Monday, November 13, 2023

The Great & Final Jubilee


The Great & Final Jubilee - Putin Bombs Cloning Lab in Ukraine – Voter Fraud Arrests Compilation - Death of Cancer Cells Research - GESARA/ NESARA Signed Into Law – BIBI No More PA in Gaza - Tens of Thousands Accept Christ in Nicaragua - Mel K Short Clip & more.

Research & Comments by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 13, 2023




REAL RAW NEWS: Putin Bombs Cloning Lab in Ukraine - By Michael Baxter -November 12, 2023 - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered a cruise missile strike against a Deep State cloning facility in part of the Donetsk region still in Ukraine, FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told Real Raw News. The strike was conducted by the Admiral Grigorovich, a Russian warship of the Black Sea Fleet, which unleashed a wave of Novator Kalibr missiles that hammered the laboratory, killed the occupants, and unalived clones of U.S. and Russian politicians that were growing in maturation cylinders.

U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz/U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene notified about cover up/blocking of Sentencing Letter for Owen Shroyer January 6 (J6) criminal case. Microsoft blocking emails to U.S. Congress. Has...Monday, November 13, 2023 2:09 - Both of them have appeared to have been notified but those emails are being blocked by Microsoft email servers. Apparently Microsoft Email servers are being used for the entire U.S. Congress including all staffers. All emails are using Microsoft for email service and they are blocking emails likely using machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI).

TIM BROWN: Do You Have 5-7 Minutes To Quickly Scroll Through All Of The Criminals That Have Been Caught Committing Voter Fraud That The Mainstream Media Told You Did Not Exist? - Monday, November 13, 2023 8:10 - “It is enough that the people know there was an election.  The people who cast the votes decide nothing.  The people who count the votes decide everything.”  -Josef Stalin - You can rest assured that nine times out of ten when the mainstream media and their useful idiots are telling you that something is not true, after digging into it, you will find that it is true and vice-versa.  There is no truth in them (John 8:44).

Judy Byington: Joe Biden is Unimpeachable if He isn't President. Alliance Is in Control. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing. Q-Special Intel Report Mon.13 Nov.2023 (Video) - Monday, November 13, 2023 4:51 - JUDY NOTE: The US Corporation declared bankruptcy long ago. GESARA/ NESARA has been signed into law. We’re now seeing the cleanup and final stages before full disclosure. The Q Clock has run out. The Clown Show was about to end. Checkmate! · The Alliance is in control. All the Scare Tactics will not happen such as 15 Min. Cities, Nuclear War, Eating Bugs, another Plandemic, Mandatory Vaccines, Social Credit Scores, Myrna in Foods, etc. The Scare Tactics are being exposed to Wake Up the General Public. What is happening right now is the Greatest Wealth Transfer in World History and free Med Bed Treatments by the end of the year · Sat 11 Nov. Ben Fulford Report: Just happened this week. North Korea and South Korea met at the line, shook hands and united as friends going into Nesara! - Jihadi militias have murdered more than 800 black Africans from the Massalit tribe in Darfur, Sudan over the past few days. The Hamas-allied Jihadis filmed themselves capturing black Africans. Any protest march planned in London? -  When Russia went into Ukraine, some US Inc. bio weapon labs in Ukraine were moved to Romania. If Russia invades Romania it would be to destroy those bio weapon labs. · China will invade Taiwan to remove all the Deep State pedophiles and Child Sex Trafficking, which is the worst on the planet. After that is accomplished Taiwan will go back to its own government and military. The two have already agreed to this. …Commander Thor 9-10-2023 -

Newly Found ‘Kill Switch’ Triggers Death of Cancer Cells in Potential Breakthrough - by John Symank - November 12, 2023 - Scientists at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sacramento, California, identified a protein on the CD95 receptor, a protein within a cell that receives and transmits signals, that can “program” cancer cells to die, as detailed in a study published in the journal Cell Death and Differentiation last month. A press release from UC Davis reports that CD95 receptors, also referred to as Fas, have gained the nickname “death receptors” because they send a signal that causes cancer cells to “self-destruct.”

THE JERUSALEM POST - Netanyahu: No to PA rule of Gaza, no to rebuilding its settlements - “Gaza has to be demilitarized and Gaza has to be de-radicalized,” Netanyahu told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday morning. - By TOVAH LAZAROFF - NOVEMBER 12, 2023 21:14 - Updated: NOVEMBER 13, 2023 07:51 - The Palestinian Authority can’t rule Gaza once the war is over, but neither does Israel plan to build its settlements there, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the media in a series of interviews over the weekend. “Gaza has to be demilitarized and Gaza has to be de-radicalized,” Netanyahu told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday morning. “So far we have not seen any Palestinian force, including the Palestinian Authority that is able to do it.”

The Western Journal: Nicaragua Experiencing 'Massive Move of God' as Events Draw 650,000 so Far, Tens of Thousands Accept Christ - Story by Michael Schwarz – Nov. 10, 2023 - People all around the world need God. You can feel it. According to CBN News, Christian missionaries have witnessed a “massive move of God” in troubled Nicaragua, thousands of miles south of the U.S. border in the heart of Central America. Missionary Britt Hancock reported thousands of miracles and tens of thousands of conversions to Christ among the roughly 650,000 people who have attended evangelism events in that country so far this year.

ATLAS SHRUGS: Paris Rally Against Jew Hatred Attracts Hundreds of Thousands - Monday, November 13, 2023 10:08 - The rallies that get no press from the jihad aligned media…..Around 200K people gathered in Paris yesterday to protest against antisemitism. Many in Europe have had enough with the anti-Israeli marches that are often accompanied by vandalism, threats and outright violence. March against antisemitism in Paris: 20+ members of the French government led by Prime Ministrer Elisabeth Borne and MFA Catherine Colonna; former French presidents François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy; all political parties except the far-left represented….

Col. Douglas MacGregor: "America Will Have To Rescue Ourselves!" - Must Video - Monday, November 13, 2023 10:28 - I respect his opinions on military and world politics, but there’s many places where spending needs to be cut before you start attacking Social Security and Medicare, that people like me were forced to pay into for 40+ years, and still live in near poverty on what we currently receive…

New Charlie Ward & Derek Johnson & David Mahoney via The Insider's Club - November 13th 2023 - Monday, November 13, 2023 11:08 -

Mel K Short Clip | Attorney Tom Renz | How to Stop Election fraud? – Nov. 11, 2023 -

Mormonism & The Secret Occult Tunnels Exposed From Within-Spiritual Warfare (Flashback Monday) 9pm et - Monday, November 13, 2023 12:55 -

THE BURNING PLATFORM: RICH MAN’S WAR, POOR MAN’S BLOOD – Nov. 13, 2023 - “War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” – General Smedley Butler - Whether it is a distinguished general who came to his senses in 1935, after doing the bidding of the moneyed interests by initiating conflict throughout the world to fill their coffers with blood money, or a rock & roll star fifty years later writing a hit song about the exact same theme, the song remains the same….



