Sunday, December 25, 2022



Shadows of Babylon - Paul & Nancy’s Christmas Goodbyes - 22 Million Under Emergency Rolling Blackouts - Military Aircraft In The Sky Everywhere and much more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Dec. 25th 2022


TOGETHER WE Expose MSM, RINOS, DEMS, 3-Letter Agencies, SM Collude To Destroy Us! PRAY! - And We Know - Sunday, December 25, 2022 11:45 - Trump will come back as the hero so saved the country from a liquidity crisis, he’ll usher in the new digital era. FTX scandal was what is needed to get Trump back in office, Kari Lake overturning will be the reference. All by design. -

 Juan O' Savin: Big Time Intel - Brunson Brothers, Moon is a Space Station & Heaven is Too!! (Video) - Saturday, December 24, 2022 20:24 - Juan joins Ethan once more for part 9 of their intense and informative Intel drop and conversation! Juan covers space Intel in this one and also explains how the enemy is and has been using the elections to gain a strangle hold on our country!

22 Million Under Emergency Rolling Blackouts! Multiple States! - Patrick Humphrey - Sunday, December 25, 2022 11:15 - SHTF is here state of emergency has been declared. Over 22 million people are facing rolling blackout sin multiple states. Federal energy grid operators are issuing emergency orders for rolling blackouts every hour. The electric grid has been under constant strain since the winter storm. prepare now for shtf Multiple states like Tennessee North Carolina and South Carolina and more are under emergency rolling blackouts.

MAIL ONLINE: Buffalo EMTs battle to reach thousands snowed-in on Christmas Day after bomb cyclone killed 32 across the US: Whiteout blizzards and freezing temperatures grip almost all 50 states - as 4m in NYC are told to conserve power - At least 32 people have been killed across the US because of the deadly weather - The aftermath of the bomb-cyclone has seen more than 6ft of snow hit Buffalo - Emergency services are struggling to free people from their own homes - Plummeting temperatures have caused buildings to freeze over by Lake Erie - Residents in New York City have been urged to conserve energy by ConEdison - Thousands of flights have been canceled because of the extreme weather - By EMMA JAMES FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 09:18 EST, 25 December 2022 -

MAIL ONLINE: Trump posts bombastic (and bizarre) Christmas message declaring himself 'clairvoyant' - before slamming the FBI, 'Department of Injustice' and 'mentally disabled' Biden in wake of January 6th Committee recommending criminal charges… 'Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Instigation that is illegally coercing and paying Social and LameStream media to push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant and USA LOVING Donald J Trump, and, of course, the Department of Injustice, which appointed a Special "Prosecutor" who, together with his wife and family, HATES "Trump" more than any other person on Earth.' the ex-president wrote.

MAIL ONLINE: 'CIA is behind spate of explosions in Russia': US Army Special Ops veteran claims intelligence agency and NATO ally are conducting sabotage missions - The CIA is working with an unnamed 'NATO ally', according to Jack Murphy - Murphy was a former senior trainer and adviser to an Iraqi SWAT team - He said the CIA and President Biden are personally authorizing missions  - By WILL STEWART and ELIZABETH HAIGH FOR MAILONLINE - PUBLISHED: 08:20 EST, 25 December 2022 -

REAL RAW NEWS - JAG: Detainees “Unlikely” to be Clones - By Michael Baxter -December 24, 2022 - “It’s unlikely detainees held at Camp Delta are clones,” a GITMO source asserted to Real Raw News after medical staff examined Nancy Pelosi, Jim Baker, Miguel Cardona, five inmates whose names have not been given to RRN, and the corpse of Jeff Zients (who died in custody) for evidence of cloning.

REAL RAW NEWS: Paul and Nancy’s Christmas Goodbyes - By Michael Baxter -December 24, 2022 - Paul Pelosi, whom GITMO staff have called a model prisoner, was asked on Christmas Eve whether he had final words for his wife before she heads to gallows Tuesday morning….

