Sunday, October 29, 2023

There Can Only Be One King


There Can Only Be One King - Trail of Destruction Left by Israel - Gaza Tunnel War – Ary Video of Gaza - Katie Hobbs Is at GITMO - The Bush & JFK Connection - New Douglas Macgregor & more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Oct. 29th 2023



MAIL ONLINE: Trail of destruction left by Israel's night of rage: Hundreds of buildings in Gaza are turned to rubble by airstrike blitz with IDF troops still inside enclave in 'rolling start' to invasion as more tanks line up on border - By JON BRADY and CHLOE LOUISE  - PUBLISHED: 07:46 EDT, 28 October 2023 | UPDATED: 08:51 EDT, 28 October 2023 - Gazans who have refused to leave the north of the enclave despite Israel's warnings to do so are living in a state of 'panic, fear and chaos' amid the heaviest bombardments yet since October 7 and a total communications blackout. Shocking images were leaked out of the Palestinian occupied territory on Saturday as bombardments deprived civilians, journalists and aid agencies of electricity, internet or phone signal. Israel has deployed ground troops and tanks in Gaza after bombarding 150 'underground targets' said to harbor Hamas terrorists across the north of the region; more vehicles and thousands of troops are gathering in Israeli border towns…

MAIL ONLINE: Israel shares 'intelligence-based' video of what it believes Hamas' secret base under Gaza's largest hospital looks like - including a labyrinth of tunnels and underground war rooms - Illustration showed rooms below buildings where people are being treated - Israel-Hamas war LIVE: 'Unprecedented' Israeli airstrikes rock Gaza - By IWAN STONE - PUBLISHED: 18:35 EDT, 27 October 2023 | UPDATED: 20:52 EDT, 27 October 2023 - Israel have revealed what a Hamas terror base hidden underneath Gaza's biggest hospital looks like, with a video showing a labyrinth of underground tunnels and war rooms used as main HQ for militant group. - An 'intelligence-based illustration' released by the Jewish nation's military show a sinister network of corridors and rooms deep below the buildings where innocents are being treated. - The IDF claim the Shifa Hospital - the largest medical complex in the Gaza Strip - in fact harbors the HQ of the terrorist organization….

Gaza Tunnel War! Sponge Bomb The Tunnels! Enemies Are Gone From Tunnels! - ARY Media - Sunday, October 29, 2023 12:27 - BREAKING NEWS: The US military has already dispatched two aircraft carrier strike groups and the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, both of which are equipped with special operations capabilities, to the region. In addition, the Pentagon has sent a number of C130 tactical transport planes and support troops to Greece in preparation for any evacuation operations. So far, Israel has been unequivocal that it does not seek direct military support or foreign forces on the ground. However, a handful of US military advisors to Tel Aviv have been granted permission to assist the Israel Defense Forces. The advisory committee is led by the United States. Marine Corps Lieutenant General James Glynn, a veteran in countering Iranian-backed proxies and former leader of the Navy’s Special Operations Command, The heightened deployment of US military forces in the region is also perceived as a reaction to credible threats against US citizens and facilities in the region. According to US military officials, The Pentagon believes that regional state and non-state players, particularly Iran, are considering escalating the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas into a larger regional battle…

REAL RAW NEWS: Yes, Katie Hobbs IS at GITMO Awaiting a Military Tribunal - By Michael Baxter -October 27, 2023 - Disgraced former Arizona Secretary of State and gubernatorial election thief Katie Hobbs has been at Guantanamo Bay since September 28 and, charged with treason, will face a military tribunal in mid-November, a JAG source told Real Raw News. The internet on September 26 was a swirl with rumors and theories after Hobbs inexplicably disappeared and state Treasurer Kimberly Yee was named acting governor. Several alternative news outlets claimed Hobbs had been “indicted” by the state Senate on charges related to conspiring with a Mexican drug cartel, while others said the military arrested Hobbs and brought her to GITMO. Even fallen-from-grace FOX News questioned Hobbs’ mysterious vanishing act. The Deep State media, on the other hand, quickly refuted the missing-in-action claims, saying that Hobbs was alive and well and meeting with the criminal Alexandro Mayorkas in D.C. We knew that was a lie because Mayorkas was hiding in Warsaw, Poland, at the time of the alleged meeting….

The Bush & JFK connection! Details About George Bush, CIA, and the Coverup to End A Presidency In Murder! (VIDEO) - Saturday, October 28, 2023 10:12 - Relying on gov’t docs, statements from the best witnesses available, and the words from the mouths of the killers themselves, Dark Legacy produces a thoroughly substantiated criminal indictment, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt George Bush’s guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy….