The Great & Final Jubilee

By Wilfred Hahn

Published on: August 9, 2019

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 123, 2023



Ripening Times – An Endtime Wealth Explosion: Part I

(The Great and Final Jubilee)


In this series, we have been documenting the many trends and developments in the world today that evidence the “ripening” of the times. We are systematically identifying the “trends of significance”—this meaning worldwide developments that have only recently erupted on the scene in line with Bible prophecy and the promises of the Lord. These endtime “enabling” trends, we show, are so widespread and advanced that it would be plainly unreasonable to not conclude that the times are ripe for judgment and the return of our Lord.


In this issue, we focus on the unprecedented explosion of financial wealth and its global intertwining. A development we see rapaciously emerging in the world today is increasing economic captivity and financial oppression. We are now living in the most basal and duplicitous of financial regimes of all time. Economic oppression is becoming more extreme. Without a doubt, the economic order of the world is becoming ever more fragile. We will explain why. However, to truly document this statement, we must examine ancient history as well as modern financial developments. We will do that … though briefly.


What is exciting to learn, therefore, is that the Bible prophesies a day where these oppressive conditions will be reset. One great “Day of Jubilee” will be announced. Until then, however, the “endtime money snare” continues apace. The day will arrive where indeed a dictator can and will control the entire economic order of the world. No one will be able to buy or sell without first taking the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:17). According to our understanding of Scripture, that will happen closer to the middle or first half of the Tribulation Period.


Financial Trappings


We return to our aim of uncovering “significant” trends. Very definitely, one of these “signs of the times” that we have long identified as an end-time phenomenon is a global explosion of wealth (which goes hand-in-hand with rising materialism). It will be marked by a very imbalanced distribution of wealth—i.e. a super-rich emerging, which controls most of the world’s riches, and the majority of people having very little. A number of Bible verses prophesy this worldwide development; other Scriptures also prophesying companion trends.


We have written extensively about endtime wealth and related “money” trends for some time. A book written by this author entitled The Endtime Money Snare: How to Live Free (published in 2002, now out of print) specifically focused on this topic. As such, we will limit our documentation of the trends identified in this article, and refer to only one prophetic Scripture. It comprehensively describes such future conditions, and is found in James 5:1-6: It reads:


“Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.”


This description of “endtime” oppression by the rich could not be better put. As we see, wealth here is described as having been “heaped” or “amassed,” as implied by the Greek word saurizo. This is an important distinction as it gives evidence of a wealth skew. Wealth cannot be heaped and concentrated without there being a lessening or deprivation of someone else’s relative wealth.


Economists that study wealth distribution trends all conclude that today’s wealth skew (viewed both in America and globally) is the most extreme since the late 1920s … perhaps even from ancient Roman times.  However, an accurate assessment of such matters is impossible. Why? Because much wealth is deliberately hidden.


For example, one leading analyst and professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Gabriel Zucman, claims to have exposed trillions of dollars of tax evasion by the global rich. His conclusion is that the wealth imbalances are much worse than generally believed.


The Final Jubilee


The Bible describes a “resetting” of world financial and economic affairs occurring at the time of Christ’s return. Why? The world at that time would be economically oppressive; financially entrapping captives as never before. We lean to the view that first will come a judgment (that being the Great Tribulation period, when mankind’s systems are destroyed); then the Year of Our Lord’s Favor at the start of the Millennium.


As mentioned, today we live in the most basal of economic regimes of all time. It is the era of the creditor … the least virtuous and most unfair of economic orders. It is the most corrosive and oppressive of all (this comment perhaps linking to Apostle James’ comment that even gold would corrode in that time). It is a Roman system. It continues to define our global systems today. We are again heading toward a regime of plutocracies (meaning an era where the rich govern).


We note that Isaiah’s prophecies foreshadow this development. For example, for the time of the last days, he prophesied: “It will be the same for priest as for people, for the master as for his servant, for the mistress as for her servant, for seller as for buyer, for borrower as for lender, for debtor as for creditor” (Isaiah 24:2). We see here that he lists last the relationship of creditor and debtor.


Please note the order of the relationships described in this prophecy. There are five ranging from virtuous to basal. The timeclock of the progression is near midnight. Today, on a global level, the creditors (and the rich) have taken over, pushing the entire world into a condition of virtual slavery. According to David Graeber: “We are now witnessing the rise of the first planetary administrative system designed to protect the interest of the creditors over the social contract. The banksters and bean counters rule the world” (see his excellent and recent book Debt: The First 5,000 Years, Melville House, 2011).


Are we besmirching the rich? As we always explain, being rich is not a sin. In fact, some rich are highly used of the Lord. However, it is a fallen world in which the powers of Mammon and the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10) are the primary engines of human action upon earth.


Where Is the Lord’s Day of Favor?


Just where in the Bible is it prophesied that there would be a great Jubilee … namely, the Day of the Lord’s Favor? Readers will be familiar with this Levitical system. A Jubilee (which occurred every 50 years) effectively was an economic “resetting” … a restoration. All debts were extinguished, and heritage land was returned. A similar Sabbath year rest was also required. Every seven years, outstanding debts were laid flat.


However, our focus is upon the Jubilee Year, which provided a comprehensive resetting of wealth and debt every 50 years. The number 50 is the year that follows 7 weeks of 7. Therefore, the Jubilee Year was the 8th Sabbath in a 50-year period. The number eight in the Bible signifies a new beginning.


Isaiah tell us that “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me [Jesus], because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair […]” (Isaiah 61:1-3).


Clearly, the Year of the Lord’s Favor is mentioned. But what happens on this day?


In Matthew 17:11, Jesus said: “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.” What will be restored? All that was proclaimed by the prophets. So says Apostle Paul in Acts 3:21: “Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.”


To conclude: What is therefore proclaimed for the Day of the Lord’s Favor is good news for the poor and freedom for the captives, and the end of darkness for the prisoners. These all have an economic interpretation, and are the very same benefits that the Hebrews were commanded to perform in the Sabbath and Jubilee years.


The Hebrews, however, did not do so … at least not for very long. God indicts them for this very thing. In time, God punished Israel and Judah for not observing this ordinance. “Therefore this is what the LORD says: You have not obeyed me; you have not proclaimed freedom to your own people. So I now proclaim ‘freedom’ for you, declares the LORD—‘freedom’ to fall by the sword, plague and famine. I will make you abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth” (Jeremiah 34:17).


The 70-year captivity in Babylon was directly proportionate to the number of Sabbaths that Judah had not observed for the previous 490 years, as Moses had warned (Leviticus 26:34). “The land enjoyed its sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed in fulfillment of the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah” (2 Chronicles 36:21).


A similar judgment will come upon the whole world’s Mammon creditor system, which refuses economic freedom and to uphold the borrower. Rather, it protects the creditor not observing any Jubilees or Sabbaths. The first six millennia will be followed by a final Jubilee, which aligns with the 7th Millennium … the Chiliasm otherwise known as the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ upon earth.


