Wednesday, December 28, 2022

God’s Prophetic Outline for Prosperity


God’s Prophetic Outline for Prosperity - Nancy Pelosi Hanged at GITMO - Mel K & Edward Dowd - Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Message - National Guard On Streets and much more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Dec. 28th 2022


REAL RAW NEWS: Nancy Pelosi Hanged at GITMO - President Donald J. Trump was at Guantanamo Bay Tuesday to witness Nancy Pelosi’s execution, which took place at 10:00 a.m., JAG sources told Real Raw News. The embattled president reportedly arrived at GITMO aboard a U.S. Marine Sikorsky VH-3D Sea King helicopter and was escorted to the execution site at about the time base staff pulled Pelosi from the six-by-nine-foot cell she’d been living in since arriving at Guantanamo Bay on 1 December. As reported previously, Pelosi was among a bevy of Deep Staters arrested after attending a taxpayer-funded, billion-dollar party honoring socialist Emmanuel Macron. Following a lengthy military tribunal, a JAG panel convicted Pelosi of treason and conspiracy to commit murder, sentencing her to hang by the neck until dead. -

Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Message II to Joe Biden (The White House Apostasy) -

Supreme Court keeps in place Trump-era immigration policy allowing asylum-seekers to be quickly turned away - NBC Universal - LAWRENCE HURLEY AND JULIA AINSLEY - December 27, 2022, 4:15 PM - WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed Title 42 — a Trump-era immigration policy implemented when the pandemic broke out to quickly expel asylum-seekers at the border — to remain in effect for now, putting a judge’s ruling that would have ended it last week on hold. -

MAIL ONLINE: America's fentanyl scourge UNCOVERED: Mailed from China, mixed in Mexico, the strongest opioid yet exploded in the pandemic and now kills a person every seven minutes — but officials are powerless to stop it - Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns and cars combined - Such deaths reached 107,000 in the year to January, 2⁄3 of them due to fentanyl  - Fentanyl packs down small and is easy to mail or smuggle across borders  - Mexico's Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco Cartel bring it into the US - Many users have no clue they're taking fentanyl, which is often mixed  - A fentanyl vaccine offers hope and could save thousands of lives each year - By JAMES REINL, SOCIAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT, FOR DAILYMAIL.COM - PUBLISHED: 15:39 EST, 27 December 2022 -

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 28, 2022 - By Ivar Casandra | 12/28/2022 -

Alleged Crypto Fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried is Given Judge Who Oversaw Jeffrey Epstein Case and Let Kevin Spacey Walk - By Shane Trejo - Dec 28, 2022 - Alleged cryptocurrency fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried has been assigned a judge who oversaw a high-profile Jeffrey Epstein case and allowed Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey walk in a case where he was accused of sexually abusing a child.

SGAnon Huge & Derek Johnson "Truth of Q - Military Control"! Dec 28 Stream! > Thx Juan O Savin, SGAnon Decode! - Must Video - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 9:54 -

Todd Callendar With Sherri Tenpenny: Genetically Modified Humans And Soldiers!! - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:43 - This is a massive issue, that has yet to break into the mainstream. There ARE legal ramifications of genetically modifying humans. -

Karen Kingston More Bombshells!! Childhood And Adult Vaccines Reclassified As "Military" Countermeasures!!  License To Kill!! Secret Ingredients You're Not Supposed To Know!! mRNA Gene Editing Technology In The Flu Shots!!   - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 1:37 - Looks like they are changing up the game away from accountability and transparency, at least until the people say, ‘enough’! The mRNA technology has little to do with immunity. Do you really need to edit your genes to deal with a flu? -

Global Geoengineering Death Agenda Exposed Before The New World Order! - Dane Wigington - SGT Report - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 12:48 - Dane Wigington returns to SGT Report to discuss the engineered winter storm Elliott. In this must hear interview Dane explains the science behind the geo-agenda to bring us to our knees before the new world order. I think the junk THEY (THESE Various Nefarious Evil Individuals) are dumping into the air and water is dumbing the masses down!

Gene Decode & Tom NUMBERS - Major LIVE Intel (Video) - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 12:14 -

Never Forget What These "Celebrities" Said About The "Unvaccinated" (Video) - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 11:02 - You have heard the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and over again and then expecting different results.  Well, friends, this topic is just one of those, and it is insane. I do not understand where the American people have fallen so low as to look at celebrities, as they like to be called, as people of importance.  These reprobates (actors, musicians, politicians, etc.) are the demoralizers of American culture and are responsible for much of the decadence taking place.  In many ways, they are the real legislatures (Romans 1:24-32). (Comment: Celebs make up most of the Illuminati cabal that are responsible for the trafficking of children for adrenochrome harvesting. Most of these old school actors have been eliminated by the military alliance commanded by Trump.)