New Douglas Macgregor: "In 24 Hours Everything Changes for the U.S., Iran is Ready" Last Warning! - Saturday, October 28, 2023 9:31 -

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: An Uncomfortable Truth: The “Innocent Palestinians” - BY ELIE MISCHEL – OPINION - OCTOBER 27, 2023 - Who are these “innocent” Palestinians, really? Hamas terrorists don’t fall from the sky. Hamas terrorists – and the reports say over 40,000 of them are hiding in tunnels in Gaza – were raised and educated in a society of men, women, and children that is obsessively focused on murdering Jews and erasing Israel from the map. What kind of culture produces thousands of men who proudly video themselves raping teen girls before executing them? What kind of society glorifies baby killers who burn the bodies of their infant victims, crowning them as heroes? Terrorists are not a guilty minority terrorizing an innocent majority. They are not “lone actors,” but rather the messengers and representatives of their people – just as I am a representative and messenger of the Jewish people….

TOWNHALL: October 23 marked the 40th anniversary of the Beirut barracks bombing, killing over 240 American military personnel; most fatalities were US Marines. The commandant of the US Marine Corps, Gen. Eric Smith, delivered remarks at Jacksonville, North Carolina, to mark this deadly and tragic anniversary for America’s military. He also discussed current events, as Israel plans to invade Gaza in response to Hamas’ vicious terror attacks on October 7. - “I’ll tell you this — the 24th MAU, Marine Amphibious Unit — there’s a unit just like it today that’s in the area,” Smith said, referencing the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, which he said was “in the vicinity” of the Mediterranean and Red Sea in response to the conflict. “They’re there also to come in peace, if called, but they bring with them the weapons of war, if needed,” Smith said to whoops and applause from the crowd. “For those that are in the area, if that MEU has to go in, if you target them, someone else will raise your children.”

Judy Byington: Red October, Nuclear Sunday! Bye, Bye, IRS, 2nd Round of EBS, The World is on FIRE! Trump Assassination? What's Next? Special Intel Report Sun. Oct. 29, 2023 ...Sunday, October 29, 2023 4:47 - Janine Tarot: “Israel was created free in 1948 but their contract as an independent sovereign nation expires the end of October 2023. (day after eclipse no coincidence) They are registered as a corporation address is next to Kensington palace. That means that the timing of the war is completely planned strategically to coincide with the time that they could be dissolved with the rest of the central bankers and all the other bankrupt corporations. So that finally clears up the Q meaning of “Israel will be last.” They had to wait until this contract was dissolved, transferring Israel from a sovereign state back to corporation before they could invade and have full capitulation. -

ALL ISRAEL NEWS: ‘Second war of independence’ – Israel’s war cabinet confirms ‘second stage of the war’ has begun - Members of Israel's war cabinet address nation together - All Israel News Staff | Published: October 29, 2023 - As the IDF’s ground offensive into the Gaza Strip intensified, the three members of Israel’s war cabinet – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and former IDF Chief Benny Gantz – addressed the Israeli public on Saturday evening for the first time and made themselves available to answer questions from the press. Netanyahu opened his remarks by confirming that the ground offensive into Gaza had, indeed, begun on Friday.

How Does a Math Formula Highlight the Creator? - by Ken Ham on October 25, 2023 - Featured in Ken Ham Blog - When it comes to math, most people either love it or hate it. But no matter how you feel about it, it might interest you to know that mathematics actually confirms the truth of God’s Word! Think about it—how could random, chance, materialistic processes over millions of years produce immaterial, precise (absolute) mathematical laws? They can’t! There’s one specific mathematical formula that one of our staff members, retired US Marine Patrick Kanewske, loves to highlight because it magnificently declares the Creator’s glory: the golden ratio, which is related to the Fibonacci sequence.

House Speaker Johnson: Russia, China, & Iran Are The New Axis Of Evil - BY TYLER DURDEN - SATURDAY, OCT 28, 2023 - 06:10 PM - Authored by Kyle Anzalone via - Representative Mike Johnson vowed to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel in an interview after becoming House Speaker. The Congressman told Sean Hannity that China, Russia, and Iran make up an “axis of evil” that poses a huge threat to the US. The Speaker presented Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran as a trilateral threat to Washington. “Big priorities in this moment right now. We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.” he said.