Thoughts to Ponder


The Lord’s Prayer, given to us in Matthew 6:9-13, has the statement, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (verse 12). However, Luke provides us a slightly different version of this prayer. He writes: “And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us” (Luke 11:4, KJV). Here we note that Matthew refers to “debts” being forgiven, while Luke mentions “sins” being forgiven. Two different Greek words are used: “debts” (opheilēma) and “sin” (hamartia), respectively. Are these two accounts therefore inconsistent … one of them perhaps in error?


No. Both of these similarly involve indebtedness. Sin and debt are very closely related concepts. It is important to recognize that the Lord’s Prayer embraces the entire cosmology of God’s plan for the world, and is therefore also prophetic in character. The statement, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10) will not happen until the Millennium at the earliest. Similarly, the full forgiveness of mankind’s sins and debts, including that of the Hebrews (Daniel 9:24), will not occur until the beginning of the Millennium. As such, the forgiveness of both debts and sins are in the spectrum of the Lord’s Prayer. In the final Part II, we discuss the ripening of the timeline calling for a final Jubilee.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Final Endtime Wealth Transfers


Final Endtime Wealth Transfers - MedBeds Arrive! - Israel Raids Enemy Base In Gaza - X22 Report - Clown Show Has Ended - Bidens getting Subpoenaed – Impeachment Moving Forward - Europeans Taking Up Arms Against Muslims - Netanyahu Says Israel Won't Agree to PA's Return to Gaza & more.

Research & Comments by Pstor Gary Boyd

Nov. 11 & 12 2023




Israel Raids Enemy Base In Gaza! Iran's Biggest Arsenal Found! Secret Tunnel Line Destroyed! War!! - ARY Media - Saturday, November 11, 2023 11:01 -  Cutting Gaza in 2A: A siege is taking place in Gaza City, with the sea on one side and Israeli forces on the other three. According to a statement by the Israel Defense Forces, Gaza City, the largest city in the Gaza Strip historically, was under siege. Three sides have been under siege by Israeli forces: the northern part of the Gaza Strip, the Mediterranean Sea, and the city devastated by the conflict. Because Hamas and other militants are deprived of surface supplies, tunnels leading to regions outside the blockade can be found and destroyed…

X22 Report: Soros, Global Bankers Are Attempting To Destroy Nationalism, Patriots Are Rising! - Harley Schlanger - Must Video - Saturday, November 11, 2023 11:17 - Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization. Harley begins the conversation talking about the Germany on how the people are beginning to be concerned about the state of the economy and how they are now moving to net zero. Germany is now losing manufacturing and the economy is suffering. Harley explains how Biden is now trapped and the war that is approaching is going to become more intense.

Judy Byington: Today is Sat. 11 Nov. (11/11) It’s the 1111th Day Since Q’s First Post. Q Clock Has Run Out. Clown Show Has Ended. CHECKMATE! (Video) - Saturday, November 11, 2023 4:28 - It is essential that we differentiate between the innocent Chinese, Jewish, Ukrainian and American peoples as opposed to their evil Satan worshipping perpetrators in the Chinese Communist Party, Zionist Orsini Tuscan and Talmudic Jews of the Khazarian Mafioso and the Deep State rulers of the USA secretly established in 1871 by the Rothschild family (e.g., the Central Bankers) known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. - Today is Sat. 11 Nov. (11/11). It’s the 1111th day since Q’s first post. The Q Clock Has Run Out. The Clown Show Has Ended. Checkmate. - The Storm Wed. 8 Nov. to Sun. 19 Nov. - Nov. 14-17 China’s Xi visits the U.S. -

A Warning From Kerry Cassidy - HUGE "White Hats Military 11.10.2Q23": Shock Event Incoming! (Video) - Saturday, November 11, 2023 4:10 - Kerry comes forth with HUGE info about the White Hats Military and their moves, and a few incoming shock events we all need to be aware of!

This Is Part of a Plan - Q Is NOT a Psyop!! Israel Is Being Exposed PART TWO!!! (Video) - Saturday, November 11, 2023 3:57 - Here’s Part 2 of Patriot Girl’s series about Q isn’t a psyop and now Israel is being exposed! You don’t want to miss this, Patriot Girl connects the dots in a way you’ve not heard, until NOW! -

David Mahoney: This is Big, Folks! The Bidens Getting Subpoenaed, New Trump Info and More! (Video) - Saturday, November 11, 2023 4:21 - Bidens getting Subpoenaed… Trump Rallies … Nasa’s Fake Agenda… and lots more…

ATLAS SHRUGS - HAMASURRECTION: On Veterans Day, Pro-Terror Mobs Tear Down American Flags in NYC, Replace Them With Jihad Flags - Saturday, November 11, 2023 9:08 - These terrorists are enemies of the US as much as they are enemies of Israel. The motive and ideology behind 9/11 is the same as the jihad against Israel. Watch police do nothing. NYC: Pro-Hamas protesters riot and tear down the American flag and replace it with the Palestinian flag. These people are enemies of the US as much as they are enemies of Israel. Stand with justice, stand with liberal democracy, stand with Israel.

ATLAS SHRUGS: “There Actually Was Meaningful Voter Fraud in Fulton County, Georgia.” - Saturday, November 11, 2023 9:08 - Two Fulton County attorneys resigned on Thursday, who may have been involved in the 2020 Election, including the case where VoterGA has requested the ability to look at some absentee ballots that were identified in the county during a recount that appeared to be all copies for Joe Biden.

ETHAN WHITE: UPDATE! Medbeds Arrive! - Saturday, November 11, 2023 7:42 - The unveiling of the ‘Medbed’ technology and the emergence of over 6,000 advanced patented technologies marks a seismic shift in the paradigm we’ve known. This isn’t just a development; it’s a revelation that shakes the foundations of everything we’ve been conditioned to believe. The victory of the ‘white hats’ isn’t just a triumph in a shadowy conflict; it’s the breaking of chains that have long shackled human potential and innovation. We are not merely stepping into a ‘New Earth‘; we are being catapulted into an existence that defies the boundaries of our current understanding. This transition is more than a change in environmental or technological circumstances. It’s an elevation, a transformation that touches the very core of our being, awakening energies that will irrevocably alter the essence of our planet.

ALL ISRAEL NEWS: Fighting in Gaza City intensifies, Israel says it killed 30 Hamas terrorists and several top Hamas commandos – ALL ISRAEL NEWS STAFF – NOV. 10, 2023 - Over the past 24 hours, operating on precise IDF intelligence, Israeli soldiers have killed numerous Hamas' Nukhba terrorists who participated in the October 7th massacre. Among the terrorists were Ahmed Musa, a company commander, and Omar Al-Hindi, a platoon commander, both located in western Jabalya. Musa was one of the commanders leading the invasion into the Zikim Base, Kibbutz Zikim and the Yiftah Outpost. Over the last few days, he led attacks against IDF troops in the area of western Jabalya. In addition, based on IDF and Shin Bet intelligence, the head of the sniper unit of Hamas’ Northern Brigade, Mohammed Kahlout, was eliminated.