National Guard On Streets! Mass Looting! Driving Ban! Biden Declares Federal Emergency! - Patrick Humphrey - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 10:46 - Prepare now shtf is here. The National Guard has been deployed to the streets and mass looting are taking place. A driving ban is in place for Buffalo New York as the town descends into chaos. The National Guard will stop people from driving and they will arrest looters. Emergency services haven’t been able to get gas due to looting. Gas shortages blackouts and societal collapse are happening right now. Get prepared for shtf in 2023. Rot has arrived in New York. Biden has declared a federal emergency in Buffalo New York. “Stand firm, and you will win life.” Luke 21:19 -

ATLAS SHRUGS: Fraud Fauci’s Ethics Boss is His ……Wife - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 13:33 - “Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife” – Elon Musk

Nuremberg 2! Real Response To Covid! HRC Cabal! Trump On Title 42! Evil Groomers! Pray! - And We Know - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 12:33 - These are NOT “immigrants”! They are CRIMINAL INVADERS! ILLEGALS! We’re all in serious trouble! What are we to do? That border is a cancer that’s going to spread everywhere across the country! We the people have to take control and now!

Putin Bans Oil Sales To Countries That Comply With G7 Oil Price Cap - By ZeroHedge - Dec 27, 2022, 4:00 PM CST - Having promised that it would reveal its response to the recently implemented by the G7 price cap on Russian oil exports, moments ago the Kremlin did not disappoint, and as the WSJ reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin banned the supply of Russian oil and oil products to countries that impose a price cap, allowing deliveries to those nations only on the basis of a special permission from the Kremlin leader.

 Mel K & Edward Dowd: Inconvenient Truths! Sudden Deaths Exposed 12-28-22!! - Must Video - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 15:42 -

Children Hiding at 2:30am, Church Trafficking, & The Blue Light Concerns - Richard Citizen Journalist on The Michelle Moore Show - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 14:53 - Richard Citizen Journalist get candid with Michelle Moore on the Michelle Moore Show about what he has witnessed and videoed while traveling across the country. Film footage from Children hiding behind cars at a church that has been allegedly trafficking children, blue LED lights that are popping up various places, as well as happenings in D.C., acres of brand new cars sitting for months, and more!

MAIL ONLINE: Buffalo store owner opens fire on looters - while frozen body of dad-to-be is found after he went out to buy supplies for nine-month pregnant wife - as city reels from worst storm this century - Looters were warned store owners had taken up arms amid a string of robberies - Group of Arab small businessmen were seen chasing a looter through the snow - Police say that eight arrests have been made so far - The chaos comes as 31 people have been reported dead in the city - Death toll includes father-to-be Abdul Sharifu, 26, a refugee from the Congo - By RONNY REYES FOR DAILYMAIL.COM and JAM PRESS - PUBLISHED: 12:32 EST, 28 December 2022 -


God’s Prophetic Outline for Prosperity – Part I

by Wilfred Hahn

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Dec. 28th 2022


Just what does the Bible say about the rich … the poor … about wealth distribution … how things will be when Jesus Christ restores all things (Acts 3:21)? Quite a bit. In fact, as much as 40% of the Bible is said to deal with these and related topics. Most wonderfully, the Bible concerns itself primarily with the captives and the poor, whether in spirit or physically. In this 3-part series, our aim is to show just how wonderfully God has aligned the physical creation with his heavenly kingdom and work of salvation. Should His requirements of love, mercy and forgiveness not be practiced, the societies of mankind are designed to malfunction and self-destruct.


We will begin by first consulting the Bible for its perspectives on these topics. In Part II, we will then explore God’s ideal plan for economic justice on earth—a program that will be reinstituted in the Millennium period. Part III reflects upon the wonderful blessings of “cancellation” and “forgiveness.” As we will discover, these concepts are necessary for both eternal salvation and the blessed existence of mankind during his temporal, physical, existence on earth.


The Poor and the Rich


Every time we risk writing about Biblical perspectives on wealth and its distribution, we seem to invite incendiary responses. Quoting Robert E. Lucas, “Of the tendencies that are harmful to sound economics, the most seductive, and … the most poisonous, is to focus on questions of distribution.”1 We would agree. Even my background as a practitioner in the “Darwinian” world of the global investment industry, has not spared me from being accused a Marxist.