Erdogan Vows To Get Israel Branded As "War Criminal" State, Also Blames West For Gaza "Massacre" - BY TYLER DURDEN - SATURDAY, OCT 28, 2023 - 12:25 PM - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raged against Israel in a speech given before a pro-Palestinian rally on Saturday in Istanbul. He said he is preparing to introduce Israel as a "war criminal" on a world stage, at a moment the debate over Gaza continues heating up at the United Nations. Erdogan said: “Israel, we will also declare you as a war criminal to the world, we are preparing for it, and we will introduce Israel to the world as a war criminal,” according to a state broadcaster. Footage of the event shows that the turnout was huge, in the hundreds of thousands or possibly over 100,000 people gathered in the capital.

ALGEMEINEIR: Israel Recalls Diplomats After Erdogan’s Words at Istanbul Hate Fest - by i24 News - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday inveighed against what he termed the Israeli army’s “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza. The leader spoke at a massive pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul that he said had drawn a crowd of 1.5 million.

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: Bennett's plan to defeat Hamas: Cut Gaza in half - Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett presented his plan for the next phases of the war against Hamas. - BY Israel National News - Oct 28, 2023, 10:08 PM - As a direct result, Gaza City will be cut off from all supplies. Controlling the proposed buffer zone will require a smaller force, allowing Israel to demobilize a portion of its reservists and reduce strain on the economy. The hostages Hamas has seized – particularly the infants and the elderly hostages – will become significant liabilities, demanding additional care and supplies from the organization’s stockpiles.

Spanish clergy sexually abused over 200,000 children, probe estimates – By Diego URDANETA - Fri, October 27, 2023 at 9:31 AM CDT - Over 200,000 minors are estimated to have been sexually abused in Spain by the Roman Catholic clergy since 1940, according to an independent commission published Friday. The report did not give a specific figure but said a poll of over 8,000 people found that 0.6 percent of Spain's adult population of around 39 million people said they had suffered sexual abuse by members of the clergy when they were still children…

CANADA FREE PRESS: In order to achieve social order, we must commune with God. That is probably why Progressives are always so angry. They don't have God's power, and they certainly don't have the answers - 60 Years of Indoctrination - By Ray DiLorenzo ——Bio and Archives--October 28, 2023 – “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.’’ Zechariah 12:3 – We have long suspected that campus indoctrination has contributed to much of the political and social chaos in our country. It has now come to a head. Academia, much of the grade school system, and a major political party in America have been taken over by the Left. It is no longer a secret. It is in our faces….

BREITBART: Germany to Begin ‘Large Scale’ Deportations, Says Scholz as Country Faces Record Number of Illegals – BY KURT ZINDULKA - 26 Oct 2023 - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has admitted that “too many people are coming” into the country illegally and vowed to begin deportations on a “large scale” as Germany is on pace to see more illegal migrants enter the country than during the European Migrant Crisis of 2016. Amid growing calls throughout Europe to crack down on illegal immigration in the wake of Islamist terror attacks and rising incidents of antisemitic crimes, leftist German leader Olaf Scholz has joined the chorus of leaders finally acknowledging that unfettered waves of illegals breaking into Europe must stop. “Too many people are coming,” the chancellor told Der Spiegel magazine….

TIM BROWN: Prominent Swiss Banker: "Arrest" Entire World Economic Forum For "Democide" Caused By COVID Bioweapons Shots - Where Are Americans Calling For The Same? (Video) - Sunday, October 29, 2023 9:24 - Are you tired of hearing all these people say what needs to be done to the criminals at the top and in the shadows?  Are you sick of hearing the same old same old about how bad the “other side” is and yet, that’s all we get are words.  Well, I’m glad to hear the words, but the words need to produce action, and the latest words that should get the ball rolling to bring justice upon the heads of the wicked organization known as the World Economic Forum comes from a prominent Swiss banker. -

Stellantis joins Ford in reaching tentative UAW agreement: report - Sunday, October 29, 2023 8:49 - Stellantis has reportedly reached a tentative agreement with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union, which includes the reopening of one plant in Illinois. After Ford reached a tentative agreement with the UAW earlier this week, Stellantis has joined the automaker in offering a 25-percent wage increase over four and a half years, according to two sources familiar with the matter in a report from Reuters. Both automakers have offered contracts featuring an initial wage increase of 11 percent, and now General Motors (GM) is the only remaining “Big Three” automaker to come to an agreement. The deals are both still pending approval, and the companies aren’t expected to make any announcements until Saturday afternoon or evening. According to the sources, the UAW will share details about the agreement on Saturday, including those regarding temporary workers and investments at the Illinois factory and others…



There Can Only Be One King

By Rick Segoine

Published on: October 28, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Oct. 29th 2023


Men covet power and desire to be great kings with vast treasuries. Wisdom and Eternal Salvation, however, remain the greatest treasures of all.


