Friday, October 3, 2014

How to Reclaim Your Brain!

Some older folks seem to dramatically have a better memory than others the same age. There is a wide belief that a strong memory capacity is a God given talent that has been bestowed on some but not all like some actors that have a photographic memory. They see it once then remember forever.

Reclaim Your Brain

The thinking is the memory capacity of your youth will only widen against the present day capacity. Is there anything that can be done to reclaim your brain or is your memory capacity an immutable hereditary trait like blonde hair blue eyes?

Research Study

In 1985, at the University of California at Irvine, there began a major research experiment to find out if age related decline in memory was an inevitable consequence of aging or whether something might be done to reverse the process. At least slow it down.

In the research study several hundred retired, senior citizens took part in daily activities that were designed to improve physical and mental health. This also included mental exercises that were thought to be useful in slowing down age related memory decline.

In 1990

To their surprise, when they retested the same senior citizens in 1990, they found that a program of daily mental exercise put the brakes on age related decline in mental functions, including memory.
In some cases 75 year olds were better at playing a wide number of mental games than they had been five years earlier. This was one of the earliest experiments to demonstrate memory decline was not an inevitable by-product of aging. Standardized tests of memory showed a slowing of the rate of mental decline in some and actual improvement in others.

Neural Plasticity

How could this dramatic improvement have occurred? Researchers now know that even among senior citizens a process called ‘neural plasticity’ is present. The brain continues to change or in fact remodels itself in order to improve mental functioning, even in eighty and ninety year old.

Memory is the best evidence for the presence of neural plasticity. It is also evident when we fail to remember information that we once had learned. This is called forgetting. Our memory erases information that was once thought important but now known to be false. This leads to a less cluttered and more efficient brain.

A follow up article on how to regain your brain power is up next. Just remember, “The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work unless it is open.” Anonymous

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