THE JERUSALEM POST: ‘Nasrallah is holding his cards close to his chest’ - An analysis of the Israel-Hamas war by leading strategic expert Ayelet Frish - By ERIC NARROW -  NOVEMBER 10, 2023 14:47 - Soldiers enclose around Gaza City, Houthis in Yemen claim to have launched drone attacks towards Israel, Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah speaks out publicly on the War for the first time, Congress votes to censure Rashida Tlaib, and antisemitism runs rampant throughout major global cities as the war continues to dominate public discourse and headlines around the world, and that is just this week. Amidst the layered complexities surrounding Israel’s war against the Hamas, there is one unobjectionable truth – the global implications of the Israel-Hamas War permeate all levels of society and will leave a lasting impact throughout the Middle East and the rest of the world. -

ISRAEL TODAY: Are Europeans taking up arms against Muslim minorities? British hooligans and right-wing groups are descending on London on Saturday to crack down on pro-Hamas protesters. - By Michael Selutin | Nov 10, 2023 at 8:00 am - October 7, 2023 could also be a fateful date for Western countries where millions of violent Muslims live. The pro-Hamas demonstrations in major cities in Europe and North America have shown citizens that the Muslims living in their midst may not be a cultural asset after all. Politicians react to this change in their voters’ attitudes with threatening words, but no one knows whether they mean it. In Britain, some nationalist groups are taking the law into their own hands and opposing Muslim and progressive protesters.

ISRAEL 365 NEWS: Senators say Israel should be given time to defeat Hamas at bipartisan event - Happy the nation whose Hashem is Hashem, the people He has chosen to be His own. – PSALMS 33:12 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE) - STAFF WRITER - US-ISRAEL RELATIONS - NOVEMBER 10, 2023 - In a bipartisan show of solidarity, U.S. Senators and Congressmen from across the political spectrum expressed their absolute support for Israel and for it to be given full backing to defeat Hamas at an event on Tuesday to move forward with legislation to celebrate the U.S. – Israel relationship by minting commemorative coins featuring former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. The event was arranged to be held exactly 30 days after the massacre of Israelis on October 7th. At the event, Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) The chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said: “We are going to give Israel the time it needs, and we need to maintain support to protect the people of Israel. It is essential that Hamas be destroyed. It is pure evil.” Senator Mullin also said that those who support terrorist organizations in the U.S. should be considered domestic terrorists…

NATURAL NEWS: Aussie telco giant’s OUTAGE affects over 10M customers and 400,000 businesses - 11/09/2023 // Belle Carter - Australia’s second-largest telecommunications provider, Optus, has left millions without phone or internet and the country in chaos due to a nationwide outage Wednesday. The Australian Financial Review reports that the provider, whose services are considered national critical infrastructure, has not provided an explanation as to what is causing the outage which is ongoing at the time of publishing…

REAL RAW NEWS: Biden-Funded Ukrainian Military Tortures, Kills, and EATS Innocent Russian Civilians - By Michael Baxter - November 11, 2023 - The Ukrainian military has abducted and tortured, maimed, killed, and consumed elderly Russian citizens from border settlements near the city of Gokovo, according to FSB agent Andrei Zakharov and gruesome video General Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s commander in chief of armed forces, sent to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

THE WESTERN JOURNAL: Harvard, US Treasury Economists Forced to Admit Trump Tax Cuts Worked as Advertised - By Randy DeSoto - November 11, 2023 at 9:20am - Economists from Harvard, Princeton, the University of Chicago and the U.S. Treasury concluded in a recent report the Trump corporate tax reform worked as advertised. The Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman wrote in a summary of the 51-page National Bureau of Economic Research report that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created a surge in business investment, which greatly benefited the economy.

Charlie Ward: Bombshells and Dire Warnings! SHTF & TEOTWAWKI (Video) - Sunday, November 12, 2023 4:17 -

Lt. Scott Bennett & Dustin Nemos: This is the Sort of Info Everyone Needs to Know and Share! (Video) - Sunday, November 12, 2023 4:06 - Dustin Nemos joins Lt. Scott Bennett for this new, info packed video that everyone needs to see and share widely!

Judy Byington: Banks Failing Stateside, The Storm is HERE, Martial Law, It's All Going to Happen! Special Intel Report Sun. Nov. 12, 2023 (Video) - Sunday, November 12, 2023 4:40 - Biden Impeachment Pending After Federal Judge affirmed hard evidence that the First Family engaged in a long pattern of extortion, bribery, influence peddling, tax fraud and staggering abuses of power. …Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, on Mon. 6 Nov. 2023 - “The US Note went live last night at midnight Sat. 4 Nov. Bank crashes will closely follow.”…Dr. Charlie Ward, Head of Bank Redemption Committee - “NESARA was activated on Sun. morning 5 Nov. Over the next few weeks you will see bank failure after bank failure.”… Phil Godlewski - Judy Note: Countries of the BRICS Alliance were soon activating their gold/asset-backed currencies as a result of the demise of the privately owned fiat US Federal Reserve Dollar and their quest for Global financial stability. This would cut off the Vatican’s Khazarian Mafia’s US Inc. money supply – which would mean an end to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS or Central Banks), UN, European Crown (EU) and Vatican – and reason why banks all over the World were failing this coming week, including the Deep State owned Central Banks…

ALTAS SHRUGS: Another UNRWA School That was Cover for a Hamas Underground Bunker - Sunday, November 12, 2023 9:32 - Another school, another hospital, another UN facility. Remember this when the legacy media clutches it pearls and demonizes Israel for ….. taking out Hamas. The UN knew. The UN is aligned with the jihad force. Another UNRWA school, this one in Beit Lahiya, that was cover for a Hamas underground bunker directly underneath its courtyard. The sinkhole and collapsed pavement prove it. There is no way UNRWA didn’t know about this. (Comment: It is time to shut down the UN, its mandate as a peacekeeper has become an international joke; they are controlled & ran by communist entities that no longer serve the public good. The message is defund and arrest key players.)

Y-NEWS: IDF fighter jets struck in Syria; Netanyahu says Israel won't agree to PA's return to Gaza - Netanyahu says the day after the war, Israel will have security-wise control in the Gaza Strip, with the ability to enter whenever needed to eliminate terrorists who may resurface - ynet correspondents|Yesterday | 00:34 - In response to the attack toward the Golan Heights on Saturday, IDF fighter jets struck terror infrastructure sites in Syria. Earlier today IDF said two launches were identified from Syria toward Israeli territory that fell in open areas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the progress of the war in the Gaza Strip on Saturday saying "The war against Hamas-Islamic State is advancing at full force, with one goal: victory. There is no substitute for winning.