In the Western world, violent globalist-funded Marxist peace activists hurl rocks and Molotov cocktails and set stores and police cars on fire. Is that an oxymoron or just plain hypocrisy?


Meanwhile, violent Hamas supporters from the “religion of peace” hurl rocks and Molotov-type cocktails and threaten all who disagree with their depraved and barbaric way of thinking. Is that an oxymoron or just plain hypocrisy?


Some call terrorists heroes. Some call terrorists cowards. All opinions aside, the voices of the victims of terrorism have been silenced.


Tunnel vision is a prerequisite for anti-Semitism. The mind closes, and the heart becomes hardened.


The term anti-Semitic is actually somewhat of a misnomer.


Since many peoples from Mideastern and Islamic cultures are also descendants of Shem, just as the Jews are, anti-Jewish and anti-Israelite would be, disgusting as it sounds and is more accurate.


The Israelites would love to live at peace with their neighbors. Those neighbors that retain an unbending desire to drive the Israelites into the sea or blow them off the face of the earth, however, make peace just a little bit difficult.


Right before Jesus returns, anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiments will reach a worldwide fever pitch never before seen in history, and Jewish history is filled with major persecution. The recent barbaric attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians and the support of Hamas and their demonic butchering of children and babies are the most recent example. Unfortunately, it is only going to get worse as the wicked become even more wicked. (Matthew 24:12-24)


In Hebrew, the word Hamas means aggression, violence, and falsehood. Look it up. Hamas is living up to their name.


There still is a road that leads to Damascus. The question is: Will there still be a Damascus? (Isaiah 17:20).


This is a legitimate question given current events and the possibility of the Psalm 83 war taking shape. Isaiah foresaw Damascus being reduced to rubble in what was, to him, the far-distant future in the latter days. Damascus is the oldest continually populated city on earth.


The Syrians and their leader, Assad, have placed Damascus in jeopardy by allowing Iran and their proxy, Hezbollah, to use Syrian territory as a staging ground in their plans to annihilate Israel. Could the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:20 be on the horizon?


There is competition among the servants of Satan for absolute power.


Who is it that promotes abortion, homosexuality and total gender perversion, medical tyranny, moral relativism, Darwinism, socialism/communism, and godless humanistic reeducation, and who is it that seeks to remove all reference to God, Jesus, and everything biblical from American life?


As the church lady from the old SNL would say, could it be…Satan? Yes, with help from the godless, morally bankrupt globalists.


Who is it that promotes Sharia law and is more than willing to slaughter every Jew and Christian and anyone else who is unwilling to adhere to their tyrannical dictates, including the elderly and tiny infants? Yes, who is it that finds joy in sadistically burning and beheading babies? Could it be the satanically brainwashed Islamists who dedicate their atrocities to a merciless god by shouting Allah Akbar (Allah is greater) as they commit acts of barbaric and truly satanic evil?


The Globalists and the Islamists. These two main sources of evil and unrest on the earth have been somewhat allies up until now in the war against the God of Israel, Judeo/Christian principles, and Jews and Christians themselves.


It appears that is about to change.


Each of them, the Globalists and the Islamists, have desires to rule the world.


The globalists want Lucifer to be king of the world, with his servant, the antichrist, in charge of depopulation and enslavement of the entire human population of Earth.


The Islamists want Allah to be king of the world with the Ayatollahs, Mullahs, and Imams in charge of enslaving every human in the world under Sharia law.


There can only be one king of the world.


If we look at what is happening right now on planet Earth, especially in the Middle East, we can see that the tiny nation of Israel is facing a fight for its very existence.


The head of the snakes that hiss at Israel from every direction is Iran (ancient Persia), and Iran is within a whisker of producing nuclear weapons with which they have relentlessly vowed to blow Israel off the face of the earth.


Israel is not alone in being threatened by Iran. Nuclear weapons in the hands of the insane and demonic mullahs would be a threat to the entire planet, and the globalists know this.


Remember, Iran is one of only three nations where the globalists don’t operate a central bank like the Federal Reserve Bank. The other two nations are Cuba and North Korea.


One has to ponder why globalist puppets like the European Parliament and the O’Biden team, as well as WEF (World Economic Forum) minions all over the world, many who have been anti-Israel, now appear to be backing and encouraging Israel to do whatever it takes to eradicate Hamas and the Islamic terrorist threats once and for all.


