Friday, November 3, 2023

MAGA Forces Take Over GOP


Where Are the USA & the World Headed - Letitia James Arrested - Israel Under New Management - Iran Threatens Israel - MAGA Forces Take Over GOP - VETERANS WANTED To Rescue Kids - Bill Gates Facing Life Behind Bars - Biblical Holy War on ‘Amalek’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness & more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 3rd 2023



 REAL RAW NEWS: White Hats Investigate Possibility of Foul Play Regarding General Smith’s Heart Attack - By Michael Baxter -November 2, 2023 - White Hat Commander General Eric M. Smith may have been shot with a “heart attack gun” that caused him to have a spontaneous cardiac arrest Sunday afternoon, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. Gen. Smith was hospitalized Sunday night following a “medical emergency” that occurred at 4:58 while he was jogging near one of his residences. The general, 59, is a skilled athlete who jogs 5-7 miles daily. He had no history of heart issues, nor was he taking any maintenance medications.

New Benjamin Fulford: Israel Under New Management - The Third Temple Resurrection - Friday Mass Geopolitical Update 2023 - Friday, November 3, 2023 9:27 – (Comment: The New leadership in Israel wants to start rebuilding the Jewish Temple. This is big news for prophecy watchers because the Temple must be rebuilt in order for the antichrist to sit down on David’s throne and declare himself the Christ that the world is looking for. This is called the Abomination that brings Desolation, in other words it starts the last 3 ½ years of the Great Tribulation that is the rule of the Antichrist who brings destruction on Israel. This is a major piece of news.)

ARY MEDIA: Iran Threatens Israel! The War Will Start The Day It Enters Gaza! US F-16's Hit Iranian Bases In Syria! - ARY Media - Friday, November 3, 2023 11:02 - BREAKING NEWS: Iran has made a significant move. This action against Israel has altered the conflict in the region. When the United States proclaimed its resolve to fully support Israel, Iran made a giant stride toward solidifying its regional dominance. The fact that Israel immediately launched large-scale missiles into the region changed the trajectory of the war in an instant. Iran’s policies, which have been in place since the beginning of the war, have become the subject of intense debate. Although he did not directly oppose Israel, he began attacks on some organizations he supported in order to solidify his influence in the region. Iran’s intimate ties with Hamas have provided a new perspective. The Hamas strike was described as an Iranian barrage against Israel. However, several Middle Eastern studies have revealed that the bombs employed by Hamas and Hezbollah have long-term support…

MAGA Forces Take Over GOP As RINO's Collapse! - Dr. Steve Turley - Friday, November 3, 2023 10:23 -  

REAL RAW NEWS: New York Attorney General Letitia James Arrested -  By Michael Baxter -November 2, 2023 - United States Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday arrested New York Attorney General Letitia James of treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors following an investigation that began shortly after she and her criminal associates filed a frivolous lawsuit against the Trump Organization, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

MARKETPLACE: Biden impeachment decision coming ‘very soon’: House Speaker Johnson - Published: Nov. 2, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. ET - By Robert Schroeder - House Speaker Mike Johnson on Thursday predicted Republicans would “very soon” come to a “point of decision” on whether to impeach President Joe Biden. Johnson, the Louisiana Republican who was elected speaker last week, was addressing reporters on Capitol Hill in his first news conference as speaker. He said lawmakers are going through a constitutional process, echoing comments to Fox News’s Sean Hannity that Republicans are following the impeachment inquiry into Biden because it’s their “constitutional responsibility.”

Alert Terror Attack: South Carolina Nuclear Power Plant Attacked - Friday, November 3, 2023 6:40 - The silver 2002 Toyota Camry has an Arkansas tag of 380VDR, - The Oconee County Sheriff’s Department is now in the early stages of an investigation into an incident that occurred earlier this evening at the Oconee Nuclear Station. A call from the Nuclear Station was received around 8:05 p.m. on Thursday and Deputies were dispatched to the scene. DUKE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNDER ATTACK AT 8:05 THIS EVENING SUSPECT DRIVING 2002 TOYOTA CAMARY WITH LIC PLATE FROM ARKANSAS !! CALL 911 IF YOU SEE THIS Vehicle !!!