Therefore, let’s settle this point right at the outset. We are here more interested in the Bible’s view on these questions of wealth, the poor, forgiveness and God’s desired economy for mankind, not the secular theories of man. As it is, the field of economics and its myriad theories (which is a subject body that belongs to the humanities, not science) has yet to settle on a unanimous view. It should also be recognized that this field of “non-sciences” has had a terrible, terrible track record.


Moreover, populist views and policies on these matters tend to change with the times and zeitgeist. For example, in Americatoday, to speak of wealth redistribution from the rich to the poor would be economic heresy. According to the thinking in higher-echelon political circles, the rich must be protected. In short, aren’t they the ones that provide the capital that provides jobs and incomes for everyone else? Therefore, the right and privilege to achieve huge outsized after-tax incomes and wealth must be preserved. At least, that is the reasoning that is prevalent in the halls of power.


However, let’s get back to the Biblical view and put these things into proper focus. It is not so much that specific tenets of capitalist theories about wealth creation and distribution are dead wrong. It is that their implementation does not always emphasize fairness, compassion and love. Don’t believe it? If that were not the case, one would need to wonder why the Holy Spirit went to the trouble of inspiring the Bible. Its central message would be obviated.


As the Bible repeatedly shows, God chooses to observe the motives of the heart rather than the punctilious observance of ritual or theory. “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6, see also Matthew 12:7, 9:13). Through Micah, God admonished the Jews, saying, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).


The same message is found in the New Testament. Even the gospel cannot be operative without love and mercy. “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).


People may have great “head” knowledge of Scriptures or elegant economic theories about wealth creation and prosperity. However, it is all insignificant noise if its implementation (putting into practice) does not involve love. The two Royal Laws, which Christ said encompassed all the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 22:40), were best summarized by the law expert mentioned in Luke 10:27: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”


The very last days of the Church Era—the terrible times that Paul talks of—are described as being “without love,” “unforgiving,” instead characterized by the love of money and love of themselves (2 Timothy 3:2-3). That exactly describes the attitudes required to underpin an environment of economic oppression, high indebtedness and widening wealth skews. That day is here today. If anything (by at least some measures), these conditions are likely to get worse … and most certainly, much worse by the time the Tribulation unfolds.


The Bible Versus Political Polemics


Using such terms as “Marxism” or “Capitalism” is not helpful in discussing what the Bible actually says and mandates vis-à-vis wealth. Neither “ism” is supported in the Bible. (In fact, the Bible supports no “isms” of mankind.) Actually, the Scriptures and ancient wisdom precede these man-made theories by several millennia. To the extent that Karl Marx might have theorized some of the flaws of capitalism (as does the Bible), this did not qualify him as a godly man. Much to the contrary. His seminal failings were that he did not operate out of a spirit of love (more likely envy) nor a fear of God. Likewise, any rich person or proponent of capitalism would not be sinfully wrong, were they inspired by a sense of justice or love for fellow mankind. Without love and mercy, the ultimate consequence of even the best theory and doctrine will be destructive.


The essential points and attitudes to which we must orient ourselves in relation to wealth and physical possessions are found in the Bible. These were established long before Adam Smith or Karl Marx came along. To emphasize, Biblical “wealth theory” cannot be disassociated from love and justice, and has no union with concepts of “self-interest” (Adam Smith and later concepts of the “good” of capitalism or affluence); nor associations with “envy” nor covetousness; and more lately, the “good of greed.”


Why Are There Poor?


Wasn’t Abraham, the Biblical patriarch, wealthy? This observation is often made in the defense of the rich. It completely misses the point. To be “relatively” or “absolutely” wealthy is not a sin (though it is also true that very few are capable of justly managing wealth). The Bible does not condemn the state of being rich; it rather indicts the elite rich that oppress their fellow mankind and take no concern for the poor.


Without a doubt, there were numerous wealthy individuals mentioned in the Old Testament. But, what conclusions should we draw from this observation? First, we need to draw a distinction between those rich that were righteous and those that were not. We have already drawn attention to the critical differentiation—love, mercy and justice. However, let’s also consider some practical aspects. Who would not agree that it is impossible for everyone in the world to be as rich as Abraham, in relative terms. This is simply not physically possible. Nor does the Bible ever promise that everyone can be “rich” (as do today’s popular and widespread [false] Prosperity Gospel teachers).


