Sunday, November 5, 2023

All Banks Moving to QFS


God’s Glorious Plan - White Hat Military Enforces Martial Law Across the Globe - IDF Jets Strike Terror Base - All Banks Moving to QFS - Trump Drops MOABS - Sam Bankman FTX Found GUILTY of Fraud & Massive Connection to the Democrat Party & more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 5th 2023



 MAIL ONLINE: Israel's brutal war on Hamas rumbles into its 30th day -  IDF jets strike 'terror base', troops fight militants at 'close-quarters' and dismantle part of group's tunnel network in northern Gaza during fierce overnight raid - By SUMMER GOODKIND - PUBLISHED: 04:06 EST, 5 November 2023 | UPDATED: 04:42 EST, 5 November 2023 - After 30 days of war, Israel continued its brutal attack on Hamas overnight, with IDF jets striking a 'terror base', troops fighting militants at 'close quarters' and dismantling part of the group's tunnel network in northern Gaza. - Nearly a month after the worst attack in the country's history, Israel, who sent troops into the narrow Palestinian territory last month, has managed to strike 'over 2,500 terror targets' by 'ground air and naval forces', the army said on Sunday. In a statement, it said ground soldiers were engaged in 'close-quarters combat' as Israeli jets were striking targets including a 'Hamas military compound' at an undisclosed location overnight. -

QFS NEWS: All banks are moving to QFS - Sunday, November 5, 2023 10:21 - All banks are migrating to QFS; start acquiring ISO 20022 XLM and XRP – 7 billion people will inevitably migrate to QFS. Click here to uncover what they’re not telling you! - ETHAN WHITE: The world is on the brink of an unprecedented financial revolution, and the banking powers are trembling. -  November 5, 2023 10:21 - The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here and changing EVERYTHING. Get ready, the revolution has begun! - In the grand tapestry of time, humanity faces seismic changes from time to time. A revolution so profound that the world will never be the same again. We are on the edge for a moment. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is not just a new buzzword – but the beginning of a new era….

Breaking! Trump Drops MOABS! "It's Game Time! It's A Coup D'etat While Trump Dominates In Polls! Trump Wins In Electoral Landslide! 2nd American Revolution Has Begun!" BOOM! - Saturday, November 4, 2023 10:45 - Make Sure You Don’t Miss “BREAKING! FULL MEDIA BLACKOUT! “ACAPULCO Has Been DESTROYED By Another DEW Attack JUST LIKE MAUI! This Was NOT a NATURAL EVENT!“ - Also Sure To Watch “MOABS Drop! Gates, Fauci, Schwab Doomed! Warrants To Be Issued! Diplomatic Immunity To Be Revoked! Whistleblower Rocks WHO, UN & WEF, Gave Damning Evidence In Crimes Against Humanity Case!“ -

Judy Byington: All Out Nuclear World War III, White Hat Military Enforce Martial Law Across the Globe. Special Intel Report Sat. 4 Nov. 2023 (Video) - Saturday, November 4, 2023 4:38 - US Military aircraft were deployed all over the US, National Guards were called up (along with one million body bags) to all 50 states, while VIPs of the new Constitutional Republic were flown to the Military protection of Cheyenne Mountain - On Thurs. 2 Nov. Donald Trump posted “It’s Time” and stated that the biggest event we will have in this country will happen this month of November 2023 - Sat. 4 Nov: When President Trump said the next 7-8 days would be ones to be remembered it took us to Sat. 4 Nov. – the same day that Bond people have been told they would have liquidity. - White Hats are putting everything in place on the chessboard and I believe Assange is going to be the Trump card that will reveal a lot of truth BQQMS. BIG that Tucker interviewed Assange in Belmarsh U.K. yesterday (we know he has already been pardoned by CIC and the Constitutional republic president Trump) behind the scenes. Assange is safe - Trumps New Speaker of the house in place - Pelosi subpoenaed - Biden impeachment coming - Sam Bankman FTX found GUILTY of fraud (massive connection to the Democrat party) -

A Warning From Michael Jaco Nov 3, 2023: Good-Bye Biden! Trump WILL Return!! (Video) - Saturday, November 4, 2023 4:15 - Michael Jaco comes forth with a warning and info that we all need to know! Bidne is OUT and Trump WILL return. We will go through very turbulent times, but everything will work out and all of the wrongs will be righted once more!

