Friday, October 27, 2023

White Hat Special Forces Are Now in Israel


Gog-Magog & Rapture - JAG Convicts Janet Yellen of Treason - White Hat Special Forces Are Now in Israel – GAZA FOOTAGE - New Benjamin Fulford - American Academia Has Descended Into Barbarism - IDF Takes Out Over 250 Hamas Terror Targets – Israel Taking Down Terrorist Leaders & more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Oct. 27th 2023



MAIL ONLINE: Israel unleashes 'unprecedented' airstrikes on Gaza: IDF steps up ground operations and tells Palestinians to flee south NOW as invasion looms - while phone lines and internet are 'cut' across the city - This is a breaking news story, more to follow - Live: IDF vows 'we will bring our babies, women, elderly and men home' from Gaza as UN suggests Hamas and Israel are BOTH guilty of war crimes - By PERKIN AMALARAJ and NICK CRAVEN - PUBLISHED: 13:38 EDT, 27 October 2023 | UPDATED: 15:40 EDT, 27 October 2023 - Israeli warplanes have tonight unleashed airstrikes of 'unprecedented' intensity across all parts of the Gaza strip, as it announced it was 'expanding' its ground forces' operations. The aerial onslaught came with a warning from the IDF to Palestinian civilians still living in Gaza to move south as soon as possible, amid fears that the long-awaited ground invasion of the enclave may take place within hours. The bombing, which observers described as much more ferocious and louder than previous days, coincided with electricity and communications blackouts in much of the besieged enclave.

ARY MEDIA: Good News From Israel! Raid On Iran's Arsenal In Gaza! Israel Found The Armory! Weapons Confiscated! - ARY Media - Friday, October 27, 2023 14:50 - BREAKING NEWS: The Israeli Armed Forces, with over 300,000 soldiers and 300 tanks and armored vehicles, might invade Gaza at any time. Today, the IDF conducted an extensive intelligence operation to cover Hamas’ Gaza Strip munitions storage and command infrastructure in preparation for the ground onslaught. A special Israeli team following Hamas terrorists in Gaza claimed today that it has gained vital information sources. Hamas’s Gaza Strip tunnels continue to provide munitions, altering battlefield alert dynamics. No injuries or damage were reported; however, missile sirens blared in Nehalaz on the Gaza border. While Israeli operations in Gaza persisted, sirens in Kisafein caused widespread alarm. Strip seaside villages were also tense. In southern Israel, including Ashkelon, rocket alert sirens blared incessantly. The ID FS Iron No Mayor defense system stopped Gazan Hamas rocket attacks in action. The IDF has also undertaken air attacks on dozens of Hamas locations in Gaza, sharing photos of the raids…


REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Convicts Janet Yellen of Treason - Monday, October 16: GITMO – By Michael Baxter -October 26, 2023 - Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall called Janet Yellen an “urchin,” among other colorful nouns, at a military tribunal that saw the fiendish woman repeatedly debase herself while raising a flurry of self-incriminating objections that helped the prosecution secure a guilty verdict and death sentence. -

BLP: Far-Left American Civil Liberties Union Argues President Trump’s Jan. 6 Case Gag Order is Unlawful - By Shane Trejo - Oct 26, 2023 - The far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is coming to the defense of President Trump, decrying the overreach that has come as a result of the overreaching probe meant to derail his re-election chances. The ACLU issued an appeal to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan arguing that her gag order, served at the behest of special counsel Jack Smith, is a violation of Trump’s 1st Amendment rights…