ALL ISRAEL NEWS: Israeli defense minister warns Hezbollah is close to ‘grave mistake’ after intense skirmishes over the weekend - All Israel News Staff | Published: November 11, 2023 - Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant repeated his warnings against the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah during a tour of Israel’s northern border on Saturday, following an intense weekend of fighting that saw five IDF soldiers seriously injured. “I have come here in order to conduct a situation assessment in light of Hezbollah’s aggression - it’s no longer just provocations,” Gallant emphasized. Gaza’s citizens are fleeing south under white flags, Gallant said. “If [Hezbollah] will make such mistakes here, the first to pay the price will be the citizens [because of Hezbollah]. What we can do in Gaza, we can also do in Beirut.” “We haven’t even used 10% of the Israeli Air Force's power in Gaza,” he added.

ALL NEWS PIPELINE: According to eminent Swiss microbiologist and specialist in infectious diseases, Prof. Dr. Pietro Vernazza as reported on this twitter/X thread, we’re now witnessing ENORMOUS declines in birth rates across the planet, what he calls “the largest decline ever seen in all of history.” By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die – Nov. 11 2023 - According to eminent Swiss microbiologist and specialist in infectious diseases, Prof. Dr. Pietro Vernazza as reported on this twitter/X thread, we're now witnessing ENORMOUS declines in birth rates across the planet, what he calls "the largest decline ever seen in all of history." Claiming that according to 'health authorities' who he has spoken with about this monstrous decline, "they're not sure exactly WHAT is causing it," and that "the only thing they are certain of is that it is NOT 'the vaccination'," it's quite interesting and totally alarming that somehow, someway, 'health authorities' can confirm ITS NOT 'the vax,' but they're not quite sure what it is. With Dr. Vernazza claiming that AS A SCIENTIST, he has to look at all possibilities, so "Before we further distribute and use these mRNA vaccinations, we need to study them further" to rule out the alarming possibility that 'the vax' is causing this huge decline in birth rates, we'll be exploring within this story the continued uptick across America and the world in 'sudden and mysterious deaths' in formerly very healthy people, deaths often occurring in the most unusual of ways, and sometimes even caught on video for the entire world to see if they're only paying attention.

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism on Campus - By Mike LaChance - Nov. 10, 2023 9:30 pm - In October, billionaire Leon Cooperman announced live on FOX Business that he would no longer donate money to Columbia University over the pro-Hamas demonstrations that were taking place there. He said that the students have s**t for brains. Now another billionaire named Henry Swieca is pulling his support from the school for the same reasons. This is a very loud wake up call for higher education in America. This is how things get changed. When these far left indoctrination factories see their funding dry up, they might finally get the message that people are tired of this.




Final Endtime Wealth Transfers: No Relief for Elites, Pt 4

By Wilfred Hahn

Published on: November 11, 2023

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 12, 2023

A popular pastime in some circles is to document the transgressions of the world’s rich people and to condemn them. There seems to be a countless number of bloggers and newsletter writers that track the activities of the rich and their supposedly evil schemes. According to some of these observers, rich elites (whether organized or individual, Jew or Gentile) are conspiring to take over the world. They are seen to be diabolically evil—a brotherhood of demon-inspired conspirators who have sold their souls to the devil.


Perhaps some people fit this description. However, our view of conspiracy theories is that they are mostly unnecessary distractions for the Christian. Yes, there is a group that calls itself the Bilderbergers, and there may be an Illuminati.


There definitely are many types of conspiracies perpetrated by humankind. If so, then what should be the response of the Christian? Condemnation … taking upon us the assignment of tracking their every move … reporting publicly their every sin … organizing political activism against such purported people?


Every human being has the same potential to sin. We are all sinners; all of us naturally give priority to our own interests (rather than loving our neighbors as ourselves), have the same vulnerability to lusts and idols, the same inventiveness in justifying our actions. Rich people are no different as humans. They will face the judgment seat just like everyone else. All sins are sin. Then, why single out only one particular caricature of a sinner? Why not all other sinners? The Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).


The so-called “elites” of the last-day world have no special privileges, seen from the perspective of eternity. Long ago … long before the intense commercialization of mankind, the Psalmist was already scribing this: “Do not be overawed when others grow rich, when the splendor of their houses increases; for they will take nothing with them when they die, their splendor will not descend with them” (Psalm 49:16-17).


When the judgments of the Tribulation period come and wealth hoards are destroyed, elites are not omitted from this outcome. “They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out” (Revelation 18:19a). Inhospitable conditions apply to everyone. There is no exception for the elites. “Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains” (Revelation 6:15).


And when the False Prophet arrives on the scene and puts in place controls on “buying and selling,” it applies to everyone. The beast “forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads” (Revelation 13:16).


The elites of the world are just as deceived and deluded as anyone else. As the Bible lays out, the challenges of wealth have existed from time immemorial, and the basic human underpinnings of conspiracies, in essence, are no different today. What is different is that in our time, we face global dimensions of these conditions.


The Church, Poor and Rich


The Bible has a unique interpretation of who is truly rich and who is not. At least, that would be the opinion of most people living in our presently humanistic age, whether Christian or not. Christ pointed to the importance of true riches for His followers and the Church, saying: “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?” (Luke 16:11-12).


Yet, a large swathe of churches today stages the attractiveness of Christianity in terms of the pursuit of earthly prosperity. In this view, practical Christianity must produce earthly rewards and worldly affluence. The problem with this perspective is that it is not Biblical. Nowhere in the New Testament is there any hint of this principle. Not one of the disciples ended up a wealthy man, with the possible exception of Judas for a few days. His fate is well-known.


Instead, the New Testament shows Christians to be persecuted. Here is just one substantiation: “For you did sympathize and suffer along with those who were imprisoned, and you bore cheerfully the plundering of your belongings and the confiscation of your property, in the knowledge and consciousness that you yourselves had a better and lasting possession” (Hebrews 10:34).


It is not surprising that Christianity would be attracted by the great worldly wealth explosion of the last days. Its lures are powerful. Apostle John reveals that the last of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation is the one that is lukewarm and fixated on wealth: “You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked” (Revelation 3:17).


Nonetheless, some movements believe that the wealth of the world—the “wealth of the wicked,” as it is sometimes called—will be transferred to the Church. It is claimed that there will yet be a last-day global harvest before the Lord returns and that the Church will need great wealth to fund this objective, as well as to eradicate poverty in the world.


We do not wish to dissuade genuine revivals. However, there are many problems with the concept of last-day wealth transfer applying to the Church. Again, there is not one verse we can find in the New Testament that even indirectly refers to a great endtime wealth transfer to the Church. Even the book of Revelation is silent on this topic, though it refers to the destruction of the wealth of Babylon the Great, “never to be recovered” (Revelation 18:14b).


Assuredly, if such wealth were to be transferred to the Church, support for this concept would have been found in the New Testament. Instead, there we only find admonishments about the deceitfulness of wealth and how the faith of many will grow cold due to the cares of this life.