Live - Major Arrests Coming Decode Situation Update 11/5/23: The Hot Seat with FCB D3CODE & Doug - Sunday, November 5, 2023 8:13 -

WEF Insiders Jump Ship As Prosecutors Prepare Nuremberg 2.0 Trials (Video) - Sunday, November 5, 2023 4:19 - Two years ago, Klaus Schwab openly bragged that the World Economic Forum and their globalist stakeholders were on track to have total control over the human race by the year 2030. Unfortunately for Schwab and his dystopian vision of microchips, open air prisons, and reduced populations, the last two years have not gone to plan. In fact, they have been a disaster for the globalists….

ZERO HEDGE: Game Over: US, European Officials Quietly Nudge Ukraine To Seek Peace - BY TYLER DURDEN - SATURDAY, NOV 04, 2023 - 05:15 PM - With the world's attention squarely fixed on the Israel-Gaza war -- while baseless hope for a Ukrainian expulsion of the Russian army has evaporated -- US and European officials have started quietly conferring with Ukraine on potential concessions that could bring the war to an end, NBC News was first to report Friday evening. These discussions aren't about a new counteroffensive -- they're about what concessions Ukraine could live with pursuant to a peace agreement. Some of the conversations, which officials describe as delicate, happened during an October meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, an affiliation of more than 50 governments siding with Ukraine.  (Comment: First of all the Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine have no leverage, they have been soundly defeated by the Russian military. The Neo-Nazis tunnels have been blown up, flooded, children rescued, ammo dumps blown, they have no air force to speak off; it is game – set – match. Zelensky has run out of other people’s money, the US id bankrupt, EU can’t support Ukraine; no one wants to support a lost cause. It is time for arrests, military tribunals, and executions.)

THE JEWISH JOURNAL: Israel’s Claims to Its Land - There are four grounds that nations use in their self-understanding of why they rightfully occupy their land. By Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff – Nov. 1st 2023 - I will give some examples from around the world, and then I will apply it to Israel. Dr Muhammad Al-Hussaini in London, in which he points to Sura 5:20-21: “Give heed, O believers! For Moses said to his people: O my people! Remember with reverence the grace of God upon you when He appointed prophets among you and made you sovereign over yourselves. O my people! Enter the Holy Land that God has decreed for you to enter, and do not turn away from this battle … Yisrael has been given by God to the Jewish people as a perpetual covenant. There is no Islamic counterclaim to the Land anywhere in the traditional corpus of commentary”  - (Comment: FIRST OF ALL IT IS NOT A MATTER OF BEING DISPLACED- If you truly believe in God and what he says by way of the Bible, then you should know, or at least have an inkling, that God gave the promised land to his chosen people the Jews and it has always been so. Nothing has changed. It is still their land. Now which part of this don't you understand? Just because the world says the land belongs to the Palestinians does not make it so.The world believed the Hitler lie told in Europe about the Jews, but that did not make it so. Finally the Neo-Nazisw in the Ukraine have been defeated ending WW2. Now foolishly Hamas has started a war with the most powerful armed forces in the world the IDF. In scripture it says Israel would have an "exceedingly great army" in the last days. Does it look like Hamas is winning? Or Iran? Or Hezbollah? They all talk a good game, but talk is cheap. Do you think the real God is backing the Mullahs?   Or his chosen people? Pastor Boyd)

WORLD ISRAEL NEWS: Saudi prince on Nasrallah’s speech: ‘Axis of resistance’ doesn’t care about Palestinians, is only to advance Iran - November 4, 2023 – By World Israel News Staff - A Saudi prince on Saturday lambasted Hassan Nasrallah over the Hezbollah terror chief’s remarks a day earlier, saying that the declared “axis of resistance” against Israel was nothing more than a cover for advancing Iran’s regional aspirations. Prince Abdul Rahman Bin Musai’d Al Saud, a Saudi businessman, writer and the former football club president, said that Hezbollah had no interest in supporting the Palestinians. “The so-called axis of resistance” is only a means of “implementing Iran’s agenda in the region” -

FAITH WIRE - ‘God Is Not Done’: Free Chapel ‘Revival Services’ Extended Again, Thousands Show Up - By Talia Wise - November 2, 2023 - Hundreds of people are having their lives changed by the powerful saving grace of Jesus Christ as a “move of God” continues into its second week at Free Chapel Church in Gainesville, Georgia. What began as a two-night special revival service on October 23rd with special guest Evangelist Perry Stone, Jr. extended into its 10th night on Wednesday, and those who have taken part in “what the Spirit of the Lord” is doing say “God is not done with America, the Church, or the Next Generation.”