Judy Byington: WWIII Imminent? Canadian Club to Hold Satanic Pedophile & Child Sacrifice-IRS Going Down! Special Intel Report Fri. Oct. 27, 2023 (Video) - Friday, October 27, 2023 5:57 - To Honor Satan his followers will be kidnapping, raping and holding Child Sacrifice Rites during their All Hallows Eve Halloween Celebrations Sun. 29 Oct. through Wed. 1 Nov. - WORLD ON BRINK OF WWIII - BIDEN ON BRINK OF IMPEACHMENT - SCOTUS ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT 2020 ELECTION FRAUD EXPECTED ON FRI. 27 OCT. 2023 - CANADIAN VANCOUVER CLUB TO HOLD SATANIC PEDOPHILE & CHILD SACRIFICE RITE SAT. 28 OCT. 2023 - JUDY NOTE: Joe Biden appears inches from being charged with multiple crimes including Treason, Bribery and 2020 Election Fraud and was expected to resign before he was impeached. · Biden was being investigated by Congress for Treason, Bribery, High Crimes and Misdemeanors. There appears to be a boatload of evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop that he engaged throughout his long political career, in corrupt practices and leveraging his position for personal gain, including 2020 Election Fraud. - The real war going is not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between White Hats and Satanists. White Hat Special Forces are now in Israel with shoot-to-kill orders against any person who goes against the rules of war and chivalry by attacking non-combatants. They understand very well that the Satanists are pretending to be both Hamas and Israeli soldiers. The Satanists’ job is to stage horrific incidents on both sides in order to incite Israelis and Arabs into killing each other.

New Benjamin Fulford: The Hallucination End Game! Friday Mass Geopolitical Intel Update for 2023 One Not to Miss! - Friday, October 27, 2023 5:15 -

Apollo Live: Biden Money Trail - Calls for Disarmament, Surrender to WHO - A Masterclass in Exposing and Roasting Corrupt Local Officials (Video) - Friday, October 27, 2023 4:19 -

Canada Caught Harvesting the Blood and Organs of Babies for Elite VIPs? (Video) - Friday, October 27, 2023 4:08 - The Trudeau regime is expanding the nation’s “assisted suicide” laws to include babies, allowing doctors to euthanize young children for profit. Canada’s diabolical Medical Assistance in Dying program, known as MAID, was sold to the people as a humane way to end the lives of elderly people with no quality of life who no longer wish to be a burden…

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: American Jews Being Told To ‘Stay Away’ In Brooklyn As Pro-Palestinian Rallies Echo 1933 Nazi Germany - Friday, October 27, 2023 8:09 - American Jews no longer safe on the streets in cities like Brooklyn as pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas riots make life intolerable, and dangerous - A day after Jewish college kids found it necessary to barricade themselves inside a library in the center of Greenwich Village while a mob of repugnant terrorist-lovers banged on the locked doors trying to get at them, the message is being broadcast that, on this Sabbath, Jews in Brooklyn had better remain at home. Stay inside. Lock the doors. A pro-Palestinian protest is scheduled for 3 p.m. Saturday in front of the Brooklyn Museum. Achtung, Juden! - “Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews.” Esther 4:13 (KJB)

ATLAS SHRUGS - NYPD: “Jews Should Definitely Avoid the Area,” Jews in Jewish Areas in Brooklyn Told to Hide To Escape Muslim/Leftist Pogrom on Shabbat - Friday, October 27, 2023 9:33 - A Jew hating pro-jihad terror protest is scheduled for Saturday afternoon just one mile from Chabad headquarters, three weeks to the day after Hamas committed unutterable atrocities, butchering and murdering thousands of Jews and kidnapping a couple hundred more. Jews, in a predominately Jewish part of Brooklyn, are being warned to hide. It should not be forgotten that Crown Heights played host to the first televised pogrom in the United States. (Comment: A pogrom is an organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews. It is murder in plain sight, genocide in plain view, much like what the Nazis done in Germany in WW2.)

FRONT PAGE MAG: Universities Celebrate the Mass Murder of Jews - American academia has descended into barbarism. - October 26, 2023 by Sara Dogan - Since Hamas initiated a brutal and barbaric terrorist attack against Israel and the Jewish people on October 7th, many Americans—Jewish and not—have mourned alongside the world’s only Jewish state and have understood the necessity of a swift and decisive military counterattack. But in the green quads and ivory towers of American academia, a very different reaction has been brewing. For the past two decades, the David Horowitz Freedom Center has shone a rare spotlight on the genocidal Jew hatred emanating from our college campuses. Student organizations like the Hamas-funded and Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Students for Justice in Palestine have infiltrated our universities and turned them training grounds for the next generation of jihadists. (Comment: Academia also teaches Critical Race Theory on campus that is blatant Marxism, backs Black Lives Matter that is racist, espouses Antifa support which is fascism, while taking money from US taxpayers to support their universities. It is time to cut off the money to these hogs and arrest them for treasonous acts against the US government.)