Don't Miss! General Michael Flynn Discusses How Our Corrupt Government Is Aiding Ukraine! - Must Video - Sunday, December 25, 2022 10:31 - That is so sad ,long time ago Ukraine was a good country, part of Russia, but slowly communist Nazi’s took over there! Thank You M.Flynn, I know what you mean, I was born in Poland and I’m a witness of all of this. I never supported giving any aid to the Nazi’s in Ukraine. Not one dime outside of aiding the citizens in getting out of the way. Best thing that could happen to that deep state money laundering op and human trafficking op is to let Russia take it!

ATLAS SHRUGS: Muslim Democrat Minneapolis City Councilman ‘Where’s Hitler When You Need Him?’ - Sunday, December 25, 2022 10:09 - These vile democrats can say anything & do anything and they are heralded, exalted by the elite axis of power. But those of us that call attention to it and defend against it are smeared, defamed and destroyed, relegated to the outermost fringe of acceptable society.

SG Anon VITAL INTEL Stream Dec 25 > Juan O Savin, Derek Johnson, Jason Q! - Must Video - Sunday, December 25, 2022 9:49 - I did my own photo comparison between the former and current Biden and to my astonishment they definitely are NOT the same person! The shape of their eyes, ears, and nose are different. Their expressions are different, etc.

Atlanta Urban farmer in College Park fundraising to continue to provide for community - Sunday, December 25, 2022 9:17 - In the state of Georgia, where one in eight people face hunger, one farmer has made it his mission not only to feed the hungry but to help them grow a bounty in their own backyard. “My main goal is to make sure that marginalized and underserved communities have access to locally grown food that’s free of chemicals,” said Bobby Wilson, who operates the nonprofit Metro Atlanta Urban Farm.

Merry Christmas from 30 million Texans - Sunday, December 25, 2022 9:01 - You don’t need a newspaper story to confirm that Texas is growing.  Just look around and see the growth, the new homes and office buildings.  Nevertheless, we did learn this week that there are 30 millions of us in Texas.  This is from the Texas Tribune….

Derek Johnson Bombshells: There Are Military Aircraft In The Sky Everywhere!! New Gold-Backed Quantum Financial System Is Coming!! You Can’t Give Power To The People If The People Don’t Know What’s Going On!! - December 24, 2022 -


GEOENGINEERING: "Gov. warns people to get where they need to be before potential flash freeze". Does this sound like headline straight out of "The Day After Tomorrow" movie? Temperatures in some regions crashed by as much as 75 degrees in only hours. What does it take to wake the sleeping masses? How bad does it have to get before more of the population opens their eyes and realizes something is very wrong with our skies and our weather? "Winter Storm Elliot" is the latest chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding creation from the weather makers. Geoengineering operations are wreaking havoc around the world, how long do we have before the climate system completely collapses bringing civilization with it? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Mel K - Lover of God, Country, Truth, Facts, & Justice. Fighting for freedom, liberty, and our inalienable rights daily. &

ZERO HEDGE: Ukrainian Narrative Continues To Morph Ugly - BY TYLER DURDEN - SATURDAY, DEC 24, 2022 - 08:00 PM - Authored by Bruce Wilds via Advancing Time blog - If the "Ukrainian narrative" was not ugly enough, it continues to work its way farther to the dark-side. It is debatable how long the American people will buy the line that funding the war in Ukraine will result in a good outcome. Someday, what is happening in Ukraine may be looked back upon as a horrible blunder, lie, and misstep largely orchestrated by America and the "Obama/Biden political machine."

WASHINGTON FREE BEACON - Gag Order: Biden Admin Bars Border Officials From Sharing Data on Migrant Crisis – Dec. 21 2022 - The Biden administration on Monday barred Customs and Border Protection officials from sharing information about the magnitude of illegal border crossings at the southern border without approval from the Department of Homeland Security, Breitbart reported.

WATCHERS: Buffalo hit with an extraordinary blizzard – white out, roads gridlocked, New York - Saturday, December 24, 2022 - This crazy blizzard video shows extreme blizzard conditions in Buffalo, New York on December 23, 2022, with cars stranded everywhere, no visibility, extreme wind and heavy snow.

