soon be laughed at and scorned. Multitudes are going to miss the Rapture because they believed and followed these false doctrines that scoff at the Lord’s return for His faithful saints.


God’s prophet Hosea used language that perfectly describes our dying earth. It is a precise picture. “By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.” (Hosea 4: 2-3)


You could argue with this if the facts were not so awesome.From a list of the last 86 days, August 15, 2013 to November 8, 2013, there were reports of over 200 incidents of animal, bird, and fish deaths around the world. Here is a list of just a few of these massive numbers:


• Thousands of fish in Mississippi

• Millions of fish in China

• Thousands of seal pups in California

• 15 tons of fish, crabs, & birds in Russia

• Tons of fish in Sweden

• 300 dolphins along east coast of America

• Thousands of eels in Czech Republic

• 100,000+ hens in Italy

• 100% of Oyster beds in St. Lucie River

• Mass mortality of poultry in Italy

• Pigeons en mass in Ukraine

• 900 fish in Netherlands

• 10 tons of fish in Brazil

• Hundreds of birds in Netherlands

• 5 whales along south coast of Brazil

• Thousands of ducks in Oregon

• 5,000 fish in New Mexico

• Thousands of fish & shrimp in Costa Rica

• Thousands of cattle in Mexico

• Mass number of fish in Russia

• 70,000 sheep & cattle in Bolivia

• 1,500+ cattle in Paraguay

• 41 swallows in Japan

• 950,000+ birds killed in Italy

• Massive starfish in Canada

• 850+ trout in Switzerland

• Mass die off of birds in Germany

• Crows and pigeons in Nepal

• Fish, crabs, turtles and dolphins in Mexico

• Hundreds of chickens in Indonesia

• 2,200 cattle in Utracan

• 30,000 sheep in Uruguay

• Tons of fish in Vietnam

• Mass number of crabs in China

• 33 penguins and 3 sea birds along 5 miles of beach in Brazil

• 8,000 tons of salmon in Norway

• 2,900 cattle in Bolivia

• 100,000 cattle in South Dakota

• 50,000 lbs of fish in China

• 90 wild boars in France

• 100 sheep in Saudi Arabia

• 16, 824 livestock in Italy

• 170,970 birds and 4, 393 livestock in California

• Thousands of cattle in India

• Over 700 dolphins along east coast of America

• Hundreds of fish in Greece

• Tens of thousands of cattle and poultry in Vietnam

• Thousands of fish in Florida

• 4 whales in Canada

• Mass number of turtles in Costa Rica

• Hundreds of shearwater birds in New Zealand

• 6 Hammerhead sharks in China


Remember, this is a few News reports out of over 200 in an 86 day period that ended on Friday, November 8, 2013.


Apostle Paul stated clearly that our earth was on a course that could not be averted but by God’s hand of redemption. “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” (Romans 8: 21-23)


Sin has depleted the very earth we walk and live on. The post-millennialists are just as foolish as the ecologists that think they can save it and restore order from the present chaos. The earth is dying, plain and simple.


This is sure evidence that the Rapture and the Great Tribulation are God’s perfect plan to purge the disorder and restore the earth to its pristine condition that sin has robbed. When the millennium begins after the “Seven Years of Judgment,” it will be a new world or picture of beauty and pure happiness. The one thousand years of Christ’s reign on earth will see our world explode in prosperity and His glory. There will be no great bodies of oceans but an explosion of lasting peace in a beautiful world. The world has longed for a “One World Order” and it will truly arrive under the true King of Kings.


The wicked will not be resurrected until the Thousand Years of Christ’s Reign is finished. The White Throne will finish the purification of judgments. The Lake of Fire will doubtless be full as every wickedness is judged. A New Earth perfectly purified and a New Heaven without the troublesome fallen angels will become our joy. New Jerusalem will descend and the Bride occupying this golden city will be the Lord’s joy forever.



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