Judy Byington: Leaders Of Global Military Alliance’s 7 Kingdoms Have Signed On To The Plan. Special Intel Report Fri. Nov. 3, 2023 (Video) - Friday, November 3, 2023 5:32 - THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD - Leaders of the Global Military Alliance’s Seven Kingdoms Have Signed On To The Plan: Putin (Russia), Xi (China), Kim (North Korea), Trump (USA), Modi (India), Bolsonano (Brazil) and Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia) - By Thurs. 2 Nov. afternoon VIP jets from Washington, D.C. were on their way to the Cheyenne Mountain Underground Complex in Colorado. - Jordan and Saudi Arabia have refused to let Yemen use their airspaces to attack Israel. Yemen declared war on Israel. Bahrain recalled its Ambassador to Israel and Israel recalled its Ambassador to Bahrain. Hezbollah has warned Israel to stop the war by 3pm Fri. 3 Nov. - There have been 51 Intelligence Officers caught in collusion with a massive cover up of corruption in the US Government, while in the meantime placing Biden as US President through 2020 Election Fraud. - The age 62 and over Restitution Allowance starts activation this weekend, with monies in your account near your SS date. The SS increase in your payment should also be in your SS payment. -

VETERANS WANTED! Do YOU Have What it Takes to RESCUE KIDS FROM Human TRAFFICKERS in America? (Video) - Friday, November 3, 2023 4:30 - In 4 years, US Army Special Forces Unit Veteran Aaron Spradlin and his team via Mission American Foundation have only rescued 4,785 kids from the clutches of child sex traffickers and pedophiles. Aaron’s heroic efforts are calling upon only the bravest of veterans to help them rescue more kids inside America. (500,000 kids go missing each year in the USA alone…) - Veterans called to Serve, you’re being asked to help. Watch the show and go here for more. -

Bill Gates Facing Life Behind Bars on Child Rape Charges? (Video) - Friday, November 3, 2023 4:25 - Bill Gates has already lost his marriage due his friendship with the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, but he is about to lose a whole lot more, according to investigators who revealed the globalist billionaire is about to be thrown under the bus and prosecuted on child rape charges. -

Biblical Holy War on ‘Amalek’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness (Video) - Friday, November 3, 2023 5:01 - Adam Green from Know More News presents this interesting video about if we are witnessing a biblical holy war on Amlek and the sons of darkness…..

Douglas Macgregor: Huge - World War III. The End (Video) - Friday, November 3, 2023 4:49 - This is HUGE war news from Douglas Macgregor, that everyone should pay close attention to! The wars that have broken out could be the beginning of the END!

ATLAS SHRUGS: German Vice-Chancellor Declares Unequivocal Support for Israel - Friday, November 3, 2023 8:48 - As international support for Israel collapses and condemnations against her continue to escalate, Germany unequivocally declaring its “historical responsibility to Israel” was unexpected. Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck’s speech on Israel is a lesson in moral clarity with no equivocation. He puts other world leaders to shame and makes Biden look even more pathetic and broken than he already is. As one commenter said, “It is hard to process this surreal moment in history especially for me a grandchild of Holocaust survivors. I’m writing the following words I never dreamed I would in this lifetime. Thank You Germany.”

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS - Gallant: We have “unique solutions” to Hamas tunnel threat' - Defense Minister meets soldiers from IDF Yahalom Special Operations Engineering Unit, says Hamas faces choice of surrender or death. - By Israel National News - Nov 2, 2023, 8:01 PM - “We have unique solutions to reach all the tunnels and dismantle them underground; we are ready to do it,” Gallant said. The Defense Minister repeated his assertion that Hamas terrorists face a choice between unconditional surrender or death. “We will reach everywhere, and then the terrorists will have two options: either die in the tunnel or come out. And there, either die from the fire of our forces or surrender unconditionally.” The Defense Minister repeated his assertion that Hamas terrorists face a choice between unconditional surrender or death. “We will reach everywhere, and then the terrorists will have two options: either die in the tunnel or come out. And there, either die from the fire of our forces or surrender unconditionally.” “There is no third option, those are the only options and that’s how we operate,” he said.

ALL ISRAEL NEWS: Day 28: Fight intensifies as IDF kills Hamas commander during operations in encircled Gaza City – NEWS STAFF – Nov. 32023 - Israel Air Force fighter jets, acting on precise intelligence from the IDF and Shin Bet, killed Mustafa Dalul, the commander of the Sabra Tel al-Hawa Battalion. “We are fighting on all fronts, and we are harming Hamas wherever it is,” Gantz said. “There are not, and will not be, cities of refuge – not in Gaza, not in Judea and Samaria, and not in any place near or far.” IDF spokesman Brig.-Gen. Daniel Hagari released a statement in English, reiterating that the IDF is at war with Hamas, not the civilians of Gaza.

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: Golani battalion's fight against terrorists - 'Until victory' - The 13th Golani battalion encountered terrorists a group of terrorists and led a combined arms fight to repel them. - By Israel National News - Nov 2, 2023, 9:29 PM - Soldiers from the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade and the 53rd Battalion Armored Corps encountered a number of terrorist squads in the Gaza Strip tonight (Thursday). The terrorists attacked them with antitank missiles and IEDs. The soldiers conducted a prolonged battle with the terrorists with coll heads under massive fire. During the fight, terrorists tried to climb on the soldiers’ vehicles and were killed.

