Friday, October 3, 2014

Keeping Yourself Healthy Drinking Hot Water

The number of ways to stay healthy is at least as numerous as the number of ways to get sick. Everyone is unique in their genetic, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual makeup. There is no one program that will cover everyone. However, when drinking crystal clear hot water there are six more benefits that are undeniable.

 Hair Health & Vitality

When you drink hot water it energizes the nerve endings in your hair roots producing soft, shiny, healthy hair.
Drinking hot water is also good for obtaining soft, shiny hair. It energizes the nerve endings in your hair roots and makes them active. This is helpful in returning your hair back to the natural look keeping it healthy. 

Hair Growth is Promoted

After your hair is activated another benefit is added – growth! The drinking of eight glasses of hot water daily promotes the activity of the hair roots accelerating the increase in hair length adding luster and shine.  

Prevents Dandruff

Drinking hot water not only keeps you hydrated but fights against dandruff and a dry scalp. It is a natural moisturizer making your hair shiny and light.

Blood Circulation & the Nervous System

When you drink hot water it enhances your blood circulation helping with the proper nerve and muscle activity. The nervous system is kept healthy by busting up the fatty deposits surrounding it.


In particular drinking hot water is excellent for your digestive tract. Recent research studies have shown drinking cold water after eating will harden the oil present in the food you just ate. This can in turn make fatty deposits on the inner wall of your intestines that may lead to intestinal cancer. Always drink hot water after a meal.

Bowel Movements

Drinking hot water daily, especially in the morning when your stomach is empty, will make your bowel movements pain free, rid you of constipation and keep you hydrated. Dehydration can give you chronic problems with constipation. Downing a cup of hot water in the a.m. will help decompose any small particles left over from the night before and make its passage through your intestines smooth and easy.

It may seem a simple thing to do, but if it can help your health improve why not try this little trick, what have you got to lose?

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