Christian Blindness


Sadly, much of today’s Church has swallowed the lie that enduring peace among men can only be found in the bowels of Mammon—particularly those branches of Christendom that endorse Replacement Theology (the Church being substituted for Israel) and aspects of Dominion Theology (which is dominating political circles today), but not exclusively so. Even much of North America’s pre-Millennial evangelical community suffers from this Babylonian occlusion. We think our riches and power (also evangelical political power) are useful tools for God to disseminate faith in the world. We shout our judgments, the proper course for others, while replete and comfortable from the bowels of the most materialistic societies on earth.


What exactly is this occlusion? It is an optical one for the most part. Living inside the systemic global Babylon now suffusing the world, residing in its present hot spots (certainly including North America)—the time of Babylon the Great, the great city, the global village of commercial religion—they (we) cannot see. The sliver has become so large, it has become a log. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3).


They (we) cannot see clearly for several reasons. The most crucial one is that our point of reference has become the world, not the Bible. The world enjoins us, shouting that the “future is friendly,” 1 that peace is attainable through the eradication of poverty (meaning equality and wealth for all), and that the objective of a prosperous heaven on earth is found in religious and commercial Babylon.


A second reason for our blindness is that the same smugness and confidence found in ancient Babylon is evident today. “Sit in silence, go into darkness, Daughter of the Babylonians; […] You said, ‘I will continue forever—the eternal queen!’ But you did not consider these things or reflect on what might happen. Now then, listen, you wanton creature, lounging in your security and saying to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children.’ Both of these will overtake you in a moment, on a single day” (Isaiah 47:5, 7-9a). While this prophecy did have a near-term fulfillment, it also speaks of a yet future event.


Isaiah’s words line up with Revelation 18:7, which describes the “great city” of Babylon: “Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.'” Given these characteristics of pride and complacency, they (we) are blind to the reality of true riches and the world’s extreme vulnerability to the judgment and wrath of God.


A third reason why we may not be able to see the greater endtime Babylon today is we may have misconceived notions. Some prophecy commentators today hold the view that Babylon the Great of Revelation 18 is only a city—in other words, a physical place. Indeed, there may be a city considered to be its center. But endtime Babylon the Great is never called a city in the Bible. To be technically correct, the “economic” Babylon of Revelation 18 is always called the “great city”—in fact, six times in the Book of Revelation. It is never called a “city,” only a “great city.” This is significant.


In the Greek, the word combination “great city” is found only 10 times in the New Testament—6 times for economic Babylon, 3 times for religious Babylon, and once for the New Jerusalem. Each of its uses leaves open the interpretation that the “great city” means something bigger than just a common city—perhaps a system, organization, or a unique structure. In former times, a city was the closest thing there was to an organized economic entity. In fact, ancient Greek had no word for “system” or “organization” as we understand the terms today. We are hard-pressed to find words or word combinations anywhere in the Bible that explicitly refer to the idea of a system. We do find word combinations in the Old Testament that refer to globalism, but not a specific word that means “system.”


As such, Babylon the Great is not necessarily only a physical city. Rather, it seems more plausible that it is also a system; in this case, the economic trade and financial system dominated by the present or future high-income countries of the world, if not the entire world.


The colossal global commercial system or “great city” exists today. A similar concept is still imbedded in the English language … the global village. This global economic village has erupted upon the world in very short order.


Thoughts to Ponder


We live during a time of massive deception and corruption. Many can’t see it. A great trap is being laid for the people of the world.


Many Christians are in that number, particularly those who live in the prosperous West. We have also been duped into believing that, in the end, it is Mammon that will bring peace to the world, not Christ.


There is one thing in which all prophecy scholars must agree: Babylon—whatever its type or identity—clearly comes to an end. In one hour, it falls and is judged. The final form of Babylon does not carry through into the Millennium. The great commercial colossus and its imbedded religious idolatries are ended.


The Bible does prophesy a major endtime wealth transfer. However, it is not to a particular church or “righteous” group, as some religious movements like to claim, but rather to Israel and to the righteous of the millennial kingdom.


What of an endtime wealth transfer?


The final great wealth transfer is to Israel, not the Church.


The true Church of the last days, if anything, is more a remnant than it is resplendent with wealth. Revelation 3:8 says that the church of the “open door” is weak and feeble—far from being imbued with worldly power and wealth. It is this little Philadelphian band of believers that is promised, “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth” (Revelation 3:10).


Where should we look for wealth and power? “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” (Revelation 5:12).


Friday, November 10, 2023

Debt Freedom Coming


The Falling Away Is Moving Right Along – Billionaire Penny Pritzker Guilty at GITMO – Dems Want to Bring Terrorists Here - Debt Freedom Coming - The Clown Show Ends This Week – 52 Hamas Terrorists Are Rounded Up in West Bank Village & more.

Researched & Comments by Pastor Gary boyd

Nov. 10, 2023




MAIL ONLINE: Dozens of Hamas terrorists are rounded up by Israel's Shin Bet in dramatic raid on West Bank village - Israeli security forces arrested 52 Hamas terrorists in the West Bank tonight - Armed Magev and Shin Bet officers raided several locations in Barta'a - Live: President Biden says there is 'no possibility' of a ceasefire - By PERKIN AMALARAJ - PUBLISHED: 19:00 EST, 9 November 2023 | UPDATED: 05:04 EST, 10 November 2023 - Dozens of suspected Hamas terrorists have been rounded up and arrested for illegally being in Israel in a shock raid on a village that borders the West Bank. Israel's security service, Shin Bet, worked with the border force, Magav, to round up 52 Hamas members in several locations in Barta'a, a small town that straddles both Israel and the West Bank. Dramatic images show armed officers storming through the front door of a building on the Palestinian side of Barta'a, and climbing up stairs to get to the terrorists.

REAL RAW NEWS: JAG Convicts U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker - By Michael Baxter -November 9, 2023 - The United States Navy Judge Advocate General Corps has convicted U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker, JAG sources told Real Raw News. As reported earlier, JAG investigators apprehended Pritzker on charges of treason and defrauding the United States as she left Tyler Perry Studios White House facsimile on September 22, after which she was escorted to Guantanamo Bay to await a military tribunal. Once in custody, a generally untalkative Pritzker made an incredulous request, telling interrogators that if they called Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he would clear up any misunderstandings and secure her release. Intrigued, JAG personnel phoned the number Pritzker had memorized, but repeated calls went to a voicemail box in Warsaw, Poland. Afterward, she contacted 15 of the most prestigious criminal law firms in the U.S.; none, however, would defend her. “You’re at GITMO? We can’t take your case,” she was told.