THE JERUSALEM POST: IDF uses AI to strike over 11,000 terror target in Gaza since October 7 - AI-led efforts took out 150 tunnel targets on the first day of the invasion. - By YONAH JEREMY BOB - NOVEMBER 2, 2023 18:35 - Updated: NOVEMBER 2, 2023 19:10 - Senior official said that on the first day of the invasion last week, the highly advanced artificial intelligence (AI) led target bank helped IDF fighters target and destroy 150 tunnel targets in one day. Unlike in the past, 90% of the targets hit due to the mix of efforts by the AI and hundreds of IDF intelligence officials are being generated and struck in real-time.

This Is The Final Confrontation Between Israel And Hamas - November 2, 2023 by Michael - IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari has said ground and tank forces have at this point surrounded Gaza City. “Our troops have completed the encirclement of Gaza City, the center of Hamas activity,” he said in a late Thursday (local) press conference. The IDF has further announced the deaths of “130 terrorists” in the latest battles. There is no way out for the Hamas fighters that are trapped in Gaza City at this stage. Hamas has always been committed to wiping out the nation of Israel, and now after the terror attacks of October 7th Israel is committed to wiping out Hamas.  So what we are witnessing is truly a “death match” that will produce only one survivor.  Hamas is desperately hoping that all of Israel’s enemies in the region will unite and try to destroy the nation of Israel once and for all.  Meanwhile, Israel is attempting to slowly but surely strangle the terror group out of existence.  In fact, it is being reported that the IDF has now “completed the encirclement of Gaza City”….

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: Prostitution Booming in New York City Again – Eric Adams Blames Border Crisis - By Mike LaChance - Nov. 1, 2023 10:40 pm - It’s like the 1970s all over again. New York City is filled with crime, dirty streets, and now prostitution as well. The sharp rise in illegal immigrants has brought with it a boom in the industry of selling sex. All that’s missing now is peepshows and resurgence in the use of crack. Mayor Eric Adams is blaming this on the border crisis and for once, he is right.

BREITBART NEWS: Complaint Calls for Trump New York Trial Judge’s Clerk to Be Disbarred for Excessive Political Donations – BY MATTHEW BOYLE - 2 Nov 2023 - Washington, DC - The top clerk for New York Justice Arthur Engoron, Allison Greenfield, appears to have violated judicial rules preventing officers of the court from making excessive political donations, Breitbart News has learned.



Where Are the USA & the World Headed?

By Gene Lawley

Published on: March 4, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 3rd 2023


Recently I had an article posted that tied together the history of money with the age-old warfare between God and Satan. I titled the article “The Felonious Fiber of Fraudulent Factions” to show that the opposition to God was of evil origin with subtle intentions for control of mankind and world domination.


The article just skimmed the surface of that centuries-old, persistent goal toward a one-world government to be led by an elite few who would be served by “lesser equals.” That latter group could not be more than 500 million; thus, you have the “population reduction” efforts of the insistent abortion promoters who are hiding that purpose behind “women’s health and rights.” Add to that the “pandemic” that came about as laboratory experts worked on a “gain-of-function” plan for a means to destroy more of those “lesser equals.”


These are major charges to make, but the trend is apparent in an overall view of what is happening in the USA and the world. The prophecy that the Apostle Paul presented in 2 Thessalonians 2 cannot be scoffed at by anyone who fully seeks the Lord’s wisdom of our times. That prophecy of Paul’s revelation says, “The falling away must come first, then….” Of course, you may insist that these things are merely history repeating itself once again, but it is like a swarm of bees that break away with the queen bee’s leadership. The world, likewise, is following the evil leadership of the servants of Satan, for Jesus said of that one, “The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy!” (John 10:10a).


In the United States, we have led the nations in economic freedom and liberty, generally living the Declaration of Independence, and evil-minded people hate this country for its pinnacle of success thus far. However, in these first two years of the Biden administration, that “bee swarm” has engulfed the nation like “gang-busters!”


Queen Bee Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, led the swarm, and her Democrats, in lockstep, followed dutifully after her dictates. When bees swarm, they take off, not knowing where they are going, and wherever the queen bee stops, that’s where they end up until a beekeeper takes over.


Over in the Senate, Majority Leader Senator Charles Schumer led that cheering squad to produce the most devastating results on the nation’s sovereignty.


That “swarm” of such followers can be identified as the obvious destruction of mankind in the moral degradation embedded in the widespread embracing of the LGBTQ+ agenda and its associated drive to turn God’s good and well-done creation of mankind in His own image. It’s called “trans-gender” choice, an impossible concept that is turning willing participants into surgical mutilations of irreversible devastation.