WATCHERS: Destructive flash floods hit Mecca, Saudi Arabia - Saturday, December 24, 2022 - Heavy overnight rains hit the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia on December 23, 2022, damaging properties and buildings. The event comes just one month after the city of Jeddah, Mecca Province witnessed record rainfall. The floods turned roads into raging rivers, damaging properties and sweeping away vehicles. There are no reports of deaths or injuries.



Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? – Part I

By Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Dec. 25th 2022


Readers may be aware of yet another global financial bubble recently unfurling across the world. It was only a little more than a decade ago that the last outbreak of speculative distortions culminated in the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).


The periodic speculative manias that occur, ultimately act to push the world step by step to a globalized financial system—one that is becoming ever more centralized. Previous columns have outlined the implications of these trends for us earthdwellers.


Viewing these unprecedented developments in light of the cosmological timeline of mankind, we have called it the “Endtime Money Snare.”


Both economic/financial crisis and frothy financial booms play their part in moving the Endtime Money Snare forward. Most people have little idea about this plot line. Many participants are co-opted through greed and the lure and pleasurableness of rising wealth and comforts. Indeed, today’s alluring images of wealth may prove to be false—and not real wealth. But that distinction seems not to matter to most people.


Author Edward Balleisen in his 2017 book Fraud, notes a characteristic of mania: “The most powerful means of getting people to view a fraudulent scheme as legitimate is the manufacture of upward price movements.” In other words, as long as wealth gains are imagined, people will willingly believe any mania.


During speculative financial booms, the most unimaginable and comical beliefs can emerge. Wealth gains are thought to be infinite and without any risk. Not to be denied is that some very useful technologies or developments may play a role in these booms. These provide the so-called “hook” for participants and investors. However, expectations of future prospects are then taken to absurd extremes. The new technologies and surging “humanist” confidence promote the belief that future prosperity will be boundless … perhaps even forever.


While the names, beliefs and contributing actors may change, the pattern of boom/bust remains remarkably the same. For example, the latest technological catalyst that has captured imaginations is the concept of “cryptocurrency” (the most well-known of these being the Bitcoin). Two decades ago, it was the “Dot-Com” bubble that played the catalytic role for that earlier manic financial boom.


While the original rationale for the invention of cryptocurrency may not be entirely without merit, greed and speculative fevers have since emerged. Says one well-known analyst: “Bitcoin is an old-fashioned fraud clothed in the new-age wonder of technology. Promoting Bitcoin is not so much about a new asset class as it is a class of felony, yet civil authorities have so far been unwilling to shut it down.”


We can conclude here that financial bubbles play an indelible role in the endtime whirlwind of money. The cycle of boom and bust, manic speculation and depressive crisis, work toward creating the urgency and agreement to form a centralized global financial control system. In fact, one can make the deductive argument that the Bible prophesies that this will occur in the later days. If there were no centralized monetary system, how would it be possible to limit the buying and selling of all earthdwellers at some point in the Tribulation?


 The Prophesied Emergence of a Commercial Colossus


In Revelation 18, we find an account of Babylon the Great, an entity that appears to be involved with global trade. It certainly shows a worldwide impact. What is it … who is it? There are more than a few interpretations. Respected Bible scholars hold different views. In fact, there is so much debate on this question that many simply choose not to take a position. On our part, we will propose an interpretation that appears logical to us. Can we defend it? You will be the judge.


Let’s first look at the large number of identifiers for Babylon the Great found in verses 2-16.


‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.’ Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her. When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!’ The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more—cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men. They will say, ‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your riches and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.’ The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn and cry out: ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!’


Before we begin to examine the many obvious connections to wealth and commerce presented in the quoted verses above, we must point out a key distinctive.


Babylon the great is called a “city.” But is it really a city? To be more specific, we note that it is always called a “great city”—not just “city,” but “great city.” (There is one exception: It is also called “city of power” in addition to “great city” in Revelation 18:10.) So, we must keep in mind that Babylon is not a mere city—whether large or small, or of great repute or not—but rather a “great city.” The term “great city” is found exactly 7 times in the book of Revelation. What does the Bible mean to say with the term “great city”? We will come back to this question in the next part of this series.