ZERO HEDGE: Prosecutor Livid After FBI Refused To Pursue 'Credible' Biden-Ukraine Corruption Allegations, Grassley Reveals 40 Informants - BY TYLER DURDEN - THURSDAY, OCT 26, 2023 - 10:25 AM - While January 6th protesters languish in prison for participating in a fed-filled march on the Capitol, the Biden family sits pretty atop their ivory tower as the FBI covers for their multitude of obvious crimes. In two bombshell reports from Just the News, we learn that not only was a prosecutor livid over the FBI’s “reluctance” to pursue credible claims of corrupt Biden dealings in Ukraine (the thing Democrats impeached Trump for asking about), the agency had evidence from more than 40 informants spanning ‘years of investigation,’ which DOJ and FBI officials sought to undermine, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed in a Wednesday letter.

HARBINGER DAILY - Amir Tsarfati: The Real War Has Not Yet Begun – By Amir Tsarfati - October 26, 2023 - While I love and support the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and I am thankful for the help that the U.S. is giving to us, I recognize they are just tools in the hand of the One who is truly in control. Some trust in jet planes and some trust in Iron Domes, but I will trust in the name of the Lord our God. The first source of that anxiety comes from being in a nationwide post-trauma. Parents no longer let their kids go out on their own. The other source of our unease is the knowledge that the real war has not yet begun.

THE JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE: IAF targets and kills growing number of senior Hamas commanders - October 26, 2023 / JNS - Terror group’s deputy head of intelligence, northern Gaza rocket-array commanders eliminated • IDF focuses its strikes on leadership and tunnels “ahead of next phases of the war.” - BY YAAKOV LAPPIN - The Israeli Air Force fueled by intelligence from the Shin Bet and Military Intelligence Directorate is eliminating a growing number of senior Hamas commanders as the terror organization intensified rocket fire on central Israel on Thursday. The Israeli Air Force killed the Deputy Head of Hamas’s Intelligence Directorate, who was responsible for planning the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel together with Yahya Sinwar, the IDF announced on Thursday, naming the target as Shadi Barud.

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Israel strikes over 250 Hamas terror targets in 24 hours - He will execute justice upon the nations [into] a heap of corpses; He crushed the head on a great land. – PSALMS 110:6 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) – Oct. 26th 2023 - Over the past day, Israeli fighter jets struck over 250 Hamas terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including terror infrastructure, operational command centers, tunnel shafts and rocket launchers placed in the heart of civilian areas that fired toward Israeli territory throughout the war, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

EXPOSE BREAKING NEWS - Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic - BY RHODA WILSON ON OCTOBER 26, 2023 - The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic.  The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions. After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand.

WILLIAM REED - More about QFS: October 27, 2023 - Friday, October 27, 2023 10:59 - A technological paradigm shift in the world of finance is the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which aims to create a secure, transparent, and efficient global financial ecosystem for the future by integrating quantum computing, decentralized ledgers, blockchain technology, smart contracts, quantum encryption, and global accessibility….

CNA NEWS: Satanic Temple loses lawsuit against Indiana pro-life law - Friday, October 27, 2023 10:56 - Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 27, 2023 / 10:40 am (CNA). A group of Satanists lost a lawsuit against a major pro-life law in Indiana this week after a judge threw the case out for lack of standing. The Satanic Temple had filed a lawsuit in 2022 against Indiana’s Gov. Eric Holcomb and state Attorney General Todd Rokita, challenging the state’s sweeping pro-life law that year that largely outlawed abortion except in narrow circumstances.

X22 Report: Changed Everything! Fed Gold Is at Zero! Gold Destroys the Fed! – Video - Friday, October 27, 2023 14:16 - The green new deal is falling apart. Reports have been released that shows the EV market is propped up by the government and it costs more than a gas powered car. The earning report is in and many companies are in trouble. The inflation and GDP numbers were manipulated, and the next quarter is going to show it. The Fed gold holdings is zero, gold will destroy the Fed…

Biden & Obama Are A Part Of The Middle East’s ‘Axis Of Evil’: GOP Representative!! - Maria Bartiromo - Friday, October 27, 2023 12:41 - We need Trump back now more than ever God help us all I pray for our children and our country scary times old Biden has us in. -