The knowledge of these things and their part in the total goal of world domination is not lost in God’s understanding. Psalm 147:5 says, “Great is our Lord, and of great power; His understanding is infinite.”


Is it now clear that the “falling away” has intensified the moment after our current president repeated his oath of office? That afternoon, he canceled America’s energy independence and opened our southern border to anyone wanting to enter. Then he began to fill his administration with LGBTQ+ people and their adherents, certain to turn true morality upside down.


In two years, Biden has increased the national debt by $7 Trillion to $32 Trillion with annual interest at $400 Billion. It can never be repaid, just as the globalists have planned. It is said to be more than our annual economic growth, and the only money supply for the nation is that which is borrowed from the Federal Reserve.


Then Putin of Russia, China, North Korea–the whole world–saw Biden as a weak president. They began their aggressive planning to topple the United States from its leadership role of freedom and liberty in the world.


Putin invaded Ukraine, and North Korea began ramping up its missile testing. China, we now are learning, has been into our secrets for years, apparently with some high-level blessing from those who are hidden enemies of this nation.


When President Obama uttered that telling statement of his true absence of loyalty to this nation at the April 30, 2016, DC Correspondents’ Dinner, it was not “conspiracy theory” but conspiracy reality that we heard. He muttered during his introductory remarks, “The end of the Republic has never looked better!”


Then, recently, it was revealed that one of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s emails of some time ago noted his ultimate expectation, saying, “My work will be finished when America is destroyed.” This is the man who figured highly in the COVID pandemic issues. He is the highest-paid employee in the USA and claims he has never lied to Congress, so he maintained to Senator Ted Cruz.


One might add here that with friends like those, we do not need any enemies. And adding to them are those known “rhinos” in the House and Senate who ride the fence on crucial issues that are being considered.


But the Scripture says these things must come first. Then the One who is and has been resisting the encroaching evil be removed—the believers in Christ in whom the Spirit of Christ dwells.


The Bible says it will happen at the right time for that evil one, the Antichrist, to take over the world and move toward his ultimate destruction in the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20).


Out of the darkness comes the light of Holy Scripture. We see that when the One who holds back the evil takeover is removed, that one who has the heritage of the ancient Romans will be ready to take charge. That is the prophecy of Daniel 9:26-27 and its context.


In the total disarray when the disappearance of multiple thousands suddenly happens, he is ready and available. In 1954, it was reported that the United Nations leaders exclaimed, “Bring us one who can lead us out of these problems, and we will accept him whether he be god or devil.” Their problems of today are clearly multiplied over those of that time.


This one, having been prepared for this role, will become a “friend” of Israel and will establish a seven-year peace treaty for the Jews in safety from their Islamic enemies and others. He will also allow them to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem and again return to the law of Moses in its functions.


He will be accepted as their Messiah, one who has no nail holes in his hands or feet. Then, halfway through the seven years, he will abruptly close their temple worship and declare himself to be God and will require all to worship him as God.


This is the “abomination of desolation” that Daniel prophesied of in that context noted above. Paul brought it forward to its time of activation, as recorded in 2 Thessalonians 2:3b-4: “…the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”


He will take his place as the head of the United Nations at its headquarters in New York City, and the sovereignty of the USA will be no more. No Scripture makes any clear statement of the nation called the USA, so it will be subservient to the Antichrist’s dictates.


Will there be a “great awakening” revival before then, or will the “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) faction overthrow the left’s globalist agenda? Or perhaps both? God’s plan in the Scriptures seems to point to what is related in this article. The great outreach by those 144 thousand Jewish evangelists told of in Revelation 7 is the only direct indication of great multitudes coming to Christ.


There is one prophecy that indicates a reference to this nation. It is Revelation 18, the whole chapter. Old Babylon was in the Middle East and has never returned to its former glory, nor has it had any involvement in current matters of the world. This Babylon is a great city like New York City.


When John was given this prophecy, America had not been discovered. The United Nations is located there. It is the center of world financial interest whose eyes are always on Wall Street. The central bank of the Federal Reserve is there.


The world’s merchants wail at its destruction as they watch from afar off. Verse 11 tells us this: “And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buys their merchandise anymore.”


The whole world is in turmoil with the sudden disappearance of millions of people. Property ownership will be in turmoil, and bank accounts will no longer have an owner; perhaps even the money in them will mean nothing as legal tender. The major topic of concern will be survival by the time of this series of judgments told in Revelation 18.


The preview of that last half of the period is told in Revelation 6:15-17 when Jesus authorizes the opening of that sixth seal:


“And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?'”


This is the picture of what is to come in the last days of this age, the straightforward revealing of Scripture. In this, believers have a hope that is “an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast….” (Hebrews 6:19). They will have been taken to be with Jesus before the seven years of judgment reserved for the Jewish people for their disobedience and rejection of Christ, their true Messiah.


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