Did these folks suddenly become sensitive to innocent lives being lost even while they continue to pursue draconian and satanic depopulation goals?


I suppose it is possible that the depraved acts of Hamas appalled even some of the globalists, but it is more likely that they see this as an opportunity to stop Iran and Islamic jihad now before Iran can mass produce nuclear weapons.


Because if they don’t support Israel to get the job done now, the globalists know that the task will fall on them at some point and could prove to be a messy roadblock and a time-consuming distraction to their plans for world domination.


There can only be one king.


The globalists also know that an Israel weakened by war will be much more susceptible to a peace treaty, which will be presented in the near future by one of their own. The one the scriptures refer to as the antichrist (Daniel 9:27).


The globalists want wars. They want all of the carnage and wreckage that comes with it. They are willing to finance both sides of any and all wars. They plan to emerge as the hero. They will have solutions to the chaos they themselves had such a huge part in creating.


Do not be deceived.


There can only be one king.


The Islamists want jihad. They want worldwide jihad. They are willing to murder anyone and everyone who stands in their way. They are bound and determined to destroy Israel and kill every last Jew. Their hatred knows no bounds. It is taught in their schools. By the time their young men become of fighting age, they are filled with a seething hatred for Israel and all Jews.


The Shiite branch of Islam in Iran is behind so much of this.


Their ideology embraces the belief of a 12th Imam who will return (with Jesus as his helper) to bring order to the world under Sharia law. The Mullahs and Ayatollahs and their minions believe it is they who must create the chaos that would inspire the 12th Imam to return.


An interesting side note is that Iran, which does not yet have a nuclear arsenal, is saber-rattling and threatening to wipe out Israel, which does have a nuclear arsenal. As Jim Croce surmised in the song about Bad Leroy Brown, are they not spitting into the wind and pulling on superman’s cape?


If they keep shoving Israel into a corner, at what point will Israel push the unthinkable button because they perceive that their very survival is truly at stake?


If that were to happen, the globalists would secretly, or possibly even openly, rejoice.


Yes, world events are falling into place. Satan is getting antsy. His chosen vessel is getting ready. His servants are working feverishly.


The multitudes are clueless. Summer is nigh, and the fig tree is blossoming.


Rogue regimes forming alliances. Coalitions of the willing. Nations against nations. Ideologies against ideologies. The “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” is looming large.


Prophecy is like a turning wheel, and Jerusalem is the hub of the wheel. Every turn of that wheel brings the world one day closer to a showdown with destiny. Jerusalem has become a stumbling block to the nations.


“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut to pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:2-3).


Politically speaking, it won’t make any difference which side you are on when the antichrist comes to power.


It is true that there can only be one king.


What the evil Globalists and the evil Islamists don’t seem to be able to wrap their miserable heads around is this:


Jesus is the name of the one King.


If only the Globalists and the Islamists could open their eyes and ears and hearts to see that Jesus is the King of Kings.


After the Seven-year Tribulation has ended and all of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation have been fulfilled, and when Jesus the King of Kings begins His millennial reign, take cheer in knowing in advance that all of the cruel and diabolical plans of those who had sought absolute power, without regard to whom they destroyed to achieve their goals, will have come to naught. All of their desperate shenanigans will have been in vain and put to rest.


All of their delusional desires to usurp the Creator of the Universe and assume His position on High will have proven to be an exercise in utter futility.


The Rapture is imminently near, and the Seven-year Tribulation will soon follow.


This means that planet Earth is not very far from that time in human history when the evil globalists who like to murder babies through abortion and by injecting them with poisons disguised as vaccinations, and the evil Islamists who like to burn and behead babies as well as sacrifice their own children on the hate-filled alter of jihadism, will no longer threaten anyone.


The sacrifice of children to the modern-day fires of Molech and upon the modern-day altars of Baal will cease when Jesus returns as King.


For now, a great deal of prayer is needed. A great deal of faith is needed. A great deal of courage is needed, and a great deal of trust is needed that God is in control.


No matter what it may look like to the contrary, God is in control 100%.


“Fear not,” for it is written, “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”


If you have never committed your life to Jesus, today would be a most excellent day to do so. Romans 10:9-10 explains how to do this.


“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”


Pray for Jerusalem…. Pray for all of Israel…. And pray for the salvation of many as the days grow short.


Your friend in Jesus the Messiah, the One and Only Savior of the world, and the One and Only King of Kings.


There is no other King but He.


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