THE DAILY SIGNAL: Democrats’ evolving defense of President Joe Biden and his family’s business activities speaks volumes about where the congressional investigation that is now an impeachment inquiry is going, says Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga. - “If the evidence wasn’t legitimate evidence, they would still be at their very first position,” Clyde, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Wednesday. “But they are not because the evidence has refuted their position. It’s going to refute their position all the way to the point of legitimate articles of impeachment.” Even Democrats Know ‘Evidence Is Concrete’ in Biden Probe, Rep. Andrew Clyde Says – By Fred Lucas /  November 09, 2023 -

BLP: Democrats are Trying to Open the Floodgates to Palestinian Migrants After Hamas Attack on Israel - By Jose Nino - Nov 10, 2023 - Several Democrat leaders such as Illinois Dick Durbin and Washington Congressman Pramila Jayapal are calling on the Biden regime to designate the Palestinian territories a “Temporary Protected Status,” allowing foreign nationals to remain in the United States in an effort to ostensibly de-escalate tensions in Israel after the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023. “We urge your Administration to designate the Palestinian territories for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and/or authorize Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for Palestinians present in the United States,” the draft letter to President Joe Biden said. “As you know, TPS and DED offer temporary relief from removal and work authorization for eligible foreign nationals who are unable to return safely to their home countries or part of a country.’” – (Comment: That is right folks they want to bring these untrustworthy, hateful killers here to America. It is go time to rid us of these traitors & seditious lot of so called Congressmen who double deal to enrich themselves all the time. Mass arrests coming.)

New Benjamin Fulford: Special Forces are Down Tunnels Hunting Satanists in Israel - Friday Geopolitical November Update 2023 - Friday, November 10, 2023 8:56 – The Entire planet is tired of these Satanic gangsters starting wars, killing thousands of children every year for sex trafficking & organ & adrenochrome harvesting; the KM must go. – Congress is just a place of actors reading script, enriching themselves from your money; it is time for them to go. – Soon there will be debt freedom, no more being a slave to debt; those days will be gone forever.

 Judy Byington: You Are Inside the Storm. Unmasking the Elite. Revealing the Truth. Patriots Standing Strong. Special Intel Report Fri. 10 Nov. 2023 (Video) - Friday, November 10, 2023 4:45 - AP, CNN, NY Times and Reuters had journalists embedded with Hamas Terrorists in the Oct. 7 massacre. This is absolutely atrocious. Did they know about the attack ahead of time? Yes. They had to. · Thurs. 9 Nov. JFK Jr. on Telegram: “The Clown Show ends this week”. · Thurs. 9 Nov. The Senate Judiciary Committee has issued subpoenas for names of those who went to Epstein Island. Epstein Island was the center for Child Sex Trafficking. The sex parties were recorded and then used to blackmail the Elite to do the Deep State’s bidding. So now we’re talking Suicide Weekend. – ROE VS WADE reversal must be upheld & end put to abortion & organ harvesting at abortion clinics. Abortion must end now. - “The goal is to use Ukraine to wash money out of the US and Europe through Ukraine and back into the hands of a transnational elite [BLACKROCK]. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”. …Julian Assange - Wed. 8 Nov. at 12 Noon EST Wells Fargo Bank received the Cash Release Codes and announced “OK. Get ready. The rescue of Financial Instruments Has Just Begun”: The launch of the Global Fund has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the beginning of the Global Asset Redemption Program officially launched an hour ago (9 am EST on Wed. 8 Nov.). This is fantastic news for all beneficiaries. Tens of thousands of transactions around the world can now start paying. It’s Time. May God Bless Us All. -

SG Anon: Breaking Info - Israel, the Borders, and Never Before Heard Intel (Video) - Friday, November 10, 2023 3:59 - Meri interviews SG ANON with BREAKING NEWS on the current situation GLOBALLY and ENCOURAGEMENT that “BIG THINGS ARE BREAKING FOR THE PATRIOTS” -

ALERT! High-Ranking U.S. Military Official Warns of Imminent Bank Collapses! - Friday, November 10, 2023 9:25 - The Unfolding Events in the United States The unfolding events in the United States are not just ripples on the surface of a calm lake, but rather are seismic waves indicating a tectonic shift in the very foundations of the country’s political, economic, and social structures. - The Call for Impeachment - The call for the impeachment of President Biden, which has gained unprecedented momentum, is not merely a political maneuver but a catalyst for far-reaching changes. This includes the advent of the GESARA system and the introduction of the rainbow currency… (Comment: My Intel says the clown show, all actors in the fake white house, most of Congress will be gone by this weekend. Enjoy the show.)

ATLAS SHRUGS: ‘Palestinian’ Mother: I Will Happily Sacrifice My 17 Children, 65 Grandchildren for the Sake of Allah - Friday, November 10, 2023 8:08 - “Palestinian grandmother on Hamas TV says Jihad against Jews is the top priority of the Palestinian people. She is ready to sacrifice all her 17 children and 65 grandchildren as martyrs for the cause of killing Jews and taking over Jewish land.” The great Wafu Sultan in her courageous book, “The God Who Hates,” called these women ‘the hen who incubates the eggs of terrorism.’ -

ALGEMEIMER: Concealed Foreign Money to US Universities Linked to Campus Antisemitism, Erosion of Liberal Norms: Report by Dion J. Pierre – Nov. 9, 2023 - “Over the last decade, institutions of higher education across the United States of America received billions of dollars from foreign donors that were not reported to the US Department of Education, as required,” said the report, titled “The Corruption of the American Mind.” “In its totality, these findings described how a lack of transparency in funding reporting occurred in tandem with antidemocratic norms and antisemitism across American institutions of higher education.”

LIFE SITE NEWS: Pope Francis says ‘trans’ people can be godparents, homosexual ‘parents’ can have children baptized - Pope Francis' latest document comes despite the fact that the Catholic Church teaches that deliberate bodily mutilation and homosexual acts are gravely sinful, and that those requesting baptism for children must intend to raise the children in the Catholic faith. - Wed Nov 8, 2023 - 3:55 pm EST - (Comment: My Intel says this man is not a Christian, does not advance the cause of Christendom, wants to start a one world religion to go along with a one world order, and does not have the backing of a large majority of Catholics. He is a forerunner of the false prophet the Bible talks of for the last days. I have been told he is dead and the one now in office is an impersonator.)  VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) –– Pope Francis has approved a text drawn up by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández attesting that “transgender” individuals can be godparents for the sacrament of Baptism, as well as allowing homosexual “parents” to have their children baptized. Pope Francis’ latest document comes despite the fact that the Catholic Church teaches that deliberate bodily mutilation and homosexual acts are gravely sinful, and that those requesting Baptism for children must intend to raise the children in the Catholic faith….