Let us now review the activities of Babylon the Great cited in the referenced quote. We observe the heavy use of economic terminology. No less than 45 terms of commercial meanings are used in this passage, some of them numerous times. Many references are made to luxuries and precious items. Clearly, the functional essence is that of a great global trading entity that deals in both physical goods and money. By my count, a total of 28 commodities and products are mentioned.


There is more to note about this commercial/economic entity called Babylon the Great. First, it is both a source and distributor of great wealth. The merchants of the earth “grew rich from her excessive luxuries” (verse 3) and “gained their wealth from her” (verse 15), yet they also are identified as being part of this system. In verse 23 they are referred to as “your merchants.”


Furthermore, we note that this Babylon is the very embodiment of riches. Though it is called a “great city” (verse 16), it is figuratively dressed as a person in the most expensive clothes; glittering with gold and jewelry. Her luxuries, “maddening wine” (verse 3) and “magic” (verse 23) prove to be intoxicants for the world’s kings and merchants. Tellingly, there is no mention of the poor or the middle class. Strangely, the common person seems not to be mentioned. It appears that only the wealthy merchants and elites are benefiting from this system … apparently, an economy of plutocrats. Every nation and king has relations with it, committing “adulteries.”


Adulteries? Several interesting characteristics emerge here. First, why is Babylon the Great cast as a woman? Second, how is it possible that the entire world of elites has adulteries with her? For one, committing adultery is only possible if one is already married or betrothed. Then, what should we understand to be “adulterous” in a world trading system? It must be a spiritual adultery … a systemic worldwide abandonment of God and His Son … a rebelliousness claiming a “heaven-on-earth” humanism. It is the choice of Mammon over God. Mankind’s smug “elite” have developed a self-dependent worldwide economic (and monetary) system that suits them just fine.


 Points to Ponder


How can we escape the clutches and temptations of the Endtime Money Snare … carried along on the great false wave of a global wealth explosion … being oppressed by the suffocating commercialism of ancient Tyre (of which there are many prophecies that we will explore in the next parts of this series)? As we always must answer: It is not possible to escape … at least physically. But spiritually, we need not fall into the blinded subservience as do most earthdwellers.


Most certainly, we should all be careful (including this writer) not to be swept away by worldly pied-pipers and popular delusions. Humans are easily persuaded to ignore facts and logic, and instead to pursue fantasy. The annals of history are chock full of examples of human delusion. As mentioned, most often these departures from good sense were either goaded by greed or pressured by economic fears. Both the educated and the uninformed can be susceptible when running with the herd. The psychology of crowds is powerful.


Accounts of human folly written by various authors testify to mankind’s vulnerability to deceit. Two books that document this history that I often recommend are as follows: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, an early study of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay (first published in 1841). And later, Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises by Charles P. Kindleberger (1978). Accounts found in these two books about the actions and beliefs of maniacal human crowds test believability.


Human beings—especially so, crazed crowds of them—have the most incredible capacity for delusion. Does the Bible have any perspective on these challenges?


Yes. First, the Bible does not venerate crowds or popular majorities or a consensus of beliefs. It cares nothing for these. God says “[…] beside me there is no other” (Isaiah 45:6). When it comes to Truth, God represents 100% of the majority. God says that He is not a “respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34 KJV). Therefore, the crazed pull of the human throngs should have no hold upon us.


As for our anxieties and concerns in regard to the recent “financial bubbles” … the humanist beliefs … the lure to plunge into speculation, the Bible has this to say: “For the pagans run after all these things” (Matthew 6:32). “They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you” (1 Peter 4:4).


The Lord knows what we need, “So do not worry” (Matthew 6:31).


In Part II, we will complete documenting the Bible’s prophecies of an endtime boom in commercialism and the associated Endtime Money Snare. And, we will address the question of whether the prophecies regarding ancient Tyre align with the manifestation of Babylon the Great City in Revelation 17—18.


The Lord approaches ever nearer! Maranatha


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