THE CHRISTIAN POST - 'Rid its borders of Christianity': Azerbajian lands on list of worst Christian persecutors - By Ian M. Giatti, Christian Post Reporter – Nov. 3rd 2023 -

LIFESITE NEWS: Namibia rejects EU treaty that could impose anti-life, pro-LGBT agenda on African nations - Unlike most African countries, Namibia has refused to sign the EU’s New Partnership Agreement due to ‘fundamental concerns,’ Deputy Prime Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah announced. - WINDHOEK, Namibia (LifeSiteNews) — Nov. 2nd 2023 - Namibia has rejected a treaty with the European Union (EU) that could impose an anti-life and pro-LGBT agenda on the African nation.   - On November 1, Deputy Prime Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah announced that Namibia will not sign the New Partnership Agreement (NPA) between the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) and the EU over concerns that it would undermine the country’s sovereignty. “Based on the above given information, a decision was taken that the government of the Republic of Namibia will not sign the New Partnership Agreement (NPA) between Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States, and the member states of the European Union and the European Union Commission in its current form,” Nandi-Ndaitwah told Namibia’s National Assembly.


God’s Glorious Plan

By Daymond Duck

Published on: November 4, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 5th 2023



On Oct. 19, 2023, Israel Today posted an article by Charles Gardner (author, founder of Christian Publications International, former correspondent, former reporter, etc.) that says tyrants have tried to destroy the Jews before and suggests that the Hamas killing rampage is “a sure sign that God has a glorious plan in mind which the enemy (Satan) is determined to prevent.”


I think Garder is right, and here is my understanding of what he wrote:


>In Egypt, Pharaoh’s order to midwives attending women giving birth to cast Hebrew male babies into a river was an effort by Satan to prevent the first coming of Jesus by destroying the line of people that would lead to Jesus’ birth (Ex. 1:1-22). But God protected a male baby called Moses who eventually led the Jewish people out of slavery. They went to the Promised Land and established the nation of Israel.


>In the Promised Land, Herod the Great was visited by wise men seeking the newborn King of the Jews; Satan influenced Herod to order the death of all the babies in Bethlehem from two years old and younger (Matt. 1:1-2:23). But God protected Jesus. He eventually died on a cross to defeat Satan, redeem a people for His name (including many Jews), and come a second time to rule over His Creation.


>In Germany, after the Romans had destroyed Israel and scattered the Jews all over the world, Satan influenced Hitler to wipe out all the Jews there (men, women, and babies) and establish a world government. But God raised up opposition forces, defeated Hitler, and used the killings to create sympathy for the Jews that allowed the nation of Israel to come back into being.


>In Gaza, Satan influenced Hamas to find ways to enter Israel, kill Jews (men, women, and children), and try to stop the Second Coming of Jesus. But God has always acted when tyrants have tried to destroy all the Jewish people, and this gives us reason to believe that He will soon move forward with the next phase of His glorious plan.


So, be encouraged and expect to see another major fulfillment in Bible prophecy soon.


Here is a link to Gardner’s article:


(FYI: On Oct. 19, 2023, many Jews gathered at the wailing wall to pray for the hostages and the success of the Israeli military. I encourage Christians in other countries to pray for the hostages and protection for their troops.)


(Incidentally: On Oct. 24, 2023, Michael Synder asked, “Is it just a coincidence that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—white, red, black, green—are the same as the four colors on the Palestinian flag—white, red, black, green; Rev. 6:1-8?)


Here are some recent stories that could mean we are getting close to major events.


One, concerning a seven-year covenant with many (worthless peace treaty): on Oct. 25, 2023, Pres. Biden said, “It (the Hamas attack on Israel) means that when this crisis is over, there has to be a vision of what comes next …. It means a concentrated effort for all the parties, Israelis, Palestinians, regional partners, global leaders, to put us on a path toward peace.”


(Note: This war may produce that covenant, and it may not, but it is interesting that Biden is already talking to many about a path toward peace.)


(My opinion: On Oct. 25, 2023, Israel released a video of Palestinian Pres. Mahmoud Abbas and several other leaders expressing support for Hamas, calling them heroes, etc. It would be foolish for Israel to cede more of the Promised Land to people who think that those who behead Jewish babies, rape Jewish women and children, etc., are heroes. Israel should view those things as a warning from Jehovah.)


Two, leaders from Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (terrorist groups on Israel’s border that are funded by Iran) met to conspire against Israel (sounds like Psa. 83:3-5).


Three, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Oct. 25, 2023, Pres. Biden sent a direct message to the Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran, saying if Iranian forces continue to move against U.S. troops in the Middle East, the U.S. will respond, and he should be prepared.


Biden added, “It has nothing to do with Israel.”


(More: On Oct. 26, 2023, U.S. planes struck Iranian targets in eastern Syria.)


Four, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Oct. 26, 2023, it was reported that groups from Iran and Hamas have traveled to Russia to discuss ways to stop Israel’s attacks on Hamas and win an all-out war against Israel.