The Bible draws a distinction between the state of being wealthy and that of “hoarding.” These are not one and the same concepts. It is a mathematically-supportable fact that hoarding must result in a wealth distribution skew … in other words, a relative division in wealth or standard of living. In fact, such is the very definition of hoarding. As outlined in James 5:1-6, wealth is described as having been “heaped” or “amassed,” which is implied by the Greek word saurizo. This is an important distinction, as it gives evidence of a wealth skew. Wealth cannot be heaped and concentrated without there being a lessening or deprivation of someone else’s relative wealth. The impulse for this effect may be unintentional, sin or conspiracy. At the very least, we must not forget the innate vulnerability of all human flesh. Everything else being equal, the “love of money” (1 Timothy 6:10), “the lust of the flesh” (1 John 2:16), and all mankind being born into sin testify to the corruptible bias of the world. Just who is uncorruptible?


It is no surprise therefore that almost the entire emphasis of the Bible in relation to the poor is to their defense. But why should this be? Just why is it necessary for the Bible to counsel special aid and care for the poor? While there are godly people mentioned in the Bible who were wealthy, just why is it that the “rich” attract so little favorable mention in the Scriptures? The answer: the same reason that mankind needs salvation and forgiveness of sins. Therefore, what the Bible does consistently concern itself with are the poor and the oppressed, both physically and in spirit.


Moses said to the Hebrews, “There should be no poor among you” (Deuteronomy 15:4), this being a command from God. Jesus said that he came to preach good news to the poor. (“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed”—Luke 4:18.) He also said: “You will always have the poor among you” (John 12:8), pointing out the unfortunate state of a fallen world.


God’s Plan for Fair Dealing with Wealth


A thorough study of the economic principles within the God-given laws to the Israelites of the Sabbath and the Jubilee Year reveals the intended “wealth distribution” that God had planned upon earth. It is not unreasonable to take instruction from these commanded ordinances of the Israelites as, after all, they were called to be a light to the world (Isaiah 42:6, 49:6).


But aren’t ancient laws and principles irrelevant today? No. Consider that God himself will again reinstitute these two Sabbath ordinances in the Millennium period. Think of it: when Jesus Christ restores all things (Acts 3:21), the Sabbath and Jubilee years will be practiced by the entire earth. Civil leaders today would then do well if they sought to pursue the same principles behind these two ordinances. Then, just what are these principles? We next need to examine the Bible’s teachings about the Sabbath and Jubilee Years.


Of course, the Sabbath finds its original roots at Creation. God rested on the 7th day. The entire earth was to rest on this day. Ever since, all developed cultures—whether Asian, Western or otherwise—have operated on a seven-day, weekly cycle. Later, the Sabbath Law was given to the Hebrews. However, this occurred in several stages, as we will review in Part II.


As a brief foretaste, considered what God said through Moses, “At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts” (Deuteronomy 15:1). As such, we see that a seven-year debt cycle was instituted. There was no such thing as perpetual debt: every Sabbath Year, debts had to be laid flat. Anyone who could not pay back his debts by that time was forgiven this amount. We can imagine just how different our economies would be today were this same convention applied.


Points to Ponder—The Circaseptan Cycle


The seven-day cycle, ending with the day of rest, is evidenced by all of Creation. Here is an excerpt from an excellent article on this subject, written by Kenneth Westby, entitled “The Amazing 7-Day Cycle.”2


Now we discover that the beat all life is tuned to is seven.


How did seven come to be imbedded deep into the ancient genetic building blocks of life? Why is seven the key coordinating rhythm for life’s myriad complexities?


God did ‘wind up the clockwork’ leaving his fingerprints all over the clock. The new science of chronobiology has had some of science’s most impressive successes in seeing back to creation with its discovery of ‘primitive origins’ to the seven-day cycle found in human cells and other life forms.


God somehow coded into the infinite complexities of life a clock that ticks to the time of a seven-day rhythm. We humans have no control over these innate circaseptan rhythms and benefit best by simply living in sympathetic harmony with them. More importantly, the seven-day cycle in physical nature points beyond temporal reality to a far greater spiritual reality.


God, with masterful design, uses time itself and a seventh day rest to call his creation to pause and listen. He has a message which explains why we were created and for what special purpose. His words are so majestic, so exciting, so unbelievable, so beyond our mundane world that they could only be comprehended as coming from God himself. His message dispels ignorance, solves life’s grand mysteries, and offers a future too beautiful to be true.


His personal message introduces himself as our creator, he gives us dignity and a special relationship to himself by declaring we have been made in his image, he then offers to save us into an eternity with him—if we but follow him. He invites us to join him on his journey, to walk with him, to talk with him, to learn from him, to even rule with him. How could we refuse such an invitation?


The mystery of the seven-day cycle was never intended to be a mystery, but a call from the Creator to get in harmony, in sync, with him. It is high time we get in step with God.


In Part II and Part III, we will focus on God’s perfect plan for economic justice and the great gifts of “forgiveness” and “cancellation.” Maranatha




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