TIM BROWN: You Can Stop Supporting Corporate Fascists Attacking Your Liberties – Support All-American Companies! - Friday, October 27, 2023 14:57 - Economically we are suffering because we have departed from God’s law and utilized lawless money.  This money is neither constitutional nor biblical.  The only money that is constitutional and biblical is tangible silver and gold.  However, due to the lawless money, other lawless things have taken place:  unconstitutional wars, government welfare programs and the rise of corporate fascism in the US. Many of our liberties are attacked daily by…



 Gog-Magog & Rapture

By Terry James

Published on: October 25, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Oct. 27 2023


There is much questioning, speculation, and worry about exactly what the ghastly attack on Israel by Hamas means in terms of Bible prophecy. What it all means with regard to the Rapture seems the prime focus of concern.


Is this the beginning of the Gog-Magog war of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39? Is the assault the beginning of a Psalm 83 war? And, added to the subject is the question of Isaiah 17:1. Will Damascus meet its total destruction as part of things about to unfold, since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others within the IDF and Israeli defense officials have vowed immense retaliation?


I certainly don’t have the answers—at not least from a 100-percent knowledgeable perspective. But we can definitely postulate a bit based upon a studied view of God’s Word that involves future fulfillment of prophecy.


We who believe in dispensational truth and accept the premillennial, pre-Trib view of things to come know that what’s happening is not coincidental. It all points to exactly where things should be if the world is at the very end of the Church Age, or Age of Grace.


We also have a number of other signals pointing to the end of this dispensation—signals that the stage is being set for fulfillment of prophecies about what will immediately precede Christ’s Second Advent:


>The globalist minions are trying to bring into being the New World Order, which we, as pre-Trib advocates, know will eventuate in bringing Antichrist to the world stage.


>These same minions are bringing to bear, in addition to AI and surveillance instrumentalities, a new monetary system of digital control involving computer-satellite technologies that will give the man of sin the control Satan wants to exert over the peoples of Earth.


>Diabolist nations of history yet future are shaping up for their end-times roles. Russia and China, for example, seem to be stepping into their destructive roles described in Ezekiel and Revelation.


>Wickedness and violence are ramping up, making cultures and societies around the globe like they were in the days of Noah and of Lot—while business goes on, particularly here in America, pretty much as usual.


>Religious amalgamation proceeds, melding—with the blessings of Pope Francis—into a common, end-times religious model of some sort that is yet to be determined.


>All the while, there is a falling away—an apostasy—amongst some of the mainstream denominations within Christendom. (I use the word “Christendom” because I’m not referring to Christians but to those with a false facade of Christianity.)


So, while things are coming together in the Middle East—surrounding and totally involving God’s chosen nation—thrown into the milieu of developments is every other prophetic indicator for the wrap-up of history just prior to Christ’s Second Coming. All ingredients for Daniel’s seventieth week are shaping up for the time Jesus said will be the worst ever (Matthew 24:21).


All of this considered, my own thinking about developments in this ongoing devastation in Gaza is governed by Jesus’ prophetic statement that I believe is perhaps the most important involving matters leading to the Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week): The Lord’s words that all things will be like they were in the days of Lot (Luke 17:28-30).


By this, I mean that when an event as devastating as the destruction of all of Israel’s enemies takes place, all semblance of “business as usual” will be out the window. The world will change spectacularly for the worse during that destruction and all that will follow, according to Daniel 9:26-27.


Seven years of hell on earth will begin to rage, and all “business as usual” will be lost in the chaos.


So, while the things we see developing now are profoundly troubling, the end is “not yet”—as Jesus put it in His Olivet Discourse. There remain wars and rumors of war leading to the final dispensational era called the “Great Tribulation” or the “time of Jacob’s trouble”—the last three and a half years of Daniel’s seventieth week.


I’m convinced that although we believers might be here to see considerable war-making, we won’t be on Earth to witness the end of the things we see going on now in the land that’s destined to host the Gog-Magog war and Armageddon.


Like Lot and his daughters, we will be taken (the Greek word paralambano) by force from this sphere slated for God’s judgment. The “force” that snatches believers from the hour of God’s wrath will be our Savior’s call: “Come up here!” 


Here, yet again, is how to hear that call:


“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).


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