Russia and Iran continue to support each other.


Iran is helping Russia in her war against Ukraine, and Russia is helping Iran in her war against Israel (effort to destroy Israel).


In addition to this, Turkey’s Pres. Erdogan is calling Hamas “Holy Warriors.”


(More: On Oct. 30, 2023, it was reported that a former speechwriter for Vladimir Putin said, “Russia is quickly turning into another Iran proxy just like Hamas and Hezbollah.” He added, “I think Putin no longer cares for Netanyahu. Now he has taken this pro-Palestine stance on the conflict; any Israeli government is an enemy for Putin.”


(My opinion: It is probably a little early to be dogmatic, but the latter years and latter days Battle of Gog and Magog appears to be shaping up.)


Five, concerning wars and rumors of wars, despite Israel delaying its all-out invasion of northern Gaza: on Oct. 26, 2023, an undisclosed number of Israeli troops and tanks entered Gaza and destroyed several Hamas targets to “prepare the battlefield” for a decisive war.


Israel is also striking targets in Syria and Lebanon on a near-daily basis.


Here are some of the daily reports:


Friday, Oct. 27, 2023


>Israeli troops and tanks entered Gaza for the second consecutive night. According to the IDF, they destroyed dozens of terrorist targets, some on the outskirts of Gaza City, and killed many terrorists.


>Israel’s UN Ambassador told the UN Gen. Assembly, “Any call for a ceasefire is not an attempt at peace. It is an attempt to tie Israel’s hands, preventing us from eliminating a huge threat to our citizens.” He added that Israel “is not at war with the Palestinians. Israel is at war with the genocidal Jihadist Hamas terror organization. Hamas’s genocidal ideology, just like ISIS, al-Qaeda… is not just about destroying Israel. It is ultimately about world domination.”


Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023


>Israeli jets struck sights all over the Gaza Strip; the military warned citizens in the northern part of the strip to move south as soon as possible, Israel announced that it was expanding its operations, thousands of troops and tanks have entered Gaza, the U.S. said the ground invasion has started, but it will occur in phases instead of being one single invasion.


>Israel said they destroyed 150 underground targets. Israel also gave the Palestinians one last warning to leave the northern part of the Gaza Strip.


>Turkey’s Pres. Erdogan threatened to attack Israel and send his military to Gaza (sounds like the Battle of Gog and Magog).


Monday, Oct. 30, 2023


>Author and prophecy teacher Michael Snyder said Netanyahu has “rejected a ceasefire”; it looks like Israel’s troops are trying to “encircle Gaza City”; “Hamas is not strong enough to stop them”; “they are completely and utterly doomed unless they get help.”


Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023


>Israeli troops have started fighting Hamas inside the tunnels.


>Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis launched several missiles and drones toward Israel and declared war on the Jewish nation. The missiles and drones were intercepted outside Israeli territory, and now people are asking, “Will Israel strike back?”


>UN Sec. Gen. Guterres said he is deeply alarmed by the intensifying conflict and appealed for the divided UN Security Council to act.


>Israel struck a building in northern Gaza where several Hamas terrorists were holed up, and a tunnel under the building collapsed. This led to several other tunnels in the area collapsing, several buildings falling, the death of 50 people, and injury of about 150.


>Israel is moving slowly into Gaza to protect her troops from booby traps and ambushes and to reduce civilian casualties.


>Hezbollah has not launched a full-scale attack on Israel because they want to avoid the destruction of Lebanon.


Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023


>Iran signaled that it does not want a regional war (Note: This is interesting because Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others won’t attack Israel at their discretion. They will attack Israel when God drags them onto the mountains of Israel).


>A Hamas official said, “We will repeat the Oct. 7 attack time and again until Israel is annihilated.” (Note: The only way for Israel to prevent this from happening again is to thoroughly defeat them.)


Six, concerning world government: in a video released on Oct. 26, 2023, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization (WHO), urged nations to quickly ratify WHO amendments to the Pandemic Accords and the International Health Regulations (IHRs) with accountable implementation.


If the nations ratify these documents, many experts say the nations will lose their sovereignty during a declared emergency, and the WHO will control the healthcare of everyone on earth (order face masks, vaccinations, and more).


The WHO will be authorized to decide what is a pandemic, when it begins, when it ends, penalize nations that do not obey, and retain its global power for as long as it wants.


Seven, concerning inflation, famine, and a global economic collapse: on Oct. 30, 2023, a World Bank report said Israel’s war with Hamas will have little impact on world oil prices if the war does not worsen, but if it gets worse, oil prices could soar, and that would drive the price of everything up (food, fuel, etc.).


FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).


Finally, are you Rapture Ready?


If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.


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