Friday, October 3, 2014

Ebola is Loose!

The Ebola Virus is Spreading Quickly in Western Africa!

 My last report several days ago had the death toll from the Ebola virus at 2,200; it now stands at 2,909 and counting. Emergency supplies are being sent to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the Ebola outbreak to be an international public health emergency! It has already infected 350 health workers killing 186, including nurses and doctors!

Who Estimates

The estimates on infections from the WHO are possibly 20,000 before it may be reined in, that is a big if!  In the last 21 days 45% of the fast spread of new cases is being reported in Liberia, but the WHO warns that official cases and fatality figures may underestimate the true degree of this large scale outbreak.  

 Emergency shipments of medical aid from AmeriCares to both Sierra Leone and Liberia are helping patients by providing protective gear for healthcare volunteers who face great risks in trying to rein in this horrible outbreak. Along with protective gear shipments of intravenous fluids to rehydrate Ebola patients have also been sent. “With as many as 5,800 people infected already and the virus spreading rapidly, there is virtually an endless demand for safety equipment,” said AmeriCares Vice President of Emergency Response Garrett Ingoglia. “If we don’t support the frontline health workers, there is no hope for controlling the epidemic.”

What about the Homeland?

Healthcare factories are stepping up the manufacture of protective gear for volunteers in the Ebola outbreak in the U.S. by putting on new shifts. It is paramount to world health that enough protective gear be made to supply the needs of healthcare workers during this current epidemic to contain the spread of this deadly virus.

Measures are being taken at airports, points of entry, and at the border to insure the virus does not start to spread here. The two patients that did return and were treated with the MZapp experimental vaccine have completely recovered. Now it needs to be approved by the FDA quickly and mass produced, no easy task with funding shortages everywhere.

The Stats

So far across Western Africa there are 6,185 suspected cases and 2,909 deaths (3,266 cases and 1,705 deaths having been laboratory confirmed). Many expert WHO officials think that the official statistics substantially under estimate the size of the outbreak. The reason being is due in part to resistance from the villages in reporting cases, a lack of healthcare workers and equipment to investigate reports of the disease. As of September 20th, the lack of beds in treatment centers is lacking to facilitate the large numbers of people needing hospital care. This could very well turn into a worldwide epidemic if the needed resources are not met. Support today!

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