New Charlie Ward Is Back: November Remember Intel! with Paul Brooker, Mark Attwood, Gary Kealy - Friday, November 10, 2023 10:53 -

“We own the Science and the World should know it”: UN & WEF admit they CENSOR Search Results & pay Big Tech & Influencers to shape Public Opinion on Climate Change & COVID etc…Friday, November 10, 2023 10:08 - In those meetings, UN officials declared that they apparently “own the science”. - They also admitted to; among other things – Partnering with Google to censor search results that don’t fit the official narrative and ensure their propaganda is top of the list in relation to things such as ‘Covid-19’ and ‘Climate Change’ in order to shape public opinion. - Partnering with Big Tech Social Media companies to boost propaganda messaging on things such as Covid-19 and Climate Change in order to shape public opinion. - Giving millions to social media influencers to spout their propaganda for them in order to shape public opinion. -

LISA HAVEN: Biden Busted Giving China & Russia Access To Top Secret Site…What It Holds Is Explosive! - Friday, November 10, 2023 12:34 - The Biden administration has just crossed yet another line that could complete give China and Russia the upper hand if and when we go to war with them. You won’t believe where he intends to bring their leaders and why. All that and more in this  critical report…

THE DON BONGINO SHOW: New Eye-Opening Numbers Behind The COVID Vax! - Dan Bongino - Friday, November 10, 2023 12:56 - The American people want America to win, not the Republicans, not the Democrats, but America itself. Trump 2024, America wins.

REAL RAW NEWS: White Hats Suspect Deep State D.E.W. Caused Texas Chemical Plant Explosion - Real Raw News Update w/ Michael Baxter - Friday, November 10, 2023 14:19 - This war is very real. Countless brave warriors are engaged in not only a spiritual battle, but also a physical battle of good vs. evil. Perhaps one day we will learn of the tactics and operations this army of heroes utilized to save the world. Until then we have the courageous work of Real Raw News dot com. Michael Baxter quantifies and shares the results of this ongoing saga – which I anxiously await every day. Bookmark Real Raw News today! - White Hats Suspect Deep State D.E.W. Caused Texas Chemical Plant Explosion – By Michael Baxter -

ATLAS SHRUGS: House Republican Files Ethics Complaint Against Judge in Trump Fraud Case - Friday, November 10, 2023 14:08 -



The Falling Away Is Moving Right Along

By Gene Lawley

Published on: January 27, 2022

Research by Pastor Gary Boyd

Nov. 10, 2023


Was the Apostle Paul a prophet? Did he foretell anything of the future having to do with God’s plans for the age? What could he have meant when he reported, after being left for dead from a stoning at Lystra, “How he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter” (2 Corinthians 12:4)? No doubt but that he learned prophecy there, firsthand!


Therefore, when Paul writes of events to come in the future, such as in 2 Thessalonians 2 of a “falling away of lawfulness,” we can count on it being a prophetic revelation. Along with that passage, the prior letter to the Thessalonians also bears some weighty prophetic revelations that can be counted on for our future, as well. There, we are told of the coming removal of the saints from the path of God’s wrath upon the unbelieving, an event called the Rapture.


The 2 Thessalonians 2:3 passage says, “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day [of the Lord] will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.”


It goes on to say, in verses 6-7, “And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.” Being taken out of the way of that lawless one’s progress of evil means that those righteous ones in whom dwells the Spirit of God are gone, departed from the earth and with the Lord.


This lawless one is identified as one who eventually, then, is able to assume a position in the temple and claim that he is God and demand that all must worship him. For background on this, let’s go to Daniel 9:26-27:


“And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.”


Several things are brought together in these two verses. Earlier in Daniel 9 is the declaration of a 70-week punishment of God upon the Jews for their rebellion, but the count stops at 69 weeks. (These are, strangely, weeks of years, that is, one “day” of the week is one year, so that the real count is seven years for each week.) Thus, there is the final 70th week not yet accounted for, and no other possibility remains but the seven-year treaty that is confirmed by this coming “prince” of the heritage of the Roman army, which destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 70 A.D.


Note, now, what he does, according to Daniel’s account, where he confirms that covenant, then breaks it after halfway through it. Then he desolates the temple by standing in it and declaring himself God and demanding that all worship him. Fast-forward to 2 Thessalonians 2, now, and see what Paul reports will happen in the future—a repeat of Daniel’s prophecy. This desolation of the temple is done in the future by the clear action of an identified person, the Antichrist. The claim that the temple is made desolate by an abomination brought on at its destruction in 70 A.D. is a figment of imagination by the false teachers who twist the Scriptures to support their preconceived ideas of how God’s plan should come about. Imagine someone declaring himself God and demanding worship while the temple he is standing in is being torn down by Roman soldiers?


This lawless one, the Antichrist, will not be some obscure person from the shadows of Europe and the old Roman nation; he merely has the heritage of that ancient nation. That also is not a likely appearance of such a person, for how does he acquire the authority to confirm a covenant with many? And then, declare an end to its fulfillment at mid-term? He will be a well-known, fully accepted person whom the world will welcome as their leader when the whole world of believers is taken away in the Rapture. One such person has already been identified as having been “primed” to lead [them] into a New World Order.


The Jewish people who remain behind will believe he is the Messiah, for he makes an effort to befriend them with a peace covenant and allows their rebuilding of the temple. (It is not yet restored, as you recall, but the Jews have fully prepared for its rebuilding.) Remember, the Jews are not looking for a Messiah with nail holes in His hands.


But, how soon will these things come to pass? What about this current degradation of the world’s morality and lawfulness, the defiance of justice for all, and the demand of the immorality of the LBGTQ+ Perversion faction for equality recognition? Is it just another wave of evil like those of the past—if there were any like this?


I contend that this is the time of the end, just as predicted by Daniel, Paul, and even Jesus, who said, “When these things begin to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28). The demands of evil people are universal and unrelenting, even permeating the highest governmental levels in many countries. The freedom of believing in God is fast losing favor among the nations, and declaring the claims of the gospel that believing it will change one’s life for the better is already essentially illegal in Canada and is looming closer in Britain. “Conversion counseling” it is called and is termed illegal in many USA states.


The collection of end-time events is bunching up, and it is hard to sort out which is coming next. We do know that this “falling away” is real and racing like so many lemmings to the destruction that can only be the end result. As righteousness is rejected and the reign of Satanic behavior multiplies, there can only be that result. “The thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy,” Jesus said in John 10:10.


We know from Scripture, now, that when this time of “falling away” comes to its climax, believers will be taken away to the Lord, and the remaining world will be in great dismay and terror with terrible conditions for survival. It will come at a time when the secular world will be feeling well and enjoying good times, according to Luke 17:26-30, which gives us that kind of a picture:


“And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot, they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.”


How can it be that “good times are here” when society is crumbling before our very eyes—sexual immorality fully promoted, lawlessness upheld, and criminals allowed freedom? Police dishonored and denied authority, and many other contrasts to a peaceable culture? Yet, the economy is reported as doing well; the stock market is holding steady in a rising market. Perhaps those who ignore God have no hope and are like those Paul writes of in 1 Corinthians 15:32b, saying, “If there is no resurrection of the dead, ‘Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!'”


Perhaps the year 2023 will be the one in which God looks down and sees the world as He saw Sodom in Lot’s day, notes that He has obtained for His namesake the measure of Gentiles He wants, and moves with judgment in mind. It is by His great mercy that believers can be “Looking for that Blessed Hope and glorious appearance (then) of that great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).